adapting to the interface change in OPM-parser#1145.

This commit is contained in:
Kai Bao 2017-10-16 14:39:07 +02:00
parent 7054317d98
commit 4efaf64cf7
4 changed files with 63 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ namespace Opm
// as possible, it will possibly be re-implemented later for efficiency reason.
// the completions that is related to each segment
// the completions's ids are their location in the vector well_index_, well_cell_
// the completions's ids are their index in the vector well_index_, well_cell_
// This is also assuming the order of the completions in Well is the same with
// the order of the completions in wells.
// it is for convinience reason. we can just calcuate the inforation for segment once then using it for all the perofrations
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ namespace Opm
// segment number is an ID of the segment, it is specified in the deck
// get the loation of the segment with a segment number in the segmentSet
int numberToLocation(const int segment_number) const;
int segmentNumberToIndex(const int segment_number) const;
// TODO, the following should go to a class for computing purpose
// two off-diagonal matrices

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@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ namespace Opm
for (int perf = 0; perf < number_of_perforations_; ++perf) {
const Completion& completion = completion_set.get(perf);
const int segment_number = completion.getSegmentNumber();
const int segment_location = numberToLocation(segment_number);
const int segment_index = segmentNumberToIndex(segment_number);
// initialize the segment_inlets_
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ namespace Opm
const int segment_number = segment.segmentNumber();
const int outlet_segment_number = segment.outletSegment();
if (outlet_segment_number > 0) {
const int segment_location = numberToLocation(segment_number);
const int outlet_segment_location = numberToLocation(outlet_segment_number);
const int segment_index = segmentNumberToIndex(segment_number);
const int outlet_segment_index = segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_segment_number);
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace Opm
for (int seg = 1; seg < numberOfSegments(); ++seg) {
const double segment_depth = segmentSet()[seg].depth();
const int outlet_segment_number = segmentSet()[seg].outletSegment();
const Segment& outlet_segment = segmentSet()[numberToLocation(outlet_segment_number)];
const Segment& outlet_segment = segmentSet()[segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_segment_number)];
const double outlet_depth = outlet_segment.depth();
segment_depth_diffs_[seg] = segment_depth - outlet_depth;
@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ namespace Opm
const Segment& segment = segmentSet()[seg];
const int outlet_segment_number = segment.outletSegment();
if (outlet_segment_number > 0) { // if there is a outlet_segment
const int outlet_segment_location = numberToLocation(outlet_segment_number);
const int outlet_segment_index = segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_segment_number);
// Add nonzeros for diagonal
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ namespace Opm
switch (well_controls_iget_type(well_controls_, current)) {
case BHP: {
well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_] = target;
const int top_segment_location = well_state.topSegmentLocation(index_of_well_);
well_state.segPress()[top_segment_location] = well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_];
const int top_segment_index = well_state.topSegmentIndex(index_of_well_);
well_state.segPress()[top_segment_index] = well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_];
// TODO: similar to the way below to handle THP
// we should not something related to thp here when there is thp constraint
@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ namespace Opm
// TODO: implement calculateBhpFromThp function
// well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_] = calculateBhpFromThp(rates, current);
// also the top segment pressure
/* const int top_segment_location = well_state.topSegmentLocation(index_of_well_);
well_state.segPress()[top_segment_location] = well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_]; */
/* const int top_segment_index = well_state.topSegmentIndex(index_of_well_);
well_state.segPress()[top_segment_index] = well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_]; */
@ -346,9 +346,9 @@ namespace Opm
well_state.wellRates()[number_of_phases_ * index_of_well_ + phase] *= scaling_factor;
// scaling the segment rates with the same way with well rates
const int top_segment_location = well_state.topSegmentLocation(index_of_well_);
const int top_segment_index = well_state.topSegmentIndex(index_of_well_);
for (int seg = 0; seg < numberOfSegments(); ++seg) {
well_state.segRates()[number_of_phases_ * (seg + top_segment_location) + phase] *= scaling_factor;
well_state.segRates()[number_of_phases_ * (seg + top_segment_index) + phase] *= scaling_factor;
} else { // scaling factor is not well defined when original_rates_under_phase_control is zero
@ -394,9 +394,9 @@ namespace Opm
std::vector<double> segment_rates;
WellState::calculateSegmentRates(segment_inlets_, segment_perforations_, perforation_rates, number_of_phases_,
0, segment_rates);
