Merge pull request #1040 from GitPaean/group_ebos_vrep

Group ebos vrep
This commit is contained in:
Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen 2017-01-27 13:04:16 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 1b8dbd9411
2 changed files with 336 additions and 177 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilDetails.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilModelEnums.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/RateConverter.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/simulator/SimulatorReport.hpp>
@ -138,6 +139,10 @@ namespace Opm {
typedef ISTLSolver< MatrixBlockType, VectorBlockType > ISTLSolverType;
//typedef typename SolutionVector :: value_type PrimaryVariables ;
// For the conversion between the surface volume rate and resrevoir voidage rate
using RateConverterType = RateConverter::
SurfaceToReservoirVoidage<BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::FluidSystem, std::vector<int> >;
struct FIPData {
enum FipId {
FIP_AQUA = Opm::Water,
@ -187,6 +192,7 @@ namespace Opm {
, param_( param )
, well_model_ (well_model)
, terminal_output_ (terminal_output)
, rate_converter_(fluid_.phaseUsage(), fluid_.cellPvtRegionIndex(), AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_), std::vector<int>(AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_),0))
, current_relaxation_(1.0)
, dx_old_(AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_))
, isBeginReportStep_(false)
@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ namespace Opm {
const double gravity = detail::getGravity(geo_.gravity(), UgGridHelpers::dimensions(grid_));
const std::vector<double> pv(geo_.poreVolume().data(), geo_.poreVolume().data() + geo_.poreVolume().size());
const std::vector<double> depth(geo_.z().data(), geo_.z().data() + geo_.z().size());
well_model_.init(fluid_.phaseUsage(), active_, &vfp_properties_, gravity, depth, pv);
well_model_.init(fluid_.phaseUsage(), active_, &vfp_properties_, gravity, depth, pv, &rate_converter_);
wellModel().setWellsActive( localWellsActive() );
global_nc_ = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
// compute global sum of number of cells
@ -369,6 +375,11 @@ namespace Opm {
SimulatorReport report;
// when having VREP group control, update the rate converter based on reservoir state
if ( wellModel().wellCollection()->havingVREPGroups() ) {
// -------- Mass balance equations --------
assembleMassBalanceEq(timer, iterationIdx, reservoir_state);
@ -1229,6 +1240,9 @@ namespace Opm {
/// \brief The number of cells of the global grid.
long int global_nc_;
// rate converter between the surface volume rates and reservoir voidage rates
RateConverterType rate_converter_;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> residual_norms_history_;
double current_relaxation_;
BVector dx_old_;
@ -1429,6 +1443,33 @@ namespace Opm {
void updateRateConverter(const ReservoirState& reservoir_state)
const int nw = numWells();
int global_number_wells = nw;
if ( istlSolver_->parallelInformation().type() == typeid(ParallelISTLInformation) )
const auto& info =
boost::any_cast<const ParallelISTLInformation&>(istlSolver_->parallelInformation());
global_number_wells = info.communicator().sum(global_number_wells);
if ( global_number_wells )
rate_converter_.defineState(reservoir_state, boost::any_cast<const ParallelISTLInformation&>(istlSolver_->parallelInformation()));
if ( global_number_wells )
void beginReportStep()

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilDetails.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilModelParameters.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoilDense.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/RateConverter.hpp>
@ -53,6 +54,8 @@
#include <opm/material/densead/Math.hpp>
#include <opm/material/densead/Evaluation.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/WellSwitchingLogger.hpp>
namespace Opm {
enum WellVariablePositions {
@ -79,6 +82,9 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
typedef Dune::BlockVector<VectorBlockType> BVector;
typedef DenseAd::Evaluation<double, /*size=*/blocksize*2> EvalWell;
// For the conversion between the surface volume rate and resrevoir voidage rate
using RateConverterType = RateConverter::
SurfaceToReservoirVoidage<BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::FluidSystem, std::vector<int> >;
// --------- Public methods ---------
StandardWellsDense(const Wells* wells_arg,
@ -109,7 +115,8 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
const VFPProperties* vfp_properties_arg,
const double gravity_arg,
const std::vector<double>& depth_arg,
const std::vector<double>& pv_arg)
const std::vector<double>& pv_arg,
const RateConverterType* rate_converter)
if ( ! localWellsActive() ) {
@ -122,6 +129,7 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
gravity_ = gravity_arg;
cell_depths_ = extractPerfData(depth_arg);
pv_ = pv_arg;
rate_converter_ = rate_converter;
@ -246,12 +254,13 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
for (int p1 = 0; p1 < np; ++p1) {
// the cq_s entering mass balance equations need to consider the efficiency factors.
