diff --git a/tests/test_dgbasis.cpp b/tests/test_dgbasis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5eb8c8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_dgbasis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ Copyright 2013 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
+ This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+ OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with OPM. If not, see .
+#define NVERBOSE // to suppress our messages when throwing
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE DGBasisTest
+using namespace Opm;
+ bool aequal(double a, double b)
+ {
+ const double eps = 1e-15;
+ return std::fabs(a - b) < eps;
+ }
+} // anonymous namespace
+namespace cart2d
+ static void test()
+ {
+ // Set up 2d 1-cell cartesian case.
+ GridManager g(1, 1);
+ const UnstructuredGrid& grid = *g.c_grid();
+ // Test DGBasisBoundedTotalDegree, degree 0.
+ {
+ DGBasisBoundedTotalDegree b(grid, 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b.numBasisFunc(), 1);
+ std::vector bx(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ b.eval(0, grid.cell_centroids, &bx[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], 1.0));
+ double x[2] = { 0.123, 0.456 };
+ b.eval(0, x, &bx[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], 1.0));
+ std::vector c(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ b.addConstant(0.789, &c[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[0], 0.789));
+ b.multiplyGradient(1.234, &c[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[0], 0.789));
+ }
+ // Test DGBasisBoundedTotalDegree, degree 1.
+ {
+ DGBasisBoundedTotalDegree b(grid, 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b.numBasisFunc(), 3);
+ std::vector bx(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ b.eval(0, grid.cell_centroids, &bx[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], 1.0));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[1], 0.0));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[2], 0.0));
+ double x[2] = { 0.123, 0.456 };
+ b.eval(0, x, &bx[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], 1.0));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[1], 0.123 - 0.5));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[2], 0.456 - 0.5));
+ std::vector c(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ c[0] = 1.0; c[1] = 2.0; c[2] = 3.0;
+ b.addConstant(0.789, &c[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[0], 1.789));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[1], 2.0));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[2], 3.0));
+ const double fx = c[0]*bx[0] + c[1]*bx[1] + c[2]*bx[2];
+ b.multiplyGradient(1.234, &c[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[0], 1.789));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[1], 2.0*1.234));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[2], 3.0*1.234));
+ const double fx2 = c[0]*bx[0] + c[1]*bx[1] + c[2]*bx[2];
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(fx2 - c[0], 1.234*(fx - c[0])));
+ }
+ // Test DGBasisMultilin, degree 0.
+ {
+ DGBasisMultilin b(grid, 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b.numBasisFunc(), 1);
+ std::vector bx(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ b.eval(0, grid.cell_centroids, &bx[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], 1.0));
+ double x[2] = { 0.123, 0.456 };
+ b.eval(0, x, &bx[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], 1.0));
+ std::vector c(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ b.addConstant(0.789, &c[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[0], 0.789));
+ b.multiplyGradient(1.234, &c[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[0], 0.789));
+ }
+ // Test DGBasisMultilin, degree 1.
+ {
+ DGBasisMultilin b(grid, 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b.numBasisFunc(), 4);
+ std::vector bx(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ b.eval(0, grid.cell_centroids, &bx[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], 0.25));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[1], 0.25));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[2], 0.25));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[3], 0.25));
+ double x[2] = { 0.123, 0.456 };
+ b.eval(0, x, &bx[0]);
+ const double xm[2] = { 1.0 - x[0], x[0] };
+ const double ym[2] = { 1.0 - x[1], x[1] };
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[0], xm[0]*ym[0]));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[1], xm[0]*ym[1]));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[2], xm[1]*ym[0]));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(bx[3], xm[1]*ym[1]));
+ std::vector c(b.numBasisFunc(), 0.0);
+ c[0] = -1.567; c[1] = 1.42; c[2] = 0.59; c[3] = 3.225;
+ std::vector corig = c;
+ b.addConstant(0.789, &c[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[0], corig[0] + 0.25*0.789));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[1], corig[1] + 0.25*0.789));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[2], corig[2] + 0.25*0.789));
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(c[3], corig[3] + 0.25*0.789));
+ const double fx = c[0]*bx[0] + c[1]*bx[1] + c[2]*bx[2] + c[3]*bx[3];
+ const double fc = 0.25*(c[0] + c[1] + c[2] + c[3]);
+ b.multiplyGradient(1.234, &c[0]);
+ const double fx2 = c[0]*bx[0] + c[1]*bx[1] + c[2]*bx[2] + c[3]*bx[3];
+ BOOST_CHECK(aequal(fx2 - fc, 1.234*(fx - fc)));
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace cart2d
+ cart2d::test();