mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,10 +205,6 @@ try
outputWriter.writeTimeStep(simtimer, state, well_state.basicWellState());
// added by Paean
// std::cout << " output in sim_fibo 1 " << std::endl;
// std::cin.ignore();
// added by Paean end
// Create and run simulator.
SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil<UnstructuredGrid> simulator(param,
@ -223,10 +219,6 @@ try
outputWriter.writeTimeStep(simtimer, state, well_state.basicWellState());
// added by Paean
// std::cout << " output in sim_fibo 2 " << std::endl;
// std::cin.ignore();
// added by Paean end
fullReport += episodeReport;
@ -160,9 +160,6 @@ namespace Opm {
void computeWellConnectionPressures(const SolutionState& state,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw);
addOldWellEq(const SolutionState& state);
addWellControlEq(const SolutionState& state,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw,
@ -265,6 +262,10 @@ namespace Opm {
classifyCondition(const BlackoilState& state);
/// Compute convergence based on total mass balance (tol_mb) and maximum
/// residual mass balance (tol_cnv).
bool getConvergence(const double dt);
} // namespace Opm
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include <opm/core/simulator/BlackoilState.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
#include <opm/core/well_controls.h>
#include <cassert>
@ -256,19 +257,22 @@ namespace {
computeWellConnectionPressures(state, xw);
const double atol = 1.0e-12;
const double rtol = 5.0e-8;
const int maxit = 15;
assemble(pvdt, x, xw);
bool converged = false;
const double r0 = residualNorm();
converged = getConvergence(dt);
int it = 0;
std::cout << "\nIteration Residual\n"
<< std::setw(9) << it << std::setprecision(9)
<< std::setw(18) << r0 << std::endl;
bool resTooLarge = r0 > atol;
while (resTooLarge && (it < maxit)) {
while ((!converged) && (it < maxit)) {
const V dx = solveJacobianSystem();
updateState(dx, x, xw);
@ -277,14 +281,14 @@ namespace {
const double r = residualNorm();
resTooLarge = (r > atol) && (r > rtol*r0);
converged = getConvergence(dt);
it += 1;
std::cout << std::setw(9) << it << std::setprecision(9)
<< std::setw(18) << r << std::endl;
if (resTooLarge) {
if (!converged) {
std::cerr << "Failed to compute converged solution in " << it << " iterations. Ignoring!\n";
// OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Failed to compute converged solution in " << it << " iterations.");
@ -1138,128 +1142,6 @@ namespace {
template<class T>
void FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver<T>::addOldWellEq(const SolutionState& state)
// -------- Well equation, and well contributions to the mass balance equations --------
// Contribution to mass balance will have to wait.
const int nc = numCells(grid_);
const int np = wells_.number_of_phases;
const int nw = wells_.number_of_wells;
const int nperf = wells_.well_connpos[nw];
const std::vector<int> well_cells(wells_.well_cells, wells_.well_cells + nperf);
const V transw = Eigen::Map<const V>(wells_.WI, nperf);
const ADB& bhp = state.bhp;
const DataBlock well_s = wops_.w2p * Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(wells_.comp_frac, nw, np).matrix();
// Extract variables for perforation cell pressures
// and corresponding perforation well pressures.
const ADB p_perfcell = subset(state.pressure, well_cells);
// Finally construct well perforation pressures and well flows.
// Compute well pressure differentials.
// Construct pressure difference vector for wells.
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const int dim = dimensions(grid_);
const double* g = geo_.gravity();
if (g) {
// Guard against gravity in anything but last dimension.
for (int dd = 0; dd < dim - 1; ++dd) {
assert(g[dd] == 0.0);
// make a copy of the phaseConditions
std::vector<PhasePresence> cond = phaseCondition_;
ADB cell_rho_total = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nc), state.pressure.blockPattern());
for (int phase = 0; phase < 3; ++phase) {
if (active_[phase]) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
const ADB cell_rho = fluidDensity(phase, state.pressure, state.rs, state.rv,cond, cells_);
cell_rho_total += state.saturation[pos] * cell_rho;
ADB inj_rho_total = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nperf), state.pressure.blockPattern());
assert(np == wells_.number_of_phases);
const DataBlock compi = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(wells_.comp_frac, nw, np);
for (int phase = 0; phase < 3; ++phase) {
if (active_[phase]) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
const ADB cell_rho = fluidDensity(phase, state.pressure, state.rs, state.rv,cond, cells_);
const V fraction = compi.col(pos);
inj_rho_total += (wops_.w2p * fraction.matrix()).array() * subset(cell_rho, well_cells);
const V rho_perf_cell = subset(cell_rho_total, well_cells).value();
const V rho_perf_well = inj_rho_total.value();
V prodperfs = V::Constant(nperf, -1.0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if (wells_.type[w] == PRODUCER) {
std::fill(prodperfs.data() + wells_.well_connpos[w],
prodperfs.data() + wells_.well_connpos[w+1], 1.0);
const Selector<double> producer(prodperfs);
const V rho_perf = producer.select(rho_perf_cell, rho_perf_well);
const V well_perf_dp = computePerfPress(grid_, wells_, rho_perf, g ? g[dim-1] : 0.0);
const ADB p_perfwell = wops_.w2p * bhp + well_perf_dp;
const ADB nkgradp_well = transw * (p_perfcell - p_perfwell);
// DUMP(nkgradp_well);
const Selector<double> cell_to_well_selector(nkgradp_well.value());
ADB well_rates_all = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nw*np), state.bhp.blockPattern());
ADB perf_total_mob = subset(rq_[0].mob, well_cells);
for (int phase = 1; phase < np; ++phase) {
perf_total_mob += subset(rq_[phase].mob, well_cells);
std::vector<ADB> well_contribs(np, ADB::null());
std::vector<ADB> well_perf_rates(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const ADB& cell_b = rq_[phase].b;
const ADB perf_b = subset(cell_b, well_cells);
const ADB& cell_mob = rq_[phase].mob;
const V well_fraction = compi.col(phase);
// Using total mobilities for all phases for injection.
