diff --git a/CMakeLists_files.cmake b/CMakeLists_files.cmake
index 12d58957d..24a5a435d 100644
--- a/CMakeLists_files.cmake
+++ b/CMakeLists_files.cmake
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ list (APPEND MAIN_SOURCE_FILES
+ opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.cpp
diff --git a/opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.cpp b/opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89a8941c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+ Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics.
+ Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
+ Copyright 2020 Equinor ASA.
+ This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+ OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with OPM. If not, see .
+#endif // HAVE_UMFPACK
+namespace {
+ValueType haalandFormular(const ValueType& re,
+ const double diameter,
+ const double roughness)
+ const ValueType value = -3.6 * log10(6.9 / re + std::pow(roughness / (3.7 * diameter), 10. / 9.) );
+ // sqrt(1/f) should be non-positive
+ assert(value >= 0.0);
+ return 1. / (value * value);
+// water in oil emulsion viscosity
+// TODO: maybe it should be two different ValueTypes. When we calculate the viscosity for transitional zone
+ValueType WIOEmulsionViscosity(const ValueType& oil_viscosity,
+ const ValueType& water_liquid_fraction,
+ const double max_visco_ratio)
+ const ValueType temp_value = 1. / (1. - (0.8415 / 0.7480 * water_liquid_fraction) );
+ const ValueType viscosity_ratio = pow(temp_value, 2.5);
+ if (viscosity_ratio <= max_visco_ratio) {
+ return oil_viscosity * viscosity_ratio;
+ } else {
+ return oil_viscosity * max_visco_ratio;
+ }
+// oil in water emulsion viscosity
+ValueType OIWEmulsionViscosity(const ValueType& water_viscosity,
+ const ValueType& water_liquid_fraction,
+ const double max_visco_ratio)
+ const ValueType temp_value = 1. / (1. - (0.6019 / 0.6410) * (1. - water_liquid_fraction) );
+ const ValueType viscosity_ratio = pow(temp_value, 2.5);
+ if (viscosity_ratio <= max_visco_ratio) {
+ return water_viscosity * viscosity_ratio;
+ } else {
+ return water_viscosity * max_visco_ratio;
+ }
+namespace Opm {
+namespace mswellhelpers
+ /// Applies umfpack and checks for singularity
+applyUMFPack(const MatrixType& D,
+ std::shared_ptr>& linsolver,
+ VectorType x)
+ if (!linsolver)
+ {
+ linsolver = std::make_shared>(D, 0);
+ }
+ // The copy of x seems mandatory for calling UMFPack!
+ VectorType y(x.size());
+ y = 0.;
+ // Object storing some statistics about the solving process
+ Dune::InverseOperatorResult res;
+ // Solve
+ linsolver->apply(y, x, res);
+ // Checking if there is any inf or nan in y
+ // it will be the solution before we find a way to catch the singularity of the matrix
+ for (size_t i_block = 0; i_block < y.size(); ++i_block) {
+ for (size_t i_elem = 0; i_elem < y[i_block].size(); ++i_elem) {
+ if (std::isinf(y[i_block][i_elem]) || std::isnan(y[i_block][i_elem]) ) {
+ const std::string msg{"nan or inf value found after UMFPack solve due to singular matrix"};
+ OpmLog::debug(msg);
+ OPM_THROW_NOLOG(NumericalIssue, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return y;
+ // this is not thread safe
+ OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Cannot use applyUMFPack() without UMFPACK. "
+ "Reconfigure opm-simulators with SuiteSparse/UMFPACK support and recompile.");
+#endif // HAVE_UMFPACK
+invertWithUMFPack(const MatrixType& D, std::shared_ptr >& linsolver)
+ const int sz = D.M();
+ const int bsz = D[0][0].M();
+ VectorType e(sz);
+ e = 0.0;
+ // Make a full block matrix.
+ Dune::Matrix inv(sz, sz);
+ // Create inverse by passing basis vectors to the solver.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < sz; ++ii) {
+ for (int jj = 0; jj < bsz; ++jj) {
+ e[ii][jj] = 1.0;
+ auto col = applyUMFPack(D, linsolver, e);
+ for (int cc = 0; cc < sz; ++cc) {
+ for (int dd = 0; dd < bsz; ++dd) {
+ inv[cc][ii][dd][jj] = col[cc][dd];
+ }
+ }
+ e[ii][jj] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ return inv;
+ // this is not thread safe
+ OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Cannot use invertWithUMFPack() without UMFPACK. "
+ "Reconfigure opm-simulators with SuiteSparse/UMFPACK support and recompile.");
+#endif // HAVE_UMFPACK
+invDX(const MatrixType& D, VectorType x, DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
+ // the function will change the value of x, so we should not use reference of x here.
