mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Add option for solving the wellEq seperatly
The well equations is solved seperatly in order to provide more accurate initinal values to the reservoir model.
This commit is contained in:
@ -335,9 +335,17 @@ namespace Opm {
const WellState& xw,
const V& aliveWells);
solveWellEq(const std::vector<ADB>& mob_perfcells,
const std::vector<ADB>& b_perfcells,
SolutionState& state,
WellState& well_state);
addWellEq(const SolutionState& state,
WellState& xw,
const std::vector<ADB>& mob_perfcells,
const std::vector<ADB>& b_perfcells,
V& aliveWells,
std::vector<ADB>& cq_s);
@ -354,6 +362,8 @@ namespace Opm {
void updateWellState(const V& dx,
WellState& well_state);
bool getWellConvergence(const int iteration);
computePressures(const ADB& po,
const ADB& sw,
@ -478,10 +478,12 @@ namespace detail {
BlackoilModelBase<Grid, Implementation>::variableWellsStateIndices() const
std::vector<int> indices(2, -1);
// Black oil model standard is 5 equation.
// For the pure well solve, only the well equations are picked.
std::vector<int> indices(5, -1);
int next = 0;
indices[0] = next++;
indices[1] = next++;
indices[Qs] = next++;
indices[Bhp] = next++;
assert(next == 2);
return indices;
@ -749,12 +751,28 @@ namespace detail {
// -------- Well equations ----------
V aliveWells;
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
std::vector<ADB> cq_s(np, ADB::null());
asImpl().addWellEq(state, well_state, aliveWells,cq_s);
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
const int nperf = wells().well_connpos[nw];
const std::vector<int> well_cells(wells().well_cells, wells().well_cells + nperf);
std::vector<ADB> mob_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
std::vector<ADB> b_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
mob_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].mob,well_cells);
b_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].b,well_cells);
if (param_.solve_wellEq_initially_ && initial_assembly) {
// solve the well equations as a pre-processing step
asImpl().addWellEq(state, well_state, mob_perfcells, b_perfcells, aliveWells,cq_s);
addWellControlEq(state, well_state, aliveWells);
@ -831,8 +849,11 @@ namespace detail {
template <class Grid, class Implementation>
void BlackoilModelBase<Grid, Implementation>::addWellEq(const SolutionState& state,
WellState& xw,
const std::vector<ADB>& mob_perfcells,
const std::vector<ADB>& b_perfcells,
V& aliveWells,
std::vector<ADB>& cq_s)
std::vector<ADB>& cq_s
if( ! wellsActive() ) return ;
@ -846,17 +867,10 @@ namespace detail {
// pressure diffs computed already (once per step, not changing per iteration)
const V& cdp = well_perforation_pressure_diffs_;
// Extract needed quantities for the perforation cells
const ADB& p_perfcells = subset(state.pressure, well_cells);
const ADB& rv_perfcells = subset(state.rv,well_cells);
const ADB& rs_perfcells = subset(state.rs,well_cells);
std::vector<ADB> mob_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
std::vector<ADB> b_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
mob_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].mob,well_cells);
b_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].b,well_cells);
// Perforation pressure
const ADB perfpressure = (wops_.w2p * state.bhp) + cdp;
@ -881,7 +895,6 @@ namespace detail {
// compute phase volumetric rates at standard conditions
std::vector<ADB> cq_ps(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
@ -898,7 +911,6 @@ namespace detail {
// Using total mobilities
ADB total_mob = mob_perfcells[0];
for (int phase = 1; phase < np; ++phase) {
@ -923,7 +935,6 @@ namespace detail {
wbq[phase] = (compi.col(pos) * injectingPhase_selector.select(q_s,ADB::constant(V::Zero(nw)))) - q_ps;
wbqt += wbq[phase];
// compute wellbore mixture at standard conditions.
