Merge pull request from totto82/modify_welleq

Modify welleq
This commit is contained in:
Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen 2015-05-05 11:54:15 +02:00
commit 862abf6ac7
2 changed files with 113 additions and 190 deletions

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@ -248,9 +248,7 @@ namespace Opm {
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw,
V& aliveWells);
void updateWellControls(ADB& bhp,
ADB& well_phase_flow_rate,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw) const;
void updateWellControls(WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw) const;
assemble(const V& dtpv,

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@ -760,6 +760,11 @@ namespace detail {
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw )
using namespace Opm::AutoDiffGrid;
// Possibly switch well controls and updating well state to
// get reasonable initial conditions for the wells
// Create the primary variables.
SolutionState state = variableState(x, xw);
@ -836,9 +841,9 @@ namespace detail {
// Note: updateWellControls() can change all its arguments if
// a well control is switched.
updateWellControls(state.bhp, state.qs, xw);
// -------- Well equations ----------
// Add contribution from wells and set up the well equations.
V aliveWells;
addWellEq(state, xw, aliveWells);
addWellControlEq(state, xw, aliveWells);
@ -866,13 +871,16 @@ namespace detail {
// pressure diffs computed already (once per step, not changing per iteration)
const V& cdp = well_perforation_pressure_diffs_;
// Extract variables for perforation cell pressures
// and corresponding perforation well pressures.
const ADB p_perfcell = subset(state.pressure, well_cells);
// DUMPVAL(p_perfcell);
// DUMPVAL(state.bhp);
// DUMPVAL(ADB::constant(cdp));
// Extract needed quantities for the perforation cells
const ADB& p_perfcells = subset(state.pressure, well_cells);
const ADB& rv_perfcells = subset(state.rv,well_cells);
const ADB& rs_perfcells = subset(,well_cells);
std::vector<ADB> mob_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
std::vector<ADB> b_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
mob_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].mob,well_cells);
b_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].b,well_cells);
// Perforation pressure
const ADB perfpressure = (wops_.w2p * state.bhp) + cdp;
@ -880,175 +888,121 @@ namespace detail {
xw.perfPress() = perfpressure_d;
// Pressure drawdown (also used to determine direction of flow)
const ADB drawdown = p_perfcell - perfpressure;
const ADB drawdown = p_perfcells - perfpressure;
// current injecting connections
auto connInjInx = drawdown.value() < 0;
// Compute vectors with zero and ones that
// selects the wanted quantities.
// injector == 1, producer == 0
V isInj = V::Zero(nw);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if (wells().type[w] == INJECTOR) {
isInj[w] = 1;
// // A cross-flow connection is defined as a connection which has opposite
// // flow-direction to the well total flow
// V isInjPerf = (wops_.w2p * isInj);
// auto crossFlowConns = (connInjInx != isInjPerf);
// bool allowCrossFlow = true;
// if (not allowCrossFlow) {
// auto closedConns = crossFlowConns;
// for (int c = 0; c < nperf; ++c) {
// if (closedConns[c]) {
// Tw[c] = 0;
// }
// }
// connInjInx = !closedConns;
// }
// TODO: not allow for crossflow
V isInjInx = V::Zero(nperf);
V isNotInjInx = V::Zero(nperf);
// selects injection perforations
V selectInjectingPerforations = V::Zero(nperf);
// selects producing perforations
V selectProducingPerforations = V::Zero(nperf);
for (int c = 0; c < nperf; ++c){
if (connInjInx[c])
isInjInx[c] = 1;
if (drawdown.value()[c] < 0)
selectInjectingPerforations[c] = 1;
isNotInjInx[c] = 1;
selectProducingPerforations[c] = 1;
// compute phase volumerates standard conditions
// compute phase volumetric rates at standard conditions
std::vector<ADB> cq_ps(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const ADB& wellcell_mob = subset ( rq_[phase].mob, well_cells);
const ADB cq_p = -(isNotInjInx * Tw) * (wellcell_mob * drawdown);
cq_ps[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].b,well_cells) * cq_p;
const ADB cq_p = -(selectProducingPerforations * Tw) * (mob_perfcells[phase] * drawdown);
cq_ps[phase] = b_perfcells[phase] * cq_p;
if (active_[Oil] && active_[Gas]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
ADB cq_psOil = cq_ps[oilpos];
ADB cq_psGas = cq_ps[gaspos];
cq_ps[gaspos] += subset(,well_cells) * cq_psOil;
cq_ps[oilpos] += subset(state.rv,well_cells) * cq_psGas;
const ADB cq_psOil = cq_ps[oilpos];
const ADB cq_psGas = cq_ps[gaspos];
cq_ps[gaspos] += rs_perfcells * cq_psOil;
cq_ps[oilpos] += rv_perfcells * cq_psGas;
// phase rates at std. condtions
std::vector<ADB> q_ps(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
q_ps[phase] = wops_.p2w * cq_ps[phase];
// total rates at std
ADB qt_s = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nw));
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
qt_s += subset(state.qs, Span(nw, 1, phase*nw));
// Using total mobilities
ADB total_mob = mob_perfcells[0];
for (int phase = 1; phase < np; ++phase) {
total_mob += mob_perfcells[phase];
// injection perforations total volume rates
const ADB cqt_i = -(selectInjectingPerforations * Tw) * (total_mob * drawdown);
// compute avg. and total wellbore phase volumetric rates at std. conds
// compute wellbore mixture for injecting perforations
// The wellbore mixture depends on the inflow from the reservoar
// and the well injection rates.
