ebos: fix the NTG averaging code

the NTG value for active cells in the topmost layer was always
1.0. This resulted in some deviations in the transmissibilities of the
Norne deck which lead the init file comparison unit tests from
opm-simulators to fail.
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Lauser 2017-05-24 11:21:57 +02:00
parent a5858393c6
commit d31ded53e4

View File

@ -415,34 +415,20 @@ private:
assert(dimWorld > 1);
const size_t nxny = cartDims[0] * cartDims[1];
for (size_t cartesianCellIdx = 0; cartesianCellIdx < ntg.size(); ++cartesianCellIdx) {
averageNtg = ntg;
for (size_t cartesianCellIdx = 0; cartesianCellIdx < ntg.size(); ++cartesianCellIdx)
// use the original ntg values for the inactive cells
if( ! actnum[cartesianCellIdx]) {
averageNtg[cartesianCellIdx] = ntg[cartesianCellIdx];
if (!actnum[cartesianCellIdx])
// use the original ntg values if the cell above has porv > minPVvalue.
int cartesianCellIdxAbove = cartesianCellIdx - nxny;
if (cartesianCellIdxAbove < 0)
if (porv[cartesianCellIdxAbove] > eclGrid.getMinpvValue() ){
averageNtg[cartesianCellIdx] = ntg[cartesianCellIdx];
// Average properties as long as there exist cells above
// that has pore volume less than the MINPV threshold
const double cellVolume = eclGrid.getCellVolume(cartesianCellIdx);
double ntgCellVolume = ntg[cartesianCellIdx] * cellVolume;
double totalCellVolume = cellVolume;
int cartesianCellIdxAbove = cartesianCellIdx - nxny;
while ( cartesianCellIdxAbove >= 0 &&
actnum[cartesianCellIdxAbove] > 0 &&
porv[cartesianCellIdxAbove] < eclGrid.getMinpvValue() ) {