mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 21:39:09 -06:00
DamarisVar: add translation unit
This commit is contained in:
@ -623,6 +623,7 @@ if (Damaris_FOUND AND MPI_FOUND)
list (APPEND PUBLIC_HEADER_FILES ebos/damariswriter.hh)
list (APPEND PUBLIC_HEADER_FILES opm/simulators/utils/DamarisVar.hpp)
list (APPEND PUBLIC_HEADER_FILES opm/simulators/utils/GridDataOutput.hpp)
list(APPEND MAIN_SOURCE_FILES opm/simulators/utils/DamarisVar.cpp)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
Copyright 2023 Inria, Bretagne–Atlantique Research Center
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DamarisVar.hpp>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <Damaris.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
namespace Opm::DamarisOutput {
// Additional data needed to complete an XML <variable> element
type_ = "scalar"; // This is probably not needed as vector data is defined using
// the Layout paramter. Could be useful for cross checking
visualizable_ = "false";
time_varying_ = "true";
centering_ = "zonal";
std::string DamarisVarXMLAttributes::ReturnXMLForVariable()
std::ostringstream var_sstr;
var_sstr << " layout=\"" << this->layout_ << "\"";
if (this->mesh_ != "")
var_sstr << " mesh=\"" << this->mesh_ << "\"";
if (this->type_ != "")
var_sstr << " type=\"" << this->type_ << "\"";
if (this->visualizable_ != "")
var_sstr << " visualizable=\"" << this->visualizable_ << "\"";
if (this->unit_ != "")
var_sstr << " unit=\"" << this->unit_ << "\"";
if (this->time_varying_ != "")
var_sstr << " time_varying=\"" << this->time_varying_ << "\"";
if (this->centering_ != "")
var_sstr << " centering=\"" << this->centering_ << "\"";
if (this->store_ != "")
var_sstr << " store=\"" << this->store_ << "\"";
if (this->script_ != "")
var_sstr << " script=\"" << this->script_ << "\"";
if (this->select_mem_ != "")
var_sstr << " select-mem=\"" << this->select_mem_ << "\"";
if (this->select_file_ != "")
var_sstr << " select-file=\"" << this->select_file_ << "\"";
if (this->select_subset_ != "")
var_sstr << " select-subset=\"" << this->select_subset_ << "\"";
return var_sstr.str();
template<class T>
DamarisVar<T>::DamarisVar(int dims,
const std::vector<std::string>& param_names,
const std::string& variable_name, int rank)
: param_names_(param_names)
, variable_name_(variable_name)
, rank_(rank)
dam_err_ = DAMARIS_OK;
assert(param_names_.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(dims));
assert(dims > 0);
has_error_ = false;
// Check that our template type T matches out Damaris XML <layout> type
if (hasError()) {
printError(); // throws a runtime error, with error message from
// dam_err_sstr_
current_size_ = 0;
num_params_ = param_names_.size();
data_ptr_ = nullptr;
parameters_set_ = false;
has_error_ = false;
template<class T>
DamarisVar<T>::DamarisVar(int dims,
const std::vector<std::string>& param_names,
const std::vector<int>& param_values,
const std::string& variable_name,
int rank)
: param_names_(param_names)
, variable_name_(variable_name)
, rank_(rank)
DamarisVar(dims, param_names, variable_name, rank);
setDamarisParameterAndShmem(param_values); // Initialise the memory size in the constructor.
template<class T>
if (data_ptr_ != nullptr) {
if (this->hasError())
printError(); // flush out any error messages
template<class T>
void DamarisVar<T>::printError() const
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, dam_err_sstr_.str());
template<class T>
std::string DamarisVar<T>::returnXMLForVariable()
std::ostringstream var_sstr;
var_sstr << "<variable "
<< " name=\"" << variable_name_ << "\"";
var_sstr << xml_attributes_.ReturnXMLForVariable();
var_sstr << " /> ";
return var_sstr.str();
template<class T>
void DamarisVar<T>::setDamarisParameter(const std::vector<int>& paramSizeVal)
assert(paramSizeVal.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(num_params_));
bool resbool = true;
std::size_t total_size = 1;
for (int varnum = 0; varnum < num_params_; varnum++) {
param_sizes_[varnum] = paramSizeVal[varnum];
total_size *= param_sizes_[varnum];
dam_err_ = damaris_parameter_set(param_names_[varnum].c_str(), ¶mSizeVal[varnum], sizeof(int));
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_parameter_set(\""
<< param_names_[varnum] << "\", paramSizeVal, sizeof(int)); Damaris error = "
<< damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
resbool = false;
has_error_ = true;
if (resbool == true) {
parameterIsSet(); // sets parameters_set_ and gets the size of the
// variables block storage (as number of elemnts)
if (total_size > 0) {
current_size_ = total_size;
} else {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar::getDataStoreBlockSize() "
<< "The total size of the variable is 0 - please check "
"input paramSizeVal array."
