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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Chase API update of opm-core's RegionMapping
In the process, generalise the notion of region properties. We introduce a new helper class Details::RegionAttributes<RegionId, Attributes> that provides lookup from a RegionId, typically an int, to a user-defined set of Attributes--in this case pressure and temperature. While here, mark 'SurfaceToReservoirVoidage::calcCoeff()' as 'const' because it doesn't need to modify any internal state and refactor the implementation to eliminate repeated calculations of ADB::constant(X)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2014, 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014, 2015 Statoil ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media Project (OPM).
@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
@ -50,74 +55,170 @@ namespace Opm {
* facility.
namespace Details {
* Count number of cells in all regions.
* This value is needed to compute the average (arithmetic
* mean) hydrocarbon pressure in each region.
* \tparam RMap Region mapping. Typically an instance of
* class Opm::RegionMapping<> from module opm-core.
* \param[in] m Specific region mapping.
* \return Array containing number of cells in each region
* defined by the region mapping.
template <class RMap>
countCells(const RMap& m)
// Note: Floating point type (double) to represent
// cell counts is intentional. The count will be
// subsequently used to compute average (pressure)
// values only, and that operation is safer if we
// guarantee a floating point type here.
Eigen::ArrayXd n(m.numRegions());
for (typename RMap::RegionId
r = 0, nr = m.numRegions(); r < nr; ++r)
namespace Select {
template <class RegionID, bool>
struct RegionIDParameter
n(r) = double(m.cells(r).size());
using type =
typename std::remove_reference<RegionID>::type &;
return n;
template <class RegionID>
struct RegionIDParameter<RegionID, true>
using type = RegionID;
} // Select
* Extract representative cell in each region.
* Provide mapping from Region IDs to user-specified collection
* of per-region attributes.
* These are the cells for which fluid properties will be
* computed.
* \tparam RegionId Region identifier type. Must be hashable by
* \code std::hash<> \endcode. Typically a built-in integer
* type--e.g., \c int.
* \tparam Cells Type of cell container. Must be
* commensurable with the properties object's input
* requirements and support a single (integer) argument
* constructor that specifies the number of regions.
* Typically \code std::vector<int> \endcode.
* \tparam RMap Region mapping. Typically an instance of
* class Opm::RegionMapping<> from module opm-core.
* \param[in] m Specific region mapping.
* \return Array of representative cells, one cell in each
* region defined by @c m.
* \tparam Attributes User-defined type that represents
* collection of attributes that have meaning in a per-region
* aggregate sense. Must be copy-constructible.
template <class Cells, class RMap>
representative(const RMap& m)
template <typename RegionId, class Attributes>
class RegionAttributes
Cells c(m.numRegions());
* Expose \c RegionId as a vocabulary type for use in query
* methods.
using RegionID =
typename Select::RegionIDParameter
<RegionId, std::is_integral<RegionId>::value>::type;
for (typename RMap::RegionId
r = 0, nr = m.numRegions(); r < nr; ++r)
* Constructor.
* \tparam RMap Class type that implements the RegionMapping
* protocol. Typically an instantiation of \code
* Opm::RegionMapping<> \endcode.
* \param[in] rmap Specific region mapping that provides
* reverse lookup from regions to cells.
* \param[in] attr Pre-constructed initialiser for \c
* Attributes.
template <class RMap>
RegionAttributes(const RMap& rmap,
const Attributes& attr)
c[r] = *m.cells(r).begin();
using VT = typename AttributeMap::value_type;
for (const auto& r : rmap.activeRegions()) {
auto v = std::unique_ptr<Value>(new Value(attr));
const auto stat = attr_.insert(VT(r, std::move(v)));
if (stat.second) {
// New value inserted.
const auto& cells = rmap.cells(r);
assert (! cells.empty());
// Region's representative cell.
stat.first->second->cell_ = cells[0];
return c;
* Retrieve representative cell in region.
* \param[in] reg Specific region.
* \return Representative cell in region \p reg.
int cell(const RegionID reg) const
return this->find(reg).cell_;
* Request read-only access to region's attributes.
* \param[in] reg Specific region.
* \return Read-only access to region \p reg's per-region
* attributes.
const Attributes& attributes(const RegionID reg) const
return this->find(reg).attr_;
* Request modifiable access to region's attributes.
* \param[in] reg Specific region.
* \return Read-write access to region \p reg's per-region
* attributes.
Attributes& attributes(const RegionID reg)
return this->find(reg).attr_;
* Aggregate per-region attributes along with region's
* representative cell.
struct Value {
Value(const Attributes& attr)
: attr_(attr)
, cell_(-1)
Attributes attr_;
int cell_;
using ID =
typename std::remove_reference<RegionId>::type;
using AttributeMap =
std::unordered_map<ID, std::unique_ptr<Value>>;
AttributeMap attr_;
* Read-only access to region's properties.
const Value& find(const RegionID reg) const
const auto& i = attr_.find(reg);
if (i == attr_.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown region ID");
return *i->second;
* Read-write access to region's properties.