+ // TODO: store some of the following information to avoid to call it again and again for
+ // efficiency improvement.
+ // Bassically, only the solve / apply step is different.
+ VectorType y(x.size());
+ y = 0.;
+ Dune::MatrixAdapter linearOperator(D);
+ // Sequential incomplete LU decomposition as the preconditioner
+ Dune::SeqILU preconditioner(D, 1.0);
+ Dune::SeqILU0 preconditioner(D, 1.0);
+ // Dune::SeqILUn preconditioner(D, 1, 0.92);
+ // Dune::SeqGS preconditioner(D, 1, 1);
+ // Dune::SeqJac preconditioner(D, 1, 1);
+ // Preconditioned BICGSTAB solver
+ Dune::BiCGSTABSolver linsolver(linearOperator,
+ preconditioner,
+ 1.e-8, // desired residual reduction factor
+ 250, // maximum number of iterations
+ 0); // verbosity of the solver */
+ // Object storing some statistics about the solving process
+ Dune::InverseOperatorResult res;
+ // Solve
+ linsolver.apply(y, x, res);
+ if ( !res.converged ) {
+ OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(NumericalIssue, "the invDX did not converge ", deferred_logger);
+ }
+ return y;
+ValueType calculateFrictionFactor(const double area, const double diameter,
+ const ValueType& w, const double roughness,
+ const ValueType& mu)
+ ValueType f = 0.;
+ // Reynolds number
+ const ValueType re = abs( diameter * w / (area * mu));
+ if ( re == 0.0 ) {
+ // make sure it is because the mass rate is zero
+ assert(w == 0.);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ const ValueType re_value1 = 2000.;
+ const ValueType re_value2 = 4000.;
+ if (re < re_value1) {
+ f = 16. / re;
+ } else if (re > re_value2){
+ f = haalandFormular(re, diameter, roughness);
+ } else { // in between
+ const ValueType f1 = 16. / re_value1;
+ const ValueType f2 = haalandFormular(re_value2, diameter, roughness);
+ f = (f2 - f1) / (re_value2 - re_value1) * (re - re_value1) + f1;
+ }
+ return f;
+ValueType frictionPressureLoss(const double l, const double diameter,
+ const double area, const double roughness,
+ const ValueType& density,
+ const ValueType& w, const ValueType& mu)
+ const ValueType f = calculateFrictionFactor(area, diameter, w, roughness, mu);
+ // \Note: a factor of 2 needs to be here based on the dimensional analysis
+ return 2. * f * l * w * w / (area * area * diameter * density);
+ValueType valveContrictionPressureLoss(const ValueType& mass_rate,
+ const ValueType& density,
+ const double area_con, const double cv)
+ // the formulation is adjusted a little bit for convinience
+ // velocity = mass_rate / (density * area) is applied to the original formulation
+ const double area = (area_con > 1.e-10 ? area_con : 1.e-10);
+ return mass_rate * mass_rate / (2. * density * cv * cv * area * area);
+ValueType velocityHead(const double area, const ValueType& mass_rate,
+ const ValueType& density)
+ // \Note: a factor of 2 is added to the formulation in order to match results from the
+ // reference simulator. This is inline with what is done for the friction loss.
+ return (mass_rate * mass_rate / (area * area * density));
+ValueType emulsionViscosity(const ValueType& water_fraction,
+ const ValueType& water_viscosity,
+ const ValueType& oil_fraction,
+ const ValueType& oil_viscosity,
+ const SICD& sicd)
+ const double width_transition = sicd.widthTransitionRegion();
+ // it is just for now, we should be able to treat it.
