mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 20:24:48 -06:00
Some clean-up
Dont' output rs, rv, somax and hysteresis if they are not enabled. We no longer output the same as legacy.
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,9 +121,20 @@ public:
const Opm::SummaryConfig summaryConfig = simulator_.gridManager().summaryConfig();
// Only output RESTART_AUXILIARY asked for by the user.
std::map<std::string, int> rstKeywords = restartConfig.getRestartKeywords(reportStepNum);
for (auto& keyValue : rstKeywords) {
keyValue.second = restartConfig.getKeyword(keyValue.first, reportStepNum);
outputFipRestart_ = false;
// Fluid in place
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
if (!substep || summaryConfig.require3DField(stringOfEnumIndex_(i))) {
if (rstKeywords["FIP"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["FIP"] = 0;
outputFipRestart_ = true;
fip_[i].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
@ -141,24 +152,23 @@ public:
outputRestart_ = true;
// always output saturation of active phases
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx))
// and oil pressure
if (true)
if (true) // adding some logic here when the energy module is done
// Output the same as legacy
// TODO: Only needed if DISGAS or VAPOIL
if (true) {
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas()) {
if (true) {
if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil()) {
@ -169,33 +179,23 @@ public:
if (true) {
// Output the same as legacy
// TODO: Only needed if Vappars or hysteresis.
if (simulator_.problem().vapparsActive())
if (simulator_.problem().materialLawManager()->enableHysteresis()) {
// Only output RESTART_AUXILIARY asked for by the user.
std::map<std::string, int> rstKeywords = restartConfig.getRestartKeywords(reportStepNum);
for (auto& keyValue : rstKeywords) {
keyValue.second = restartConfig.getKeyword(keyValue.first, reportStepNum);
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas() && rstKeywords["RSSAT"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["RSSAT"] = 0;
// Output the same as legacy
// TODO: Only needed if DISGAS or VAPOIL
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx)) {
if (rstKeywords["RSSAT"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["RSSAT"] = 0;
if (rstKeywords["RVSAT"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["RVSAT"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil() && rstKeywords["RVSAT"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["RVSAT"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx) && rstKeywords["BW"] > 0)
@ -569,11 +569,11 @@ public:
int global_index = node.num() - 1;
std::pair<std::string, int> key = std::make_pair(node.keyword(), node.num());
if (global_index == globalIdx) {
if (strcmp(node.keyword(),"BGSAT")) {
if (key.first == "BWSAT") {
blockValues_[key] = Toolbox::value(fs.saturation(waterPhaseIdx));
} else if (strcmp(node.keyword(),"BWSAT")) {
} else if (key.first == "BGSAT") {
blockValues_[key] = Toolbox::value(fs.saturation(gasPhaseIdx));
} else if (strcmp(node.keyword(),"BPR")) {
} else if (key.first == "BPR") {
blockValues_[key] = Toolbox::value(fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx));
@ -754,10 +754,9 @@ public:
if (bubblePointPressure_.size() > 0)
sol.insert ("PBUB", Opm::UnitSystem::measure::pressure, std::move(bubblePointPressure_), Opm::data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
// Summary FIP output
// Fluid in place
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
if (fip_[i].size() > 0) {
if (outputFipRestart_ && fip_[i].size() > 0) {
fip_[i] ,
@ -774,33 +773,30 @@ public:
ntFip = comm.max(ntFip);
// sum values over each region
ScalarBuffer regionValues[FIPDataType::numFipValues];
ScalarBuffer regionFipValues[FIPDataType::numFipValues];
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
regionValues[i] = FIPTotals_(fip_[i], fipnum_, ntFip);
regionFipValues[i] = FIPTotals_(fip_[i], fipnum_, ntFip);
if (isIORank_() && origRegionValues_[i].empty())
origRegionValues_[i] = regionValues[i];
origRegionValues_[i] = regionFipValues[i];
// sum all region values to compute the field total
std::vector<int> fieldNum(ntFip, 1);
ScalarBuffer totalValues(FIPDataType::numFipValues,0.0);
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
bool comunicateSum = false; // the regionValues are already summed over all ranks.
const ScalarBuffer& tmp = FIPTotals_(regionValues[i], fieldNum, 1, comunicateSum);
totalValues[i] = tmp[0]; //
ScalarBuffer fieldFipValues(FIPDataType::numFipValues,0.0);
bool comunicateSum = false; // the regionValues are already summed over all ranks.
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
const ScalarBuffer& tmp = FIPTotals_(regionFipValues[i], fieldNum, 1, comunicateSum);
fieldFipValues[i] = tmp[0]; //
// compute the hydrocarbon averaged pressure over the field.
Scalar totalPoreVolumeAveragedPressure;
Scalar totalHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure;
pressureAverage_(-1, totalPoreVolumeAveragedPressure, totalHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure);
// compute the hydrocarbon averaged pressure over the regions.