<< std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
if (hasError()) {
template<class T>
void DamarisVar<T>::setDamarisPosition(const std::vector<int64_t>& positionsVals)
assert(positionsVals.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(num_params_));
for (int pos_dim = 0; pos_dim < num_params_; pos_dim++) {
positions_[pos_dim] = positionsVals[pos_dim];
dam_err_ = damaris_set_position(variable_name_.c_str(), positionsVals.data());
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_set_position(\""
<< variable_name_
<< "\", positionsVals); Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
if (hasError()) {
template<class T>
void DamarisVar<T>::setPointersToDamarisShmem()
if (parameters_set_ == true) {
// Allocate memory in the shared memory section...
dam_err_ = damaris_alloc(variable_name_.c_str(), (void**)&data_ptr_);
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_alloc(\""
<< variable_name_ << "\", (void **) &ret_ptr)"
<< ", Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
} else {
dam_err_ = -1;
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_
<< " : class DamarisVar : setDamarisParameter() should be "
"called first so as to define the size of the memory "
"block required for variable : "
<< variable_name_ << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
if (hasError()) {
template<class T>
void DamarisVar<T>::commitVariableDamarisShmem()
// Signal to Damaris we are done writing data for this iteration
dam_err_ = damaris_commit(variable_name_.c_str());
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_commit(\""
<< variable_name_ << "\")"
<< ", Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
template<class T>
void DamarisVar<T>::clearVariableDamarisShmem()
// Signal to Damaris it has complete charge of the memory area
dam_err_ = damaris_clear(variable_name_.c_str());
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_clear(\"" << variable_name_
<< "\")"
<< ", Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
data_ptr_ = nullptr;
template<class T>
bool DamarisVar<T>::TestType(const std::string& variable_name)
bool resbool = true;
// This gets the type of the Damaris XML <variable>'s <layout>
dam_err_ = damaris_get_type(variable_name.c_str(), &vartype);
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rankDamarisVar::DamarisVar () damaris_get_type(\"" << variable_name_
<< "\", vartype); Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
return false;
T test_id;
const std::type_info& t1 = typeid(test_id);
if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
double td = 0.0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_FLOAT) {
float td = 0.0f;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_CHAR) {
char td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_UCHAR) {
unsigned char td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_SHORT) {
short td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_USHORT) {
unsigned short td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_INT) {
int td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_UINT) {
unsigned int td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_LONG) {
long td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_ULONG) {
unsigned long td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_UNDEFINED) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : DamarisVar::DamarisVar():: \"" << variable_name
<< "\" has type DAMARIS_TYPE_UNDEFINED" << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
resbool = false;
} else {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : DamarisVar::DamarisVar():: \"" << variable_name
<< "\" is not of available type " << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
resbool = false;
return resbool;
template<class T>
void DamarisVar<T>::formatTypeError(const std::string& var_name,
const std::string& type_name1,
const std::string& type_name2)
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : DamarisVar::DamarisVar () variable_name_: \"" << var_name
<< "\" The template type of Type of DamarisVar<T> in the code: " << type_name1
<< " does not match type in XML:" << type_name2 << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
template class DamarisVar<char>;
template class DamarisVar<double>;
template class DamarisVar<int>;
} // namespace Opm::DamarisOutput
@ -20,20 +20,11 @@
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
#include <Damaris.h>
File: DamarisVar.hpp
Author: Joshua Bowden, Inria
@ -91,49 +82,11 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
//!< the ranks data (Damaris version 1.8+)
// Additional data needed to complete an XML <variable> element
type_ = "scalar"; // This is probably not needed as vector data is defined using
// the Layout paramter. Could be useful for cross checking