+ if (width_transition <= 0.) {
+ OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Not handling non-positive transition width now");
+ }
+ const double critical_value = sicd.criticalValue();
+ const ValueType transition_start_value = critical_value - width_transition / 2.0;
+ const ValueType transition_end_value = critical_value + width_transition / 2.0;
+ const ValueType liquid_fraction = water_fraction + oil_fraction;
+ // if there is no liquid, we just return zero
+ if (liquid_fraction == 0.) {
+ return 0.;
+ }
+ const ValueType water_liquid_fraction = water_fraction / liquid_fraction;
+ const double max_visco_ratio = sicd.maxViscosityRatio();
+ if (water_liquid_fraction <= transition_start_value) {
+ return WIOEmulsionViscosity(oil_viscosity, water_liquid_fraction, max_visco_ratio);
+ } else if (water_liquid_fraction >= transition_end_value) {
+ return OIWEmulsionViscosity(water_viscosity, water_liquid_fraction, max_visco_ratio);
+ } else { // in the transition region
+ const ValueType viscosity_start_transition = WIOEmulsionViscosity(oil_viscosity, transition_start_value, max_visco_ratio);
+ const ValueType viscosity_end_transition = OIWEmulsionViscosity(water_viscosity, transition_end_value, max_visco_ratio);
+ const ValueType emulsion_viscosity = (viscosity_start_transition * (transition_end_value - water_liquid_fraction)
+ + viscosity_end_transition * (water_liquid_fraction - transition_start_value) ) / width_transition;
+ return emulsion_viscosity;
+ }
+using Vec = Dune::BlockVector>;
+using Mat = Dune::BCRSMatrix>;
+#define INSTANCE_UMF(Dim) \
+ template Vec applyUMFPack,Vec>(const Mat&, \
+ std::shared_ptr>>&, \
+ Vec); \
+ template Dune::Matrix::block_type> \
+ invertWithUMFPack,Vec>(const Mat& D, \
+ std::shared_ptr>>&);
+#define INSTANCE_IMPL(...) \
+ template __VA_ARGS__ \
+ frictionPressureLoss<__VA_ARGS__>(const double, \
+ const double, \
+ const double, \
+ const double, \
+ const __VA_ARGS__&, \
+ const __VA_ARGS__&, \
+ const __VA_ARGS__&); \
+ template __VA_ARGS__ \
+ valveContrictionPressureLoss<__VA_ARGS__>(const __VA_ARGS__& mass_rate, \
+ const __VA_ARGS__& density, \
+ const double, const double); \
+ template __VA_ARGS__ \
+ velocityHead<__VA_ARGS__>(const double, const __VA_ARGS__&, const __VA_ARGS__&); \
+ template __VA_ARGS__ \
+ emulsionViscosity<__VA_ARGS__>(const __VA_ARGS__&, \
+ const __VA_ARGS__&, \
+ const __VA_ARGS__&, \
+ const __VA_ARGS__&, \
+ const SICD&);
+#define INSTANCE_EVAL(Dim) \
+ INSTANCE_IMPL(DenseAd::Evaluation)
+} // namespace mswellhelpers
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.hpp b/opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.hpp
index bf1462268..695dcd95d 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/wells/MSWellHelpers.hpp
@@ -23,203 +23,49 @@
-#endif // HAVE_UMFPACK
+namespace Dune {
+template class UMFPack;
namespace Opm {
+class DeferredLogger;
+class SICD;
namespace mswellhelpers
/// Applies umfpack and checks for singularity
- applyUMFPack(const MatrixType& D, std::shared_ptr >& linsolver, VectorType x)
- {
- if (!linsolver)
- {
- linsolver.reset(new Dune::UMFPack(D, 0));
- }
- // The copy of x seems mandatory for calling UMFPack!
- VectorType y(x.size());
- y = 0.;
- // Object storing some statistics about the solving process
- Dune::InverseOperatorResult res;
- // Solve
- linsolver->apply(y, x, res);
- // Checking if there is any inf or nan in y
- // it will be the solution before we find a way to catch the singularity of the matrix
- for (size_t i_block = 0; i_block < y.size(); ++i_block) {
- for (size_t i_elem = 0; i_elem < y[i_block].size(); ++i_elem) {
- if (std::isinf(y[i_block][i_elem]) || std::isnan(y[i_block][i_elem]) ) {
- const std::string msg{"nan or inf value found after UMFPack solve due to singular matrix"};
- OpmLog::debug(msg);
- OPM_THROW_NOLOG(NumericalIssue, msg);
- }
- }
- }
- return y;
- // this is not thread safe
- OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Cannot use applyUMFPack() without UMFPACK. "
- "Reconfigure opm-simulators with SuiteSparse/UMFPACK support and recompile.");
-#endif // HAVE_UMFPACK
- }
+ applyUMFPack(const MatrixType& D,
+ std::shared_ptr>& linsolver,
+ VectorType x);
/// Applies umfpack and checks for singularity
- invertWithUMFPack(const MatrixType& D, std::shared_ptr >& linsolver)
- {
- const int sz = D.M();
- const int bsz = D[0][0].M();
- VectorType e(sz);
- e = 0.0;
- // Make a full block matrix.
- Dune::Matrix inv(sz, sz);
- // Create inverse by passing basis vectors to the solver.