Value& find(const RegionID reg)
const auto& i = attr_.find(reg);
if (i == attr_.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown region ID");
return *i->second;
* Convenience functions for querying presence/absence of
@ -262,13 +363,9 @@ namespace Opm {
SurfaceToReservoirVoidage(const Property& props,
const Region& region)
: props_ (props)
, rmap_ (region)
, repcells_(Details::representative<typename Property::Cells>(rmap_))
, ncells_ (Details::countCells(rmap_))
, p_avg_ (rmap_.numRegions())
, T_avg_ (rmap_.numRegions())
, Rmax_ (rmap_.numRegions(), props.numPhases())
: props_(props)
, rmap_ (region)
, attr_ (rmap_, Attributes(props_.numPhases()))
@ -285,8 +382,7 @@ namespace Opm {
defineState(const BlackoilState& state)
@ -323,26 +419,27 @@ namespace Opm {
template <class Input,
class Coeff>
calcCoeff(const Input& in, const RegionId r, Coeff& coeff)
calcCoeff(const Input& in, const RegionId r, Coeff& coeff) const
typedef typename Property::V V;
typedef typename Property::ADB ADB;
using V = typename Property::V;
const PhaseUsage& pu = props_.phaseUsage();
const V& p = getRegPress(r);
const V& T = getRegTemp(r);
const typename Property::Cells& c = getRegCell (r);
const auto& pu = props_.phaseUsage();
const auto& ra = attr_.attributes(r);
const int iw = Details::PhasePos::water(pu);
const int io = Details::PhasePos::oil (pu);
const int ig = Details::PhasePos::gas (pu);
const auto p = this->constant(ra.pressure);
const auto T = this->constant(ra.temperature);
const auto c = this->getRegCell(r);
const int iw = Details::PhasePos::water(pu);
const int io = Details::PhasePos::oil (pu);
const int ig = Details::PhasePos::gas (pu);
std::fill(& coeff[0], & coeff[0] + props_.numPhases(), 0.0);
if (Details::PhaseUsed::water(pu)) {
// q[w]_r = q[w]_s / bw
const V bw = props_.bWat(ADB::constant(p), ADB::constant(T), c).value();
const V bw = props_.bWat(p, T, c).value();
coeff[iw] = 1.0 / bw(0);
@ -355,7 +452,8 @@ namespace Opm {
if (Details::PhaseUsed::oil(pu)) {
// q[o]_r = 1/(bo * (1 - rs*rv)) * (q[o]_s - rv*q[g]_s)
const V bo = props_.bOil(ADB::constant(p), ADB::constant(T), ADB::constant(m.rs), m.cond, c).value();
const auto rs = this->constant(m.rs);
const V bo = props_.bOil(p, T, rs, m.cond, c).value();
const double den = bo(0) * detR;
coeff[io] += 1.0 / den;
@ -368,7 +466,8 @@ namespace Opm {
if (Details::PhaseUsed::gas(pu)) {
// q[g]_r = 1/(bg * (1 - rs*rv)) * (q[g]_s - rs*q[o]_s)
const V bg = props_.bGas(ADB::constant(p), ADB::constant(T), ADB::constant(m.rv), m.cond, c).value();
const auto rv = this->constant(m.rv);
const V bg = props_.bGas(p, T, rv, m.cond, c).value();
const double den = bg(0) * detR;
coeff[ig] += 1.0 / den;
@ -391,36 +490,21 @@ namespace Opm {
const RegionMapping<Region> rmap_;
* Representative cells in each FIP region.
* Derived property attributes for each active region.
const typename Property::Cells repcells_;
struct Attributes {
Attributes(const int np)
: pressure (0.0)
, temperature(0.0)
, Rmax (Eigen::ArrayXd::Zero(np, 1))
* Number of cells in each region.
* Floating-point type (double) for purpose of average
* pressure calculation.
const Eigen::ArrayXd ncells_;
double pressure;
double temperature;
Eigen::ArrayXd Rmax;
* Average hydrocarbon pressure in each FIP region.
Eigen::ArrayXd p_avg_;
* Average temperature in each FIP region.
Eigen::ArrayXd T_avg_;
* Maximum dissolution and evaporation ratios at average
* hydrocarbon pressure.
* Size (number of regions)-by-(number of fluid phases).
* Water value is, strictly speaking, wasted if present.
Eigen::ArrayXXd Rmax_;
Details::RegionAttributes<RegionId, Attributes> attr_;
* Aggregate structure defining fluid miscibility
@ -464,43 +548,34 @@ namespace Opm {
* Compute average hydrocarbon pressure in all regions.
