mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Add H2SOL and CO2SOL model. That allows for dissolution of solvent in water
This commit is contained in:
@ -231,12 +231,14 @@ public:
// deal with solvent
if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
if(priVars.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == PrimaryVariables::SolventMeaning::Ss) {
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx)) {
So -= priVars.makeEvaluation(Indices::solventSaturationIdx, timeIdx);
} else if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx)) {
Sg -= priVars.makeEvaluation(Indices::solventSaturationIdx, timeIdx);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx))
fluidState_.setSaturation(waterPhaseIdx, Sw);
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ protected:
deltaSg = update[Indices::compositionSwitchIdx];
deltaSo -= deltaSg;
if (enableSolvent) {
if (currentValue.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == PrimaryVariables::SolventMeaning::Ss) {
deltaSs = update[Indices::solventSaturationIdx];
deltaSo -= deltaSs;
@ -365,7 +365,13 @@ protected:
else if (enableSolvent && pvIdx == Indices::solventSaturationIdx) {
// solvent saturation updates are also subject to the Appleyard chop
if (currentValue.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == PrimaryVariables::SolventMeaning::Ss) {
delta *= satAlpha;
} else {
//Ensure Rssolw factor does not become negative
if (delta > currentValue[Indices::solventSaturationIdx])
delta = currentValue[Indices::solventSaturationIdx];
else if (enableExtbo && pvIdx == Indices::zFractionIdx) {
// z fraction updates are also subject to the Appleyard chop
@ -396,8 +402,10 @@ protected:
nextValue[pvIdx] = currentValue[pvIdx] - delta;
// keep the solvent saturation between 0 and 1
if (enableSolvent && pvIdx == Indices::solventSaturationIdx)
if (enableSolvent && pvIdx == Indices::solventSaturationIdx) {
if (currentValue.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == PrimaryVariables::SolventMeaning::Ss )
nextValue[pvIdx] = std::min(std::max(nextValue[pvIdx], 0.0), 1.0);
// keep the z fraction between 0 and 1
if (enableExtbo && pvIdx == Indices::zFractionIdx)
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ class BlackOilPrimaryVariables : public FvBasePrimaryVariables<TypeTag>
enum { pressureSwitchIdx = Indices::pressureSwitchIdx };
enum { compositionSwitchIdx = Indices::compositionSwitchIdx };
enum { saltConcentrationIdx = Indices::saltConcentrationIdx };
enum { solventSaturationIdx = Indices::solventSaturationIdx };
static constexpr bool compositionSwitchEnabled = Indices::compositionSwitchIdx >= 0;
static constexpr bool waterEnabled = Indices::waterEnabled;
@ -150,6 +151,12 @@ public:
Disabled, // The primary variable is not used
enum class SolventMeaning {
Ss, // solvent saturation
Rsolw, // dissolved solvent in water
Disabled, // The primary variable is not used
: ParentType()
@ -167,6 +174,7 @@ public:
pvtRegionIdx_ = 0;
@ -184,6 +192,7 @@ public:
result.primaryVarsMeaningGas_ = GasMeaning::Rv;
result.primaryVarsMeaningPressure_ = PressureMeaning::Pg;
result.primaryVarsMeaningWater_ = WaterMeaning::Rsw;
result.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent_ = SolventMeaning::Ss;
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
result[i] = i+1;
@ -260,6 +269,18 @@ public:
void setPrimaryVarsMeaningBrine(BrineMeaning newMeaning)
{ primaryVarsMeaningBrine_ = newMeaning; }
SolventMeaning primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() const
{ return primaryVarsMeaningSolvent_; }
* \brief Set the interpretation which should be applied to the switching primary
* variables.
void setPrimaryVarsMeaningSolvent(SolventMeaning newMeaning)
{ primaryVarsMeaningSolvent_ = newMeaning; }
* \copydoc ImmisciblePrimaryVariables::assignMassConservative
@ -480,7 +501,6 @@ public:
throw std::logic_error("No valid primary variable selected for composision");
@ -542,6 +562,31 @@ public:
// if solvent saturation disappeares: Ss (Solvent saturation) -> Rsolw (solvent dissolved in water)
// if solvent saturation appears: Rsolw (solvent dissolved in water) -> Ss (Solvent saturation)
// Scalar rsolw = 0.0; // not needed at the moment since we dont allow for vapwat in combination with rsolw
if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
if (SolventModule::isSolubleInWater()) {
Scalar p = (*this)[pressureSwitchIdx]; // cap-pressure?
