polymer production concentration to be the grid block concnetration.

To be more consistent with the injection well.
This commit is contained in:
Kai Bao 2016-12-05 12:52:21 +01:00
parent 28c36ef949
commit 81a73650de

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@ -386,16 +386,16 @@ namespace Opm {
// Add well contributions to polymer mass balance equation
if (has_polymer_) {
const ADB mc = computeMc(state);
const int nc = xw.polymerInflow().size();
const V polyin = Eigen::Map<const V>(xw.polymerInflow().data(), nc);
const int nperf = wells().well_connpos[wells().number_of_wells];
const std::vector<int> well_cells(wells().well_cells, wells().well_cells + nperf);
const V poly_in_perf = subset(polyin, well_cells);
const V poly_mc_perf = subset(mc.value(), well_cells);
// The polymer concentration in the perforated grid blocks
const V poly_c_perf = subset(state.concentration.value(), well_cells);
const ADB& cq_s_water = cq_s[fluid_.phaseUsage().phase_pos[Water]];
Selector<double> injector_selector(cq_s_water.value());
const V poly_perf = injector_selector.select(poly_in_perf, poly_mc_perf);
const V poly_perf = injector_selector.select(poly_in_perf, poly_c_perf);
const ADB cq_s_poly = cq_s_water * poly_perf;
residual_.material_balance_eq[poly_pos_] -= superset(cq_s_poly, well_cells, nc);