Killough hysteresis now supported.

This commit is contained in:
Ove Sævareid 2022-10-05 18:20:00 +02:00
parent 5f101a3d58
commit 38436df417

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@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ partiallySupported()
{5,{true, allow_values<std::string> {"KR"}, "EHYSTR(HYSTOPT): only the KR relative permeability hysteresis option is supported will STOP"}}, // limiting_hyst_flag
{6,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "EHYSTR(HYSTSCAN): Killoughs option not supported and is ignored"}}, // shape_cap_press_flag
{5,{true, allow_values<std::string> {"KR", "PC", "BOTH"}, "EHYSTR(HYSTOPT): relative permeability hysteresis option should equal BOTH, KR, or PC will STOP"}}, // limiting_hyst_flag
{6,{true, allow_values<std::string> {"RETR"}, "EHYSTR(HYSTSCAN): only RETR supported will STOP"}}, // shape_cap_press_flag
{7,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "EHYSTR(HYSTMOB): mobility option not supported and is ignored"}}, // init_fluid_mob_flag
{8,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"OIL"}, "EHYSTR(HYSTWET): only OIL supported value is ignored"}}, // wetting_phase_flag
{9,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"NO"}, "EHYSTR(HYBAKOIL): not used and is ignored"}}, // baker_flag_oil
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ partiallySupported()
{2,{false, allow_values<double> {0, 1}, "EHYSTR(HYSTMOD): only Carlson Hysteresis Models supported (0 or 1)"}}, // relative_perm_hyst
{2,{false, allow_values<int> {0, 1, 2, 3}, "EHYSTR(HYSTMOD): only Carlson or Killough Hysteresis Models supported (0,1 or 2,3)"}}, // relative_perm_hyst
{13,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "EHYSTR(HYSWETRP): Killoughs option not supported and is ignored"}}, // FLAG_SOMETHING
@ -544,9 +544,7 @@ partiallySupported()
{1,{false, allow_values<double> {0.1}, "EHYSTR(HYSTRCP): option is not supported value ignored"}}, // curvature_capillary_pressure_hyst
{3,{false, allow_values<double> {1.0}, "EHYSTR(HYSTREL): Killoughs option not supported and is ignored"}}, // curvature_param_killough_wetting
{4,{false, allow_values<double> {0.1}, "EHYSTR(HYSTSGR): Killoughs option not supported and is ignored"}}, // mod_param_trapped
{12,{false, allow_values<double> {0}, "EHYSTR(HYTHRESH): Killoughs option not supported and is ignored"}}, // threshold_saturation