Scalar solLimit = SolventModule::solubilityLimit(pvtRegionIndex(), T , p, saltConcentration);
if (primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == SolventMeaning::Ss) {
Scalar solSat = (*this)[solventSaturationIdx];
if (solSat < -eps){ //solvent dissappears
(*this)[solventSaturationIdx] = solLimit; //set rsolw to solubility limit
else if (primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == SolventMeaning::Rsolw) {
Scalar rsolw = (*this)[solventSaturationIdx];
if (rsolw > solLimit + eps){ //solvent appears as phase
(*this)[solventSaturationIdx] = 0.0;
// keep track if any meaning has changed
bool changed = false;
@ -826,7 +871,7 @@ public:
sg = (*this)[Indices::compositionSwitchIdx];
Scalar ssol = 0.0;
if constexpr (enableSolvent)
if (primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == SolventMeaning::Ss)
ssol =(*this) [Indices::solventSaturationIdx];
Scalar so = 1.0 - sw - sg - ssol;
@ -843,7 +888,7 @@ public:
(*this)[Indices::waterSwitchIdx] = sw;
if (primaryVarsMeaningGas() == GasMeaning::Sg)
(*this)[Indices::compositionSwitchIdx] = sg;
if constexpr (enableSolvent)
if (primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == SolventMeaning::Ss)
(*this) [Indices::solventSaturationIdx] = ssol;
return !(st==1);
@ -877,6 +922,7 @@ public:
#endif // NDEBUG
@ -891,6 +937,7 @@ public:
@ -901,6 +948,7 @@ public:
this->primaryVarsMeaningPressure_ == rhs.primaryVarsMeaningPressure_ &&
this->primaryVarsMeaningGas_ == rhs.primaryVarsMeaningGas_ &&
this->primaryVarsMeaningBrine_ == rhs.primaryVarsMeaningBrine_ &&
this->primaryVarsMeaningSolvent_ == rhs.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent_ &&
this->pvtRegionIdx_ == rhs.pvtRegionIdx_;
@ -913,9 +961,10 @@ private:
Scalar solventSaturation_() const
if constexpr (enableSolvent)
if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
if ( primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == SolventMeaning::Ss)
return (*this)[Indices::solventSaturationIdx];
return 0.0;
@ -1033,6 +1082,7 @@ private:
PressureMeaning primaryVarsMeaningPressure_;
GasMeaning primaryVarsMeaningGas_;
BrineMeaning primaryVarsMeaningBrine_;
SolventMeaning primaryVarsMeaningSolvent_;
unsigned short pvtRegionIdx_;
@ -78,9 +78,12 @@ class BlackOilSolventModule
using EqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::EqVector>;
using RateVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::RateVector>;
using Indices = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Indices>;
using Toolbox = MathToolbox<Evaluation>;
using SolventPvt = typename BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar>::SolventPvt;
using Co2GasPvt = typename BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar>::Co2GasPvt;
using H2GasPvt = typename BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar>::H2GasPvt;
using BrineCo2Pvt = typename BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar>::BrineCo2Pvt;
using BrineH2Pvt = typename BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar>::BrineH2Pvt;
using TabulatedFunction = typename BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar>::TabulatedFunction;
@ -90,6 +93,7 @@ class BlackOilSolventModule
static constexpr unsigned numEq = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumEq>();
static constexpr unsigned numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases;
static constexpr bool blackoilConserveSurfaceVolume = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume>();
static constexpr int waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx;
@ -111,6 +115,25 @@ public:
if (!eclState.runspec().phases().active(Phase::SOLVENT))
return; // solvent treatment is supposed to be disabled
params_.co2sol_ = eclState.runspec().co2Sol();
params_.h2sol_ = eclState.runspec().h2Sol();
if (isCO2Sol() && isH2Sol()) {
throw std::runtime_error("CO2SOL and H2SOL can not be used together");
if (isCO2Sol() || isH2Sol() ) {
if (isCO2Sol()) {
params_.co2GasPvt_.initFromState(eclState, schedule);
params_.brineCo2Pvt_.initFromState(eclState, schedule);
} else {
params_.h2GasPvt_.initFromState(eclState, schedule);
params_.brineH2Pvt_.initFromState(eclState, schedule);
if (eclState.getSimulationConfig().hasDISGASW()) {
params_.rsSolw_active_ = true;