const EvalWell cq_s_effective = cq_s[p1] * well_perforation_efficiency_factors_[perf];
if (!only_wells) {
// subtract sum of phase fluxes in the reservoir equation.
// applying the efficiency factor to the flux rate
// TODO: not sure whether the way applying efficiency factor to Jacs are completely correct
// It should enter the mass balance equation, while should not enter the well equations
ebosResid[cell_idx][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)] -= well_perforation_efficiency_factors_[perf] * cq_s[p1].value();
// need to consider the efficiency factor
ebosResid[cell_idx][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)] -= cq_s_effective.value();
// subtract sum of phase fluxes in the well equations.
@ -260,9 +269,10 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
// assemble the jacobians
for (int p2 = 0; p2 < np; ++p2) {
if (!only_wells) {
ebosJac[cell_idx][cell_idx][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)][flowToEbosPvIdx(p2)] -= well_perforation_efficiency_factors_[perf] * cq_s[p1].derivative(p2);
duneB_[w][cell_idx][flowToEbosPvIdx(p2)][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)] -= cq_s[p1].derivative(p2+blocksize); // intput in transformed matrix
duneC_[w][cell_idx][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)][flowToEbosPvIdx(p2)] -= cq_s[p1].derivative(p2);
// also need to consider the efficiency factor when manipulating the jacobians.
ebosJac[cell_idx][cell_idx][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)][flowToEbosPvIdx(p2)] -= cq_s_effective.derivative(p2);
duneB_[w][cell_idx][flowToEbosPvIdx(p2)][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)] -= cq_s_effective.derivative(p2+blocksize); // intput in transformed matrix
duneC_[w][cell_idx][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)][flowToEbosPvIdx(p2)] -= cq_s_effective.derivative(p2);
invDuneD_[w][w][flowPhaseToEbosCompIdx(p1)][flowToEbosPvIdx(p2)] -= cq_s[p1].derivative(p2+blocksize);
@ -1154,11 +1164,18 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
if( !localWellsActive() ) return ;
std::string modestring[4] = { "BHP", "THP", "RESERVOIR_RATE", "SURFACE_RATE" };
// Find, for each well, if any constraints are broken. If so,
// switch control to first broken constraint.
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
// keeping a copy of the current controls, to see whether control changes later.
std::vector<int> old_control_index(nw, 0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
old_control_index[w] = xw.currentControls()[w];
// Find, for each well, if any constraints are broken. If so,
// switch control to first broken constraint.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
WellControls* wc = wells().ctrls[w];
@ -1187,171 +1204,9 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
if (ctrl_index != nwc) {
// Constraint number ctrl_index was broken, switch to it.
// We disregard terminal_ouput here as with it only messages
// for wells on one process will be printed.
