add OpenMP parallelized version of DILU.

Implement graphcoloring to expose rows in level sets that that can be
executed in parallel during the sparse triangular solves.
Add copy of A matrix that is reordered to ensure continuous memory reads
when traversing the matrix in level set order.
TODO: add number of threads available as constructor argument in DILU
This commit is contained in:
Tobias Meyer Andersen 2023-10-18 15:44:58 +02:00 committed by Arne Morten Kvarving
parent b00d3ca4bb
commit 5f6c97ff3b
4 changed files with 281 additions and 113 deletions

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@ -17,49 +17,87 @@
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/common/TimingMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/PreconditionerWithUpdate.hpp>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/common/unused.hh>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/GraphColoring.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <omp.h>
// TODO: rewrite factory and constructor to keep track of a number of threads variable
namespace Dune
/*! \brief The sequential DILU preconditioner.
/*! \brief The OpenMP thread parallelized DILU preconditioner.
* \details Safe to run serially without OpenMP. When run in parallel
the matrix is assumed to be symmetric.
\tparam M The matrix type to operate on
\tparam X Type of the update
\tparam Y Type of the defect
template <class M, class X, class Y>
class SeqDilu : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X, Y>
class MultithreadDILU : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X, Y>
//! \brief The matrix type the preconditioner is for.
using matrix_type = M;
//! \brief The domain type of the preconditioner.
using domain_type = X;
//! \brief The range type of the preconditioner.
using range_type = Y;
//! \brief The field type of the preconditioner.
using field_type = typename X::field_type;
//! \brief scalar type underlying the field_type
//! \brief The matrix type the preconditioner is for.
using matrix_type = M;
//! \brief The domain type of the preconditioner.
using domain_type = X;
//! \brief The range type of the preconditioner.
using range_type = Y;
//! \brief The field type of the preconditioner.
using field_type = typename X::field_type;
//! \brief scalar type underlying the field_type
/*! \brief Constructor.
Constructor gets all parameters to operate the prec.
/*! \brief Constructor gets all parameters to operate the prec.
\param A The matrix to operate on.
SeqDilu(const M& A)
MultithreadDILU(const M& A)
: A_(A)
, A_reordered_(M(A_.N(), A_.N(), A_.nonzeroes(), M::row_wise))
// TODO: rewrite so this value is set by an argument to the constructor
use_multithreading = omp_get_max_threads() > 1;
if (use_multithreading) {
//! Assuming symmetric matrices using a lower triangular coloring to construct
//! the levels is sufficient
level_sets_ = Opm::getMatrixRowColoring(A_, Opm::ColoringType::LOWER);
reordered_to_natural_ = std::vector<std::size_t>(A_.N());
natural_to_reorder_ = std::vector<std::size_t>(A_.N());
int globCnt = 0;
for (const auto& level_set : level_sets_) {
for (const auto j : level_set) {
reordered_to_natural_[globCnt] = j;
natural_to_reorder_[j] = globCnt++;
for (auto dst_row_it = A_reordered_.createbegin(); dst_row_it != A_reordered_.createend(); ++dst_row_it) {
auto src_row = A_.begin() + reordered_to_natural_[dst_row_it.index()];
// For eleemnts in A
for (auto elem = src_row->begin(); elem != src_row->end(); elem++) {
// the Dinv matrix must be initialised
@ -67,32 +105,13 @@ class SeqDilu : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X, Y>
\brief Update the preconditioner.
\copydoc Preconditioner::update()
virtual void update() override
void update() override
auto endi = A_.end();
for ( auto row = A_.begin(); row != endi; ++row) {
const auto row_i = row.index();
Dinv_[row_i] = A_[row_i][row_i];
for ( auto row = A_.begin(); row != endi; ++row)
const auto row_i = row.index();
auto Dinv_temp = Dinv_[row_i];
for (auto a_ij = row->begin(); a_ij.index() < row_i; ++a_ij)
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
const auto a_ji = A_[col_j].find(row_i);
// if A[i, j] != 0 and A[j, i] != 0
if (a_ji != A_[col_j].end()) {
// Dinv_temp -= A[i, j] * d[j] * A[j, i]
Dinv_temp -= (*a_ij) * Dune::FieldMatrix(Dinv_[col_j]) * (*a_ji);
Dinv_[row_i] = Dinv_temp;
if (use_multithreading) {
} else {
@ -100,7 +119,7 @@ class SeqDilu : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X, Y>
\brief Prepare the preconditioner.
\copydoc Preconditioner::pre(X&,Y&)
virtual void pre(X& v, Y& d) override
void pre(X& v, Y& d) override
@ -111,52 +130,13 @@ class SeqDilu : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X, Y>
\brief Apply the preconditioner.
