mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
cleaning up some functions from StandardWellsDense.
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,13 +157,6 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
WellState& well_state,
bool only_wells);
getMobility(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const int w,
const int perf,
const int cell_idx,
std::vector<EvalWell>& mob) const;
void localInvert(Mat& istlA) const;
void print(Mat& istlA) const;
@ -222,9 +215,6 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
void computeAccumWells();
void computeWellFlux(const int& w, const double& Tw, const IntensiveQuantities& intQuants, const std::vector<EvalWell>& mob_perfcells_dense,
const EvalWell& bhp, const double& cdp, const bool& allow_cf, std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s) const;
SimulatorReport solveWellEq(Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const double dt,
WellState& well_state);
@ -284,6 +274,8 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
// TODO: maybe a better name to emphasize it is local?
const int number_of_wells_;
const int number_of_phases_;
// a vector of all the wells.
// eventually, the wells_ above should be gone.
// the name is just temporary
@ -330,24 +322,10 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
std::vector<EvalWell> wellVariables_;
BVector resWell_;
long int global_nc_;
mutable BVector scaleAddRes_;
// protected methods
EvalWell getBhp(const int wellIdx) const;
EvalWell getQs(const int wellIdx, const int compIdx) const;
EvalWell wellVolumeFraction(const int wellIdx, const int compIdx) const;
EvalWell wellVolumeFractionScaled(const int wellIdx, const int compIdx) const;
// Q_p / (Q_w + Q_g + Q_o) for three phase cases.
EvalWell wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(const int well_index, const int compIdx) const;
bool checkRateEconLimits(const WellEconProductionLimits& econ_production_limits,
const WellState& well_state,
const int well_number) const;
@ -382,24 +360,6 @@ enum WellVariablePositions {
const int well_index,
WellState& xw) const;
bool wellHasTHPConstraints(const int well_index) const;
// TODO: maybe we should provide a light version of computeWellFlux, which does not include the
// calculation of the derivatives
void computeWellRatesWithBhp(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const EvalWell& bhp,
const int well_index,
std::vector<double>& well_flux) const;
double mostStrictBhpFromBhpLimits(const int well_index) const;
// TODO: maybe it should be improved to be calculate general rates for THP control later
computeWellPotentialWithTHP(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const int well_index,
const double initial_bhp, // bhp from BHP constraints
const std::vector<double>& initial_potential) const;
double wsolvent(const int well_index) const;
double wpolymer(const int well_index) const;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ namespace Opm {
, wells_(wells_arg)
, wells_ecl_(wells_ecl)
, number_of_wells_(wells_arg ? (wells_arg->number_of_wells) : 0)
, number_of_phases_(wells_arg ? (wells_arg->number_of_phases) : 0) // TODO: not sure if it is proper for this way
, well_collection_(well_collection)
, param_(param)
, terminal_output_(terminal_output)
@ -74,8 +75,6 @@ namespace Opm {
assert (np == 3 || (np == 2 && !pu.phase_used[Gas]) );
resWell_.resize( nw );
if (has_polymer_)
if (PolymerModule::hasPlyshlog()) {
@ -218,17 +217,6 @@ namespace Opm {
template<typename TypeTag>
StandardWellsDense<TypeTag >::
getMobility(const Simulator& ebosSimulator, const int w, const int perf, const int cell_idx, std::vector<EvalWell>& mob) const
template<typename TypeTag>
@ -573,8 +561,8 @@ namespace Opm {
setWellVariables(const WellState& xw)
for (auto& well_interface : well_container_) {
for (auto& well : well_container_) {
@ -611,132 +599,6 @@ namespace Opm {
template<typename TypeTag>
computeWellFlux(const int& w, const double& Tw,
const IntensiveQuantities& intQuants,
const std::vector<EvalWell>& mob_perfcells_dense,
const EvalWell& bhp, const double& cdp,