visualizable_ = "false";
time_varying_ = "true";
centering_ = "zonal";
* Creates the XML representation of the variable from the available strings
std::string ReturnXMLForVariable()
std::ostringstream var_sstr;
var_sstr << " layout=\"" << this->layout_ << "\"";
if (this->mesh_ != "")
var_sstr << " mesh=\"" << this->mesh_ << "\"";
if (this->type_ != "")
var_sstr << " type=\"" << this->type_ << "\"";
if (this->visualizable_ != "")
var_sstr << " visualizable=\"" << this->visualizable_ << "\"";
if (this->unit_ != "")
var_sstr << " unit=\"" << this->unit_ << "\"";
if (this->time_varying_ != "")
var_sstr << " time_varying=\"" << this->time_varying_ << "\"";
if (this->centering_ != "")
var_sstr << " centering=\"" << this->centering_ << "\"";
if (this->store_ != "")
var_sstr << " store=\"" << this->store_ << "\"";
if (this->script_ != "")
var_sstr << " script=\"" << this->script_ << "\"";
if (this->select_mem_ != "")
var_sstr << " select-mem=\"" << this->select_mem_ << "\"";
if (this->select_file_ != "")
var_sstr << " select-file=\"" << this->select_file_ << "\"";
if (this->select_subset_ != "")
var_sstr << " select-subset=\"" << this->select_subset_ << "\"";
return var_sstr.str();
std::string ReturnXMLForVariable();
class DamarisVarBase
@ -251,34 +204,7 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
DamarisVar(int dims,
const std::vector<std::string>& param_names,
const std::string& variable_name,
int rank)
: param_names_(param_names)
, variable_name_(variable_name)
, rank_(rank)
dam_err_ = DAMARIS_OK;
assert(param_names_.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(dims));
assert(dims > 0);
has_error_ = false;
// Check that our template type T matches out Damaris XML <layout> type
if (hasError()) {
printError(); // throws a runtime error, with error message from
// dam_err_sstr_
current_size_ = 0;
num_params_ = param_names_.size();
data_ptr_ = nullptr;
parameters_set_ = false;
has_error_ = false;
int rank);
* Constructor - Sets private data values and also initialises the Damaris shared memory area for writing (and
@ -314,24 +240,9 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
const std::vector<std::string>& param_names,
const std::vector<int>& param_values,
const std::string& variable_name,
int rank)
: param_names_(param_names)
, variable_name_(variable_name)
, rank_(rank)
DamarisVar(dims, param_names, variable_name, rank);
setDamarisParameterAndShmem(param_values); // Initialise the memory size in the constructor.
int rank);
if (data_ptr_ != nullptr) {
if (this->hasError())
printError(); // flush out any error messages
* Allow a user to indicate that the Damaris variable has allocated a size -
@ -345,10 +256,7 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
parameters_set_ = true;
void printError() const override
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, dam_err_sstr_.str());
void printError() const override;
bool hasError() const override
@ -376,17 +284,7 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
* Creates the XML representation of the variable from the available strings
std::string returnXMLForVariable()
std::ostringstream var_sstr;
var_sstr << "<variable "
<< " name=\"" << variable_name_ << "\"";
var_sstr << xml_attributes_.ReturnXMLForVariable();
var_sstr << " /> ";
return var_sstr.str();
std::string returnXMLForVariable();
* Method to set the Damaris paramater values and set the shmem region \ref
@ -427,45 +325,7 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
* /implicit : Implicitly uses the array of paramater names:
* \ref param_names_
void setDamarisParameter(const std::vector<int>& paramSizeVal) override
assert(paramSizeVal.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(num_params_));
bool resbool = true;
std::size_t total_size = 1;
for (int varnum = 0; varnum < num_params_; varnum++) {
param_sizes_[varnum] = paramSizeVal[varnum];
total_size *= param_sizes_[varnum];
dam_err_ = damaris_parameter_set(param_names_[varnum].c_str(), ¶mSizeVal[varnum], sizeof(int));
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_parameter_set(\""
<< param_names_[varnum] << "\", paramSizeVal, sizeof(int)); Damaris error = "
<< damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
resbool = false;
has_error_ = true;
if (resbool == true) {
parameterIsSet(); // sets parameters_set_ and gets the size of the
// variables block storage (as number of elemnts)
if (total_size > 0) {
current_size_ = total_size;
} else {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar::getDataStoreBlockSize() "
<< "The total size of the variable is 0 - please check "
"input paramSizeVal array."
<< std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
if (hasError()) {
void setDamarisParameter(const std::vector<int>& paramSizeVal) override;
* Method to set the Damaris position values.