\copydoc Preconditioner::apply(X&,const Y&)
virtual void apply(X& v, const Y& d) override
void apply(X& v, const Y& d) override
// M = (D + L_A) D^-1 (D + U_A) (a LU decomposition of M)
// where L_A and U_A are the strictly lower and upper parts of A and M has the properties:
// diag(A) = diag(M)
// Working with defect d = b - Ax and update v = x_{n+1} - x_n
// solving the product M^-1(d) using upper and lower triangular solve
// v = M^{-1}*d = (D + U_A)^{-1} D (D + L_A)^{-1} * d
using Xblock = typename X::block_type;
using Yblock = typename Y::block_type;
// lower triangular solve: (D + L_A) y = d
auto endi = A_.end();
for (auto row = A_.begin(); row != endi; ++row)
const auto row_i = row.index();
Yblock rhs = d[row_i];
for (auto a_ij = (*row).begin(); a_ij.index() < row_i; ++a_ij) {
// if A[i][j] != 0
// rhs -= A[i][j]* y[j], where v_j stores y_j
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
a_ij->mmv(v[col_j], rhs);
// y_i = Dinv_i * rhs
// storing y_i in v_i
Dinv_[row_i].mv(rhs, v[row_i]); // (D + L_A)_ii = D_i
// upper triangular solve: (D + U_A) v = Dy
auto rendi = A_.beforeBegin();
for (auto row = A_.beforeEnd(); row != rendi; --row)
const auto row_i = row.index();
// rhs = 0
Xblock rhs(0.0);
for (auto a_ij = (*row).beforeEnd(); a_ij.index() > row_i; --a_ij) {
// if A[i][j] != 0
// rhs += A[i][j]*v[j]
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
a_ij->umv(v[col_j], rhs);
// calculate update v = M^-1*d
// v_i = y_i - Dinv_i*rhs
// before update v_i is y_i
Dinv_[row_i].mmv(rhs, v[row_i]);
if (use_multithreading) {
parallelApply(v, d);
} else {
serialApply(v, d);
@ -164,11 +144,11 @@ class SeqDilu : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X, Y>
\brief Clean up.
\copydoc Preconditioner::post(X&)
virtual void post(X& x) override
void post(X& x) override
std::vector<typename M::block_type> getDiagonal()
return Dinv_;
@ -183,10 +163,198 @@ class SeqDilu : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X, Y>
//! \brief The matrix we operate on.
const M& A_;
//! \brief Copy of A_ that is reordered to store rows that can be computed simultaneously next to each other to
//! increase cache usage when multithreading
M A_reordered_;
//! \brief The inverse of the diagnal matrix
std::vector<typename M::block_type> Dinv_;
//! \brief SparseTable storing each row by level
Opm::SparseTable<std::size_t> level_sets_;
//! \brief converts from index in reordered structure to index natural ordered structure
std::vector<std::size_t> reordered_to_natural_;
//! \brief converts from index in natural ordered structure to index reordered strucutre
std::vector<std::size_t> natural_to_reorder_;
//! \brief Boolean value describing whether or not to use multithreaded version of functions
bool use_multithreading{false};
void serialUpdate()
for (std::size_t row = 0; row < A_.N(); ++row) {
Dinv_[row] = A_[row][row];
for (auto row = A_.begin(); row != A_.end(); ++row) {
const auto row_i = row.index();
auto Dinv_temp = Dinv_[row_i];
for (auto a_ij = row->begin(); a_ij.index() < row_i; ++a_ij) {
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
const auto a_ji = A_[col_j].find(row_i);
// if A[i, j] != 0 and A[j, i] != 0
if (a_ji != A_[col_j].end()) {
// Dinv_temp -= A[i, j] * d[j] * A[j, i]
Dinv_temp -= (*a_ij) * Dune::FieldMatrix(Dinv_[col_j]) * (*a_ji);
Dinv_[row_i] = Dinv_temp;
void parallelUpdate()
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
for (std::size_t row = 0; row != A_.N(); ++row) {
Dinv_[natural_to_reorder_[row]] = A_[row][row];
// TODO: is there a better/faster way of copying all values?
