\item Variables: Names for variables should only consist of letters and digits. The first letter should be a lower case one. If your variable names consists of several words, then the first letter of each new word should be capital. As we decided on the only exception are the begin and end methods.
\item Typenames: For typenames, the same rules as for variables apply. The only difference is that the first letter should be a capital one.
\item Macros: The use of preprocessor macros is strongly discouraged. If you have to use them for whatever reason, please use capital letters only.
\item The Exlusive-Access Macro: Every header file traditionally begins with the definition of a preprocessor constant that is used to make sure that each header file is only included once. If your header file is called 'myheaderfile.hh', this constant should be DUNE\_MYHEADERFILE\_HH.
\item Files: Filenames should consist of lower case letters exclusively. Header files get the suffix .hh, implementation files the suffix .cc
\item Documentation:
Dune, as any software project of similar complexity, will stand and fall with the quality of its documentation.
Therefore it is of paramount importance that you document well everything you do! We use the doxygen system to extract easily-readable documentation from the source code. Please use its syntax everywhere. In particular, please comment \textbf{all}