Selector<double> notDeadWells_selector(wbqt.value(), Selector<double>::Zero);
std::vector<ADB> cmix_s(np, ADB::null());
@ -1156,6 +1167,88 @@ namespace detail {
template <class Grid, class Implementation>
void BlackoilModelBase<Grid, Implementation>::solveWellEq(const std::vector<ADB>& mob_perfcells,
const std::vector<ADB>& b_perfcells,
SolutionState& state,
WellState& well_state)
V aliveWells;
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
std::vector<ADB> cq_s(np, ADB::null());
int it = 0;
std::vector<V> vars0;
//bhp and Q for the wells
std::vector<ADB> vars = ADB::variables(vars0);
std::vector<int> indices = variableWellsStateIndices();
SolutionState state0 = state;
SolutionState wellSolutionState = state0;
std::vector<ADB> mob_perfcells_const(np, ADB::null());
std::vector<ADB> b_perfcells_const(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
mob_perfcells_const[phase] = ADB::constant(mob_perfcells[phase].value());
b_perfcells_const[phase] = ADB::constant(b_perfcells[phase].value());
asImpl().addWellEq(wellSolutionState, well_state, mob_perfcells_const, b_perfcells_const, aliveWells,cq_s);
addWellControlEq(wellSolutionState, well_state, aliveWells);
bool converged = getWellConvergence(it);
while ( (!converged && (it < 15))) {
std::vector<ADB> eqs;
ADB total_residual = vertcatCollapseJacs(eqs);
const std::vector<M>& Jn = total_residual.derivative();
const Eigen::SparseLU< M > solver(Jn[0]);
const Eigen::VectorXd& dx = solver.solve(total_residual.value().matrix());
const int numeq = well_state.numWells()*(well_state.numPhases()+1);
V dx_V = V(numeq);
std::copy_n(dx.data(),numeq, dx_V.data());
//bhp and Q for the wells
vars = ADB::variables(vars0);
wellSolutionState = state0;
asImpl().addWellEq(wellSolutionState, well_state, mob_perfcells_const, b_perfcells_const, aliveWells,cq_s);
addWellControlEq(wellSolutionState, well_state, aliveWells);
converged = getWellConvergence(it);
if (converged) {
std::cout << "well converged iter: " << it << std::endl;
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
// We will set the bhp primary variable to the new ones,
// but we do not change the derivatives here.
ADB::V new_bhp = Eigen::Map<ADB::V>(well_state.bhp().data(), nw);
// Avoiding the copy below would require a value setter method
// in AutoDiffBlock.
std::vector<ADB::M> old_derivs = state.bhp.derivative();
state.bhp = ADB::function(std::move(new_bhp), std::move(old_derivs));
// Need to reshuffle well rates, from phase running fastest
// to wells running fastest.
// The transpose() below switches the ordering.
const DataBlock wrates = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(well_state.wellRates().data(), nw, np).transpose();
ADB::V new_qs = Eigen::Map<const V>(wrates.data(), nw*np);
std::vector<ADB::M> old_derivs = state.qs.derivative();
state.qs = ADB::function(std::move(new_qs), std::move(old_derivs));
computeWellConnectionPressures(state, well_state);
@ -1539,7 +1632,6 @@ namespace detail {
const V dbhp = subset(dx, Span(nw, 1, varstart));
varstart += dbhp.size();
assert(varstart == dx.size());
const double dpmaxrel = dpMaxRel();
@ -1559,7 +1651,6 @@ namespace detail {
const V bhp = bhp_old - dbhp_limited;
std::copy(&bhp[0], &bhp[0] + bhp.size(), well_state.bhp().begin());
@ -1896,7 +1987,7 @@ namespace detail {
mass_balance_residual[idx] = std::abs(B_avg[idx]*R_sum[idx]) * dt / pvSum;
converged_MB = converged_MB && (mass_balance_residual[idx] < tol_mb);
converged_CNV = converged_CNV && (CNV[idx] < tol_cnv);
well_flux_residual[idx] = B_avg[idx] * dt * maxNormWell[idx];
well_flux_residual[idx] = B_avg[idx] * maxNormWell[idx];
converged_Well = converged_Well && (well_flux_residual[idx] < tol_wells);
@ -1946,6 +2037,79 @@ namespace detail {