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << " Switching control mode for well " << wells().name[w]
<< " from " << modestring[well_controls_iget_type(wc, current)]
<< " to " << modestring[well_controls_iget_type(wc, ctrl_index)];
xw.currentControls()[w] = ctrl_index;
current = xw.currentControls()[w];
well_controls_set_current( wc, current);
// Updating well state and primary variables if constraint is broken
// Target values are used as initial conditions for BHP, THP, and SURFACE_RATE
const double target = well_controls_iget_target(wc, current);
const double* distr = well_controls_iget_distr(wc, current);
switch (well_controls_iget_type(wc, current)) {
case BHP:
xw.bhp()[w] = target;
case THP: {
double aqua = 0.0;
double liquid = 0.0;
double vapour = 0.0;
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = phase_usage_;
if (active_[ Water ]) {
aqua = xw.wellRates()[w*np + pu.phase_pos[ Water ] ];
if (active_[ Oil ]) {
liquid = xw.wellRates()[w*np + pu.phase_pos[ Oil ] ];
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
vapour = xw.wellRates()[w*np + pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ];
const int vfp = well_controls_iget_vfp(wc, current);
const double& thp = well_controls_iget_target(wc, current);
const double& alq = well_controls_iget_alq(wc, current);
//Set *BHP* target by calculating bhp from THP
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[w];
// pick the density in the top layer
const int perf = wells().well_connpos[w];
const double rho = well_perforation_densities_[perf];
if (well_type == INJECTOR) {
double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(
wells(), w, vfp_properties_->getInj()->getTable(vfp)->getDatumDepth(),
rho, gravity_);
xw.bhp()[w] = vfp_properties_->getInj()->bhp(vfp, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp) - dp;
else if (well_type == PRODUCER) {
double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(
wells(), w, vfp_properties_->getProd()->getTable(vfp)->getDatumDepth(),
rho, gravity_);
xw.bhp()[w] = vfp_properties_->getProd()->bhp(vfp, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp, alq) - dp;
else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Expected PRODUCER or INJECTOR type of well");
// No direct change to any observable quantity at
// surface condition. In this case, use existing
// flow rates as initial conditions as reservoir
// rate acts only in aggregate.
// assign target value as initial guess for injectors and
// single phase producers (orat, grat, wrat)
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[w];
if (well_type == INJECTOR) {
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const double& compi = wells().comp_frac[np * w + phase];
//if (compi > 0.0) {
xw.wellRates()[np*w + phase] = target * compi;
} else if (well_type == PRODUCER) {
// only set target as initial rates for single phase
// producers. (orat, grat and wrat, and not lrat)
// lrat will result in numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl == 2
int numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl = 0;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl += 1;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0 && numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl < 2 ) {
xw.wellRates()[np*w + phase] = target * distr[phase];
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Expected PRODUCER or INJECTOR type of well");
std::vector<double> g = {1,1,0.01};
if (well_controls_iget_type(wc, current) == RESERVOIR_RATE) {
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
g[phase] = distr[phase];
switch (well_controls_iget_type(wc, current)) {
case THP:
case BHP:
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[w];
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + w] = 0.0;
if (well_type == INJECTOR) {
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + w] += xw.wellRates()[np*w + p] * wells().comp_frac[np*w + p];
} else {
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + w] += g[p] * xw.wellRates()[np*w + p];
case RESERVOIR_RATE: // Intentional fall-through
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + w] = xw.bhp()[w];
double tot_well_rate = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
tot_well_rate += g[p] * xw.wellRates()[np*w + p];
if(std::abs(tot_well_rate) > 0) {
if (active_[ Water ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[WFrac*nw + w] = g[Water] * xw.wellRates()[np*w + Water] / tot_well_rate;
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[GFrac*nw + w] = g[Gas] * xw.wellRates()[np*w + Gas] / tot_well_rate ;
} else {
if (active_[ Water ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[WFrac*nw + w] = wells().comp_frac[np*w + Water];
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[GFrac*nw + w] = wells().comp_frac[np*w + Gas];
// update whether well is under group control
@ -1370,10 +1225,29 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
// upate the well targets following the group control
// upate the well targets following group controls
if (wellCollection()->groupControlActive()) {
// the new well control indices after all the related updates,
std::vector<int> updated_control_index(nw, 0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
updated_control_index[w] = xw.currentControls()[w];
// checking whether control changed
wellhelpers::WellSwitchingLogger logger;
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if (updated_control_index[w] != old_control_index[w]) {
WellControls* wc = wells().ctrls[w];
well_controls_iget_type(wc, old_control_index[w]),
well_controls_iget_type(wc, updated_control_index[w]));
updateWellStateWithTarget(wc, updated_control_index[w], w, xw);
@ -1657,6 +1531,85 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
void computeWellVoidageRates(const WellState& well_state,
std::vector<double>& well_voidage_rates,
std::vector<double>& voidage_conversion_coeffs) const
if ( !localWellsActive() ) {
// TODO: for now, we store the voidage rates for all the production wells.