} else
params_.solventPvt_.initFromState(eclState, schedule);
const auto& tableManager = eclState.getTableManager();
@ -413,12 +436,25 @@ public:
Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.porosity())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.solventSaturation())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.solventInverseFormationVolumeFactor());
if (isSolubleInWater()) {
storage[contiSolventEqIdx] += Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.porosity())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().saturation(waterPhaseIdx))
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().invB(waterPhaseIdx))
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.rsSolw());
else {
storage[contiSolventEqIdx] +=
Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.porosity())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.solventSaturation())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.solventDensity());
if (isSolubleInWater()) {
storage[contiSolventEqIdx] += Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.porosity())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().saturation(waterPhaseIdx))
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().density(waterPhaseIdx))
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.rsSolw());
@ -445,6 +481,20 @@ public:
flux[contiSolventEqIdx] =
if (isSolubleInWater()) {
if (upIdx == inIdx)
flux[contiSolventEqIdx] =
* up.fluidState().invB(waterPhaseIdx)
* up.rsSolw();
flux[contiSolventEqIdx] =
else {
if (upIdx == inIdx)
@ -455,6 +505,20 @@ public:
flux[contiSolventEqIdx] =
if (isSolubleInWater()) {
if (upIdx == inIdx)
flux[contiSolventEqIdx] =
* up.fluidState().density(waterPhaseIdx)
* up.rsSolw();
flux[contiSolventEqIdx] =
@ -463,10 +527,21 @@ public:
* \brief Assign the solvent specific primary variables to a PrimaryVariables object
static void assignPrimaryVars(PrimaryVariables& priVars,
Scalar solventSaturation)
Scalar solventSaturation,
Scalar solventRsw)
if constexpr (enableSolvent)
if constexpr (!enableSolvent) {
// Determine the meaning of the solvent primary variables
if (solventSaturation > 0 || !isSolubleInWater()) {
priVars[solventSaturationIdx] = solventSaturation;
} else {
priVars[solventSaturationIdx] = solventRsw;
@ -530,7 +605,30 @@ public:
static const SolventPvt& solventPvt()
{ return params_.solventPvt_; }
return params_.solventPvt_;
static const Co2GasPvt& co2GasPvt()
return params_.co2GasPvt_;
static const H2GasPvt& h2GasPvt()
return params_.h2GasPvt_;
static const BrineCo2Pvt& brineCo2Pvt()
return params_.brineCo2Pvt_;
static const BrineH2Pvt& brineH2Pvt()
return params_.brineH2Pvt_;
static const TabulatedFunction& ssfnKrg(const ElementContext& elemCtx,
unsigned scvIdx,
@ -633,6 +731,34 @@ public:
return params_.isMiscible_;
template <class Value>
static const Value solubilityLimit(unsigned pvtIdx, const Value& temperature, const Value& pressure, const Value& saltConcentration)
if (!isSolubleInWater())
return 0.0;
assert(isCO2Sol() || isH2Sol());
if (isCO2Sol())
return brineCo2Pvt().saturatedGasDissolutionFactor(pvtIdx, temperature, pressure, saltConcentration);
return brineH2Pvt().saturatedGasDissolutionFactor(pvtIdx, temperature, pressure, saltConcentration);
static bool isSolubleInWater()
return params_.rsSolw_active_;
static bool isCO2Sol()
return params_.co2sol_;
static bool isH2Sol()
return params_.h2sol_;
static BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar> params_; // the krg(Fs) column of the SSFN table
@ -683,8 +809,13 @@ public:
unsigned timeIdx)
const PrimaryVariables& priVars = elemCtx.primaryVars(dofIdx, timeIdx);
auto& fs = asImp_().fluidState_;
solventSaturation_ = 0.0;
if (priVars.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == PrimaryVariables::SolventMeaning::Ss) {
solventSaturation_ = priVars.makeEvaluation(solventSaturationIdx, timeIdx, elemCtx.linearizationType());
hydrocarbonSaturation_ = fs.saturation(gasPhaseIdx);
// apply a cut-off. Don't waste calculations if no solvent
@ -712,6 +843,16 @@ public:
auto& fs = asImp_().fluidState_;
fs.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, hydrocarbonSaturation_);
// update rsSolw. This needs to be done after the pressure is defined in the fluid state.