- for (int ii = 0; ii < sz; ++ii) {
- for (int jj = 0; jj < bsz; ++jj) {
- e[ii][jj] = 1.0;
- auto col = applyUMFPack(D, linsolver, e);
- for (int cc = 0; cc < sz; ++cc) {
- for (int dd = 0; dd < bsz; ++dd) {
- inv[cc][ii][dd][jj] = col[cc][dd];
- }
- }
- e[ii][jj] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- return inv;
- // this is not thread safe
- OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Cannot use invertWithUMFPack() without UMFPACK. "
- "Reconfigure opm-simulators with SuiteSparse/UMFPACK support and recompile.");
-#endif // HAVE_UMFPACK
- }
+ invertWithUMFPack(const MatrixType& D,
+ std::shared_ptr >& linsolver);
// obtain y = D^-1 * x with a BICSSTAB iterative solver
- invDX(const MatrixType& D, VectorType x, DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
- {
- // the function will change the value of x, so we should not use reference of x here.
- // TODO: store some of the following information to avoid to call it again and again for
- // efficiency improvement.
- // Bassically, only the solve / apply step is different.
- VectorType y(x.size());
- y = 0.;
- Dune::MatrixAdapter linearOperator(D);
- // Sequential incomplete LU decomposition as the preconditioner
- Dune::SeqILU preconditioner(D, 1.0);
- Dune::SeqILU0 preconditioner(D, 1.0);
- // Dune::SeqILUn preconditioner(D, 1, 0.92);
- // Dune::SeqGS preconditioner(D, 1, 1);
- // Dune::SeqJac preconditioner(D, 1, 1);
- // Preconditioned BICGSTAB solver
- Dune::BiCGSTABSolver linsolver(linearOperator,
- preconditioner,
- 1.e-8, // desired residual reduction factor
- 250, // maximum number of iterations
- 0); // verbosity of the solver */
- // Object storing some statistics about the solving process
- Dune::InverseOperatorResult res;
- // Solve
- linsolver.apply(y, x, res);
- if ( !res.converged ) {
- OPM_DEFLOG_THROW(NumericalIssue, "the invDX did not converge ", deferred_logger);
- }
- return y;
- }
+ invDX(const MatrixType& D, VectorType x, DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
- inline ValueType haalandFormular(const ValueType& re, const double diameter, const double roughness)
- {
- const ValueType value = -3.6 * log10(6.9 / re + std::pow(roughness / (3.7 * diameter), 10. / 9.) );
- // sqrt(1/f) should be non-positive
- assert(value >= 0.0);
- return 1. / (value * value);
- }
- template
- inline ValueType calculateFrictionFactor(const double area, const double diameter,
- const ValueType& w, const double roughness, const ValueType& mu)
- {
- ValueType f = 0.;
- // Reynolds number
- const ValueType re = abs( diameter * w / (area * mu));
- if ( re == 0.0 ) {
- // make sure it is because the mass rate is zero
- assert(w == 0.);
- return 0.0;
- }
- const ValueType re_value1 = 2000.;
- const ValueType re_value2 = 4000.;
- if (re < re_value1) {
- f = 16. / re;
- } else if (re > re_value2){
- f = haalandFormular(re, diameter, roughness);
- } else { // in between
- const ValueType f1 = 16. / re_value1;
- const ValueType f2 = haalandFormular(re_value2, diameter, roughness);
- f = (f2 - f1) / (re_value2 - re_value1) * (re - re_value1) + f1;
- }
- return f;
- }
+ ValueType calculateFrictionFactor(const double area, const double diameter,
+ const ValueType& w, const double roughness,
+ const ValueType& mu);
// calculating the friction pressure loss
@@ -231,116 +77,32 @@ namespace mswellhelpers
// roughness is the absolute roughness
// mu is the average phase viscosity
- ValueType frictionPressureLoss(const double l, const double diameter, const double area, const double roughness,
- const ValueType& density, const ValueType& w, const ValueType& mu)
- {
- const ValueType f = calculateFrictionFactor(area, diameter, w, roughness, mu);
- // \Note: a factor of 2 needs to be here based on the dimensional analysis
- return 2. * f * l * w * w / (area * area * diameter * density);
- }
+ ValueType frictionPressureLoss(const double l, const double diameter,
+ const double area, const double roughness,
+ const ValueType& density,
+ const ValueType& w, const ValueType& mu);
- ValueType valveContrictionPressureLoss(const ValueType& mass_rate, const ValueType& density,
- const double area_con, const double cv)
- {
- // the formulation is adjusted a little bit for convinience
- // velocity = mass_rate / (density * area) is applied to the original formulation
- const double area = (area_con > 1.e-10 ? area_con : 1.e-10);
- return mass_rate * mass_rate / (2. * density * cv * cv * area * area);
- }
+ ValueType valveContrictionPressureLoss(const ValueType& mass_rate,
+ const ValueType& density,
+ const double area_con, const double cv);
- ValueType velocityHead(const double area, const ValueType& mass_rate, const ValueType& density)
- {
- // \Note: a factor of 2 is added to the formulation in order to match results from the
- // reference simulator. This is inline with what is done for the friction loss.
