mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 21:40:28 -06:00
Refactor Perforation Pressure Property Helper Function
In particular, split the sections of the main loop out to helper functions - calculatePerforationOutflow() uses the global container factory to compute the outflow from each connection - initialiseConnectionMixture() computes the 'mix' array depending on the local flowing conditions of the connection. We have renamed 'x' and 'mix' arrays to 'currentMixture' and 'previousMixture' respectively to give more descriptive names in the process. We've also split out the redistribution of the individual phases to the new private helper functions reapportionGasOilMixture() and reapportionGasWaterMixture() in order to reduce the cognitive load of the main loop in computePropertiesForPressures(). While here, employ pointer arithmetic to expose the underlying structure of the assignment expressions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,13 +33,128 @@
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLoggingErrorHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/ParallelWellInfo.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/PerfData.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellInterfaceIndices.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellState.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
namespace {
// Component and phase rates/mixtures at surface conditions are linked as
// [ componentMixture[oilpos] ] [ 1 Rv 0 ] [ phaseMixture[oilpos] ]
// [ componentMixture[gaspos] ] = [ Rs 1 Rsw ] [ phaseMixture[gaspos] ]
// [ componentMixture[waterpos] ] [ 0 Rvw 1 ] [ phaseMixture[waterpos ]
// The reapportion*Mixture() functions calculates phase rates/mixtures
// in the oil/gas and gas/water systems, respectively, based on known
// component rates/mixtures.
template <typename Scalar, typename Properties>
void reapportionGasOilMixture(std::string_view well,
const typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type gaspos,
const typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type oilpos,
const typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type perf,
const Properties& props,
const std::vector<Scalar>& componentMixture,
std::vector<Scalar>& phaseMixture,
Opm::DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
const auto threshold = static_cast<Scalar>(1.0e-12);
Scalar rs {0};
if (!props.rsmax_perf.empty() && (componentMixture[oilpos] > threshold)) {
rs = std::min(componentMixture[gaspos] / componentMixture[oilpos], props.rsmax_perf[perf]);
Scalar rv {0};
if (!props.rvmax_perf.empty() && (componentMixture[gaspos] > threshold)) {
rv = std::min(componentMixture[oilpos] / componentMixture[gaspos], props.rvmax_perf[perf]);
const Scalar denom = Scalar{1} - rs*rv;
if (! (denom > Scalar{0})) {
const auto msg = fmt::format(R"(Problematic denominator value {} for well {}.
Connection density calculation with (Rs, Rv) = ({}, {}).
Proceeding as if no dissolution or vaporisation for this connection)",
denom, well, rs, rv);
else {
if (rs > Scalar{0}) {
// Subtract gas in oil from gas mixture.
phaseMixture[gaspos] =
(componentMixture[gaspos] - componentMixture[oilpos]*rs) / denom;
if (rv > Scalar{0}) {
// Subtract oil in gas from oil mixture.
phaseMixture[oilpos] =
(componentMixture[oilpos] - componentMixture[gaspos]*rv) / denom;
template <typename Scalar, typename Properties>
void reapportionGasWaterMixture(std::string_view well,
const typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type gaspos,
const typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type waterpos,
const typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type perf,
const Properties& props,
const std::vector<Scalar>& componentMixture,
std::vector<Scalar>& phaseMixture,
Opm::DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
const auto threshold = static_cast<Scalar>(1.0e-12);
Scalar rvw {0};
if (!props.rvwmax_perf.empty() && (componentMixture[gaspos] > threshold)) {
rvw = std::min(componentMixture[waterpos] / componentMixture[gaspos], props.rvwmax_perf[perf]);
Scalar rsw {0};
if (!props.rswmax_perf.empty() && (componentMixture[waterpos] > threshold)) {
rsw = std::min(componentMixture[gaspos] / componentMixture[waterpos], props.rswmax_perf[perf]);
const Scalar d = Scalar{1} - rsw*rvw;
if (! (d > Scalar{0})) {
const auto msg = fmt::format(R"(Problematic denominator value {} for well {}.
Connection density calculation with (Rsw, Rvw) = ({}, {}).
