diff --git a/opm/core/fluid/BlackoilPropertiesBasic.cpp b/opm/core/fluid/BlackoilPropertiesBasic.cpp
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index 000000000..cd7a95f4b
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+++ b/opm/core/fluid/BlackoilPropertiesBasic.cpp
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+ Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
+ This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+ OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with OPM. If not, see .
+namespace Opm
+ BlackoilPropertiesBasic::BlackoilPropertiesBasic(const Dune::parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
+ const int dim,
+ const int num_cells)
+ {
+ double poro = param.getDefault("porosity", 1.0);
+ using namespace Dune::unit;
+ using namespace Dune::prefix;
+ double perm = param.getDefault("permeability", 100*milli*darcy);
+ rock_.init(dim, num_cells, poro, perm);
+ pvt_.init(param);
+ satprops_.init(param);
+ }
+ BlackoilPropertiesBasic::~BlackoilPropertiesBasic()
+ {
+ }
+ /// \return D, the number of spatial dimensions.
+ int BlackoilPropertiesBasic::numDimensions() const
+ {
+ return rock_.numDimensions();
+ }
+ /// \return N, the number of cells.
+ int BlackoilPropertiesBasic::numCells() const
+ {
+ return rock_.numCells();
+ }
+ /// \return Array of N porosity values.
+ const double* BlackoilPropertiesBasic::porosity() const
+ {
+ return rock_.porosity();
+ }
+ /// \return Array of ND^2 permeability values.
+ /// The D^2 permeability values for a cell are organized as a matrix,
+ /// which is symmetric (so ordering does not matter).
+ const double* BlackoilPropertiesBasic::permeability() const
+ {
+ return rock_.permeability();
+ }
+ // ---- Fluid interface ----
+ /// \return P, the number of phases (also the number of components).
+ int BlackoilPropertiesBasic::numPhases() const
+ {
+ return pvt_.numPhases();
+ }
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] p Array of n pressure values.
+ /// \param[in] z Array of nP surface volume values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the p and z values.
+ /// \param[out] mu Array of nP viscosity values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// \param[out] dmudp If non-null: array of nP viscosity derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling.
+ void BlackoilPropertiesBasic::viscosity(const int n,
+ const double* p,
+ const double* z,
+ const int* /*cells*/,
+ double* mu,
+ double* dmudp) const
+ {
+ if (dmudp) {
+ THROW("BlackoilPropertiesBasic::viscosity() -- derivatives of viscosity not yet implemented.");
+ } else {
+ pvt_.mu(n, p, z, mu);
+ }
+ }
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] p Array of n pressure values.
+ /// \param[in] z Array of nP surface volume values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the p and z values.
+ /// \param[out] A Array of nP^2 values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// The P^2 values for a cell give the matrix A = RB^{-1} which
+ /// relates z to u by z = Au. The matrices are output in Fortran order.
+ /// \param[out] dAdp If non-null: array of nP^2 matrix derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling. The matrices are output
+ /// in Fortran order.
+ void BlackoilPropertiesBasic::matrix(const int n,
+ const double* /*p*/,
+ const double* /*z*/,
+ const int* /*cells*/,
+ double* A,
+ double* dAdp) const
+ {
+ const int np = numPhases();
+ ASSERT(np <= 2);
+ double B[2]; // Must be enough since component classes do not handle more than 2.
+ pvt_.B(1, 0, 0, B);
+ // Compute A matrix
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double* m = A + i*np*np;
+ std::fill(m, m + np*np, 0.0);
+ // Diagonal entries only.
+ for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
+ m[phase + phase*np] = 1.0/B[phase];
+ }
+ }
+ // Derivative of A matrix.
+ if (dAdp) {
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double* m = dAdp + i*np*np;
+ std::fill(m, m + np*np, 0.0);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ // This is copied from BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck.