// For injection wells, the rates are stored as zero.
// We only store the conversion coefficients for all the injection wells.
// Later, more delicate model will be implemented here.
// And for the moment, group control can only work for serial running.
const int nw = well_state.numWells();
const int np = well_state.numPhases();
// we calculate the voidage rate for each well, that means the sum of all the phases.
well_voidage_rates.resize(nw, 0);
// store the conversion coefficients, while only for the use of injection wells.
voidage_conversion_coeffs.resize(nw * np, 1.0);
std::vector<double> well_rates(np, 0.0);
std::vector<double> convert_coeff(np, 1.0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
const bool is_producer = wells().type[w] == PRODUCER;
// not sure necessary to change all the value to be positive
if (is_producer) {
std::transform(well_state.wellRates().begin() + np * w,
well_state.wellRates().begin() + np * (w + 1),
well_rates.begin(), std::negate<double>());
// the average hydrocarbon conditions of the whole field will be used
const int fipreg = 0; // Not considering FIP for the moment.
rate_converter_->calcCoeff(well_rates, fipreg, convert_coeff);
well_voidage_rates[w] = std::inner_product(well_rates.begin(), well_rates.end(),
convert_coeff.begin(), 0.0);
} else {
// TODO: Not sure whether will encounter situation with all zero rates
// and whether it will cause problem here.
std::copy(well_state.wellRates().begin() + np * w,
well_state.wellRates().begin() + np * (w + 1),
// the average hydrocarbon conditions of the whole field will be used
const int fipreg = 0; // Not considering FIP for the moment.
rate_converter_->calcCoeff(well_rates, fipreg, convert_coeff);
std::copy(convert_coeff.begin(), convert_coeff.end(),
voidage_conversion_coeffs.begin() + np * w);
void applyVREPGroupControl(WellState& well_state) const
if ( wellCollection()->havingVREPGroups() ) {
std::vector<double> well_voidage_rates;
std::vector<double> voidage_conversion_coeffs;
computeWellVoidageRates(well_state, well_voidage_rates, voidage_conversion_coeffs);
wellCollection()->applyVREPGroupControls(well_voidage_rates, voidage_conversion_coeffs);
// for the wells under group control, update the currentControls for the well_state
for (const WellNode* well_node : wellCollection()->getLeafNodes()) {
if (well_node->isInjector() && !well_node->individualControl()) {
const int well_index = well_node->selfIndex();
well_state.currentControls()[well_index] = well_node->groupControlIndex();
bool wells_active_;
const Wells* wells_;
@ -1671,6 +1624,7 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
std::vector<bool> active_;
const VFPProperties* vfp_properties_;
double gravity_;
const RateConverterType* rate_converter_;
// The efficiency factor for each connection. It is specified based on wells and groups,
// We calculate the factor for each connection for the computation of contributions to the mass balance equations.
@ -1795,8 +1749,6 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
return qs;
const double comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + phaseIdx];
int currentControlIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
currentControlIdx += wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + i] * i;
@ -2051,6 +2003,172 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
return std::make_tuple(water_cut_limit_violated, last_connection, worst_offending_connection, violation_extent);
template <class WellState>
void updateWellStateWithTarget(const WellControls* wc,
const int current,
const int well_index,
WellState& xw) const
// number of phases
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
// Updating well state and primary variables.