const ADB perf_mob_injector = (wops_.w2p * well_fraction.matrix()).array() * perf_total_mob;
const ADB perf_mob = producer.select(subset(cell_mob, well_cells),
const ADB perf_flux = perf_mob * (nkgradp_well); // No gravity term for perforations.
well_perf_rates[phase] = (perf_flux*perf_b);
const ADB well_rates = wops_.p2w * well_perf_rates[phase];
well_rates_all += superset(well_rates, Span(nw, 1, phase*nw), nw*np);
// const ADB well_contrib = superset(perf_flux*perf_b, well_cells, nc);
well_contribs[phase] = superset(perf_flux*perf_b, well_cells, nc);
// DUMP(well_contribs[phase]);
residual_.material_balance_eq[phase] += well_contribs[phase];
if (active_[Gas] && active_[Oil]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
const ADB rs_perf = subset(state.rs, well_cells);
const ADB rv_perf = subset(state.rv, well_cells);
well_rates_all += superset(wops_.p2w * (well_perf_rates[oilpos]*rs_perf), Span(nw, 1, gaspos*nw), nw*np);
well_rates_all += superset(wops_.p2w * (well_perf_rates[gaspos]*rv_perf), Span(nw, 1, oilpos*nw), nw*np);
// DUMP(well_contribs[gaspos] + well_contribs[oilpos]*state.rs);
residual_.material_balance_eq[gaspos] += well_contribs[oilpos]*state.rs;
residual_.material_balance_eq[oilpos] += well_contribs[gaspos]*state.rv;
// Set the well flux equation
residual_.well_flux_eq = state.qs + well_rates_all;
// DUMP(residual_.well_flux_eq);
template<class T>
V FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver<T>::solveJacobianSystem() const
@ -1706,6 +1588,93 @@ namespace {
template<class T>
FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver<T>::getConvergence(const double dt)
const double tol_mb = 1.0e-7;
const double tol_cnv = 1.0e-3;
const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const V pv = geo_.poreVolume();
const double pvSum = pv.sum();
const std::vector<PhasePresence> cond = phaseCondition();
double CNVW = 0.;
double CNVO = 0.;
double CNVG = 0.;
double RW_sum = 0.;
double RO_sum = 0.;
double RG_sum = 0.;
double BW_avg = 0.;
double BO_avg = 0.;
double BG_avg = 0.;
if (active_[Water]) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
const ADB& tempBW = rq_[pos].b;
V BW = 1./tempBW.value();
V RW = residual_.material_balance_eq[Water].value();
BW_avg = BW.sum()/nc;
const V tempV = RW.abs()/pv;
CNVW = BW_avg * dt * tempV.maxCoeff();
RW_sum = RW.sum();
if (active_[Oil]) {
// Omit the disgas here. We should add it.
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const ADB& tempBO = rq_[pos].b;
V BO = 1./tempBO.value();
V RO = residual_.material_balance_eq[Oil].value();
BO_avg = BO.sum()/nc;
const V tempV = RO.abs()/pv;
CNVO = BO_avg * dt * tempV.maxCoeff();
RO_sum = RO.sum();
if (active_[Gas]) {
// Omit the vapoil here. We should add it.
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
const ADB& tempBG = rq_[pos].b;
V BG = 1./tempBG.value();
V RG = residual_.material_balance_eq[Gas].value();
BG_avg = BG.sum()/nc;
const V tempV = RG.abs()/pv;
CNVG = BG_avg * dt * tempV.maxCoeff();
RG_sum = RG.sum();
double tempValue = tol_mb * pvSum /dt;
bool converged_MB = (fabs(BW_avg*RW_sum) < tempValue)
&& (fabs(BO_avg*RO_sum) < tempValue)
&& (fabs(BG_avg*RG_sum) < tempValue);
bool converged_CNV = (CNVW < tol_cnv) && (CNVO < tol_cnv) && (CNVG < tol_cnv);
double residualWellFlux = residual_.well_flux_eq.value().matrix().template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>();
double residualWell = residual_.well_eq.value().matrix().template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>();
bool converged_Well = (residualWellFlux < 1./Opm::unit::day) && (residualWell < Opm::unit::barsa);
bool converged = converged_MB && converged_CNV && converged_Well;
std::cout << " CNVW " << CNVW << " CNVO " << CNVO << " CNVG " << CNVG << std::endl;
std::cout << " converged_MB " << converged_MB << " converged_CNV " << converged_CNV
<< " converged_Well " << converged_Well << " converged " << converged << std::endl;
return converged;
template<class T>
@ -277,10 +277,6 @@ namespace Opm
outputWellStateMatlab(well_state,timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);
// added by Paean
// std::cout << " output in simulator 1 " << std::endl;
// std::cin.ignore();
// added by Paean end
SimulatorReport sreport;
@ -345,10 +341,6 @@ namespace Opm
outputWellStateMatlab(well_state,timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);
// added by Paean
// std::cout << " output in simulator 2 " << std::endl;
// std::cin.ignore();
// added by Paean end
// advance to next timestep before reporting at this location
// ++timer; // Commented out since this has temporarily moved to the main() function.
Reference in New Issue
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