rsSolw_ = 0.0;
const PrimaryVariables& priVars = elemCtx.primaryVars(dofIdx, timeIdx);
if (priVars.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == PrimaryVariables::SolventMeaning::Ss) {
rsSolw_ = SolventModule::solubilityLimit(asImp_().pvtRegionIndex(), fs.temperature(waterPhaseIdx), fs.pressure(waterPhaseIdx), fs.saltConcentration());
} else if (priVars.primaryVarsMeaningSolvent() == PrimaryVariables::SolventMeaning::Rsolw) {
rsSolw_ = priVars.makeEvaluation(solventSaturationIdx, timeIdx, elemCtx.linearizationType());
solventMobility_ = 0.0;
// apply a cut-off. Don't waste calculations if no solvent
@ -726,7 +867,6 @@ public:
// compute capillary pressure for miscible fluid
const auto& problem = elemCtx.problem();
const PrimaryVariables& priVars = elemCtx.primaryVars(dofIdx, timeIdx);
Evaluation pgMisc = 0.0;
std::array<Evaluation, numPhases> pC;
const auto& materialParams = problem.materialLawParams(elemCtx, dofIdx, timeIdx);
@ -824,18 +964,58 @@ public:
unsigned timeIdx)
const auto& iq = asImp_();
const auto& fs = iq.fluidState();
const auto& solventPvt = SolventModule::solventPvt();
unsigned pvtRegionIdx = iq.pvtRegionIndex();
solventRefDensity_ = solventPvt.referenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
const Evaluation& T = fs.temperature(gasPhaseIdx);
const Evaluation& p = fs.pressure(gasPhaseIdx);
const Evaluation& T = iq.fluidState().temperature(gasPhaseIdx);
const Evaluation& p = iq.fluidState().pressure(gasPhaseIdx);
const Evaluation rv = 0.0;
const Evaluation rvw = 0.0;
if (SolventModule::isCO2Sol() || SolventModule::isH2Sol() ){
if (SolventModule::isCO2Sol()) {
const auto& co2gasPvt = SolventModule::co2GasPvt();
solventInvFormationVolumeFactor_ = co2gasPvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rv, rvw);
solventRefDensity_ = co2gasPvt.gasReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
solventViscosity_ = co2gasPvt.viscosity(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rv, rvw);
const auto& brineCo2Pvt = SolventModule::brineCo2Pvt();
auto& fs = asImp_().fluidState_;
const auto& bw = brineCo2Pvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rsSolw());
const auto denw = bw*brineCo2Pvt.waterReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx)
+ rsSolw()*bw*brineCo2Pvt.gasReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
fs.setDensity(waterPhaseIdx, denw);
fs.setInvB(waterPhaseIdx, bw);
Evaluation& mobw = asImp_().mobility_[waterPhaseIdx];
const auto& muWat = fs.viscosity(waterPhaseIdx);
const auto& muWatEff = brineCo2Pvt.viscosity(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rsSolw());
mobw *= muWat / muWatEff;
} else {
const auto& h2gasPvt = SolventModule::h2GasPvt();
solventInvFormationVolumeFactor_ = h2gasPvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rv, rvw);
solventRefDensity_ = h2gasPvt.gasReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
solventViscosity_ = h2gasPvt.viscosity(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rv, rvw);
const auto& brineH2Pvt = SolventModule::brineH2Pvt();
auto& fs = asImp_().fluidState_;
const auto& bw = brineH2Pvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rsSolw());
const auto denw = bw*brineH2Pvt.waterReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx)
+ rsSolw()*bw*brineH2Pvt.gasReferenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
fs.setDensity(waterPhaseIdx, denw);
fs.setInvB(waterPhaseIdx, bw);
Evaluation& mobw = asImp_().mobility_[waterPhaseIdx];
const auto& muWat = fs.viscosity(waterPhaseIdx);
const auto& muWatEff = brineH2Pvt.viscosity(pvtRegionIdx, T, p, rsSolw());
mobw *= muWat / muWatEff;
} else {
const auto& solventPvt = SolventModule::solventPvt();
solventInvFormationVolumeFactor_ = solventPvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx, T, p);
solventRefDensity_ = solventPvt.referenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
solventViscosity_ = solventPvt.viscosity(pvtRegionIdx, T, p);
solventDensity_ = solventInvFormationVolumeFactor_*solventRefDensity_;
solventViscosity_ = solventPvt.viscosity(pvtRegionIdx, T, p);
effectiveProperties(elemCtx, scvIdx, timeIdx);
solventMobility_ /= solventViscosity_;
@ -846,6 +1026,9 @@ public:
const Evaluation& solventSaturation() const
{ return solventSaturation_; }
const Evaluation& rsSolw() const
{ return rsSolw_; }
const Evaluation& solventDensity() const
{ return solventDensity_; }
@ -1036,6 +1219,7 @@ protected:
Evaluation hydrocarbonSaturation_;
Evaluation solventSaturation_;
Evaluation rsSolw_;
Evaluation solventDensity_;
Evaluation solventViscosity_;
Evaluation solventMobility_;
@ -1071,6 +1255,9 @@ public:
const Evaluation& solventSaturation() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("solventSaturation() called but solvents are disabled"); }
const Evaluation& rsSolw() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("rsSolw() called but solvents are disabled"); }
const Evaluation& solventDensity() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("solventDensity() called but solvents are disabled"); }
@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/SolventPvt.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/Co2GasPvt.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/H2GasPvt.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/BrineCo2Pvt.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/BrineH2Pvt.hpp>
#include <opm/material/common/Tabulated1DFunction.hpp>
namespace Opm {
@ -40,6 +45,19 @@ struct BlackOilSolventParams {
using SolventPvt = ::Opm::SolventPvt<Scalar>;
SolventPvt solventPvt_;
using Co2GasPvt = ::Opm::Co2GasPvt<Scalar>;
Co2GasPvt co2GasPvt_;
using H2GasPvt = ::Opm::H2GasPvt<Scalar>;
H2GasPvt h2GasPvt_;
using BrineCo2Pvt = ::Opm::BrineCo2Pvt<Scalar>;
BrineCo2Pvt brineCo2Pvt_;
using BrineH2Pvt = ::Opm::BrineH2Pvt<Scalar>;
BrineH2Pvt brineH2Pvt_;
std::vector<TabulatedFunction> ssfnKrg_; // the krg(Fs) column of the SSFN table
std::vector<TabulatedFunction> ssfnKrs_; // the krs(Fs) column of the SSFN table
std::vector<TabulatedFunction> sof2Krn_; // the krn(Sn) column of the SOF2 table
@ -55,6 +73,9 @@ struct BlackOilSolventParams {
std::vector<TabulatedFunction> tlPMixTable_; // the tlpmixpa(Po) column of the TLPMIXPA table
bool isMiscible_;
bool rsSolw_active_ = false;
bool co2sol_;
bool h2sol_;
* \brief Specify the number of satuation regions.
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ struct VtkBlackOilSolvent {};
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventSaturation { using type = UndefinedProperty; };
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventRsw { using type = UndefinedProperty; };
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventDensity { using type = UndefinedProperty; };
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventViscosity { using type = UndefinedProperty; };
@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ struct VtkWriteSolventMobility { using type = UndefinedProperty; };
template<class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventSaturation<TypeTag, TTag::VtkBlackOilSolvent> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template<class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventRsw<TypeTag, TTag::VtkBlackOilSolvent> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template<class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventDensity<TypeTag, TTag::VtkBlackOilSolvent> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template<class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteSolventViscosity<TypeTag, TTag::VtkBlackOilSolvent> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
@ -112,6 +116,9 @@ public:
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, VtkWriteSolventSaturation,
"Include the \"saturation\" of the solvent component "
"in the VTK output files");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, VtkWriteSolventRsw,
"Include the \"dissolved volume in water\" of the solvent component "
"in the VTK output files");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, VtkWriteSolventDensity,
"Include the \"density\" of the solvent component "
"in the VTK output files");
@ -137,6 +144,8 @@ public:
if (solventSaturationOutput_())
if (solventRswOutput_())
if (solventDensityOutput_())
if (solventViscosityOutput_())
@ -166,6 +175,10 @@ public:
solventSaturation_[globalDofIdx] =
if (solventRswOutput_())
solventRsw_[globalDofIdx] =
if (solventDensityOutput_())
solventDensity_[globalDofIdx] =
@ -195,6 +208,9 @@ public:
if (solventSaturationOutput_())
this->commitScalarBuffer_(baseWriter, "saturation_solvent", solventSaturation_);
if (solventRswOutput_())
this->commitScalarBuffer_(baseWriter, "dissolved_solvent", solventRsw_);
if (solventDensityOutput_())
this->commitScalarBuffer_(baseWriter, "density_solvent", solventDensity_);
@ -212,6 +228,12 @@ private:
return val;
static bool solventRswOutput_()
static bool val = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, VtkWriteSolventRsw);
return val;
static bool solventDensityOutput_()
static bool val = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, VtkWriteSolventDensity);
@ -231,6 +253,7 @@ private:
ScalarBuffer solventSaturation_;
ScalarBuffer solventRsw_;
ScalarBuffer solventDensity_;
ScalarBuffer solventViscosity_;
ScalarBuffer solventMobility_;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user