ScalarBuffer regPoreVolumeAveragedPressure(ntFip,0.0);
ScalarBuffer regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure(ntFip,0.0);
for (size_t reg = 0; reg < ntFip; ++reg ) {
pressureAverage_(reg + 1, regPoreVolumeAveragedPressure[reg], regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure[reg]);
ScalarBuffer regPressurePv = FIPTotals_(pPv_, fipnum_, ntFip);
ScalarBuffer regPvHydrocarbon = FIPTotals_(pvHydrocarbon_, fipnum_, ntFip);
ScalarBuffer regPressurePvHydrocarbon = FIPTotals_(pPvHydrocarbon_, fipnum_, ntFip);
ScalarBuffer fieldPressurePv = FIPTotals_(regPressurePv, fieldNum, 1, comunicateSum);
ScalarBuffer fieldPvHydrocarbon = FIPTotals_(regPvHydrocarbon, fieldNum, 1, comunicateSum);
ScalarBuffer fieldPressurePvHydrocarbon = FIPTotals_(regPressurePvHydrocarbon, fieldNum, 1, comunicateSum);
// output on io rank
// the original Fip values are stored on the first step
@ -812,38 +808,39 @@ public:
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
std::string key = "F" + stringOfEnumIndex_(i);
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword(key))
miscSummaryData[key] = totalValues[i];
miscSummaryData[key] = fieldFipValues[i];
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword("FOE") && !origTotalValues_.empty())
miscSummaryData["FOE"] = totalValues[FIPDataType::OilInPlace] / origTotalValues_[FIPDataType::OilInPlace];
miscSummaryData["FOE"] = fieldFipValues[FIPDataType::OilInPlace] / origTotalValues_[FIPDataType::OilInPlace];
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword("FPR"))
miscSummaryData["FPR"] = totalHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure;
miscSummaryData["FPR"] = pressureAverage_(fieldPressurePvHydrocarbon[0], fieldPvHydrocarbon[0], fieldPressurePv[0], fieldFipValues[FIPDataType::PoreVolume], true);
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword("FPRP"))
miscSummaryData["FPRP"] = totalPoreVolumeAveragedPressure;
miscSummaryData["FPR"] = pressureAverage_(fieldPressurePvHydrocarbon[0], fieldPvHydrocarbon[0], fieldPressurePv[0], fieldFipValues[FIPDataType::PoreVolume], false);
// Region summary output
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
std::string key = "R" + stringOfEnumIndex_(i);
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword(key))
regionData[key] = regionValues[i];
regionData[key] = regionFipValues[i];
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword("RPR"))
regionData["RPR"] = regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure;
regionData["RPR"] = pressureAverage_(regPressurePvHydrocarbon, regPvHydrocarbon, regPressurePv, regionFipValues[FIPDataType::PoreVolume], true);
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword("FPRP"))
regionData["FPRP"] = regPoreVolumeAveragedPressure;
if (summaryConfig.hasKeyword("RPRP"))
regionData["RPRP"] = pressureAverage_(regPressurePvHydrocarbon, regPvHydrocarbon, regPressurePv, regionFipValues[FIPDataType::PoreVolume], false);
// Output to log
if (!substep) {
if (origTotalValues_.empty())
origTotalValues_ = totalValues;
origTotalValues_ = fieldFipValues;
outputRegionFluidInPlace_(origTotalValues_, totalValues, totalHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure, 0);
Scalar fieldHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure = pressureAverage_(fieldPressurePvHydrocarbon[0], fieldPvHydrocarbon[0], fieldPressurePv[0], fieldFipValues[FIPDataType::PoreVolume], true);
outputRegionFluidInPlace_(origTotalValues_, fieldFipValues, fieldHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure, 0);
for (size_t reg = 0; reg < ntFip; ++reg ) {
ScalarBuffer tmpO(FIPDataType::numFipValues,0.0);
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
@ -852,11 +849,12 @@ public:
ScalarBuffer tmp(FIPDataType::numFipValues,0.0);
for (int i = 0; i<FIPDataType::numFipValues; i++) {
tmp[i] = regionValues[i][reg];
tmp[i] = regionFipValues[i][reg];
outputRegionFluidInPlace_(tmpO, tmp, regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure[reg], reg + 1);
Scalar regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure = pressureAverage_(regPressurePvHydrocarbon[reg], regPvHydrocarbon[reg], regPressurePv[reg], regionFipValues[FIPDataType::PoreVolume][reg], true);
outputRegionFluidInPlace_(tmpO, tmp, regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure, reg + 1);
@ -865,7 +863,6 @@ public:
void setRestart(const Opm::data::Solution& sol, unsigned elemIdx, unsigned globalDofIndex)
Scalar so = 1.0;
if( sol.has( "SWAT" ) ) {
saturation_[waterPhaseIdx][elemIdx] = sol.data("SWAT")[globalDofIndex];
@ -1068,39 +1065,24 @@ private:
return totals;
// computes the pore volume weighted averaged pressure
// of a region (reg) and the hydrocarbon volume weighted average
// if reg == -1, the field average is computed.