+ const int np = numPhases();
+ B_.resize(n*np);
+ R_.resize(n*np);
+ if (dAdp) {
+ dB_.resize(n*np);
+ dR_.resize(n*np);
+ pvt_.dBdp(n, p, z, &B_[0], &dB_[0]);
+ pvt_.dRdp(n, p, z, &R_[0], &dR_[0]);
+ } else {
+ pvt_.B(n, p, z, &B_[0]);
+ pvt_.R(n, p, z, &R_[0]);
+ }
+ const int* phase_pos = pvt_.phasePosition();
+ bool oil_and_gas = pvt_.phaseUsed()[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] &&
+ pvt_.phaseUsed()[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
+ const int o = phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
+ const int g = phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
+ // Compute A matrix
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double* m = A + i*np*np;
+ std::fill(m, m + np*np, 0.0);
+ // Diagonal entries.
+ for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
+ m[phase + phase*np] = 1.0/B_[i*np + phase];
+ }
+ // Off-diagonal entries.
+ if (oil_and_gas) {
+ m[o + g*np] = R_[i*np + g]/B_[i*np + g];
+ m[g + o*np] = R_[i*np + o]/B_[i*np + o];
+ }
+ }
+ // Derivative of A matrix.
+ if (dAdp) {
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double* m = dAdp + i*np*np;
+ std::fill(m, m + np*np, 0.0);
+ // Diagonal entries.
+ for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
+ m[phase + phase*np] = -dB_[i*np + phase]/B_[i*np + phase]*B_[i*np + phase];
+ }
+ // Off-diagonal entries.
+ if (oil_and_gas) {
+ m[o + g*np] = m[g + g*np]*R_[i*np + g] + dR_[i*np + g]/B_[i*np + g];
+ m[g + o*np] = m[o + o*np]*R_[i*np + o] + dR_[i*np + o]/B_[i*np + o];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] A Array of nP^2 values, where the P^2 values for a cell give the
+ /// matrix A = RB^{-1} which relates z to u by z = Au. The matrices
+ /// are assumed to be in Fortran order, and are typically the result
+ /// of a call to the method matrix().
+ /// \param[out] rho Array of nP density values, array must be valid before calling.
+ void BlackoilPropertiesBasic::density(const int n,
+ const double* A,
+ double* rho) const
+ {
+ const int np = numPhases();
+ const double* sdens = pvt_.surfaceDensities();
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
+ rho[np*i + phase] = 0.0;
+ for (int comp = 0; comp < np; ++comp) {
+ rho[np*i + phase] += A[n*np*np + np*phase + comp]*sdens[comp];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] s Array of nP saturation values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the s values.
+ /// \param[out] kr Array of nP relperm values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// \param[out] dkrds If non-null: array of nP^2 relperm derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling.
+ /// The P^2 derivative matrix is
+ /// m_{ij} = \frac{dkr_i}{ds^j},
+ /// and is output in Fortran order (m_00 m_10 m_20 m01 ...)
+ void BlackoilPropertiesBasic::relperm(const int n,
+ const double* s,
+ const int* /*cells*/,
+ double* kr,
+ double* dkrds) const
+ {
+ satprops_.relperm(n, s, kr, dkrds);
+ }
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] s Array of nP saturation values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the s values.
+ /// \param[out] pc Array of nP capillary pressure values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// \param[out] dpcds If non-null: array of nP^2 derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling.
+ /// The P^2 derivative matrix is
+ /// m_{ij} = \frac{dpc_i}{ds^j},
+ /// and is output in Fortran order (m_00 m_10 m_20 m01 ...)
+ void BlackoilPropertiesBasic::capPress(const int n,
+ const double* s,
+ const int* /*cells*/,
+ double* pc,
+ double* dpcds) const
+ {
+ satprops_.relperm(n, s, pc, dpcds);
+ }
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/core/fluid/BlackoilPropertiesBasic.hpp b/opm/core/fluid/BlackoilPropertiesBasic.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a81a8ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/core/fluid/BlackoilPropertiesBasic.hpp
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+ Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
+ This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+ OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with OPM. If not, see .