* Compute average hydrocarbon pressure and temperatures in all
* regions.
* \param[in] state Dynamic reservoir state.
averagePressure(const BlackoilState& state)
calcAverages(const BlackoilState& state)
const auto& press = state.pressure();
const auto& temp = state.temperature();
const std::vector<double>& p = state.pressure();
for (std::vector<double>::size_type
i = 0, n = p.size(); i < n; ++i)
p_avg_(rmap_.region(i)) += p[i];
for (const auto& reg : rmap_.activeRegions()) {
auto& ra = attr_.attributes(reg);
auto& p = ra.pressure;
auto& T = ra.temperature;
std::size_t n = 0;
p = T = 0.0;
for (const auto& cell : rmap_.cells(reg)) {
p += press[ cell ];
T += temp [ cell ];
n += 1;
p /= n;
T /= n;
p_avg_ /= ncells_;
* Compute average temperature in all regions.
* \param[in] state Dynamic reservoir state.
averageTemperature(const BlackoilState& state)
const std::vector<double>& T = state.temperature();
for (std::vector<double>::size_type
i = 0, n = T.size(); i < n; ++i)
T_avg_(rmap_.region(i)) += T[i];
T_avg_ /= ncells_;
@ -513,14 +588,12 @@ namespace Opm {
const PhaseUsage& pu = props_.phaseUsage();
if (Details::PhaseUsed::oil(pu) &&
const Eigen::ArrayXXd::Index
const Eigen::ArrayXd::Index
io = Details::PhasePos::oil(pu),
ig = Details::PhasePos::gas(pu);
@ -528,9 +601,18 @@ namespace Opm {
// pressure into account. This facility uses the
// average *hydrocarbon* pressure rather than
// average phase pressure.
typedef BlackoilPropsAdInterface::ADB ADB;
Rmax_.col(io) = props_.rsSat(ADB::constant(p_avg_), ADB::constant(T_avg_), repcells_).value();
Rmax_.col(ig) = props_.rvSat(ADB::constant(p_avg_), ADB::constant(T_avg_), repcells_).value();
for (const auto& reg : rmap_.activeRegions()) {
auto& ra = attr_.attributes(reg);
const auto c = this->getRegCell(reg);
const auto p = this->constant(ra.pressure);
const auto T = this->constant(ra.temperature);
auto& Rmax = ra.Rmax;
Rmax.row(io) = props_.rsSat(p, T, c).value();
Rmax.row(ig) = props_.rvSat(p, T, c).value();
@ -555,7 +637,8 @@ namespace Opm {
calcMiscibility(const Input& in, const RegionId r) const
const PhaseUsage& pu = props_.phaseUsage();
const auto& pu = props_.phaseUsage();
const auto& attr = attr_.attributes(r);
const int io = Details::PhasePos::oil(pu);
const int ig = Details::PhasePos::gas(pu);
@ -571,7 +654,7 @@ namespace Opm {
if (Details::PhaseUsed::gas(pu)) {
const double rsmax = Rmax_(r, io);
const double rsmax = attr.Rmax(io);
const double rs =
(0.0 < std::abs(in[io]))
? in[ig] / in[io]
@ -592,7 +675,7 @@ namespace Opm {
if (Details::PhaseUsed::oil(pu)) {
const double rvmax = Rmax_(r, ig);
const double rvmax = attr.Rmax(ig);
const double rv =
(0.0 < std::abs(in[ig]))
? (in[io] / in[ig])
@ -606,35 +689,26 @@ namespace Opm {
* Retrieve average hydrocarbon pressure in region.
* \param[in] r Particular region.
* \return Average hydrocarbon pressure in region \c r.
* Conversion from \code Property::V \endcode to (constant)
* \code Property::ADB \endcode (zero derivatives).
typename Property::V
getRegPress(const RegionId r) const
typename Property::ADB
constant(const typename Property::V& x) const
typename Property::V p(1);
p << p_avg_(r);
return p;
return Property::ADB::constant(x);
* Retrieve average temperature in region.
* \param[in] r Particular region.
* \return Average temperature in region \c r.
* Conversion from \c double to (constant) \code Property::ADB
* \endcode (zero derivatives).
typename Property::V
getRegTemp(const RegionId r) const
typename Property::ADB
constant(const double x) const
typename Property::V T(1);
T << T_avg_(r);
typename Property::V y(1);
y << x;
return T;
return this->constant(y);
@ -647,7 +721,7 @@ namespace Opm {
typename Property::Cells
getRegCell(const RegionId r) const
typename Property::Cells c(1, repcells_[r]);
typename Property::Cells c(1, this->attr_.cell(r));
return c;
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