Allow to create the correct communication information if there are several unknowns.

In this case the parallel index set might represent N entries (this might be the number of
cells of grid). Nevertheless, there several (n) equations/unknowns attached to each index.
In this case we construct a larger index set representing N*n unknows, where each unknown
is attached to an index.

This change only affects parallel runs.
This commit is contained in:
Markus Blatt 2015-05-19 16:13:59 +02:00
parent f24b9a1dc2
commit 104c75d575

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include <exception>
#include "mpi.h"
#include <dune/istl/owneroverlapcopy.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/interface.hh>
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
namespace Opm
@ -112,10 +112,21 @@ public:
/// \brief Copy the information stored to the specified objects.
/// \param[out] indexSet The object to store the index set in.
/// \param[out] remoteIndices The object to store the remote indices information in.
void copyValuesTo(ParallelIndexSet& indexSet, RemoteIndices& remoteIndices) const
void copyValuesTo(ParallelIndexSet& indexSet, RemoteIndices& remoteIndices,
std::size_t local_component_size=0, std::size_t no_components=1) const
ParallelIndexSet::GlobalIndex max_gi = local_component_size;
if (no_components>1)
// component the max global index
for( auto i = indexSet_->begin(), end = indexSet_->end(); i != end; ++i )
max_gi = std::max(max_gi, i->global());
max_gi = communicator_.max(max_gi);
IndexSetInserter<ParallelIndexSet> inserter(indexSet);
IndexSetInserter<ParallelIndexSet> inserter(indexSet, max_gi,
local_component_size, no_components);
std::for_each(indexSet_->begin(), indexSet_->end(), inserter);
@ -317,19 +328,31 @@ private:
typedef T ParallelIndexSet;
typedef typename ParallelIndexSet::LocalIndex LocalIndex;
typedef typename ParallelIndexSet::GlobalIndex GlobalIndex;
IndexSetInserter(ParallelIndexSet& indexSet)
: indexSet_(&indexSet)
IndexSetInserter(ParallelIndexSet& indexSet, const GlobalIndex& component_size,
std::size_t local_component_size, std::size_t no_components)
: indexSet_(&indexSet), component_size_(component_size),
void operator()(const typename ParallelIndexSet::IndexPair& pair)
indexSet_->add(, pair.local());
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < no_components_; i++)
indexSet_->add(i * component_size_ +,
LocalIndex(i * local_component_size_ + pair.local(),
ParallelIndexSet* indexSet_;
/// \brief The global number of unknowns per component/equation.
GlobalIndex component_size_;
/// \brief The local number of unknowns per component/equation.
std::size_t local_component_size_;
/// \brief The number of components/equations.
std::size_t no_components_;
std::shared_ptr<ParallelIndexSet> indexSet_;
std::shared_ptr<RemoteIndices> remoteIndices_;
Dune::CollectiveCommunication<MPI_Comm> communicator_;