Multiple changes dealing with initialization. Work in progress.

- Moved simulator state class into its own file.
 - Using new initState...() methods in spu_2p.cpp
 - No longer controlled by 'scenario' parameter.
This commit is contained in:
Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen 2012-03-29 13:05:59 +02:00
parent 41979968ff
commit 5e78fc1c9f
2 changed files with 101 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/fluid/IncompPropertiesInterface.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm
class TwophaseState
void init(const UnstructuredGrid& g)
press_.resize(g.number_of_cells, 0.0);
fpress_.resize(g.number_of_faces, 0.0);
flux_.resize(g.number_of_faces, 0.0);
sat_.resize(2 * g.number_of_cells, 0.0);
enum ExtremalSat { MinSat, MaxSat };
void setWaterSat(const std::vector<int>& cells,
const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props,
ExtremalSat es)
const int n = cells.size();
std::vector<double> smin(2*n);
std::vector<double> smax(2*n);
props.satRange(n, &cells[0], &smin[0], &smax[0]);
const double* svals = (es == MinSat) ? &smin[0] : &smax[0];
for (int ci = 0; ci < n; ++ci) {
const int cell = cells[ci];
sat_[2*cell] = svals[2*ci];
sat_[2*cell + 1] = 1.0 - sat_[2*cell];
int numPhases() const
return 2;
std::vector<double>& pressure () { return press_ ; }
std::vector<double>& facepressure() { return fpress_; }
std::vector<double>& faceflux () { return flux_ ; }
std::vector<double>& saturation () { return sat_ ; }
const std::vector<double>& pressure () const { return press_ ; }
const std::vector<double>& facepressure() const { return fpress_; }
const std::vector<double>& faceflux () const { return flux_ ; }
const std::vector<double>& saturation () const { return sat_ ; }
std::vector<double> press_ ;
std::vector<double> fpress_;
std::vector<double> flux_ ;
std::vector<double> sat_ ;
} // namespace Opm

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@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ namespace Opm
if (state.numPhases() != 2) {
THROW("initStateTwophaseFromDeck(): state must have two phases.");
const int num_cells = props.numCells();
const bool convection_testcase = param.getDefault("convection_testcase", false);
const bool segregation_testcase = param.getDefault("segregation_testcase", false);
@ -179,6 +180,13 @@ namespace Opm
const double init_p = param.getDefault("ref_pressure", 100)*unit::barsa;
std::fill(state.pressure().begin(), state.pressure().end(), init_p);
} else if (segregation_testcase) {
// Warn against error-prone usage.
if (gravity == 0.0) {
std::cout << "**** Warning: running gravity segregation scenario, but gravity is zero." << std::endl;
if (grid.cartdims[2] <= 1) {
std::cout << "**** Warning: running gravity segregation scenario, which expects nz > 1." << std::endl;
// Initialise water saturation to max *above* water-oil contact.
const double woc = param.get<double>("water_oil_contact");
initWaterOilContact(grid, props, woc, WaterAbove, state);
@ -187,6 +195,13 @@ namespace Opm
double dens[2] = { props.density()[1], props.density()[0] };
initHydrostaticPressure(grid, dens, woc, gravity, woc, ref_p, state);
} else if (param.has("water_oil_contact")) {
// Warn against error-prone usage.
if (gravity == 0.0) {
std::cout << "**** Warning: running gravity convection scenario, but gravity is zero." << std::endl;
if (grid.cartdims[2] <= 1) {
std::cout << "**** Warning: running gravity convection scenario, which expects nz > 1." << std::endl;
// Initialise water saturation to max below water-oil contact.
const double woc = param.get<double>("water_oil_contact");
initWaterOilContact(grid, props, woc, WaterBelow, state);
@ -240,6 +255,7 @@ namespace Opm
if (state.numPhases() != 2) {
THROW("initStateTwophaseFromDeck(): state must have two phases.");
if (deck.hasField("EQUIL")) {
// Set saturations depending on oil-water contact.
const EQUIL& equil= deck.getEQUIL();