// compute avg. and total wellbore phase volumetric rates at standard conds
const DataBlock compi = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(wells().comp_frac, nw, np);
std::vector<ADB> wbq(np, ADB::null());
ADB wbqt = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nw));
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const ADB& q_ps = wops_.p2w * cq_ps[phase];
const ADB& q_s = subset(state.qs, Span(nw, 1, phase*nw));
Selector<double> injectingPhase_selector(q_s.value(), Selector<double>::GreaterZero);
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
wbq[phase] = (isInj * compi.col(pos)) * qt_s - q_ps[phase];
wbq[phase] = (compi.col(pos) *,ADB::constant(V::Zero(nw)))) - q_ps;
wbqt += wbq[phase];
// DUMPVAL(wbqt);
// check for dead wells
aliveWells = V::Constant(nw, 1.0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if (wbqt.value()[w] == 0) {
aliveWells[w] = 0.0;
// compute wellbore mixture at std conds
// compute wellbore mixture at standard conditions.
Selector<double> notDeadWells_selector(wbqt.value(), Selector<double>::Zero);
std::vector<ADB> mix_s(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
mix_s[phase] =, wbq[phase]/wbqt);
// Total mobilities
ADB mt = subset(rq_[0].mob,well_cells);
for (int phase = 1; phase < np; ++phase) {
mt += subset(rq_[phase].mob,well_cells);
// DUMPVAL(ADB::constant(isInjInx));
// DUMPVAL(ADB::constant(Tw));
// DUMPVAL(mt);
// DUMPVAL(drawdown);
// injection connections total volumerates
ADB cqt_i = -(isInjInx * Tw) * (mt * drawdown);
// compute volume ratio between connection at standard conditions
ADB volRat = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nperf));
std::vector<ADB> cmix_s(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
cmix_s[phase] = wops_.w2p * mix_s[phase];
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[phase];
cmix_s[phase] = wops_.w2p *, wbq[phase]/wbqt);
ADB well_rv = subset(state.rv,well_cells);
ADB well_rs = subset(,well_cells);
ADB d = V::Constant(nperf,1.0) - well_rv * well_rs;
// compute volume ratio between connection at standard conditions
ADB volumeRatio = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nperf));
const ADB d = V::Constant(nperf,1.0) - rv_perfcells * rs_perfcells;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
ADB tmp = cmix_s[phase];
if (phase == Oil && active_[Gas]) {
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
tmp = tmp - subset(state.rv,well_cells) * cmix_s[gaspos] / d;
tmp = tmp - rv_perfcells * cmix_s[gaspos] / d;
if (phase == Gas && active_[Oil]) {
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
tmp = tmp - subset(,well_cells) * cmix_s[oilpos] / d;
tmp = tmp - rs_perfcells * cmix_s[oilpos] / d;
volRat += tmp / subset(rq_[phase].b,well_cells);
volumeRatio += tmp / b_perfcells[phase];
// DUMPVAL(cqt_i);
// DUMPVAL(volRat);
// injecting connections total volumerates at standard conditions
ADB cqt_is = cqt_i/volumeRatio;
// injecting connections total volumerates at std cond
ADB cqt_is = cqt_i/volRat;
// connection phase volumerates at std cond
// connection phase volumerates at standard conditions
std::vector<ADB> cq_s(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
cq_s[phase] = cq_ps[phase] + (wops_.w2p * mix_s[phase])*cqt_is;
cq_s[phase] = cq_ps[phase] + cmix_s[phase]*cqt_is;
// DUMPVAL(mix_s[2]);
// DUMPVAL(cq_ps[2]);
// Add well contributions to mass balance equations
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
residual_.material_balance_eq[phase] -= superset(cq_s[phase],well_cells,nc);
ADB qs = state.qs;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
qs -= superset(wops_.p2w * cq_s[phase], Span(nw, 1, phase*nw), nw*np);
// check for dead wells (used in the well controll equations)
aliveWells = V::Constant(nw, 1.0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if (wbqt.value()[w] == 0) {
aliveWells[w] = 0.0;
// Update the perforation phase rates (used to calculate the pressure drop in the wellbore)
V cq = superset(cq_s[0].value(), Span(nperf, np, 0), nperf*np);
for (int phase = 1; phase < np; ++phase) {
cq += superset(cq_s[phase].value(), Span(nperf, np, phase), nperf*np);
@ -1066,23 +1020,22 @@ namespace detail {
namespace detail
double rateToCompare(const ADB& well_phase_flow_rate,
double rateToCompare(const std::vector<double>& well_phase_flow_rate,
const int well,
const int num_phases,
const double* distr)
const int num_wells = well_phase_flow_rate.size() / num_phases;
double rate = 0.0;
for (int phase = 0; phase < num_phases; ++phase) {
// Important: well_phase_flow_rate is ordered with all rates for first
// phase coming first, then all for second phase etc.