const int top_segment_location = well_state.topSegmentLocation(index_of_well_);
const int top_segment_index = well_state.topSegmentIndex(index_of_well_);
std::copy(segment_rates.begin(), segment_rates.end(),
well_state.segRates().begin() + number_of_phases_ * top_segment_location );
well_state.segRates().begin() + number_of_phases_ * top_segment_index );
// we need to check the top segment rates should be same with the well rates
@ -562,32 +562,32 @@ namespace Opm
// TODO: to test using rate conversion coefficients to see if it will be better than
// this default one
// the location of the top segment in the WellState
const int top_segment_location = well_state.topSegmentLocation(index_of_well_);
// the index of the top segment in the WellState
const int top_segment_index = well_state.topSegmentIndex(index_of_well_);
const std::vector<double>& segment_rates = well_state.segRates();
const PhaseUsage& pu = phaseUsage();
for (int seg = 0; seg < numberOfSegments(); ++seg) {
// calculate the total rate for each segment
double total_seg_rate = 0.0;
const int seg_location = top_segment_location + seg;
const int seg_index = top_segment_index + seg;
// the segment pressure
primary_variables_[seg][SPres] = well_state.segPress()[seg_location];
primary_variables_[seg][SPres] = well_state.segPress()[seg_index];
// TODO: under what kind of circustances, the following will be wrong?
// the definition of g makes the gas phase is always the last phase
for (int p = 0; p < number_of_phases_; p++) {
total_seg_rate += scalingFactor(p) * segment_rates[number_of_phases_ * seg_location + p];
total_seg_rate += scalingFactor(p) * segment_rates[number_of_phases_ * seg_index + p];
primary_variables_[seg][GTotal] = total_seg_rate;
if (std::abs(total_seg_rate) > 0.) {
if (active()[Water]) {
const int water_pos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
primary_variables_[seg][WFrac] = scalingFactor(water_pos) * segment_rates[number_of_phases_ * seg_location + water_pos] / total_seg_rate;
primary_variables_[seg][WFrac] = scalingFactor(water_pos) * segment_rates[number_of_phases_ * seg_index + water_pos] / total_seg_rate;
if (active()[Gas]) {
const int gas_pos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
primary_variables_[seg][GFrac] = scalingFactor(gas_pos) * segment_rates[number_of_phases_ * seg_location + gas_pos] / total_seg_rate;
primary_variables_[seg][GFrac] = scalingFactor(gas_pos) * segment_rates[number_of_phases_ * seg_index + gas_pos] / total_seg_rate;
} else { // total_seg_rate == 0
if (well_type_ == INJECTOR) {
@ -864,9 +864,9 @@ namespace Opm
template <typename TypeTag>
numberToLocation(const int segment_number) const
segmentNumberToIndex(const int segment_number) const
return segmentSet().numberToLocation(segment_number);
return segmentSet().segmentNumberToIndex(segment_number);
@ -1488,12 +1488,12 @@ namespace Opm
// contribution from the outlet segment
const int outlet_segment_location = numberToLocation(segmentSet()[seg].outletSegment());
const EvalWell outlet_pressure = getSegmentPressure(outlet_segment_location);
const int outlet_segment_index = segmentNumberToIndex(segmentSet()[seg].outletSegment());
const EvalWell outlet_pressure = getSegmentPressure(outlet_segment_index);
resWell_[seg][SPres] -= outlet_pressure.value();
for (int pv_idx = 0; pv_idx < numWellEq; ++pv_idx) {
duneD_[seg][outlet_segment_location][SPres][pv_idx] = -outlet_pressure.derivative(pv_idx + numEq);
duneD_[seg][outlet_segment_index][SPres][pv_idx] = -outlet_pressure.derivative(pv_idx + numEq);
if (accelerationalPressureLossConsidered()) {
@ -1525,8 +1525,8 @@ namespace Opm
const EvalWell mass_rate = segment_mass_rates_[seg];
const EvalWell density = segment_densities_[seg];
const EvalWell visc = segment_viscosities_[seg];
const int outlet_segment_location = numberToLocation(segmentSet()[seg].outletSegment());
const double length = segmentSet()[seg].totalLength() - segmentSet()[outlet_segment_location].totalLength();
const int outlet_segment_index = segmentNumberToIndex(segmentSet()[seg].outletSegment());
const double length = segmentSet()[seg].totalLength() - segmentSet()[outlet_segment_index].totalLength();
assert(length > 0.);
const double roughness = segmentSet()[seg].roughness();
const double area = segmentSet()[seg].crossArea();
@ -1694,19 +1694,19 @@ namespace Opm
// calculate the phase rates based on the primary variables
const double g_total = primary_variables_[seg][GTotal];
const int top_segment_location = well_state.topSegmentLocation(index_of_well_);
const int top_segment_index = well_state.topSegmentIndex(index_of_well_);
for (int p = 0; p < number_of_phases_; ++p) {
const double phase_rate = g_total * fractions[p];
well_state.segRates()[(seg + top_segment_location) * number_of_phases_ + p] = phase_rate;
well_state.segRates()[(seg + top_segment_index) * number_of_phases_ + p] = phase_rate;
if (seg == 0) { // top segment
well_state.wellRates()[index_of_well_ * number_of_phases_ + p] = phase_rate;
// update the segment pressure
well_state.segPress()[seg + top_segment_location] = primary_variables_[seg][SPres];
well_state.segPress()[seg + top_segment_index] = primary_variables_[seg][SPres];
if (seg == 0) { // top segment
well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_] = well_state.segPress()[seg + top_segment_location];
well_state.bhp()[index_of_well_] = well_state.segPress()[seg + top_segment_index];

