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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Cleaning the initialization code
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This commit is contained in:
@ -41,36 +41,33 @@ namespace Opm
namespace EQUIL {
template <class Props>
class DensityCalculator;
template <>
class DensityCalculator< BlackoilPropertiesInterface >;
namespace Miscibility {
class RsFunction;
class NoMixing;
template <class FluidSystem>
class RsVD;
template <class FluidSystem>
class RsSatAtContact;
template <class DensCalc>
class EquilReg;
template <class FluidSystem, class MaterialLaw, class MaterialLawManager>
struct PcEq;
inline double satFromPc(const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
template <class FluidSystem, class MaterialLaw, class MaterialLawManager >
inline double satFromPc(const MaterialLawManager& materialLawManager,
const int phase,
const int cell,
const double target_pc,
const bool increasing = false);
struct PcEqSum
inline double satFromSumOfPcs(const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
const bool increasing = false)
template <class FluidSystem, class MaterialLaw, class MaterialLawManager>
inline double satFromSumOfPcs(const MaterialLawManager& materialLawManager,
const int phase1,
const int phase2,
const int cell,
const double target_pc);
const double target_pc)
} // namespace Equil
} // namespace Opm
@ -183,8 +180,7 @@ namespace Opm
* Constructor.
* \param[in] props property object
* \param[in] cell any cell in the pvt region
* \param[in] pvtRegionIdx The pvt region index
* \param[in] depth Depth nodes.
* \param[in] rs Dissolved gas-oil ratio at @c depth.
@ -195,7 +191,6 @@ namespace Opm
, depth_(depth)
, rs_(rs)
@ -249,8 +244,7 @@ namespace Opm
* Constructor.
* \param[in] props property object
* \param[in] cell any cell in the pvt region
* \param[in] pvtRegionIdx The pvt region index
* \param[in] depth Depth nodes.
* \param[in] rv Dissolved gas-oil ratio at @c depth.
@ -261,7 +255,6 @@ namespace Opm
, depth_(depth)
, rv_(rv)
@ -324,8 +317,7 @@ namespace Opm
* Constructor.
* \param[in] props property object
* \param[in] cell any cell in the pvt region
* \param[in] pvtRegionIdx The pvt region index
* \param[in] p_contact oil pressure at the contact
* \param[in] T_contact temperature at the contact
@ -394,8 +386,7 @@ namespace Opm
* Constructor.
* \param[in] props property object
* \param[in] cell any cell in the pvt region
* \param[in] pvtRegionIdx The pvt region index
* \param[in] p_contact oil pressure at the contact
* \param[in] T_contact temperature at the contact
@ -470,10 +461,9 @@ namespace Opm
* Constructor.
* \param[in] rec Equilibration data of current region.
* \param[in] density Density calculator of current region.
* \param[in] rs Calculator of dissolved gas-oil ratio.
* \param[in] rv Calculator of vapourised oil-gas ratio.
* \param[in] pu Summary of current active phases.
* \param[in] pvtRegionIdx The pvt region index
EquilReg(const EquilRecord& rec,
std::shared_ptr<Miscibility::RsFunction> rs,
@ -483,7 +473,6 @@ namespace Opm
, rs_ (rs)
, rv_ (rv)
, pvtIdx_ (pvtIdx)
@ -547,7 +536,7 @@ namespace Opm
evaporationCalculator() const { return *this->rv_; }
* Retrieve active fluid phase summary.
* Retrieve pvtIdx of the region.
const int
pvtIdx() const { return this->pvtIdx_; }
@ -581,10 +570,7 @@ namespace Opm
fluidState_.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, 0.0);
fluidState_.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, 0.0);
std::fill(pc_, pc_ + FluidSystem::numPhases, 0.0);
double operator()(double s) const
const auto& matParams = materialLawManager_.materialLawParams(cell_);
@ -595,7 +581,6 @@ namespace Opm
return pc - target_pc_;
const MaterialLawManager& materialLawManager_;
const int phase_;
const int cell_;
@ -656,11 +641,9 @@ namespace Opm
default: OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown phaseIdx .");
return -1.0;
/// Compute saturation of some phase corresponding to a given
/// capillary pressure.
template <class FluidSystem, class MaterialLaw, class MaterialLawManager >
@ -727,7 +710,6 @@ namespace Opm
double pc1 = pc_[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + sign1 * pc_[phase1_];
double sign2 = (phase2_ == FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx)? -1.0 : 1.0;
double pc2 = pc_[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + sign2 * pc_[phase2_];
return pc1 + pc2 - target_pc_;
@ -746,7 +728,6 @@ namespace Opm
/// Compute saturation of some phase corresponding to a given
/// capillary pressure, where the capillary pressure function
/// is given as a sum of two other functions.
template <class FluidSystem, class MaterialLaw, class MaterialLawManager>
inline double satFromSumOfPcs(const MaterialLawManager& materialLawManager,
const int phase1,
@ -809,8 +790,6 @@ namespace Opm
return std::abs(f0 - f1) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
} // namespace Equil
} // namespace Opm
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2015 NTNU
Copyright 2017 IRIS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
@ -39,12 +40,10 @@
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
#include <opm/common/data/SimulationDataContainer.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/BlackOilFluidSystem.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidstates/SimpleModularFluidState.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/EclMaterialLawManager.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ namespace Opm
namespace EQUIL {
* Compute initial phase pressures by means of equilibration.
