mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Refactor computeWellFlux().
Now much faster, avoiding repeated use of subset() etc. by vectorization of code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ namespace Opm {
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> p2s; // perf -> segment (gather)
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> s2s_inlets; // segment -> its inlet segments
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> s2s_outlet; // segment -> its outlet segment
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> topseg2w; // top segment -> well
std::vector<int> well_cells; // the set of perforated cells
V conn_trans_factors; // connection transmissibility factors
@ -108,16 +108,6 @@ namespace Opm {
template <class Grid>
MultiSegmentWellOps::MultiSegmentWellOps(const std::vector<WellMultiSegmentConstPtr>& wells_ms)
: p2w(),
if (wells_ms.empty()) {
@ -184,10 +174,12 @@ namespace Opm {
s2s_outlet = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(total_nseg, total_nseg);
s2w = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(nw, total_nseg);
w2s = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(total_nseg, nw);
topseg2w = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(nw, total_nseg);
std::vector<Tri> s2s_inlets_vector;
std::vector<Tri> s2s_outlet_vector;
std::vector<Tri> s2w_vector;
std::vector<Tri> w2s_vector;
std::vector<Tri> topseg2w_vector;
@ -199,6 +191,9 @@ namespace Opm {
const int seg_ind = seg_start + seg;
w2s_vector.push_back(Tri(seg_ind, w, 1.0));
s2w_vector.push_back(Tri(w, seg_ind, 1.0));
if (seg == 0) {
topseg2w_vector.push_back(Tri(w, seg_ind, 1.0));
int seg_outlet = wells_ms[w]->outletSegment()[seg];
if (seg_outlet >= 0) {
const int outlet_ind = seg_start + seg_outlet;
@ -213,6 +208,7 @@ namespace Opm {
s2s_outlet.setFromTriplets(s2s_outlet_vector.begin(), s2s_outlet_vector.end());
w2s.setFromTriplets(w2s_vector.begin(), w2s_vector.end());
s2w.setFromTriplets(s2w_vector.begin(), s2w_vector.end());
topseg2w.setFromTriplets(topseg2w_vector.begin(), topseg2w_vector.end());
w2p = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(total_nperf, nw);
p2w = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(nw, total_nperf);
@ -354,7 +350,6 @@ namespace Opm {
// Note that some of the complexity of this part is due to the function
// taking std::vector<double> arguments, and not Eigen objects.
const int nperf_total = xw.numPerforations();
const int nseg_total = xw.numSegments();
const int nw = xw.numWells();
// the well cells for multisegment wells and non-segmented wells should be counted seperatedly
@ -444,7 +439,7 @@ namespace Opm {
// std::cout << " the bhp value is " << state.segp.value()[start_segment];
start_segment += nseg;
assert(start_segment == nseg_total);
assert(start_segment == xw.numSegments());
#if 0
std::cout << " state.segp " << std::endl;
@ -748,31 +743,22 @@ namespace Opm {
const int nw = wellsMultiSegment().size();
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
int start_perforation = 0;
int start_segment = 0;
aliveWells = V::Constant(nw, 1.0);
// temporary, no place to store the information about total perforations and segments
int total_nperf = 0;
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
total_nperf += wellsMultiSegment()[w]->numberOfPerforations();
const int np = numPhases();
const int nseg = wops_ms_.s2p.cols();
const int nperf = wops_ms_.s2p.rows();
cq_s.resize(np, ADB::null());
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
cq_s[p] = ADB::constant(V::Zero(total_nperf));
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
WellMultiSegmentConstPtr well = wellsMultiSegment()[w];
const int nseg = well->numberOfSegments();
const int nperf = well->numberOfPerforations();
// for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
// WellMultiSegmentConstPtr well = wellsMultiSegment()[w];
V Tw = Eigen::Map<const V>(well->wellIndex().data(), nperf);
const std::vector<int>& well_cells = well->wellCells();
// V Tw = Eigen::Map<const V>(well->wellIndex().data(), nperf);
const V& Tw = wops_ms_.conn_trans_factors;
// const std::vector<int>& well_cells = well->wellCells();
const std::vector<int>& well_cells = wops_ms_.well_cells;
// extract mob_perfcells and b_perfcells.
std::vector<ADB> mob_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
@ -788,43 +774,33 @@ namespace Opm {
const ADB& rs_perfcells = subset(state.rs, well_cells);
const ADB& rv_perfcells = subset(state.rv, well_cells);
const ADB& seg_pressures = subset(state.segp, Span(nseg, 1, start_segment));
// const ADB& seg_pressures = subset(state.segp, Span(nseg, 1, start_segment));
const ADB& seg_pressures = state.segp;
ADB drawdown = ADB::null();
// const ADB seg_pressures_perf = well->wellOps().s2p * seg_pressures;
const ADB seg_pressures_perf = wops_ms_.s2p * seg_pressures;
const ADB seg_pressures_perf = well->wellOps().s2p * seg_pressures;
if (well->isMultiSegmented())
// get H_nc
const ADB& h_nc = subset(well_segment_perforation_pressure_diffs_, Span(nperf, 1, start_perforation));
const V& h_cj = subset(well_perforation_cell_pressure_diffs_, Span(nperf, 1, start_perforation));
// V seg_pressures_perf = V::Zero(nperf);
// for (int i = 0; i < nseg; ++i) {
// int temp_nperf = well->segmentPerforations()[i].size();
// assert(temp_nperf > 0);
// for (int j = 0; j < temp_nperf; ++j) {
// int index_perf = well->segmentPerforations()[i][j];
// assert(index_perf <= nperf);
// set the perforation pressure to be the segment pressure
// similiar to a scatter operation
// seg_pressures_perf[index_perf] = seg_pressures.value()[i];
// }
// }
drawdown = (p_perfcells + h_cj - seg_pressures_perf - h_nc);
// Create selector for perforations of multi-segment vs. regular wells.