const bool& allow_cf, std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s) const
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = phase_usage_;
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
const int numComp = numComponents();
std::vector<EvalWell> cmix_s(numComp,0.0);
for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
cmix_s[componentIdx] = wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(w, componentIdx);
auto& fs = intQuants.fluidState();
EvalWell pressure = extendEval(fs.pressure(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx));
EvalWell rs = extendEval(fs.Rs());
EvalWell rv = extendEval(fs.Rv());
std::vector<EvalWell> b_perfcells_dense(numComp, 0.0);
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
int ebosPhaseIdx = flowPhaseToEbosPhaseIdx(phase);
b_perfcells_dense[phase] = extendEval(fs.invB(ebosPhaseIdx));
if (has_solvent_) {
b_perfcells_dense[solventSaturationIdx] = extendEval(intQuants.solventInverseFormationVolumeFactor());
// Pressure drawdown (also used to determine direction of flow)
EvalWell well_pressure = bhp + cdp;
EvalWell drawdown = pressure - well_pressure;
// producing perforations
if ( drawdown.value() > 0 ) {
//Do nothing if crossflow is not allowed
if (!allow_cf && wells().type[w] == INJECTOR) {
// compute component volumetric rates at standard conditions
for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
const EvalWell cq_p = - Tw * (mob_perfcells_dense[componentIdx] * drawdown);
cq_s[componentIdx] = b_perfcells_dense[componentIdx] * cq_p;
if (active_[Oil] && active_[Gas]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
const EvalWell cq_sOil = cq_s[oilpos];
const EvalWell cq_sGas = cq_s[gaspos];
cq_s[gaspos] += rs * cq_sOil;
cq_s[oilpos] += rv * cq_sGas;
} else {
//Do nothing if crossflow is not allowed
if (!allow_cf && wells().type[w] == PRODUCER) {
// Using total mobilities
EvalWell total_mob_dense = mob_perfcells_dense[0];
for (int componentIdx = 1; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
total_mob_dense += mob_perfcells_dense[componentIdx];
// injection perforations total volume rates
const EvalWell cqt_i = - Tw * (total_mob_dense * drawdown);
// compute volume ratio between connection at standard conditions
EvalWell volumeRatio = 0.0;
if (active_[Water]) {
const int watpos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
volumeRatio += cmix_s[watpos] / b_perfcells_dense[watpos];
if (has_solvent_) {
volumeRatio += cmix_s[solventSaturationIdx] / b_perfcells_dense[solventSaturationIdx];
if (active_[Oil] && active_[Gas]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
// Incorporate RS/RV factors if both oil and gas active
const EvalWell d = 1.0 - rv * rs;
if (d.value() == 0.0) {
OPM_THROW(Opm::NumericalProblem, "Zero d value obtained for well " << wells().name[w] << " during flux calcuation"
<< " with rs " << rs << " and rv " << rv);
const EvalWell tmp_oil = (cmix_s[oilpos] - rv * cmix_s[gaspos]) / d;
//std::cout << "tmp_oil " <<tmp_oil << std::endl;
volumeRatio += tmp_oil / b_perfcells_dense[oilpos];
const EvalWell tmp_gas = (cmix_s[gaspos] - rs * cmix_s[oilpos]) / d;
//std::cout << "tmp_gas " <<tmp_gas << std::endl;
volumeRatio += tmp_gas / b_perfcells_dense[gaspos];
else {
if (active_[Oil]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
volumeRatio += cmix_s[oilpos] / b_perfcells_dense[oilpos];
if (active_[Gas]) {
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
volumeRatio += cmix_s[gaspos] / b_perfcells_dense[gaspos];
// injecting connections total volumerates at standard conditions
EvalWell cqt_is = cqt_i/volumeRatio;
//std::cout << "volrat " << volumeRatio << " " << volrat_perf_[perf] << std::endl;
for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < numComp; ++componentIdx) {
cq_s[componentIdx] = cmix_s[componentIdx] * cqt_is; // * b_perfcells_dense[phase];
template<typename TypeTag>
@ -823,7 +685,10 @@ namespace Opm {
residual() const
if( ! wellsActive() )
// TODO: to decide later whether to output this
// Even yes, we do not need resWell_. We will use the values
// from each individual well.