for (auto dst_row_it = A_reordered_.begin(); dst_row_it != A_reordered_.end(); ++dst_row_it) {
auto src_row = A_.begin() + reordered_to_natural_[dst_row_it.index()];
for (auto elem = src_row->begin(); elem != src_row->end(); elem++) {
A_reordered_[dst_row_it.index()][elem.index()] = *elem;
int level_start_idx = 0;
for (int level = 0; level < level_sets_.size(); ++level) {
const int num_of_rows_in_level = level_sets_[level].size();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int row_idx_in_level = 0; row_idx_in_level < num_of_rows_in_level; ++row_idx_in_level) {
auto row = A_reordered_.begin() + level_start_idx + row_idx_in_level;
const auto row_i = reordered_to_natural_[row.index()];
// auto Dinv_temp = Dinv_[row_i];
auto Dinv_temp = Dinv_[level_start_idx + row_idx_in_level];
for (auto a_ij = row->begin(); a_ij.index() < row_i; ++a_ij) {
const auto col_j = natural_to_reorder_[a_ij.index()];
const auto a_ji = A_reordered_[col_j].find(row_i);
if (a_ji != A_reordered_[col_j].end()) {
// Dinv_temp -= A[i, j] * d[j] * A[j, i]
Dinv_temp -= (*a_ij) * Dune::FieldMatrix(Dinv_[col_j]) * (*a_ji);
Dinv_[level_start_idx + row_idx_in_level] = Dinv_temp;
level_start_idx += num_of_rows_in_level;
void serialApply(X& v, const Y& d)
// M = (D + L_A) D^-1 (D + U_A) (a LU decomposition of M)
// where L_A and U_A are the strictly lower and upper parts of A and M has the properties:
// diag(A) = diag(M)
// Working with defect d = b - Ax and update v = x_{n+1} - x_n
// solving the product M^-1(d) using upper and lower triangular solve
// v = M^{-1}*d = (D + U_A)^{-1} D (D + L_A)^{-1} * d
// lower triangular solve: (D + L_A) y = d
using Xblock = typename X::block_type;
using Yblock = typename Y::block_type;
auto endi = A_.end();
for (auto row = A_.begin(); row != endi; ++row) {
const auto row_i = row.index();
Yblock rhs = d[row_i];
for (auto a_ij = (*row).begin(); a_ij.index() < row_i; ++a_ij) {
// if A[i][j] != 0
// rhs -= A[i][j]* y[j], where v_j stores y_j
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
a_ij->mmv(v[col_j], rhs);
// y_i = Dinv_i * rhs
// storing y_i in v_i
Dinv_[row_i].mv(rhs, v[row_i]); // (D + L_A)_ii = D_i
// upper triangular solve: (D + U_A) v = Dy
auto rendi = A_.beforeBegin();
for (auto row = A_.beforeEnd(); row != rendi; --row) {
const auto row_i = row.index();
// rhs = 0
Xblock rhs(0.0);
for (auto a_ij = (*row).beforeEnd(); a_ij.index() > row_i; --a_ij) {
// if A[i][j] != 0
// rhs += A[i][j]*v[j]
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
a_ij->umv(v[col_j], rhs);
// calculate update v = M^-1*d
// v_i = y_i - Dinv_i*rhs
// before update v_i is y_i
Dinv_[row_i].mmv(rhs, v[row_i]);
void parallelApply(X& v, const Y& d)
using Xblock = typename X::block_type;
using Yblock = typename Y::block_type;
int level_start_idx = 0;
for (int level = 0; level < level_sets_.size(); ++level) {
const int num_of_rows_in_level = level_sets_[level].size();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int row_idx_in_level = 0; row_idx_in_level < num_of_rows_in_level; ++row_idx_in_level) {
auto row = A_reordered_.begin() + level_start_idx + row_idx_in_level;
const auto row_i = reordered_to_natural_[row.index()];
Yblock rhs = d[row_i];
for (auto a_ij = (*row).begin(); a_ij.index() < row_i; ++a_ij) {
// if A[i][j] != 0
// rhs -= A[i][j]* y[j], where v_j stores y_j
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
a_ij->mmv(v[col_j], rhs);
// y_i = Dinv_i * rhs
// storing y_i in v_i
Dinv_[level_start_idx + row_idx_in_level].mv(rhs, v[row_i]); // (D + L_A)_ii = D_i
level_start_idx += num_of_rows_in_level;
int level_start_idx = A_.N();
// upper triangular solve: (D + U_A) v = Dy
for (int level = level_sets_.size() - 1; level >= 0; --level) {
const int num_of_rows_in_level = level_sets_[level].size();
level_start_idx -= num_of_rows_in_level;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int row_idx_in_level = num_of_rows_in_level - 1; row_idx_in_level >= 0; --row_idx_in_level) {
auto row = A_reordered_.begin() + level_start_idx + row_idx_in_level;
const auto row_i = reordered_to_natural_[row.index()];
Xblock rhs(0.0);
for (auto a_ij = (*row).beforeEnd(); a_ij.index() > row_i; --a_ij) {
// rhs += A[i][j]*v[j]
const auto col_j = a_ij.index();
a_ij->umv(v[col_j], rhs);
// calculate update v = M^-1*d
// v_i = y_i - Dinv_i*rhs
// before update v_i is y_i
Dinv_[level_start_idx + row_idx_in_level].mmv(rhs, v[row_i]);
} // namespace Dune

View File

@ -6,28 +6,28 @@
namespace Dune
template <class M, class X, class Y>
class SeqDilu;
class MultithreadDILU;
namespace Amg
* @brief Policy for the construction of the SeqDilu smoother
* @brief Policy for the construction of the MultithreadDILU smoother
