Remove makeOverlapInvalid

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andrthu 2019-12-04 15:43:31 +01:00
parent 0829d1fa3e
commit 5f68b71d0f

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@ -645,27 +645,6 @@ protected:
/// Zero out off-diagonal blocks on rows corresponding to overlap cells
/// Diagonal blocks on ovelap rows are set to diag(1.0).
void makeOverlapRowsInvalid(Matrix& ebosJacIgnoreOverlap) const
//value to set on diagonal
Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, numEq, numEq> diag_block(0.0);
for (int eq = 0; eq < numEq; ++eq)
diag_block[eq][eq] = 1.0;
//loop over precalculated overlap rows and columns
for (auto row = overlapRows_.begin(); row != overlapRows_.end(); row++ )
int lcell = *row;
// Zero out row.
ebosJacIgnoreOverlap[lcell] = 0.0;
//diagonal block set to diag(1.0).
ebosJacIgnoreOverlap[lcell][lcell] = diag_block;
/// Create sparsity pattern of matrix without off-diagonal ghost entries.
void noGhostAdjacency()