return converged;
template <class Grid, class Implementation>
BlackoilModelBase<Grid, Implementation>::getWellConvergence(const int iteration)
const double tol_wells = param_.tolerance_wells_;
const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
const int nw = wellsActive() ? wells().number_of_wells : 0;
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const V pv = geo_.poreVolume();
std::array<double,MaxNumPhases> R_sum = {{0., 0., 0.}};
std::array<double,MaxNumPhases> B_avg = {{0., 0., 0.}};
std::array<double,MaxNumPhases> maxCoeff = {{0., 0., 0.}};
std::array<double,MaxNumPhases> well_flux_residual = {{0., 0., 0.}};
std::size_t cols = MaxNumPhases; // needed to pass the correct type to Eigen
Eigen::Array<V::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, MaxNumPhases> B(nc, cols);
Eigen::Array<V::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, MaxNumPhases> R(nc, cols);
Eigen::Array<V::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, MaxNumPhases> tempV(nc, cols);
std::vector<double> maxNormWell(MaxNumPhases);
for ( int idx=0; idx<MaxNumPhases; ++idx )
if (active_[idx]) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[idx];
const ADB& tempB = rq_[pos].b;
B.col(idx) = 1./tempB.value();
R.col(idx) = residual_.material_balance_eq[idx].value();
tempV.col(idx) = R.col(idx).abs()/pv;
const double pvSum = convergenceReduction(B, tempV, R, R_sum, maxCoeff, B_avg,
maxNormWell, nc, nw);
bool converged_Well = true;
// Finish computation
for ( int idx=0; idx<MaxNumPhases; ++idx )
well_flux_residual[idx] = B_avg[idx] * maxNormWell[idx];
converged_Well = converged_Well && (well_flux_residual[idx] < tol_wells);
const double residualWell = detail::infinityNormWell(residual_.well_eq,
converged_Well = converged_Well && (residualWell < Opm::unit::barsa);
const bool converged = converged_Well;
// if one of the residuals is NaN, throw exception, so that the solver can be restarted
if (std::isnan(well_flux_residual[Water]) || well_flux_residual[Water] > maxResidualAllowed() ||
std::isnan(well_flux_residual[Oil]) || well_flux_residual[Oil] > maxResidualAllowed() ||
std::isnan(well_flux_residual[Gas]) || well_flux_residual[Gas] > maxResidualAllowed() )
OPM_THROW(Opm::NumericalProblem,"One of the well residuals is NaN or to large!");
if ( terminal_output_ )
// Only rank 0 does print to std::cout
if (iteration == 0) {
std::cout << "\nIter W-FLUX(W) W-FLUX(O) W-FLUX(G)\n";
const std::streamsize oprec = std::cout.precision(3);
const std::ios::fmtflags oflags = std::cout.setf(std::ios::scientific);
std::cout << std::setw(4) << iteration
<< std::setw(11) << well_flux_residual[Water]
<< std::setw(11) << well_flux_residual[Oil]
<< std::setw(11) << well_flux_residual[Gas]
<< std::endl;
return converged;
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ namespace Opm
tolerance_mb_ = param.getDefault("tolerance_mb", tolerance_mb_);
tolerance_cnv_ = param.getDefault("tolerance_cnv", tolerance_cnv_);
tolerance_wells_ = param.getDefault("tolerance_wells", tolerance_wells_ );
solve_wellEq_initially_ = param.getDefault("solve_wellEq_initially",solve_wellEq_initially_);
@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ namespace Opm
max_residual_allowed_ = 1e7;
tolerance_mb_ = 1.0e-5;
tolerance_cnv_ = 1.0e-2;
tolerance_wells_ = 5.0e-1;
tolerance_wells_ = 1.0e-3;
solve_wellEq_initially_ = false;
@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ namespace Opm
/// Well convergence tolerance.
double tolerance_wells_;
/// Solve well equation initially
bool solve_wellEq_initially_;
/// Construct from user parameters or defaults.
explicit BlackoilModelParameters( const parameter::ParameterGroup& param );
Reference in New Issue
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