template <class M, class X, class Y>
struct ConstructionTraits<SeqDilu<M, X, Y>> {
using Arguments = DefaultConstructionArgs<SeqDilu<M, X, Y>>;
struct ConstructionTraits<MultithreadDILU<M, X, Y>> {
using Arguments = DefaultConstructionArgs<MultithreadDILU<M, X, Y>>;
static inline std::shared_ptr<SeqDilu<M, X, Y>> construct(Arguments& args) {
return std::make_shared<SeqDilu<M, X, Y>>(args.getMatrix());
static inline std::shared_ptr<MultithreadDILU<M, X, Y>> construct(Arguments& args) {
return std::make_shared<MultithreadDILU<M, X, Y>>(args.getMatrix());
static inline SeqDilu<M, X, Y>* construct(Arguments& args) {
return new SeqDilu<M, X, Y>(args.getMatrix());
static inline MultithreadDILU<M, X, Y>* construct(Arguments& args) {
return new MultithreadDILU<M, X, Y>(args.getMatrix());
static void deconstruct(SeqDilu<M, X, Y>* dilu) {
static void deconstruct(MultithreadDILU<M, X, Y>* dilu) {
delete dilu;

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ struct StandardPreconditioners
F::addCreator("DILU", [](const O& op, const P& prm, const std::function<V()>&, std::size_t, const C& comm) {
return wrapBlockPreconditioner<SeqDilu<M, V, V>>(comm, op.getmat());
return wrapBlockPreconditioner<MultithreadDILU<M, V, V>>(comm, op.getmat());
F::addCreator("Jac", [](const O& op, const P& prm, const std::function<V()>&,
std::size_t, const C& comm) {
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ struct StandardPreconditioners
return prec;
else if (smoother == "DILU") {
using SeqSmoother = Dune::SeqDilu<M, V, V>;
using SeqSmoother = Dune::MultithreadDILU<M, V, V>;
using Smoother = Dune::BlockPreconditioner<V, V, C, SeqSmoother>;
using SmootherArgs = typename Dune::Amg::SmootherTraits<Smoother>::Arguments;
SmootherArgs sargs;
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ struct StandardPreconditioners<Operator,Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation>
F::addCreator("DILU", [](const O& op, const P& prm, const std::function<V()>&, std::size_t) {
return std::make_shared<SeqDilu<M, V, V>>(op.getmat());
return std::make_shared<MultithreadDILU<M, V, V>>(op.getmat());
F::addCreator("Jac", [](const O& op, const P& prm, const std::function<V()>&, std::size_t) {
const int n = prm.get<int>("repeats", 1);
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ struct StandardPreconditioners<Operator,Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation>
using Smoother = SeqJac<M, V, V>;
return AMGHelper<O,C,M,V>::template makeAmgPreconditioner<Smoother>(op, prm);
} else if (smoother == "DILU") {
using Smoother = SeqDilu<M, V, V>;
using Smoother = MultithreadDILU<M, V, V>;
return AMGHelper<O,C,M,V>::template makeAmgPreconditioner<Smoother>(op, prm);
} else if (smoother == "SOR") {
using Smoother = SeqSOR<M, V, V>;

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUDiagIsCorrect2x2NoZeros, T, NumericTypes)
// D_11 = A_11 - L_10 D_00_inv U_01
auto D_11 = A[1][1] - A[1][0] * D_00_inv * A[0][1];
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
auto Dinv = seqdilu.getDiagonal();
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUDiagIsCorrect2x2, T, NumericTypes)
// D_11 = A_11 - L_10 D_00_inv U_01 = A_11
auto D_11 = A[1][1];
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
auto Dinv = seqdilu.getDiagonal();
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUApplyIsCorrectNoZeros, T, NumericTypes)
Vector new_x = x;
new_x += z;
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
seqdilu.apply(x, b);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUApplyIsCorrect1, T, NumericTypes)
Vector new_x = x;
new_x += z;
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
seqdilu.apply(x, b);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUApplyIsCorrect2, T, NumericTypes)
Vector new_x = x;
new_x += z;
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
seqdilu.apply(x, b);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUDiagIsCorrect3x3, T, NumericTypes)
auto D_22_inv = D_22;
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
auto Dinv = seqdilu.getDiagonal();
// diagonal stores inverse
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUApplyIsCorrect3, T, NumericTypes)
Vector new_x = x;
new_x += z;
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
seqdilu.apply(x, b);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SeqDILUApplyIsEqualToDuneSeqILUApply, T, NumericTy
A[1][1][1][1] = -1.0;
Dune::SeqDilu<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::MultithreadDILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqdilu(A);
Dune::SeqILU<Matrix, Vector, Vector> seqilu(A, 1.0);
Vector dilu_x(2);