/* if( ! wellsActive() )
return std::vector<double>();
@ -838,7 +703,7 @@ namespace Opm {
res[idx] = resWell_[ wellIdx ][ compIdx ];
return res;
return res; */
@ -1048,48 +913,14 @@ namespace Opm {
// number of wells and phases
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
const int nw = number_of_wells_;
const int np = number_of_phases_;
well_potentials.resize(nw * np, 0.0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
// get the bhp value based on the bhp constraints
const double bhp = mostStrictBhpFromBhpLimits(w);
// does the well have a THP related constraint?
const bool has_thp_control = wellHasTHPConstraints(w);
std::vector<double> potentials(np);
if ( !has_thp_control ) {
assert(std::abs(bhp) != std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
computeWellRatesWithBhp(ebosSimulator, bhp, w, potentials);
} else { // the well has a THP related constraint
// checking whether a well is newly added, it only happens at the beginning of the report step
if ( !well_state.isNewWell(w) ) {
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
// This is dangerous for new added well
// since we are not handling the initialization correctly for now
potentials[p] = well_state.wellRates()[w * np + p];
} else {
// We need to generate a reasonable rates to start the iteration process
computeWellRatesWithBhp(ebosSimulator, bhp, w, potentials);
for (double& value : potentials) {
// make the value a little safer in case the BHP limits are default ones
// TODO: a better way should be a better rescaling based on the investigation of the VFP table.
const double rate_safety_scaling_factor = 0.00001;
value *= rate_safety_scaling_factor;
potentials = computeWellPotentialWithTHP(ebosSimulator, w, bhp, potentials);
std::vector<double> potentials;
well_container_[w]->computeWellPotentials(ebosSimulator, well_state, potentials);
// putting the sucessfully calculated potentials to the well_potentials
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
@ -1353,118 +1184,6 @@ namespace Opm {
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWellsDense<TypeTag>::EvalWell
getBhp(const int wellIdx) const {
// return well_container_(wellIdx)->getBhp();
return 0.0; // TODO: for debugging
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWellsDense<TypeTag>::EvalWell
getQs(const int wellIdx, const int compIdx) const
// TODO: incoporate the change from the new PR to the getQs
// in StandardWell
return well_container_(wellIdx)->getQs(compIdx);
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWellsDense<TypeTag>::EvalWell
wellVolumeFraction(const int wellIdx, const int compIdx) const
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
if (compIdx == Water) {
return wellVariables_[WFrac * nw + wellIdx];
if (compIdx == Gas) {
return wellVariables_[GFrac * nw + wellIdx];
if (has_solvent_ && compIdx == solventSaturationIdx) {
return wellVariables_[SFrac * nw + wellIdx];
// Oil fraction
EvalWell well_fraction = 1.0;
if (active_[Water]) {
well_fraction -= wellVariables_[WFrac * nw + wellIdx];
if (active_[Gas]) {
well_fraction -= wellVariables_[GFrac * nw + wellIdx];
if (has_solvent_) {
well_fraction -= wellVariables_[SFrac * nw + wellIdx];
return well_fraction;
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWellsDense<TypeTag>::EvalWell
wellVolumeFractionScaled(const int wellIdx, const int compIdx) const
const WellControls* wc = wells().ctrls[wellIdx];
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == RESERVOIR_RATE) {
if (has_solvent_ && compIdx == solventSaturationIdx) {
return wellVolumeFraction(wellIdx, compIdx);
const double* distr = well_controls_get_current_distr(wc);
assert(compIdx < 3);
if (distr[compIdx] > 0.) {
return wellVolumeFraction(wellIdx, compIdx) / distr[compIdx];
} else {
// TODO: not sure why return EvalWell(0.) causing problem here
// Probably due to the wrong Jacobians.