@ -477,25 +337,7 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
* /implicit : Implicitly uses the variable name: \ref
* variable_name_
void setDamarisPosition(const std::vector<int64_t>& positionsVals) override
assert(positionsVals.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(num_params_));
for (int pos_dim = 0; pos_dim < num_params_; pos_dim++) {
positions_[pos_dim] = positionsVals[pos_dim];
dam_err_ = damaris_set_position(variable_name_.c_str(), positionsVals.data());
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_set_position(\""
<< variable_name_
<< "\", positionsVals); Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
if (hasError()) {
void setDamarisPosition(const std::vector<int64_t>& positionsVals) override;
* Method to set the internal pointer (data_ptr_) to the Damaris shared
@ -505,31 +347,7 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
* string \ref variable_name_ /implicit : Implicitly uses the
* class data element : \ref data_ptr_
void setPointersToDamarisShmem() override
if (parameters_set_ == true) {
// Allocate memory in the shared memory section...
dam_err_ = damaris_alloc(variable_name_.c_str(), (void**)&data_ptr_);
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_alloc(\""
<< variable_name_ << "\", (void **) &ret_ptr)"
<< ", Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
} else {
dam_err_ = -1;
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_
<< " : class DamarisVar : setDamarisParameter() should be "
"called first so as to define the size of the memory "
"block required for variable : "
<< variable_name_ << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
if (hasError()) {
void setPointersToDamarisShmem() override;
* Method to commit the memory of the data written to the Damaris variable -
@ -538,17 +356,7 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
* /implicit : Implicitly uses the variable name string \ref
* variable_name_
void commitVariableDamarisShmem() override
// Signal to Damaris we are done writing data for this iteration
dam_err_ = damaris_commit(variable_name_.c_str());
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_commit(\""
<< variable_name_ << "\")"
<< ", Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
void commitVariableDamarisShmem() override;
* Method to release the memory of the data written to the Damaris variable -
@ -558,133 +366,18 @@ namespace DamarisOutput
* /implicit : Implicitly uses the variable name string \ref
* variable_name_
void clearVariableDamarisShmem() override
// Signal to Damaris it has complete charge of the memory area
dam_err_ = damaris_clear(variable_name_.c_str());
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : class DamarisVar : damaris_clear(\"" << variable_name_
<< "\")"
<< ", Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
data_ptr_ = nullptr;
void clearVariableDamarisShmem() override;
* Method to check that the template parameter T is the same as the requested
* type for the variable in the XML file
bool TestType(const std::string& variable_name)
bool resbool = true;
// This gets the type of the Damaris XML <variable>'s <layout>
dam_err_ = damaris_get_type(variable_name.c_str(), &vartype);
if (dam_err_ != DAMARIS_OK) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rankDamarisVar::DamarisVar () damaris_get_type(\"" << variable_name_
<< "\", vartype); Damaris error = " << damaris_error_string(dam_err_) << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
return false;
T test_id;
const std::type_info& t1 = typeid(test_id);
if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
double td = 0.0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_FLOAT) {
float td = 0.0f;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_CHAR) {
char td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_UCHAR) {
unsigned char td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_SHORT) {
short td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_USHORT) {
unsigned short td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_INT) {
int td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_UINT) {
unsigned int td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_LONG) {
long td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_ULONG) {
unsigned long td = 0;
const std::type_info& t2 = typeid(td);
if (t1 != t2) {
formatTypeError(variable_name, t1.name(), t2.name());
resbool = false;
} else if (vartype == DAMARIS_TYPE_UNDEFINED) {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : DamarisVar::DamarisVar():: \"" << variable_name
<< "\" has type DAMARIS_TYPE_UNDEFINED" << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
resbool = false;
} else {
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : DamarisVar::DamarisVar():: \"" << variable_name
<< "\" is not of available type " << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
resbool = false;
return resbool;
bool TestType(const std::string& variable_name);
void formatTypeError(const std::string& var_name,
const std::string& type_name1,
const std::string& type_name2)
dam_err_sstr_ << " ERROR rank =" << rank_ << " : DamarisVar::DamarisVar () variable_name_: \"" << var_name
<< "\" The template type of Type of DamarisVar<T> in the code: " << type_name1
<< " does not match type in XML:" << type_name2 << std::endl;
has_error_ = true;
const std::string& type_name2);
}; // class DamarisVar
} // namespace DamarisOutput
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