- return (mass_rate * mass_rate / (area * area * density));
- }
- // water in oil emulsion viscosity
- // TODO: maybe it should be two different ValueTypes. When we calculate the viscosity for transitional zone
- template
- ValueType WIOEmulsionViscosity(const ValueType& oil_viscosity, const ValueType& water_liquid_fraction,
- const double max_visco_ratio)
- {
- const ValueType temp_value = 1. / (1. - (0.8415 / 0.7480 * water_liquid_fraction) );
- const ValueType viscosity_ratio = pow(temp_value, 2.5);
- if (viscosity_ratio <= max_visco_ratio) {
- return oil_viscosity * viscosity_ratio;
- } else {
- return oil_viscosity * max_visco_ratio;
- }
- }
- // oil in water emulsion viscosity
- template
- ValueType OIWEmulsionViscosity(const ValueType& water_viscosity, const ValueType& water_liquid_fraction,
- const double max_visco_ratio)
- {
- const ValueType temp_value = 1. / (1. - (0.6019 / 0.6410) * (1. - water_liquid_fraction) );
- const ValueType viscosity_ratio = pow(temp_value, 2.5);
- if (viscosity_ratio <= max_visco_ratio) {
- return water_viscosity * viscosity_ratio;
- } else {
- return water_viscosity * max_visco_ratio;
- }
- }
+ ValueType velocityHead(const double area, const ValueType& mass_rate,
+ const ValueType& density);
// calculating the viscosity of oil-water emulsion at local conditons
- ValueType emulsionViscosity(const ValueType& water_fraction, const ValueType& water_viscosity,
- const ValueType& oil_fraction, const ValueType& oil_viscosity,
- const SICD& sicd)
- {
- const double width_transition = sicd.widthTransitionRegion();
- // it is just for now, we should be able to treat it.
- if (width_transition <= 0.) {
- OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Not handling non-positive transition width now");
- }
- const double critical_value = sicd.criticalValue();
- const ValueType transition_start_value = critical_value - width_transition / 2.0;
- const ValueType transition_end_value = critical_value + width_transition / 2.0;
- const ValueType liquid_fraction = water_fraction + oil_fraction;
- // if there is no liquid, we just return zero
- if (liquid_fraction == 0.) {
- return 0.;
- }
- const ValueType water_liquid_fraction = water_fraction / liquid_fraction;
- const double max_visco_ratio = sicd.maxViscosityRatio();
- if (water_liquid_fraction <= transition_start_value) {
- return WIOEmulsionViscosity(oil_viscosity, water_liquid_fraction, max_visco_ratio);
- } else if(water_liquid_fraction >= transition_end_value) {
- return OIWEmulsionViscosity(water_viscosity, water_liquid_fraction, max_visco_ratio);
- } else { // in the transition region
- const ValueType viscosity_start_transition = WIOEmulsionViscosity(oil_viscosity, transition_start_value, max_visco_ratio);
- const ValueType viscosity_end_transition = OIWEmulsionViscosity(water_viscosity, transition_end_value, max_visco_ratio);
- const ValueType emulsion_viscosity = (viscosity_start_transition * (transition_end_value - water_liquid_fraction)
- + viscosity_end_transition * (water_liquid_fraction - transition_start_value) ) / width_transition;
- return emulsion_viscosity;
- }
- }
+ ValueType emulsionViscosity(const ValueType& water_fraction,
+ const ValueType& water_viscosity,
+ const ValueType& oil_fraction,
+ const ValueType& oil_viscosity,
+ const SICD& sicd);
} // namespace mswellhelpers
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.cpp b/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.cpp
index e9a3eafd4..79970efbe 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.cpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
diff --git a/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.hpp b/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.hpp
index 48a444550..6e6be6b49 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEval.hpp
@@ -32,11 +32,14 @@
+namespace Dune {
+template class UMFPack;
namespace Opm