V is_multisegment_well(nw);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
is_multisegment_well[w] = double(wellsMultiSegment()[w]->isMultiSegmented());
// usual wells
// only one segment each
const V& cdp = subset(well_perforation_pressure_diffs_, Span(nperf, 1, start_perforation));
// Take one flag per well and expand to one flag per perforation.
V is_multisegment_perf = wops_.w2p * is_multisegment_well.matrix();
Selector<double> msperf_selector(is_multisegment_perf, Selector<double>::NotEqualZero);
const ADB perf_pressures = well->wellOps().s2p * seg_pressures + cdp;
// Compute drawdown.
const ADB h_nc = msperf_selector.select(well_segment_perforation_pressure_diffs_,
const V h_cj = msperf_selector.select(well_perforation_cell_pressure_diffs_, V::Zero(nperf));
ADB drawdown = (p_perfcells + h_cj - seg_pressures_perf - h_nc);
// ADB h_cj_ad = ADB::constant(h_cj);
// OPM_AD_DUMPVAL(h_cj_ad);
// OPM_AD_DUMPVAL(h_nc);
// OPM_AD_DUMPVAL(drawdown);
// exit(0);
drawdown = p_perfcells - perf_pressures;
// selects injection perforations
V selectInjectingPerforations = V::Zero(nperf);
@ -884,22 +860,21 @@ namespace Opm {
// TODO: involves one operations that are not valid now. (i.e. how to transverse from the leaves to the root,
// TODO: although we can begin from the brutal force way)
const std::vector<double>& compi = well->compFrac();
// TODO: stop using wells() here.
const DataBlock compi = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(wells().comp_frac, nw, np);
// const std::vector<double>& compi = well->compFrac();
std::vector<ADB> wbq(np, ADB::null());
ADB wbqt = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nseg));
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
// const ADB& q_ps = well->wellOps().p2s * cq_ps[phase];
const ADB& q_ps = well->wellOps().p2s_gather * cq_ps[phase];
const int n_total_segments = state.segp.size();
const ADB& q_s = subset(state.segqs, Span(nseg, 1, phase * n_total_segments + start_segment));
const ADB& q_ps = wops_ms_.p2s * cq_ps[phase];
const ADB& q_s = subset(state.segqs, Span(nseg, 1, phase * nseg));
Selector<double> injectingPhase_selector(q_s.value(), Selector<double>::GreaterZero);
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
// this is per segment
wbq[phase] = (compi[pos] * injectingPhase_selector.select(q_s, ADB::constant(V::Zero(nseg)))) - q_ps;
wbq[phase] = (compi.col(pos) * injectingPhase_selector.select(q_s, ADB::constant(V::Zero(nseg)))) - q_ps;
// TODO: it should be a single value for this certain well.
// TODO: it need to be changed later to handle things more consistently
@ -907,28 +882,29 @@ namespace Opm {
wbqt += wbq[phase];
// Set aliveWells.
// the first value of the wbqt is the one to decide if the well is dead
// or there should be some dead segments?
// maybe not.
if (wbqt.value()[0] == 0.) {
aliveWells[w] = 0.;
int topseg = 0;
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if (wbqt.value()[topseg] == 0.0) { // yes we really mean == here, no fuzzyness
aliveWells[w] = 0.0;
topseg += wells_multisegment_[w]->numberOfSegments();
// compute wellbore mixture at standard conditons
// compute wellbore mixture at standard conditions.
// before, the determination of alive wells is based on wells.
// now, will there be any dead segment? I think no.
std::vector<ADB> cmix_s(np, ADB::constant(V::Zero(nperf)));
if (aliveWells[w] > 0.) {
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
// const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
// TODO: make sure wheter phase or pos be required here.
cmix_s[phase] = well->wellOps().s2p * (wbq[phase] / wbqt);
} else {
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
cmix_s[phase] += ADB::constant(V::Zero(nperf) + compi[pos]);
std::vector<ADB> cmix_s(np, ADB::null());
Selector<double> aliveWells_selector(aliveWells, Selector<double>::NotEqualZero);
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
const ADB phase_fraction = wops_ms_.topseg2w * (wbq[phase] / wbqt);
cmix_s[phase] = wops_.w2p * aliveWells_selector.select(phase_fraction, ADB::constant(compi.col(pos)));
// compute volume ration between connection at standard conditions
@ -953,11 +929,8 @@ namespace Opm {
// connection phase volumerates at standard conditions
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
cq_s[phase] += superset(cq_ps[phase] + cmix_s[phase]*cqt_is, Span(nperf, 1, start_perforation), total_nperf);
cq_s[phase] = cq_ps[phase] + cmix_s[phase]*cqt_is;
start_perforation += nperf;
start_segment += nseg;
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