+namespace Opm
+ /// Concrete class implementing the blackoil property interface,
+ /// reading all necessary input from parameters.
+ class BlackoilPropertiesBasic : public BlackoilPropertiesInterface
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Construct from parameters.
+ BlackoilPropertiesBasic(const Dune::parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
+ const int dim,
+ const int num_cells);
+ /// Destructor.
+ virtual ~BlackoilPropertiesBasic();
+ // ---- Rock interface ----
+ /// \return D, the number of spatial dimensions.
+ virtual int numDimensions() const;
+ /// \return N, the number of cells.
+ virtual int numCells() const;
+ /// \return Array of N porosity values.
+ virtual const double* porosity() const;
+ /// \return Array of ND^2 permeability values.
+ /// The D^2 permeability values for a cell are organized as a matrix,
+ /// which is symmetric (so ordering does not matter).
+ virtual const double* permeability() const;
+ // ---- Fluid interface ----
+ /// \return P, the number of phases (also the number of components).
+ virtual int numPhases() const;
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] p Array of n pressure values.
+ /// \param[in] z Array of nP surface volume values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the p and z values.
+ /// \param[out] mu Array of nP viscosity values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// \param[out] dmudp If non-null: array of nP viscosity derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling.
+ virtual void viscosity(const int n,
+ const double* p,
+ const double* z,
+ const int* cells,
+ double* mu,
+ double* dmudp) const;
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] p Array of n pressure values.
+ /// \param[in] z Array of nP surface volume values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the p and z values.
+ /// \param[out] A Array of nP^2 values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// The P^2 values for a cell give the matrix A = RB^{-1} which
+ /// relates z to u by z = Au. The matrices are output in Fortran order.
+ /// \param[out] dAdp If non-null: array of nP^2 matrix derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling. The matrices are output
+ /// in Fortran order.
+ virtual void matrix(const int n,
+ const double* p,
+ const double* z,
+ const int* cells,
+ double* A,
+ double* dAdp) const;
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] A Array of nP^2 values, where the P^2 values for a cell give the
+ /// matrix A = RB^{-1} which relates z to u by z = Au. The matrices
+ /// are assumed to be in Fortran order, and are typically the result
+ /// of a call to the method matrix().
+ /// \param[out] rho Array of nP density values, array must be valid before calling.
+ virtual void density(const int n,
+ const double* A,
+ double* rho) const;
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] s Array of nP saturation values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the s values.
+ /// \param[out] kr Array of nP relperm values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// \param[out] dkrds If non-null: array of nP^2 relperm derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling.
+ /// The P^2 derivative matrix is
+ /// m_{ij} = \frac{dkr_i}{ds^j},
+ /// and is output in Fortran order (m_00 m_10 m_20 m01 ...)
+ virtual void relperm(const int n,
+ const double* s,
+ const int* cells,
+ double* kr,
+ double* dkrds) const;
+ /// \param[in] n Number of data points.
+ /// \param[in] s Array of nP saturation values.
+ /// \param[in] cells Array of n cell indices to be associated with the s values.
+ /// \param[out] pc Array of nP capillary pressure values, array must be valid before calling.
+ /// \param[out] dpcds If non-null: array of nP^2 derivative values,
+ /// array must be valid before calling.
+ /// The P^2 derivative matrix is
+ /// m_{ij} = \frac{dpc_i}{ds^j},
+ /// and is output in Fortran order (m_00 m_10 m_20 m01 ...)
+ virtual void capPress(const int n,
+ const double* s,
+ const int* cells,
+ double* pc,
+ double* dpcds) const;
+ private:
+ RockBasic rock_;
+ PvtPropertiesBasic pvt_;
+ SaturationPropsBasic satprops_;
+ };
+} // namespace Opm