Proceeding as if no dissolution or vaporisation for this connection)",
d, well, rsw, rvw);
else {
if (rsw > Scalar{0}) {
// Subtract gas in water from gas mixture
phaseMixture[gaspos] =
(componentMixture[gaspos] - componentMixture[waterpos]*rsw) / d;
if (rvw > Scalar{0}) {
// Subtract water in gas from water mixture
phaseMixture[waterpos] =
(componentMixture[waterpos] - componentMixture[gaspos]*rvw) / d;
} // Anonymous namespace
namespace Opm
@ -95,194 +210,212 @@ computeDensities(const std::vector<Scalar>& perfComponentRates,
const Properties& props,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger)
// Verify that we have consistent input.
const int nperf = well_.numPerfs();
const int num_comp = well_.numComponents();
using Ix = typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type;
// 1. Compute the flow (in surface volume units for each
// component) exiting up the wellbore from each perforation,
// taking into account flow from lower in the well, and
// in/out-flow at each perforation.
std::vector<Scalar> q_out_perf((nperf)*num_comp, 0.0);
const auto activeGas = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx);
const auto activeOil = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx);
const auto activeWater = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx);
// Step 1 depends on the order of the perforations. Hence we need to
// do the modifications globally.
// Create and get the global perforation information and do this sequentially
// on each process
// The *pos objects are unused unless the corresponding phase is active.
// Therefore, it's safe to have -1 (== numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) be
// their value in that case.
const auto gaspos = activeGas
? static_cast<Ix>(Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::gasCompIdx))
: static_cast<Ix>(-1);
const auto oilpos = activeOil
? static_cast<Ix>(Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::oilCompIdx))
: static_cast<Ix>(-1);
const auto waterpos = activeWater
? static_cast<Ix>(Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::waterCompIdx))
: static_cast<Ix>(-1);
const int nperf = this->well_.numPerfs();
const int num_comp = this->well_.numComponents();
// 1. Compute the flow (in surface volume units for each component)
// exiting up the wellbore from each perforation, taking into account
// flow from lower in the well, and in/out-flow at each perforation.
const auto q_out_perf = this->calculatePerforationOutflow(perfComponentRates);
// 2. Compute the component mixture at each perforation as the absolute
// values of the surface rates divided by their sum. Then compute
// volume ratios (formation factors) for each perforation. Finally
// compute densities for the segments associated with each
// perforation.
auto componentMixture = std::vector<Scalar>(num_comp, Scalar{0});
auto phaseMixture = std::vector<Scalar>(num_comp, Scalar{0});
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
this->initialiseConnectionMixture(num_comp, perf,
// Initial phase mixture for this perforation is the same as the
// initialised component mixture, which in turn is possibly just
// copied from the phase mixture of the previous perforation (i.e.,
// "perf - 1").
phaseMixture = componentMixture;
// Separate components based on flowing rates.
if (activeGas && activeOil) {
reapportionGasOilMixture(this->well_.name(), gaspos, oilpos, perf,
props, componentMixture, phaseMixture,
if (activeGas && activeWater) {
reapportionGasWaterMixture(this->well_.name(), gaspos, waterpos, perf,
props, componentMixture, phaseMixture,
// Compute connection level mixture density as a weighted average of
// phase densities.
const auto* const rho_s = &props.surf_dens_perf[perf*num_comp + 0];
const auto* const b = &props.b_perf [perf*num_comp + 0];
auto& rho = this->perf_densities_[perf];
auto volrat = rho = Scalar{0};
for (auto comp = 0*num_comp; comp < num_comp; ++comp) {
rho += componentMixture[comp] * rho_s[comp];
volrat += phaseMixture [comp] / b [comp];
rho /= volrat;
template <class FluidSystem, class Indices>
std::vector<typename StandardWellConnections<FluidSystem, Indices>::Scalar>
StandardWellConnections<FluidSystem, Indices>::
calculatePerforationOutflow(const std::vector<Scalar>& perfComponentRates) const
const int nperf = this->well_.numPerfs();
const int num_comp = this->well_.numComponents();
auto q_out_perf = std::vector<Scalar>(nperf * num_comp, Scalar{0});
// Component flow rates depend on the order of the perforations. Thus,
// we must use the global view of the well's perforation to get an
// accurate picture of the component flow rates at the perforation
// level.
const auto& factory = this->well_.parallelWellInfo()
const auto& factory = well_.parallelWellInfo().getGlobalPerfContainerFactory();
auto global_q_out_perf = factory.createGlobal(q_out_perf, num_comp);
auto global_perf_comp_rates = factory.createGlobal(perfComponentRates, num_comp);
// TODO: investigate whether we should use the following techniques to calcuate the composition of flows in the wellbore
// Iterate over well perforations from bottom to top.
