PartiallySupportedKeywords for RUNSPEC and GRID Sections

RUNSPEC and GRID keywords for partially supported keywords
This commit is contained in:
OPMUSER 2021-06-23 12:58:35 +08:00
parent 256f4a3291
commit c3fe22a6cf

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@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
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Generated :
Date : 2021-06-23 12:54:52
#include <opm/simulators/utils/PartiallySupportedFlowKeywords.hpp>
@ -27,55 +30,309 @@ template <>
const PartiallySupportedKeywords<std::string>&
static const PartiallySupportedKeywords<std::string> partially_supported_keywords_strings = {
static const PartiallySupportedKeywords<std::string> partially_supported_keywords_strings = {
{1,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "SALTS Multi-Component Brine model not supported"}}, // NO_NAME
{2, {false, allow_values<std::string>{"INPUT"}, std::nullopt}}, // ORDER_TYPE
{2,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"DEPTH", "INPUT", "TRACK"}, "COMPORD should be DEPTH/INPUT/TRACK"}}, // ORDER_TYPE
{1, {false, allow_values<std::string>{"NODIR"}, std::nullopt}}, // DIRECT
{2, {false, allow_values<std::string>{"REVERS"}, std::nullopt}}, // IRREVERS
{12,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "FACE1 not supported use 1* - will continue"}}, // VE_FACE1
{13,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "FACE2 not supported use 1* - will continue"}}, // VE_FACE2
{2, {false, allow_values<std::string>{"GAP"}, std::nullopt}}, // GAP
{4, {false, allow_values<std::string>{"TOPBOT"}, std::nullopt}}, // PINCHOUT_OPTION
return partially_supported_keywords_strings;
template <>
const PartiallySupportedKeywords<int>&
static const PartiallySupportedKeywords<int> partially_supported_keywords_int = {
{2, {false, allow_values<int>{0}, std::nullopt}}, // relative_perm_hyst
{5,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"BOTH"}, "HYSTOPT only default value of BOTH is supported will STOP"}}, // limiting_hyst_flag
{6,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"RETR"}, "HYSTSCAN is not supported and is ignored"}}, // shape_cap_press_flag
{7,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"DRAIN"}, "HYSTMOB is not supported and is ignored"}}, // init_fluid_mob_flag
{8,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"OIL"}, "HYSTWET is not supported and is ignored"}}, // wetting_phase_flag
{9,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"NO"}, "NOTUSED and is ignored"}}, // baker_flag_oil
{10,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"NO"}, "NOTUSED and is ignored"}}, // baker_flag_gas
{11,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"NO"}, "NOTUSED and is ignored"}}, // baker_flag_water
{1,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"NODIR"}, "DIRECT only default value of NODIR supported"}}, // DIRECT
{2,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"REVERS"}, "IRREVERS only default value of REVERS supported"}}, // IRREVERS
{1,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"THPRES"}, "MOBILE fluid critical saturation end point correction option not supported value ignored"}}, // OPTION1
{2,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"THPRES"}, "QUIESC quiescence option not supported value ignored"}}, // OPTION2
{3,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"THPRES"}, "THPRES invalid value for THPRES"}}, // OPTION3
{4,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"THPRES"}, "IRREVER irreversible inter-region equilibration flow option not supported - value ignored"}}, // OPTION4
{1,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"NO"}, "TRANMULT only the NO option is supported value ignored"}}, // TRANMULT
{3,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"NONE"}, "MISOPT only option NONE is supported value ignored"}}, // TWOPOINT
{4,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"F", "M", "O"}, "REGION_NAME must equal to F/M or O"}}, // REGION_NAME
{3,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"F", "M", "O"}, "REGION_NAME must equal to F/M or O"}}, // REGION_NAME
{6,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"F", "M", "O"}, "REGION_NAME must equal to F/M or O"}}, // REGION_NAME
{12,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "FACE1 not supported use 1* - will continue"}}, // VE_FACE1
{13,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "FACE2 not supported use 1* - will continue"}}, // VE_FACE2
{1,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"REVERS"}, "ROCKOPT only the REVERS option is supported"}}, // HYSTERESIS
{3,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"YES"}, "WATINOPT only equal to YES is supported"}}, // WATER_COMPACTION
{4,{false, allow_values<std::string> {}, "PORTXROP transmissibility dependent on porosity model is not supported"}}, // PORTXROP