return wellVolumeFraction(wellIdx, compIdx);
std::vector<double> g = {1,1,0.01,0.01};
return (wellVolumeFraction(wellIdx, compIdx) / g[compIdx]);
template<typename TypeTag>
typename StandardWellsDense<TypeTag>::EvalWell
wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(const int well_index, const int compIdx) const
EvalWell sum_volume_fraction_scaled = 0.;
const int numComp = numComponents();
for (int idx = 0; idx < numComp; ++idx) {
sum_volume_fraction_scaled += wellVolumeFractionScaled(well_index, idx);
assert(sum_volume_fraction_scaled.value() != 0.);
return wellVolumeFractionScaled(well_index, compIdx) / sum_volume_fraction_scaled;
template<typename TypeTag>
@ -1878,242 +1597,6 @@ namespace Opm {
template<typename TypeTag>
wellHasTHPConstraints(const int well_index) const
const WellControls* well_control = wells().ctrls[well_index];
const int nwc = well_controls_get_num(well_control);
for (int ctrl_index = 0; ctrl_index < nwc; ++ctrl_index) {
if (well_controls_iget_type(well_control, ctrl_index) == THP) {
return true;
return false;
template<typename TypeTag>
computeWellRatesWithBhp(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const EvalWell& bhp,
const int well_index,
std::vector<double>& well_flux) const
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
const int numComp = numComponents();
well_flux.resize(np, 0.0);
const bool allow_cf = well_container_[well_index]->crossFlowAllowed(ebosSimulator);
for (int perf = wells().well_connpos[well_index]; perf < wells().well_connpos[well_index + 1]; ++perf) {
const int cell_index = wells().well_cells[perf];
const auto& intQuants = *(ebosSimulator.model().cachedIntensiveQuantities(cell_index, /*timeIdx=*/ 0));
// flux for each perforation
std::vector<EvalWell> cq_s(numComp, 0.0);
std::vector<EvalWell> mob(numComp, 0.0);
getMobility(ebosSimulator, well_index, perf, cell_index, mob);
computeWellFlux(well_index, wells().WI[perf], intQuants, mob, bhp,
wellPerforationPressureDiffs()[perf], allow_cf, cq_s);
for(int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
well_flux[p] += cq_s[p].value();
template<typename TypeTag>
mostStrictBhpFromBhpLimits(const int well_index) const
double bhp;
// type of the well, INJECTOR or PRODUCER
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[well_index];
// initial bhp value, making the value not usable
switch(well_type) {
bhp = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
bhp = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Expected PRODUCER or INJECTOR type for well " << wells().name[well_index]);
// the well controls
const WellControls* well_control = wells().ctrls[well_index];
// The number of the well controls/constraints
const int nwc = well_controls_get_num(well_control);
for (int ctrl_index = 0; ctrl_index < nwc; ++ctrl_index) {
// finding a BHP constraint
if (well_controls_iget_type(well_control, ctrl_index) == BHP) {
// get the bhp constraint value, it should always be postive assummingly
const double bhp_target = well_controls_iget_target(well_control, ctrl_index);
switch(well_type) {
case INJECTOR: // using the lower bhp contraint from Injectors
if (bhp_target < bhp) {
bhp = bhp_target;
if (bhp_target > bhp) {
bhp = bhp_target;
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Expected PRODUCER or INJECTOR type for well " << wells().name[well_index]);
} // end of switch
return bhp;
template<typename TypeTag>
computeWellPotentialWithTHP(const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const int well_index,
const double initial_bhp, // bhp from BHP constraints
const std::vector<double>& initial_potential) const
// TODO: pay attention to the situation that finally the potential is calculated based on the bhp control
// TODO: should we consider the bhp constraints during the iterative process?
