improve the stencil API, clean up the output writing code and increase openMP usage

the stencil can now be updated only for the primary degrees of freedom
and output modules can specify that they do not need extensive
quantities (which allows to speed up the writing code if none require

Also, all loops over the grid are now threaded (or rather, are
supposed to be), so openMP should be better utilized during the
linearization stage.
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Lauser 2016-02-01 17:25:23 +01:00
parent ffe6c4ac7c
commit a0d6e9ab91
2 changed files with 37 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -291,10 +291,6 @@ public:
// initialize the wells. Note that this needs to be done after initializing the
// intrinsic permeabilities because the well model uses them...
// Set the start time of the simulation
Opm::TimeMapConstPtr timeMap = simulator.gridManager().schedule()->getTimeMap();
tm curTime = boost::posix_time::to_tm(timeMap->getStartTime(/*timeStepIdx=*/0));
@ -304,8 +300,11 @@ public:
// We want the episode index to be the same as the report step index to make
// things simpler, so we have to set the episode index to -1 because it is
// incremented inside beginEpisode()...
// incremented inside beginEpisode(). The size of the initial time step and
// length of the initial episode is set to zero for the same reason.
@ -663,8 +662,17 @@ public:
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::initialSolutionApplied()
void initialSolutionApplied()
// initialize the wells. Note that this needs to be done after initializing the
// intrinsic permeabilities and the after applying the initial solution because
// the well model uses these...
// update the data required for capillary pressure hysteresis

View File

@ -93,73 +93,23 @@ public:
const auto &deckSchedule = eclState->getSchedule();
typedef std::array<int, Grid::dimension> CartesianCoordinate;
// vector containing wells used for numerics
// this list can differ from the overall number of wells
// due to partitioning issues
std::map< const std::string, std::pair< std::shared_ptr<Well>, CartesianCoordinate> > wells;
// create the wells
// create the wells which intersect with the current process' grid
for (size_t deckWellIdx = 0; deckWellIdx < deckSchedule->numWells(); ++deckWellIdx)
Opm::WellConstPtr deckWell = deckSchedule->getWells()[deckWellIdx];
const std::string &wellName = deckWell->name();
CartesianCoordinate cartesianCoord;
cartesianCoord.fill( 0 );
cartesianCoord[ 0 ] = deckWell->getHeadI();
cartesianCoord[ 1 ] = deckWell->getHeadJ();
std::shared_ptr<Well> well(new Well(simulator_));
// insert well into well map
wells[ wellName ] = std::make_pair( well, cartesianCoord );
// set the name of the well but not much else. (i.e., if it is not completed,
// the well primarily serves as a placeholder.) The big rest of the well is
// specified by the updateWellCompletions_() method
auto well = std::make_shared<Well>(simulator_);
const auto gridView = simulator_.gridManager().gridView();
ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_);
auto elemIt = gridView.template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto elemEndIt = gridView.template end</*codim=*/0>();
// loop over elements and insert those wells that appear on the current process
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt)
const auto& elem = *elemIt;
if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity)
continue; // non-local entities need to be skipped
for (unsigned dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < elemCtx.numPrimaryDof(/*timeIdx=*/0); ++ dofIdx)
const unsigned globalDofIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(dofIdx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
CartesianCoordinate cartCoord;
simulator_.gridManager().cartesianCoordinate( globalDofIdx, cartCoord );
for( auto wellIt = wells.begin(); wellIt != wells.end(); ++wellIt )
std::shared_ptr< Well > well = wellIt->second.first;
const CartesianCoordinate& wellCoord = wellIt->second.second;
if( wellCoord[ 0 ] == cartCoord[ 0 ] && wellCoord[ 1 ] == cartCoord[ 1 ] )
wellNameToIndex_[ well->name() ] = wells_.size();
wells_.push_back( well );
// only insert a well once and therefore erase it
wells.erase( wellIt++ );
// if all wells inserted, return
if( wells.empty() )
return ;
wellNameToIndex_[well->name()] = wells_.size() - 1;
@ -444,19 +394,27 @@ public:
// call the accumulation routines
ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_);
auto elemIt = simulator_.gridManager().gridView().template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto &elemEndIt = simulator_.gridManager().gridView().template end</*codim=*/0>();
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) {
const Element& elem = *elemIt;
if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity)
ThreadedEntityIterator<GridView, /*codim=*/0> threadedElemIt(simulator_.gridManager().gridView());
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel
ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_);
auto elemIt = simulator_.gridManager().gridView().template begin</*codim=*/0>();
for (threadedElemIt.beginParallel(elemIt);
const Element& elem = *elemIt;
if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity)
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx)
wells_[wellIdx]->beginIterationAccumulate(elemCtx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx)
wells_[wellIdx]->beginIterationAccumulate(elemCtx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
// call the postprocessing routines
@ -632,7 +590,7 @@ protected:
if (reportStepIdx == 0) {
// the well topology has always been changed relative to before the
// simulation is started
// simulation is started...
return true;
@ -795,8 +753,6 @@ protected:
cartesianCoordinate[ 1 ] = completion->getJ();
cartesianCoordinate[ 2 ] = completion->getK();
unsigned cartIdx = simulator_.gridManager().cartesianIndex( cartesianCoordinate );
assert( cartIdx == (completion->getI() + completion->getJ()*eclGrid->getNX()
+ completion->getK()*eclGrid->getNX()*eclGrid->getNY() ) );
// in this code we only support each cell to be part of at most a single
// well. TODO (?) change this?