{1,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"HYSTER"}, "DIRECT directional relative permeability assignment option not supported - value ignored"}}, // options
{2,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"HYSTER"}, "IRREVERS reversible directional relative permeability assignment option not supported value ignored"}}, // IRREVERS
{3,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"HYSTER"}, "HYSTER hysteresis directional relative permeability assignment option not supported - value ignored"}}, // HYSTER
{4,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"HYSTER"}, "SURFTENS capillary pressure surface tension pressure dependency option not supported value ignored"}}, // SURFTENS
{5,{true, allow_values<std::string> {"F"}, "TYPE only option F (Cartesian grids supported) supported will STOP"}}, // COORD_TYPE
{11,{false, allow_values<std::string> {"N"}, "RSEED option is not supported value ignored"}}, // RESTART_NEW_SEED
return partially_supported_keywords_int;
return partially_supported_keywords_strings;
template <>
const PartiallySupportedKeywords<double>&
const KeywordValidation::PartiallySupportedKeywords<int>&
static const PartiallySupportedKeywords<double> partially_supported_keywords_double = {};
static const KeywordValidation::PartiallySupportedKeywords<int>partially_supported_keywords_int = {
{11,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "VEOPT1 Vertical Equilibrium option one not used"}}, // VEFRAC
{12,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "VEOPI2 Vertical Equilibrium option two not used"}}, // VEFRACP
{8,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "ISATNUM1 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // SIM_DEPENDENT1
{9,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "ISATNUM2 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // SIM_DEPENDENT2
{10,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "IPRSNUM1 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // PRESSURE_TABLE1
{11,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "IPRSNUM2 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // PRESSURE_TABLE2
{2,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "HYSTMOD only default value of 0 (Carlson Hysteresis Model) supported"}}, // relative_perm_hyst
{13,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "NOTUSED and is ignored"}}, // FLAG_SOMETHING
{3,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "NTENDP depth end-point scaling not supported value ignored"}}, // NTENDP
{4,{false, allow_values<int> {20}, "NNODES depth end-point scaling not supported value ignored"}}, // NSENDP
{5,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "MODE depth temperature end-point scaling not supported value ignored"}}, // COMP_MODE
{4,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "NTTRVD tracer end-point depth scaling not supported value ignored"}}, // NTTRVD
{5,{false, allow_values<int> {20}, "NSTRVD tracer end-point depth scaling not supported value ignored"}}, // NSTRVD
{1,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "NGRID only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // GRID
{2,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "NEGRID only default value of 1 supported will continue"}}, // EGRID
{3,{false, allow_values<int> {}, "NBCMAX option is not used value ignored"}}, // NBCMAX
{8,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "ISATNUM1 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // SIM_DEPENDENT1
{9,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "ISATNUM2 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // SIM_DEPENDENT2
{10,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "IPRSNUM1 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // PRESSURE_TABLE1
{11,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "IPRSNUM2 only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // PRESSURE_TABLE2
{17,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "PERMNNC only default value of 0 supported will continue"}}, // VDFLOW_PERM
{1,{true, allow_values<int> {1}, "NUMRES only a value of one is supported will STOP"}}, // NUM
{5,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "NUSREG compositional TRACK regions not supported - value ignored"}}, // "MAX_ETRACK
{6,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "NTCREG COAL regions not supported - value ignored"}}, // NTCREG
{8,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "NWKDREG should be equal to 0 - value ignored"}}, // MAX_OPERATE_DWORK
{9,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "NWKIREG should be equal to 0 - value ignored"}}, // MAX_OPERATE_IWORK
{4,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "NUMRES must be greater than or equal to 1"}}, // NUMRES