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace Opm
// we change the ID to location now for easier use later.
for (int i = 0; i < m_number_of_segments_; ++i) {
// The segment number for top segment is 0, the segment number of its outlet segment will be -1
m_outlet_segment_[i] = segment_set.numberToLocation(segment_set[i].outletSegment());
m_outlet_segment_[i] = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(segment_set[i].outletSegment());
m_segment_length_[i] = segment_set[i].totalLength();
m_segment_depth_[i] = segment_set[i].depth();
m_segment_internal_diameter_[i] = segment_set[i].internalDiameter();
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace Opm
int i_segment = completion_set.get(i).getSegmentNumber();
// using the location of the segment in the array as the segment number/id.
// TODO: it can be helpful for output or postprocessing if we can keep the original number.
i_segment = segment_set.numberToLocation(i_segment);
i_segment = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(i_segment);
temp_perf_depth[i] = completion_set.get(i).getCenterDepth();

View File

@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ namespace Opm
// we need to create a trival segment related values to avoid there will be some
// multi-segment wells added later.
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
segpress_ = bhp();
segrates_ = wellRates();
@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ namespace Opm
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ namespace Opm
const Well* well_ecl = wells_ecl[index_well_ecl];
if ( !well_ecl->isMultiSegment(time_step) ) { // not multi-segment well
nseg_ += 1;
@ -351,8 +351,8 @@ namespace Opm
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
const Completion& completion = completion_set.get(perf);
const int segment_number = completion.getSegmentNumber();
const int segment_location = segment_set.numberToLocation(segment_number);
const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(segment_number);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> segment_inlets(nseg);
@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ namespace Opm
const int segment_number = segment.segmentNumber();
const int outlet_segment_number = segment.outletSegment();
if (outlet_segment_number > 0) {
const int segment_location = segment_set.numberToLocation(segment_number);
const int outlet_segment_location = segment_set.numberToLocation(outlet_segment_number);
const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(segment_number);
const int outlet_segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_segment_number);
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ namespace Opm
// top segment is always the first one, and its pressure is the well bhp
const int top_segment = top_segment_loc_[w];
const int top_segment = top_segment_index_[w];
const int start_perf = wells->well_connpos[w];
for (int seg = 1; seg < nseg; ++seg) {
if ( !segment_perforations[seg].empty() ) {
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ namespace Opm
// segpress_.push_back(bhp); // may not be a good decision
// using the outlet segment pressure // it needs the ordering is correct
const int outlet_seg = segment_set[seg].outletSegment();
segpress_.push_back(segpress_[top_segment + segment_set.numberToLocation(outlet_seg)]);
segpress_.push_back(segpress_[top_segment + segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(outlet_seg)]);
@ -436,21 +436,21 @@ namespace Opm
// for now, we just copy them.
const int old_index_well = (*it).second[0];
const int new_index_well = w;
const int old_top_segment_location = prev_well_state.topSegmentLocation(old_index_well);
const int new_top_segmnet_location = topSegmentLocation(new_index_well);
const int old_top_segment_index = prev_well_state.topSegmentIndex(old_index_well);
const int new_top_segmnet_index = topSegmentIndex(new_index_well);
int number_of_segment = 0;
if (new_index_well == int(top_segment_loc_.size()) - 1) {
number_of_segment = nseg_ - new_top_segmnet_location;
if (new_index_well == int(top_segment_index_.size()) - 1) {
number_of_segment = nseg_ - new_top_segmnet_index;
} else {
number_of_segment = topSegmentLocation(new_index_well + 1) - new_top_segmnet_location;
number_of_segment = topSegmentIndex(new_index_well + 1) - new_top_segmnet_index;
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_segment * np; ++i) {
segrates_[new_top_segmnet_location * np + i] = prev_well_state.segRates()[old_top_segment_location * np + i];
segrates_[new_top_segmnet_index * np + i] = prev_well_state.segRates()[old_top_segment_index * np + i];
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_segment; ++i) {
segpress_[new_top_segmnet_location + i] = prev_well_state.segPress()[old_top_segment_location + i];
segpress_[new_top_segmnet_index + i] = prev_well_state.segPress()[old_top_segment_index + i];
@ -531,11 +531,11 @@ namespace Opm
return nseg_;
int topSegmentLocation(const int w) const
int topSegmentIndex(const int w) const
assert(w < int(top_segment_loc_.size()) );
assert(w < int(top_segment_index_.size()) );
return top_segment_loc_[w];
return top_segment_index_[w];
@ -553,7 +553,9 @@ namespace Opm
// for StandardWell, the segment number will be one
std::vector<double> segrates_;
std::vector<double> segpress_;
std::vector<int> top_segment_loc_; // the index of the top segments
// the index of the top segments, which is used to locate the
// multisegment well related information in WellState
std::vector<int> top_segment_index_;
int nseg_; // number of the segments