const auto global_perf_comp_rates = factory
.createGlobal(perfComponentRates, num_comp);
// TODO: Investigate whether we should use the following techniques to
// calcuate the composition of flows in the wellbore. Iterate over well
// perforations from bottom to top.
for (int perf = factory.numGlobalPerfs() - 1; perf >= 0; --perf) {
for (int component = 0; component < num_comp; ++component) {
auto index = perf * num_comp + component;
if (perf == factory.numGlobalPerfs() - 1) {
// This is the bottom perforation. No flow from below.
global_q_out_perf[index] = 0.0;
} else {
// Set equal to flow from below.
global_q_out_perf[index] = global_q_out_perf[index + num_comp];
const auto index = perf*num_comp + component;
auto& q_out = global_q_out_perf[index];
// Initialise current perforation's component flow rate to that
// of the perforation below. Bottom perforation has zero flow
// component rate.
q_out = (perf == factory.numGlobalPerfs() - 1)
? Scalar{0}
: global_q_out_perf[index + num_comp];
// Subtract outflow through perforation.
global_q_out_perf[index] -= global_perf_comp_rates[index];
q_out -= global_perf_comp_rates[index];
// Copy the data back to local view
// Copy the data back to local view.
factory.copyGlobalToLocal(global_q_out_perf, q_out_perf, num_comp);
// 2. Compute the component mix at each perforation as the
// absolute values of the surface rates divided by their sum.
// Then compute volume ratios (formation factors) for each perforation.
// Finally compute densities for the segments associated with each perforation.
std::vector<Scalar> mix(num_comp,0.0);
std::vector<Scalar> x(num_comp);
std::vector<Scalar> surf_dens(num_comp);
return q_out_perf;
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
// Find component mix.
const Scalar tot_surf_rate = std::accumulate(q_out_perf.begin() + num_comp*perf,
q_out_perf.begin() + num_comp*(perf+1), 0.0);
if (tot_surf_rate != 0.0) {
for (int component = 0; component < num_comp; ++component) {
mix[component] = std::fabs(q_out_perf[perf*num_comp + component]/tot_surf_rate);
} else if (num_comp == 1) {
mix[num_comp-1] = 1.0;
} else {
std::fill(mix.begin(), mix.end(), 0.0);
// No flow => use well specified fractions for mix.
if (well_.isInjector()) {
switch (well_.wellEcl().injectorType()) {
case InjectorType::WATER:
mix[FluidSystem::waterCompIdx] = 1.0;
case InjectorType::GAS:
mix[FluidSystem::gasCompIdx] = 1.0;
case InjectorType::OIL:
mix[FluidSystem::oilCompIdx] = 1.0;
case InjectorType::MULTI:
// Not supported.
// deferred_logger.warning("MULTI_PHASE_INJECTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED",
// "Multi phase injectors are not supported, requested for well " + name());
} else {
// For the frist perforation without flow we use the preferred phase to decide the mix initialization.
if (perf == 0) { //
switch (well_.wellEcl().getPreferredPhase()) {
case Phase::OIL:
mix[FluidSystem::oilCompIdx] = 1.0;
case Phase::GAS:
mix[FluidSystem::gasCompIdx] = 1.0;
case Phase::WATER:
mix[FluidSystem::waterCompIdx] = 1.0;
// No others supported.
// For the rest of the perforation without flow we use mix from the above perforation.
} else {
mix = x;
template <class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void StandardWellConnections<FluidSystem, Indices>::
initialiseConnectionMixture(const int num_comp,
const int perf,
const std::vector<Scalar>& q_out_perf,
const std::vector<Scalar>& phaseMixture,
std::vector<Scalar>& componentMixture) const
// Find component mix.
const auto tot_surf_rate =
std::accumulate(q_out_perf.begin() + num_comp*(perf + 0),
q_out_perf.begin() + num_comp*(perf + 1), Scalar{0});
// Compute volume ratio.
