ebos: add a regression test using SPE1CASE1

hopefully, this will prevent plain-ebos from breaking as seriously as
in the past.
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Lauser 2019-01-18 13:26:28 +01:00
parent 6746afafb2
commit e7f1fbd77f
7 changed files with 519 additions and 17 deletions

tests/data/SPE1CASE1.DATA Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
-- This reservoir simulation deck is made available under the Open Database
-- License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in
-- individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents
-- License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/
-- Copyright (C) 2015 Statoil
-- This simulation is based on the data given in
-- 'Comparison of Solutions to a Three-Dimensional
-- Black-Oil Reservoir Simulation Problem' by Aziz S. Odeh,
-- Journal of Petroleum Technology, January 1981
-- NOTE: This deck is currently not supported by the OPM
-- simulator flow due to lack of support for DRSDT.
------------------------ SPE1 - CASE 1 ------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10 3 /
-- The number of equilibration regions is inferred from the EQLDIMS
-- keyword.
-- The number of PVTW tables is inferred from the TABDIMS keyword;
-- when no data is included in the keyword the default values are used.
-- As seen from figure 4 in Odeh, GOR is increasing with time,
-- which means that dissolved gas is present
1 'JAN' 2015 /
-- Item 1: maximum number of wells in the model
-- - there are two wells in the problem; injector and producer
-- Item 2: maximum number of grid blocks connected to any one well
-- - must be one as the wells are located at specific grid blocks
-- Item 3: maximum number of groups in the model
-- - we are dealing with only one 'group'
-- Item 4: maximum number of wells in any one group
-- - there must be two wells in a group as there are two wells in total
2 1 1 2 /
-- The INIT keyword is used to request an .INIT file. The .INIT file
-- is written before the simulation actually starts, and contains grid
-- properties and saturation tables as inferred from the input
-- deck. There are no other keywords which can be used to configure
-- exactly what is written to the .INIT file.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- There are in total 300 cells with length 1000ft in x-direction
300*1000 /
-- There are in total 300 cells with length 1000ft in y-direction
300*1000 /
-- The layers are 20, 30 and 50 ft thick, in each layer there are 100 cells
100*20 100*30 100*50 /
-- The depth of the top of each grid block
100*8325 /
-- Constant porosity of 0.3 throughout all 300 grid cells
300*0.3 /
-- The layers have perm. 500mD, 50mD and 200mD, respectively.
100*500 100*50 100*200 /
-- Equal to PERMX
100*500 100*50 100*200 /
-- Cannot find perm. in z-direction in Odeh's paper
-- For the time being, we will assume PERMZ equal to PERMX and PERMY:
100*500 100*50 100*200 /
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Item 1: pressure reference (psia)
-- Item 2: water FVF (rb per bbl or rb per stb)
-- Item 3: water compressibility (psi^{-1})
-- Item 4: water viscosity (cp)
-- Item 5: water 'viscosibility' (psi^{-1})
-- Using values from Norne:
-- In METRIC units:
-- 277.0 1.038 4.67E-5 0.318 0.0 /
-- In FIELD units:
4017.55 1.038 3.22E-6 0.318 0.0 /
-- Item 1: reference pressure (psia)
-- Item 2: rock compressibility (psi^{-1})
-- Using values from table 1 in Odeh:
14.7 3E-6 /
-- Column 1: water saturation
-- - this has been set to (almost) equally spaced values from 0.12 to 1
-- Column 2: water relative permeability
-- - generated from the Corey-type approx. formula
-- the coeffisient is set to 10e-5, S_{orw}=0 and S_{wi}=0.12
-- Column 3: oil relative permeability when only oil and water are present
-- - we will use the same values as in column 3 in SGOF.