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
assert( np == int(initial_potential.size()) );
std::vector<double> potentials = initial_potential;
std::vector<double> old_potentials = potentials; // keeping track of the old potentials
double bhp = initial_bhp;
double old_bhp = bhp;
bool converged = false;
const int max_iteration = 1000;
const double bhp_tolerance = 1000.; // 1000 pascal
int iteration = 0;
while ( !converged && iteration < max_iteration ) {
// for each iteration, we calculate the bhp based on the rates/potentials with thp constraints
// with considering the bhp value from the bhp limits. At the beginning of each iteration,
// we initialize the bhp to be the bhp value from the bhp limits. Then based on the bhp values calculated
// from the thp constraints, we decide the effective bhp value for well potential calculation.
bhp = initial_bhp;
// the well controls
const WellControls* well_control = wells().ctrls[well_index];
// The number of the well controls/constraints
const int nwc = well_controls_get_num(well_control);
for (int ctrl_index = 0; ctrl_index < nwc; ++ctrl_index) {
if (well_controls_iget_type(well_control, ctrl_index) == THP) {
double aqua = 0.0;
double liquid = 0.0;
double vapour = 0.0;
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = phase_usage_;
if (active_[ Water ]) {
aqua = potentials[pu.phase_pos[ Water ] ];
if (active_[ Oil ]) {
liquid = potentials[pu.phase_pos[ Oil ] ];
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
vapour = potentials[pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ];
const int vfp = well_controls_iget_vfp(well_control, ctrl_index);
const double thp = well_controls_iget_target(well_control, ctrl_index);
const double alq = well_controls_iget_alq(well_control, ctrl_index);
// Calculating the BHP value based on THP
// TODO: check whether it is always correct to do calculation based on the depth of the first perforation.
const int first_perf = wells().well_connpos[well_index]; //first perforation
const WellType& well_type = wells().type[well_index];
if (well_type == INJECTOR) {
const double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(
wells(), well_index, vfp_properties_->getInj()->getTable(vfp)->getDatumDepth(),
wellPerforationDensities()[first_perf], gravity_);
const double bhp_calculated = vfp_properties_->getInj()->bhp(vfp, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp) - dp;
// apply the strictest of the bhp controlls i.e. smallest bhp for injectors
if (bhp_calculated < bhp) {
bhp = bhp_calculated;
else if (well_type == PRODUCER) {
const double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(
wells(), well_index, vfp_properties_->getProd()->getTable(vfp)->getDatumDepth(),
wellPerforationDensities()[first_perf], gravity_);
const double bhp_calculated = vfp_properties_->getProd()->bhp(vfp, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp, alq) - dp;
// apply the strictest of the bhp controlls i.e. largest bhp for producers
if (bhp_calculated > bhp) {
bhp = bhp_calculated;
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Expected PRODUCER or INJECTOR type of well");
// there should be always some available bhp/thp constraints there
if (std::isinf(bhp) || std::isnan(bhp)) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unvalid bhp value obtained during the potential calculation for well " << wells().name[well_index]);
converged = std::abs(old_bhp - bhp) < bhp_tolerance;
computeWellRatesWithBhp(ebosSimulator, bhp, well_index, potentials);
// checking whether the potentials have valid values
for (const double value : potentials) {
if (std::isinf(value) || std::isnan(value)) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unvalid potential value obtained during the potential calculation for well " << wells().name[well_index]);
if (!converged) {
old_bhp = bhp;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
// TODO: improve the interpolation, will it always be valid with the way below?
// TODO: finding better paramters, better iteration strategy for better convergence rate.
const double potential_update_damping_factor = 0.001;
potentials[p] = potential_update_damping_factor * potentials[p] + (1.0 - potential_update_damping_factor) * old_potentials[p];
old_potentials[p] = potentials[p];
if (!converged) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Failed in getting converged for the potential calculation for well " << wells().name[well_index]);
return potentials;
template<typename TypeTag>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user