x = mix;
if (tot_surf_rate != Scalar{0}) {
const auto* const qo = &q_out_perf[perf*num_comp + 0];
// Subtract dissolved gas from oil phase and vapporized oil from gas phase and vaporized water from gas phase
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)) {
const unsigned gaspos = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::gasCompIdx);
const unsigned oilpos = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::oilCompIdx);
Scalar rs = 0.0;
Scalar rv = 0.0;
if (!props.rsmax_perf.empty() && mix[oilpos] > 1e-12) {
rs = std::min(mix[gaspos] / mix[oilpos], props.rsmax_perf[perf]);
if (!props.rvmax_perf.empty() && mix[gaspos] > 1e-12) {
rv = std::min(mix[oilpos] / mix[gaspos], props.rvmax_perf[perf]);
const Scalar d = 1.0 - rs*rv;
if (d <= 0.0) {
std::ostringstream sstr;
sstr << "Problematic d value " << d << " obtained for well " << well_.name()
<< " during computeConnectionDensities with rs " << rs
<< ", rv " << rv
<< " obtaining d " << d
<< " Continue as if no dissolution (rs = 0) and vaporization (rv = 0) "
<< " for this connection.";
} else {
if (rs > 0.0) {
// Subtract gas in oil from gas mixture
x[gaspos] = (mix[gaspos] - mix[oilpos]*rs)/d;
if (rv > 0.0) {
// Subtract oil in gas from oil mixture
x[oilpos] = (mix[oilpos] - mix[gaspos]*rv)/d;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
//matrix system: (mix[oilpos] = q_os, x[oilpos] = bo*q_or, etc...)
//┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐
//│mix[oilpos] │ | 1 Rv 0 | |x[oilpos] |
//│mix[gaspos] │ = │ Rs 1 Rsw│ │x[gaspos] │
//│mix[waterpos]│ │ 0 Rvw 1 │ │x[waterpos │
//└ ┘ └ ┘ └ ┘
const unsigned waterpos = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::waterCompIdx);
const unsigned gaspos = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::gasCompIdx);
Scalar rvw = 0.0;
if (!props.rvwmax_perf.empty() && mix[gaspos] > 1e-12) {
rvw = std::min(mix[waterpos] / mix[gaspos], props.rvwmax_perf[perf]);
Scalar rsw = 0.0;
if (!props.rswmax_perf.empty() && mix[waterpos] > 1e-12) {
rsw = std::min(mix[gaspos] / mix[waterpos], props.rswmax_perf[perf]);
const Scalar d = 1.0 - rsw*rvw;
if (d <= 0.0) {
std::ostringstream sstr;
sstr << "Problematic d value " << d << " obtained for well " << well_.name()
<< " during computeConnectionDensities with rsw " << rsw
<< ", rvw " << rvw
<< " obtaining d " << d
<< " Continue as if no dissolution (rsw = 0) and vaporization (rvw = 0) "
<< " for this connection.";
} else {
if (rsw > 0.0) {
// Subtract gas in water from gas mixture
x[gaspos] = (mix[gaspos] - mix[waterpos]*rsw)/d;
if (rvw > 0.0) {
// Subtract water in gas from water mixture
x[waterpos] = (mix[waterpos] - mix[gaspos]*rvw)/d;
Scalar volrat = 0.0;
for (int component = 0; component < num_comp; ++component) {
volrat += x[component] / props.b_perf[perf * num_comp + component];
for (int component = 0; component < num_comp; ++component) {
surf_dens[component] = props.surf_dens_perf[perf * num_comp + component];
componentMixture[component] = std::abs(qo[component] / tot_surf_rate);
else if (num_comp == 1) {
componentMixture[num_comp - 1] = Scalar{1};
else {
std::fill(componentMixture.begin(), componentMixture.end(), Scalar{0});
// Compute segment density.
perf_densities_[perf] = std::inner_product(surf_dens.begin(), surf_dens.end(), mix.begin(), 0.0) / volrat;
// No flow => use fractions defined at well level for componentMixture.
if (this->well_.isInjector()) {
switch (this->well_.wellEcl().injectorType()) {
case InjectorType::WATER:
componentMixture[FluidSystem::waterCompIdx] = Scalar{1};
case InjectorType::GAS:
componentMixture[FluidSystem::gasCompIdx] = Scalar{1};
case InjectorType::OIL:
componentMixture[FluidSystem::oilCompIdx] = Scalar{1};
case InjectorType::MULTI:
// Not supported.