void pressureAverage_(int reg, Scalar& poreVolumeAveragedPressure, Scalar& hydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure)
Scalar pPvSum = 0.0;
Scalar pvSum = 0.0;
Scalar pPvHydrocarbonSum = 0.0;
Scalar pvHydrocarbonSum = 0.0;
size_t numElem = pPv_.size();
for (size_t elem = 0; elem < numElem; ++elem) {
//ignore ghost cells (all ghost cells has fipnum == 0)
if(static_cast<int>(fipnum_[elem]) == reg || (-1 == reg && fipnum_[elem] > 0) )
pPvSum += pPv_[elem];;
pvSum += fip_[FIPDataType::PoreVolume][elem];
pPvHydrocarbonSum += pPvHydrocarbon_[elem];
pvHydrocarbonSum += pvHydrocarbon_[elem];
ScalarBuffer pressureAverage_(const ScalarBuffer& pressurePvHydrocarbon, const ScalarBuffer& pvHydrocarbon, const ScalarBuffer& pressurePv, const ScalarBuffer& pv, bool hydrocarbon) {
size_t size = pressurePvHydrocarbon.size();
assert(pvHydrocarbon.size() == size);
assert(pressurePv.size() == size);
assert(pv.size() == size);
ScalarBuffer fraction(size,0.0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
fraction[i] = pressureAverage_(pressurePvHydrocarbon[i], pvHydrocarbon[i], pressurePv[i], pv[i], hydrocarbon);
const auto& comm = simulator_.gridView().comm();
pPvSum = comm.sum(pPvSum);
pvSum = comm.sum(pvSum);
pPvHydrocarbonSum = comm.sum(pPvHydrocarbonSum);
pvHydrocarbonSum = comm.sum(pvHydrocarbonSum);
return fraction;
poreVolumeAveragedPressure = pPvSum / pvSum;
// use porevolume weighted pressure if no hydrocarbon
hydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure = poreVolumeAveragedPressure;
if (pvHydrocarbonSum > 1e-10)
hydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure = pPvHydrocarbonSum / pvHydrocarbonSum;
Scalar pressureAverage_(const Scalar& pressurePvHydrocarbon, const Scalar& pvHydrocarbon, const Scalar& pressurePv, const Scalar& pv, bool hydrocarbon) {
if (pvHydrocarbon > 1e-10 && hydrocarbon)
return pressurePvHydrocarbon / pvHydrocarbon;
return pressurePv / pv;
void FIPUnitConvert_(ScalarBuffer& fip)
@ -1199,6 +1181,7 @@ private:
const Simulator& simulator_;
bool outputRestart_;
bool outputFipRestart_;
ScalarBuffer saturation_[numPhases];
ScalarBuffer oilPressure_;
@ -1229,7 +1212,6 @@ private:
ScalarBuffer fip_[FIPDataType::numFipValues];
ScalarBuffer origTotalValues_;
ScalarBuffer origRegionValues_[FIPDataType::numFipValues];
ScalarBuffer pv_;
ScalarBuffer pvHydrocarbon_;
ScalarBuffer pPv_;
ScalarBuffer pPvHydrocarbon_;
@ -1176,6 +1176,11 @@ public:
const Opm::EclipseIO& eclIO() const
{ return eclWriter_->eclIO(); }
bool vapparsActive() const
return vapparsActive_;
Scalar cellCenterDepth( const Element& element ) const
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ class EclWriter
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Grid) Grid;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ElementContext) ElementContext;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
@ -199,11 +200,11 @@ public:
void restartBegin()
std::map<std::string, Opm::RestartKey> solution_keys {{"PRESSURE" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::pressure)},
{"SWAT" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity)},
{"SGAS" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity)},
{"TEMP" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::temperature)},
{"RS" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::gas_oil_ratio)},
{"RV" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::oil_gas_ratio)},
{"SWAT" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx))},
{"SGAS" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx))},
{"TEMP" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::temperature)}, // always required for now
{"RS" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::gas_oil_ratio, FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas())},
{"RV" , Opm::RestartKey(Opm::UnitSystem::measure::oil_gas_ratio, FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil())},
{"SOMAX", {Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, false}},
{"PCSWM_OW", {Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, false}},
{"KRNSW_OW", {Opm::UnitSystem::measure::identity, false}},
Reference in New Issue
Block a user