-- This is not really correct, but since only the first
-- two values are of importance, this does not really matter
-- Column 4: water-oil capillary pressure (psi)
0.12 0 1 0
0.18 4.64876033057851E-008 1 0
0.24 0.000000186 0.997 0
0.3 4.18388429752066E-007 0.98 0
0.36 7.43801652892562E-007 0.7 0
0.42 1.16219008264463E-006 0.35 0
0.48 1.67355371900826E-006 0.2 0
0.54 2.27789256198347E-006 0.09 0
0.6 2.97520661157025E-006 0.021 0
0.66 3.7654958677686E-006 0.01 0
0.72 4.64876033057851E-006 0.001 0
0.78 0.000005625 0.0001 0
0.84 6.69421487603306E-006 0 0
0.91 8.05914256198347E-006 0 0
1 0.00001 0 0 /
-- Column 1: gas saturation
-- Column 2: gas relative permeability
-- Column 3: oil relative permeability when oil, gas and connate water are present
-- Column 4: oil-gas capillary pressure (psi)
-- - stated to be zero in Odeh's paper
-- Values in column 1-3 are taken from table 3 in Odeh's paper:
0 0 1 0
0.001 0 1 0
0.02 0 0.997 0
0.05 0.005 0.980 0
0.12 0.025 0.700 0
0.2 0.075 0.350 0
0.25 0.125 0.200 0
0.3 0.190 0.090 0
0.4 0.410 0.021 0
0.45 0.60 0.010 0
0.5 0.72 0.001 0
0.6 0.87 0.0001 0
0.7 0.94 0.000 0
0.85 0.98 0.000 0
0.88 0.984 0.000 0 /
--1.00 1.0 0.000 0 /
-- Warning from Eclipse: first sat. value in SWOF + last sat. value in SGOF
-- must not be greater than 1, but Eclipse still runs
-- Flow needs the sum to be excactly 1 so I added a row with gas sat. = 0.88
-- The corresponding krg value was estimated by assuming linear rel. between
-- gas sat. and krw. between gas sat. 0.85 and 1.00 (the last two values given)
-- Density (lb per ft³) at surface cond. of
-- oil, water and gas, respectively (in that order)
-- Using values from Norne:
-- In METRIC units:
-- 859.5 1033.0 0.854 /
-- In FIELD units:
53.66 64.49 0.0533 /
-- Column 1: gas phase pressure (psia)
-- Column 2: gas formation volume factor (rb per Mscf)
-- - in Odeh's paper the units are said to be given in rb per bbl,
-- but this is assumed to be a mistake: FVF-values in Odeh's paper
-- are given in rb per scf, not rb per bbl. This will be in
-- agreement with conventions
-- Column 3: gas viscosity (cP)
-- Using values from lower right table in Odeh's table 2:
14.700 166.666 0.008000
264.70 12.0930 0.009600
514.70 6.27400 0.011200
1014.7 3.19700 0.014000
2014.7 1.61400 0.018900
2514.7 1.29400 0.020800
3014.7 1.08000 0.022800
4014.7 0.81100 0.026800
5014.7 0.64900 0.030900
9014.7 0.38600 0.047000 /
-- Column 1: dissolved gas-oil ratio (Mscf per stb)
-- Column 2: bubble point pressure (psia)
-- Column 3: oil FVF for saturated oil (rb per stb)
-- Column 4: oil viscosity for saturated oil (cP)
-- Use values from top left table in Odeh's table 2:
0.0010 14.7 1.0620 1.0400 /
0.0905 264.7 1.1500 0.9750 /
0.1800 514.7 1.2070 0.9100 /
0.3710 1014.7 1.2950 0.8300 /
0.6360 2014.7 1.4350 0.6950 /
0.7750 2514.7 1.5000 0.6410 /
0.9300 3014.7 1.5650 0.5940 /
1.2700 4014.7 1.6950 0.5100
9014.7 1.5790 0.7400 /
1.6180 5014.7 1.8270 0.4490
9014.7 1.7370 0.6310 /
-- It is required to enter data for undersaturated oil for the highest GOR
-- (i.e. the last row) in the PVTO table.