// deferred_logger.warning("MULTI_PHASE_INJECTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED",
// "Multi phase injectors are not supported, requested for well " + name());
else {
if (perf == 0) {
// For the first perforation without flow we use the
// preferred phase to decide the componentMixture initialization.
switch (this->well_.wellEcl().getPreferredPhase()) {
case Phase::OIL:
componentMixture[FluidSystem::oilCompIdx] = Scalar{1};
case Phase::GAS:
componentMixture[FluidSystem::gasCompIdx] = Scalar{1};
case Phase::WATER:
componentMixture[FluidSystem::waterCompIdx] = Scalar{1};
// No others supported.
else {
// For the rest of the perforations without flow we use the
// componentMixture from the perforation above.
componentMixture = phaseMixture;
@ -445,6 +578,48 @@ computePropertiesForPressures(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
template <class FluidSystem, class Indices>
std::vector<typename StandardWellConnections<FluidSystem, Indices>::Scalar>
StandardWellConnections<FluidSystem, Indices>::
copyInPerforationRates(const Properties& props,
const PerfData<Scalar>& perf_data) const
auto perfRates = std::vector<Scalar>(props.b_perf.size(), Scalar{0});
const int nperf = this->well_.numPerfs();
const int np = this->well_.numPhases();
const int nc = this->well_.numComponents();
const auto srcIx = [this, np]() {
auto ix = std::vector<int>(np);
for (auto comp = 0; comp < np; ++comp) {
ix[comp] = this->well_.modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx(comp);
return ix;
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
const auto* const src = &perf_data.phase_rates[perf*np + 0];
auto* const dst = &perfRates [perf*nc + 0];
for (int comp = 0; comp < np; ++comp) {
dst[comp] = src[srcIx[comp]];
if constexpr (Indices::enableSolvent) {
for (int perf = 0, ix_s = 0*nc + Indices::contiSolventEqIdx;
perf < nperf; ++perf, ix_s += nc)
perfRates[ix_s] = perf_data.solvent_rates[perf];
return perfRates;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void StandardWellConnections<FluidSystem,Indices>::
computeProperties(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
@ -458,23 +633,12 @@ computeProperties(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
// Compute densities
const int nperf = well_.numPerfs();
const int np = well_.numPhases();
std::vector<Scalar> perfRates(props.b_perf.size(),0.0);
const auto& ws = well_state.well(well_.indexOfWell());
const auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data;
const auto& perf_rates_state = perf_data.phase_rates;
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
for (int comp = 0; comp < np; ++comp) {
perfRates[perf * well_.numComponents() + comp] = perf_rates_state[perf * np + well_.modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx(comp)];
if constexpr (Indices::enableSolvent) {
const auto& solvent_perf_rates_state = perf_data.solvent_rates;
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
perfRates[perf * well_.numComponents() + Indices::contiSolventEqIdx] = solvent_perf_rates_state[perf];
auto perfRates = this->copyInPerforationRates
(props, well_state.well(this->well_.indexOfWell()).perf_data);
// for producers where all perforations have zero rate we
// approximate the perforation mixture using the mobility ratio
@ -25,7 +25,9 @@
#include <opm/simulators/wells/StandardWellPrimaryVariables.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ class DeferredLogger;
enum class Phase;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices> class WellInterfaceIndices;
template<class Scalar> class WellState;
template<class Scalar> class PerfData;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
class StandardWellConnections
@ -46,12 +49,12 @@ public:
struct Properties
std::vector<Scalar> b_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rsmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rvmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rvwmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rswmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> surf_dens_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> b_perf{};
std::vector<Scalar> rsmax_perf{};
std::vector<Scalar> rvmax_perf{};
std::vector<Scalar> rvwmax_perf{};
std::vector<Scalar> rswmax_perf{};
std::vector<Scalar> surf_dens_perf{};
void computePropertiesForPressures(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
@ -132,6 +135,19 @@ private:
const Properties& props,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
calculatePerforationOutflow(const std::vector<Scalar>& perfComponentRates) const;
void initialiseConnectionMixture(const int num_comp,
const int perf,
const std::vector<Scalar>& q_out_perf,
const std::vector<Scalar>& currentMixture,
std::vector<Scalar>& previousMixture) const;
copyInPerforationRates(const Properties& props,
const PerfData<Scalar>& perf_data) const;
const WellInterfaceIndices<FluidSystem,Indices>& well_; //!< Reference to well interface
std::vector<Scalar> perf_densities_; //!< densities of the fluid in each perforation
Reference in New Issue
Block a user