@ -121,6 +119,11 @@ namespace Opm
* Compute initial phase saturations by means of equilibration.
* \tparam FluidSystem The FluidSystem from opm-material
* Must be initialized before used.
* \tparam Grid Type of the grid
* \tparam Region Type of an equilibration region information
* base. Typically an instance of the EquilReg
* class template.
@ -132,10 +135,15 @@ namespace Opm
* as well as provide an inner type,
* const_iterator, to traverse the range.
* \tparam MaterialLawManager The MaterialLawManager from opm-material
* \param[in] G Grid.
* \param[in] reg Current equilibration region.
* \param[in] cells Range that spans the cells of the current
* equilibration region.
* \param[in] props Property object, needed for capillary functions.
* \param[in] materialLawManager The MaterialLawManager from opm-material
* \param[in] swat_init A vector of initial water saturations.
* The capillary pressure is scaled to fit these values
* \param[in] phase_pressures Phase pressures, one vector for each active phase,
* of pressure values in each cell in the current
* equilibration region.
@ -201,7 +209,6 @@ namespace Opm
const Grid& G )
std::vector<int> eqlnum;
if (eclipseState.get3DProperties().hasDeckIntGridProperty("EQLNUM")) {
const int nc = UgGridHelpers::numCells(G);
@ -239,7 +246,6 @@ namespace Opm
//Check for presence of kw SWATINIT
if (eclipseState.get3DProperties().hasDeckDoubleGridProperty("SWATINIT") && applySwatInit) {
const std::vector<double>& swat_init_ecl = eclipseState.
@ -252,13 +258,11 @@ namespace Opm
swat_init_[c] = swat_init_ecl[deck_pos];
// Get the equilibration records.
const std::vector<EquilRecord> rec = getEquil(eclipseState);
const auto& tables = eclipseState.getTableManager();
// Create (inverse) region mapping.
const RegionMapping<> eqlmap(equilnum(eclipseState, G));
setRegionPvtIdx(G, eclipseState, eqlmap);
// Create Rs functions.
@ -272,7 +276,6 @@ namespace Opm
const int pvtIdx = regionPvtIdx_[i];
if (!rec[i].liveOilInitConstantRs()) {
if (rsvdTables.size() <= 0 ) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Cannot initialise: RSVD table not available.");
@ -355,14 +358,10 @@ namespace Opm
const Vec& rv() const { return rv_; }
typedef EquilReg EqReg;
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Miscibility::RsFunction> > rs_func_;
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Miscibility::RsFunction> > rv_func_;
std::vector<int> regionPvtIdx_;
PVec pp_;
PVec sat_;
Vec rs_;
@ -410,10 +409,8 @@ namespace Opm
copyFromRegion(pressures[p], cells, pp_[p]);
copyFromRegion(sat[p], cells, sat_[p]);
const bool oil = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx);
const bool gas = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx);
if (oil && gas) {
const int oilpos = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx;
const int gaspos = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2015 NTNU
Copyright 2017 IRIS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
@ -35,9 +36,6 @@
namespace Opm
namespace Details {
template <class RHS>
class RK4IVP {
@ -108,8 +106,8 @@ namespace Opm
stepsize() const { return (span_[1] - span_[0]) / N_; }
namespace PhasePressODE {
template <class FluidSystem>
namespace PhasePressODE {
template <class FluidSystem>
class Water {
Water(const double temp,
@ -317,7 +315,6 @@ namespace Opm
class Grid,
class Region,
class CellRange>
oil(const Grid& G ,
const Region& reg ,
@ -332,7 +329,6 @@ namespace Opm
typedef Oil<FluidSystem, typename Region::CalcDissolution> ODE;
const double T = 273.15 + 20; // standard temperature for now
ODE drho(T, reg.dissolutionCalculator(),
reg.pvtIdx(), grav);
@ -690,7 +686,6 @@ namespace Opm
sg = 1.0 - sw;
phase_saturations[waterpos][local_index] = sw;
phase_saturations[gaspos][local_index] = sg;
if ( water ) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, sw);
@ -712,42 +707,41 @@ namespace Opm
double so = 1.0;
double pC[FluidSystem::numPhases] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
if (water) {
double swu = scaledDrainageInfo.Swu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, swu);
so -= swu;
if (gas) {
double sgu = scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, sgu);
so-= sgu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, so);
if (water) {
double swu = scaledDrainageInfo.Swu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, swu);
so -= swu;
if (gas) {
double sgu = scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, sgu);
so-= sgu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, so);
if (water && sw > scaledDrainageInfo.Swu-threshold_sat ) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Swu);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcWat = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] - pC[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] + pcWat;
} else if (gas && sg > scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu-threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcGas = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + pC[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] - pcGas;
if (gas && sg < scaledDrainageInfo.Sgl+threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Sgl);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcGas = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + pC[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] + pcGas;
if (water && sw < scaledDrainageInfo.Swl+threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Swl);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcWat = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] - pC[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] - pcWat;
if (water && sw > scaledDrainageInfo.Swu-threshold_sat ) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Swu);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcWat = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] - pC[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] + pcWat;
} else if (gas && sg > scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu-threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcGas = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + pC[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] - pcGas;
if (gas && sg < scaledDrainageInfo.Sgl+threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Sgl);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcGas = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + pC[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] + pcGas;
if (water && sw < scaledDrainageInfo.Swl+threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Swl);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcWat = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] - pC[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] - pcWat;
return phase_saturations;
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