rate += well_phase_flow_rate.value()[well + phase*num_wells] * distr[phase];
// Important: well_phase_flow_rate is ordered with all phase rates for first
// well first, then all phase rates for second well etc.
rate += well_phase_flow_rate[well*num_phases + phase] * distr[phase];
return rate;
bool constraintBroken(const ADB& bhp,
const ADB& well_phase_flow_rate,
bool constraintBroken(const std::vector<double>& bhp,
const std::vector<double>& well_phase_flow_rate,
const int well,
const int num_phases,
const WellType& well_type,
@ -1100,7 +1053,7 @@ namespace detail {
switch (ctrl_type) {
case BHP:
broken = bhp.value()[well] > target;
broken = bhp[well] > target;
case RESERVOIR_RATE: // Intentional fall-through
@ -1116,7 +1069,7 @@ namespace detail {
switch (ctrl_type) {
case BHP:
broken = bhp.value()[well] < target;
broken = bhp[well] < target;
case RESERVOIR_RATE: // Intentional fall-through
@ -1143,9 +1096,7 @@ namespace detail {
template<class T>
void FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver<T>::updateWellControls(ADB& bhp,
ADB& well_phase_flow_rate,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw) const
void FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver<T>::updateWellControls(WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw) const
if( ! wellsActive() ) return ;
@ -1154,14 +1105,12 @@ namespace detail {
// switch control to first broken constraint.
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
bool bhp_changed = false;
bool rates_changed = false;
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
const WellControls* wc = wells().ctrls[w];
// The current control in the well state overrides
// the current control set in the Wells struct, which
// is instead treated as a default.
const int current = xw.currentControls()[w];
int current = xw.currentControls()[w];
// Loop over all controls except the current one, and also
// skip any RESERVOIR_RATE controls, since we cannot
// handle those.
@ -1174,7 +1123,7 @@ namespace detail {
// inequality constraint, and therefore skipped.
if (detail::constraintBroken(bhp, well_phase_flow_rate, w, np, wells().type[w], wc, ctrl_index)) {
if (detail::constraintBroken(xw.bhp(), xw.wellRates(), w, np, wells().type[w], wc, ctrl_index)) {
// ctrl_index will be the index of the broken constraint after the loop.
@ -1188,15 +1137,16 @@ namespace detail {
<< " to " << modestring[well_controls_iget_type(wc, ctrl_index)] << std::endl;
xw.currentControls()[w] = ctrl_index;
// Also updating well state and primary variables.
// We can only be switching to BHP and SURFACE_RATE
// controls since we do not support RESERVOIR_RATE.
const double target = well_controls_iget_target(wc, ctrl_index);
const double* distr = well_controls_iget_distr(wc, ctrl_index);
switch (well_controls_iget_type(wc, ctrl_index)) {
current = xw.currentControls()[w];
// Updating well state and primary variables.
// Target values are used as initial conditions for BHP and SURFACE_RATE
const double target = well_controls_iget_target(wc, current);
const double* distr = well_controls_iget_distr(wc, current);
switch (well_controls_iget_type(wc, current)) {
case BHP:
xw.bhp()[w] = target;
bhp_changed = true;
@ -1204,10 +1154,6 @@ namespace detail {
// surface condition. In this case, use existing
// flow rates as initial conditions as reservoir
// rate acts only in aggregate.
// Just record the fact that we need to recompute
// the 'well_phase_flow_rate'.
rates_changed = true;
@ -1216,30 +1162,9 @@ namespace detail {
xw.wellRates()[np*w + phase] = target * distr[phase];
rates_changed = true;
// Update primary variables, if necessary.
if (bhp_changed) {
// We will set the bhp primary variable to the new ones,
// but we do not change the derivatives here.
ADB::V new_bhp = Eigen::Map<ADB::V>(xw.bhp().data(), nw);
// Avoiding the copy below would require a value setter method
// in AutoDiffBlock.
std::vector<ADB::M> old_derivs = bhp.derivative();
bhp = ADB::function(std::move(new_bhp), std::move(old_derivs));
if (rates_changed) {
// Need to reshuffle well rates, from phase running fastest
// to wells running fastest.
// The transpose() below switches the ordering.
const DataBlock wrates = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(xw.wellRates().data(), nw, np).transpose();
ADB::V new_qs = Eigen::Map<const V>(, nw*np);
std::vector<ADB::M> old_derivs = well_phase_flow_rate.derivative();
well_phase_flow_rate = ADB::function(std::move(new_qs), std::move(old_derivs));