mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Refactor updateState() to not copy base version code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -304,267 +304,31 @@ namespace Opm {
ReservoirState& reservoir_state,
WellState& well_state)
using namespace Opm::AutoDiffGrid;
const int np = fluid_.numPhases();
const int nc = numCells(grid_);
const int nw = wellsActive() ? wells().number_of_wells : 0;
const V null;
assert(null.size() == 0);
const V zero = V::Zero(nc);
// store cell status in vectors
V isRs = V::Zero(nc,1);
V isRv = V::Zero(nc,1);
V isSg = V::Zero(nc,1);
if (active_[Gas]) {
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
switch (primalVariable_[c]) {
case PrimalVariables::RS:
isRs[c] = 1;
case PrimalVariables::RV:
isRv[c] = 1;
isSg[c] = 1;
// Extract parts of dx corresponding to each part.
const V dp = subset(dx, Span(nc));
int varstart = nc;
const V dsw = active_[Water] ? subset(dx, Span(nc, 1, varstart)) : null;
varstart += dsw.size();
const V dxvar = active_[Gas] ? subset(dx, Span(nc, 1, varstart)): null;
varstart += dxvar.size();
const V dc = (has_polymer_) ? subset(dx, Span(nc, 1, varstart)) : null;
varstart += dc.size();
const V dqs = subset(dx, Span(np*nw, 1, varstart));
varstart += dqs.size();
const V dbhp = subset(dx, Span(nw, 1, varstart));
varstart += dbhp.size();
assert(varstart == dx.size());
// Pressure update.
const double dpmaxrel = dpMaxRel();
const V p_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&reservoir_state.pressure()[0], nc, 1);
const V absdpmax = dpmaxrel*p_old.abs();
const V dp_limited = sign(dp) * dp.abs().min(absdpmax);
const V p = (p_old - dp_limited).max(zero);
std::copy(&p[0], &p[0] + nc, reservoir_state.pressure().begin());
// Saturation updates.
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const DataBlock s_old = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(& reservoir_state.saturation()[0], nc, np);
const double dsmax = dsMax();
V so;
V sw;
V sg;
V maxVal = zero;
V dso = zero;
if (active_[Water]){
maxVal = dsw.abs().max(maxVal);
dso = dso - dsw;
V dsg;
if (active_[Gas]){
dsg = isSg * dxvar - isRv * dsw;
maxVal = dsg.abs().max(maxVal);
dso = dso - dsg;
maxVal = dso.abs().max(maxVal);
V step = dsmax/maxVal;
step = step.min(1.);
if (active_[Water]) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[ Water ];
const V sw_old = s_old.col(pos);
sw = sw_old - step * dsw;
if (active_[Gas]) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[ Gas ];
const V sg_old = s_old.col(pos);
sg = sg_old - step * dsg;
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[ Oil ];
const V so_old = s_old.col(pos);
so = so_old - step * dso;
// Appleyard chop process.
auto ixg = sg < 0;
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
if (ixg[c]) {
sw[c] = sw[c] / (1-sg[c]);
so[c] = so[c] / (1-sg[c]);
sg[c] = 0;
auto ixo = so < 0;
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
if (ixo[c]) {
sw[c] = sw[c] / (1-so[c]);
sg[c] = sg[c] / (1-so[c]);
so[c] = 0;
auto ixw = sw < 0;
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
if (ixw[c]) {
so[c] = so[c] / (1-sw[c]);
sg[c] = sg[c] / (1-sw[c]);
sw[c] = 0;
const V sumSat = sw + so + sg;
sw = sw / sumSat;
so = so / sumSat;
sg = sg / sumSat;
// Update the reservoir_state
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + pu.phase_pos[ Water ]] = sw[c];
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]] = sg[c];
if (active_[ Oil ]) {
const int pos = pu.phase_pos[ Oil ];
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + pos] = so[c];
// Update rs and rv
const double drmaxrel = drMaxRel();
V rs;
if (has_disgas_) {
const V rs_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&reservoir_state.gasoilratio()[0], nc);
const V drs = isRs * dxvar;
const V drs_limited = sign(drs) * drs.abs().min(rs_old.abs()*drmaxrel);
rs = rs_old - drs_limited;
V rv;
if (has_vapoil_) {
const V rv_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&reservoir_state.rv()[0], nc);
const V drv = isRv * dxvar;
const V drv_limited = sign(drv) * drv.abs().min(rv_old.abs()*drmaxrel);
rv = rv_old - drv_limited;
// Sg is used as primal variable for water only cells.