// Target values are used as initial conditions for BHP, THP, and SURFACE_RATE
const double target = well_controls_iget_target(wc, current);
const double* distr = well_controls_iget_distr(wc, current);
switch (well_controls_iget_type(wc, current)) {
case BHP:
xw.bhp()[well_index] = target;
case THP: {
double aqua = 0.0;
double liquid = 0.0;
double vapour = 0.0;
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = phase_usage_;
if (active_[ Water ]) {
aqua = xw.wellRates()[well_index*np + pu.phase_pos[ Water ] ];
if (active_[ Oil ]) {
liquid = xw.wellRates()[well_index*np + pu.phase_pos[ Oil ] ];
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
vapour = xw.wellRates()[well_index*np + pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ];
const int vfp = well_controls_iget_vfp(wc, current);
const double& thp = well_controls_iget_target(wc, current);
const double& alq = well_controls_iget_alq(wc, current);
//Set *BHP* target by calculating bhp from THP
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[well_index];
// pick the density in the top layer
const int perf = wells().well_connpos[well_index];
const double rho = well_perforation_densities_[perf];
if (well_type == INJECTOR) {
double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(
wells(), well_index, vfp_properties_->getInj()->getTable(vfp)->getDatumDepth(),
rho, gravity_);
xw.bhp()[well_index] = vfp_properties_->getInj()->bhp(vfp, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp) - dp;
else if (well_type == PRODUCER) {
double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(
wells(), well_index, vfp_properties_->getProd()->getTable(vfp)->getDatumDepth(),
rho, gravity_);
xw.bhp()[well_index] = vfp_properties_->getProd()->bhp(vfp, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp, alq) - dp;
else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Expected PRODUCER or INJECTOR type of well");
// No direct change to any observable quantity at
// surface condition. In this case, use existing
// flow rates as initial conditions as reservoir
// rate acts only in aggregate.
// assign target value as initial guess for injectors and
// single phase producers (orat, grat, wrat)
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[well_index];
if (well_type == INJECTOR) {
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const double& compi = wells().comp_frac[np * well_index + phase];
// TODO: it was commented out from the master branch already.
//if (compi > 0.0) {
xw.wellRates()[np*well_index + phase] = target * compi;
} else if (well_type == PRODUCER) {
// only set target as initial rates for single phase
// producers. (orat, grat and wrat, and not lrat)
// lrat will result in numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl == 2
int numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl = 0;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl += 1;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0 && numPhasesWithTargetsUnderThisControl < 2 ) {
xw.wellRates()[np*well_index + phase] = target * distr[phase];
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Expected PRODUCER or INJECTOR type of well");
} // end of switch
std::vector<double> g = {1.0, 1.0, 0.01};
if (well_controls_iget_type(wc, current) == RESERVOIR_RATE) {
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
g[phase] = distr[phase];
// the number of wells
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
switch (well_controls_iget_type(wc, current)) {
case THP:
case BHP: {
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[well_index];
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + well_index] = 0.0;
if (well_type == INJECTOR) {
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + well_index] += xw.wellRates()[np*well_index + p] * wells().comp_frac[np*well_index + p];
} else {
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + well_index] += g[p] * xw.wellRates()[np*well_index + p];
case RESERVOIR_RATE: // Intentional fall-through
xw.wellSolutions()[nw*XvarWell + well_index] = xw.bhp()[well_index];
} // end of switch
double tot_well_rate = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
tot_well_rate += g[p] * xw.wellRates()[np*well_index + p];
if(std::abs(tot_well_rate) > 0) {
if (active_[ Water ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[WFrac*nw + well_index] = g[Water] * xw.wellRates()[np*well_index + Water] / tot_well_rate;
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[GFrac*nw + well_index] = g[Gas] * xw.wellRates()[np*well_index + Gas] / tot_well_rate ;
} else {
if (active_[ Water ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[WFrac*nw + well_index] = wells().comp_frac[np*well_index + Water];
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
xw.wellSolutions()[GFrac*nw + well_index] = wells().comp_frac[np*well_index + Gas];