{7,{false, allow_values<int> {20}, "NRVPVT should be defaulted (20) ignored as not used"}}, // MAX_RV_NODES"
{9,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "NMEOSR must be greater than or equal to 1"}}, // NUM_EOS_RES
{10,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "NMEOSS should be equal to 1 - ignored as not used"}}, // NUM_EOS_SURFACE
{12,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "MXNTHR should be equal to 1 - ignored as not used"}}, // MAX_THERMAL_REGIONS
{14,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "MXNPMR should be equal to 0 - ignored as not used"}}, // MAX_PRESSURE_MAINTAINANCE_REGIONS
{15,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "NTABKT should be defaulted (0) - ignored as not used"}}, // MAX_KVALUE_TABLES
{16,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "NTALPHA should be defaulted (0) - ignored as not used"}}, // NTALPHA
{17,{false, allow_values<int> {10}, "NASPKA should be defaulted (10) - ignored as not used"}}, // ASPHALTENE_ASPKDAM_MAX_ROWS
{18,{false, allow_values<int> {10}, "MXRAWG should be defaulted (10) - ignored as not used"}}, // ASPHALTENE_ASPREWG_MAX_ROWS
{19,{false, allow_values<int> {10}, "MXRASO should be defaulted (10) - ignored as not used"}}, // ASPHALTENE_ASPVISO_MAX_ROWS
{20,{false, allow_values<int> {}, "NOTUSED should be defaulted (1*) - ignored as not used"}}, // ITEM20_NOT_USED
{21,{false, allow_values<int> {5}, "MCASPP should be defaulted (5) - ignored as not used"}}, // ASPHALTENE_ASPPW2D_MAX_COLUMNS
{22,{false, allow_values<int> {5}, "MRASPP should be defaulted (5) - ignored as not used"}}, // ASPHALTENE_ASPPW2D_MAX_ROWS
{23,{false, allow_values<int> {5}, "MXRATF should be defaulted (5) - ignored as not used"}}, // ASPHALTENE_ASPWETF_MAX_ROWS
{24,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "MXNKVT should be defaulted (0) - ignored as not used"}}, // NUM_KVALUE_TABLES
{25,{false, allow_values<int> {}, "RESVED should be defaulted (1*) - ignored as not used"}}, // RESERVED
{2,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "IGNORED should be equal to 0 ignored as not used"}}, // IGNORED
{1,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "RSEED option not supported value ignored"}}, // RANDOM_SEED
{5,{false, allow_values<int> {5}, "MXSTAGE option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_STAGES
{6,{false, allow_values<int> {10}, "MXSTRMS option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_STREAMS
{7,{false, allow_values<int> {5}, "MXMIS option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_MIXTURES
{8,{false, allow_values<int> {4}, "MXSEPS option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_SEPARATORS
{9,{false, allow_values<int> {3}, "MXCOMPS option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_MIXTURE_ITEMS
{10,{false, allow_values<int> {0}, "MXDOCOMP option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_COMPLETION_X
{11,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "MXWSLIST option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_WELLIST_PR_WELL
{12,{false, allow_values<int> {1}, "MXWLISTS option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_DYNAMIC_WELLIST
{13,{false, allow_values<int> {10}, "MXWSECD option not supported value ignored"}}, // MAX_SECONDARY_WELLS
{14,{false, allow_values<int> {201}, "MXNGPP option not supported value ignored"}}, // NO_JASON_ENTRY
return partially_supported_keywords_double;
return partially_supported_keywords_int;
template <>
const KeywordValidation::PartiallySupportedKeywords<double>&
static const KeywordValidation::PartiallySupportedKeywords<double> partially_supported_keywords_double = {
{12,{false, allow_values<double> {0.0}, "SALTCON option is not used value ignored"}}, // INI_SALT
{13,{false, allow_values<double> {}, "TEMP option is not used value ignored"}}, // TEMP_AQUIFER
{14,{false, allow_values<double> {0}, "DIFFNNC not supported will continue"}}, // DIFFUSIVITY
{1,{false, allow_values<double> {0.1}, "HYSTRCP option not supported value ignored"}}, // curvature_caplillary_pressure_hyst
{3,{false, allow_values<double> {1.00}, "HYSTREL is not supported and is ignored"}}, // curvature_param_killough_wetting
{4,{false, allow_values<double> {0.1}, "HYSTSGR is not supported and is ignored"}}, // mod_param_trapped
{12,{false, allow_values<double> {0}, "NOTUSED and is ignored"}}, // threshold_saturation
{3,{false, allow_values<double> {}, "FLT-DIF the diffusivity multiplier option is not supported will continue"}}, // REGION_NAME
{14,{false, allow_values<double> {0}, "DIFFNNC not supported will continue"}}, // DIFFUSIVITY
{15,{false, allow_values<double> {0}, "DISPNNC not supported will continue"}}, // SIM_DEPENDENT3
{16,{false, allow_values<double> {0}, "AREANNC not supported will continue"}}, // VDFLOW_AREA
return partially_supported_keywords_double;
} // namespace Opm::FlowKeywordValidation