const double epsilon = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
auto watOnly = sw > (1 - epsilon);
// phase translation sg <-> rs
std::fill(primalVariable_.begin(), primalVariable_.end(), PrimalVariables::Sg);
if (has_disgas_) {
const V rsSat0 = fluidRsSat(p_old, s_old.col(pu.phase_pos[Oil]), cells_);
const V rsSat = fluidRsSat(p, so, cells_);
// The obvious case
auto hasGas = (sg > 0 && isRs == 0);
// Set oil saturated if previous rs is sufficiently large
const V rs_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&reservoir_state.gasoilratio()[0], nc);
auto gasVaporized = ( (rs > rsSat * (1+epsilon) && isRs == 1 ) && (rs_old > rsSat0 * (1-epsilon)) );
auto useSg = watOnly || hasGas || gasVaporized;
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
if (useSg[c]) {
rs[c] = rsSat[c];
} else {
primalVariable_[c] = PrimalVariables::RS;
// phase transitions so <-> rv
if (has_vapoil_) {
// The gas pressure is needed for the rvSat calculations
const V gaspress_old = computeGasPressure(p_old, s_old.col(Water), s_old.col(Oil), s_old.col(Gas));
const V gaspress = computeGasPressure(p, sw, so, sg);
const V rvSat0 = fluidRvSat(gaspress_old, s_old.col(pu.phase_pos[Oil]), cells_);
const V rvSat = fluidRvSat(gaspress, so, cells_);
// The obvious case
auto hasOil = (so > 0 && isRv == 0);
// Set oil saturated if previous rv is sufficiently large
const V rv_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&reservoir_state.rv()[0], nc);
auto oilCondensed = ( (rv > rvSat * (1+epsilon) && isRv == 1) && (rv_old > rvSat0 * (1-epsilon)) );
auto useSg = watOnly || hasOil || oilCondensed;
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
if (useSg[c]) {
rv[c] = rvSat[c];
} else {
primalVariable_[c] = PrimalVariables::RV;
// Update the reservoir_state
if (has_disgas_) {
std::copy(&rs[0], &rs[0] + nc, reservoir_state.gasoilratio().begin());
if (has_vapoil_) {
std::copy(&rv[0], &rv[0] + nc, reservoir_state.rv().begin());
//Polymer concentration updates.
if (has_polymer_) {
// Extract concentration change.
const int np = fluid_.numPhases();
const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
const V zero = V::Zero(nc);
const int concentration_start = nc * np;
const V dc = subset(dx, Span(nc, 1, concentration_start));
// Create new dx with the dc part deleted.
V modified_dx = V::Zero(dx.size() - nc);
modified_dx.head(concentration_start) = dx.head(concentration_start);
const int tail_len = dx.size() - concentration_start - nc;
modified_dx.tail(tail_len) = dx.tail(tail_len);
// Call base version.
Base::updateState(modified_dx, reservoir_state, well_state);
// Update concentration.
const V c_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&reservoir_state.concentration()[0], nc, 1);
const V c = (c_old - dc).max(zero);
std::copy(&c[0], &c[0] + nc, reservoir_state.concentration().begin());
} else {
// Just forward call to base version.
Base::updateState(dx, reservoir_state, well_state);
if( wellsActive() )
// Qs update.
// Since we need to update the wellrates, that are ordered by wells,
// from dqs which are ordered by phase, the simplest is to compute
// dwr, which is the data from dqs but ordered by wells.
const DataBlock wwr = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(dqs.data(), np, nw).transpose();
const V dwr = Eigen::Map<const V>(wwr.data(), nw*np);
const V wr_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&well_state.wellRates()[0], nw*np);
const V wr = wr_old - dwr;
std::copy(&wr[0], &wr[0] + wr.size(), well_state.wellRates().begin());
// Bhp update.
const V bhp_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&well_state.bhp()[0], nw, 1);
const V dbhp_limited = sign(dbhp) * dbhp.abs().min(bhp_old.abs()*dpmaxrel);
const V bhp = bhp_old - dbhp_limited;
std::copy(&bhp[0], &bhp[0] + bhp.size(), well_state.bhp().begin());
// Update phase conditions used for property calculations.
Reference in New Issue
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