Ported test_transmissibilities to the UgGridHelpers interface.

Previously, there were a completely different check for UnstructuredGrid
and CpGrid. The latter probably not working properly due to missing
support in the DUNE grid interface.

This commit resorts the code to use the UgGridHelpers abtraction instead of
UnstructuredGrid's legacy grid interface. Thus one code can be used to do
the checks for both grids. For UG the code compiles and the test is successful.
For CpGrid it compiles but of course the test still fails due to missing
transmissibility multiplier support. This will be sorted out in a different PR.
This commit is contained in:
Markus Blatt 2015-01-12 16:21:51 +01:00
parent e681d6b836
commit b0707e05bf

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include <dune/grid/CpGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <string>
@ -135,6 +136,24 @@ std::string ntgDeckString =
/// \brief The check of the transmissibility values
/// Written along the UgGridHelpers interface to make it usable for both
/// UnstructuredGrid and CpGrid.
/// \tparam Grid The type of the grid.
/// \param grid The grid where the transmissibility values live
/// \param origGeology The originaly geology without multipliers.
/// \param multGeology The geology using posititve multipliers.
/// \param multMinusGeology The geology uing negative multipliers
/// \param ntgGeology
template<class G>
void checkTransmissibilityValues(const G& grid,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& origGeology,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& multGeology,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& multMinusGeology,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& ntgGeology);
Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param;
@ -185,18 +204,30 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TransmissibilityMultipliersLegacyGridInterface)
Opm::DerivedGeology ntgGeology(*(ntgGridManager->c_grid()), *ntgProps, ntgEclipseState, false);
checkTransmissibilityValues(*(origGridManager->c_grid()), origGeology, multGeology,
multMinusGeology, ntgGeology);
template<class G>
void checkTransmissibilityValues(const G& grid,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& origGeology,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& multGeology,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& multMinusGeology,
const Opm::DerivedGeology& ntgGeology)
// compare the transmissibilities (note that for this we assume that the multipliers
// do not change the grid topology)
const UnstructuredGrid cGrid = *(origGridManager->c_grid());
int numFaces = cGrid.number_of_faces;
int numFaces=Opm::UgGridHelpers::numFaces(grid);
typename Opm::UgGridHelpers::FaceCellTraits<G>::Type face_cells=
for (int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < numFaces; ++ faceIdx) {
// in DUNE-speak, a face here is more like an intersection which is not specific
// to a codim-0 entity (i.e., cell)
// get the cell indices of the compressed grid for the face's interior and
// exterior cell
int insideCellIdx = cGrid.face_cells[2*faceIdx + 0];
int outsideCellIdx = cGrid.face_cells[2*faceIdx + 1];
int insideCellIdx = face_cells(faceIdx, 0);
int outsideCellIdx = face_cells(faceIdx, 1);
if (insideCellIdx < 0 || outsideCellIdx < 0) {
// do not consider cells at the domain boundary: Their would only be used for
@ -206,9 +237,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TransmissibilityMultipliersLegacyGridInterface)
// translate these to canonical indices (i.e., the logically Cartesian ones used by the deck)
if (cGrid.global_cell) {
insideCellIdx = cGrid.global_cell[insideCellIdx];
outsideCellIdx = cGrid.global_cell[outsideCellIdx];
const int* global_cell=Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell(grid);
if (global_cell) {
insideCellIdx = global_cell[insideCellIdx];
outsideCellIdx = global_cell[outsideCellIdx];
double origTrans = origGeology.transmissibility()[faceIdx];
@ -218,8 +251,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TransmissibilityMultipliersLegacyGridInterface)
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(origTrans*(insideCellIdx + 1), multTrans, 1e-6);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(origTrans*(outsideCellIdx + 1), multMinusTrans, 1e-6);
int insideCellKIdx = insideCellIdx/(cGrid.cartdims[0]*cGrid.cartdims[1]);
int outsideCellKIdx = outsideCellIdx/(cGrid.cartdims[0]*cGrid.cartdims[1]);
const int* cartdims = Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims(grid);
int insideCellKIdx = insideCellIdx/(cartdims[0]*cartdims[1]);
int outsideCellKIdx = outsideCellIdx/(cartdims[0]*cartdims[1]);
if (insideCellKIdx == outsideCellKIdx)
// NTG only reduces the permebility of the X-Y plane
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(origTrans*0.5, ntgTrans, 1e-6);
@ -298,55 +332,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TransmissibilityMultipliersCpGrid)
Opm::DerivedGeology ntgGeology(*ntgGrid, *ntgProps, ntgEclipseState, false);
// compare the transmissibilities (note that for this we assume that the multipliers
// do not change the grid topology)
auto gridView = origGrid->leafGridView();
auto gridView = origGrid->leafView();
typedef Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<Dune::CpGrid::LeafGridView,
Dune::MCMGElementLayout> ElementMapper;
ElementMapper elementMapper(gridView);
auto eIt = gridView.begin<0>();
const auto& eEndIt = gridView.end<0>();
for (; eIt < eEndIt; ++ eIt) {
// loop over the intersections of the current element
auto isIt = gridView.ibegin(*eIt);
const auto& isEndIt = gridView.iend(*eIt);
for (; isIt != isEndIt; ++isIt) {
if (isIt->boundary())
continue; // ignore domain the boundaries
// get the cell indices of the compressed grid for the face's interior and
// exterior cell
int insideCellIdx = elementMapper.map(*isIt->inside());
int outsideCellIdx = elementMapper.map(*isIt->outside());
// translate these to canonical indices (i.e., the logically Cartesian ones used by the deck)
insideCellIdx = origGrid->globalCell()[insideCellIdx];
outsideCellIdx = origGrid->globalCell()[outsideCellIdx];
#warning TODO: how to get the intersection index for the compressed grid??
#if 0
int globalIsIdx = 0; // <- how to get this??
double origTrans = origGeology.transmissibility()[globalIsIdx];
double multTrans = multGeology.transmissibility()[globalIsIdx];
double multMinusTrans = multMinusGeology.transmissibility()[globalIsIdx];
double ntgTrans = ntgGeology.transmissibility()[globalIsIdx];
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(origTrans*(insideCellIdx + 1), multTrans, 1e-6);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(origTrans*(outsideCellIdx + 1), multMinusTrans, 1e-6);
std::array<int, 3> ijkInside, ijkOutside;
origGrid->getIJK(insideCellIdx, ijkInside);
origGrid->getIJK(outsideCellIdx, ijkOutside);
if (ijkInside[2] == ijkOutside[2])
// NTG only reduces the permebility of the X-Y plane
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(origTrans*0.5, ntgTrans, 1e-6);
return checkTransmissibilityValues(*origGrid, origGeology, multGeology,
multMinusGeology, ntgGeology);
#endif // there seems to be some index mess-up in DerivedGeology in the case of Dune::CpGrid