-- In order to fulfill this requirement, values for oil FVF and viscosity
-- at 9014.7psia and GOR=1.618 for undersaturated oil have been approximated:
-- It has been assumed that there is a linear relation between the GOR
-- and the FVF when keeping the pressure constant at 9014.7psia.
-- From Odeh we know that (at 9014.7psia) the FVF is 2.357 at GOR=2.984
-- for saturated oil and that the FVF is 1.579 at GOR=1.27 for undersaturated oil,
-- so it is possible to use the assumption described above.
-- An equivalent approximation for the viscosity has been used.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Item 1: datum depth (ft)
-- Item 2: pressure at datum depth (psia)
-- - Odeh's table 1 says that initial reservoir pressure is
-- 4800 psi at 8400ft, which explains choice of item 1 and 2
-- Item 3: depth of water-oil contact (ft)
-- - chosen to be directly under the reservoir
-- Item 4: oil-water capillary pressure at the water oil contact (psi)
-- - given to be 0 in Odeh's paper
-- Item 5: depth of gas-oil contact (ft)
-- - chosen to be directly above the reservoir
-- Item 6: gas-oil capillary pressure at gas-oil contact (psi)
-- - given to be 0 in Odeh's paper
-- Item 7: RSVD-table
-- Item 8: RVVD-table
-- Item 9: Set to 0 as this is the only value supported by OPM
-- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8400 4800 8450 0 8300 0 1 0 0 /
-- Dissolved GOR is initially constant with depth through the reservoir.
-- The reason is that the initial reservoir pressure given is higher
---than the bubble point presssure of 4014.7psia, meaning that there is no
-- free gas initially present.
8300 1.270
8450 1.270 /
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 1a) Oil rate vs time
-- Field Oil Production Rate
-- 1b) GOR vs time
-- Well Gas-Oil Ratio
-- Using FGOR instead of WGOR:PROD results in the same graph
-- 2a) Pressures of the cell where the injector and producer are located
1 1 1 /
10 10 3 /
-- 2b) Gas saturation at grid points given in Odeh's paper
1 1 1 /
1 1 2 /
1 1 3 /
10 1 1 /
10 1 2 /
10 1 3 /
10 10 1 /
10 10 2 /
10 10 3 /
-- In order to compare Eclipse with Flow:
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
'BASIC=1' /
-- If no resolution (i.e. case 1), the two following lines must be added:
0 /
-- if DRSDT is set to 0, GOR cannot rise and free gas does not
-- dissolve in undersaturated oil -> constant bubble point pressure
-- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6
'PROD' 'G1' 10 10 8400 'OIL' /
'INJ' 'G1' 1 1 8335 'GAS' /
-- Coordinates in item 3-4 are retrieved from Odeh's figure 1 and 2
-- Note that the depth at the midpoint of the well grid blocks
-- has been used as reference depth for bottom hole pressure in item 5
-- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
'PROD' 10 10 3 3 'OPEN' 1* 1* 0.5 /
'INJ' 1 1 1 1 'OPEN' 1* 1* 0.5 /
-- Coordinates in item 2-5 are retreived from Odeh's figure 1 and 2
-- Item 9 is the well bore internal diameter,
-- the radius is given to be 0.25ft in Odeh's paper
-- Item #:1 2 3 4 5 9
'PROD' 'OPEN' 'ORAT' 20000 4* 1000 /
-- It is stated in Odeh's paper that the maximum oil prod. rate
-- is 20 000stb per day which explains the choice of value in item 4.
-- The items > 4 are defaulted with the exception of item 9,
-- the BHP lower limit, which is given to be 1000psia in Odeh's paper
-- Item #:1 2 3 4 5 6 7
'INJ' 'GAS' 'OPEN' 'RATE' 100000 1* 9014 /
-- Stated in Odeh that gas inj. rate (item 5) is 100MMscf per day
-- BHP upper limit (item 7) should not be exceeding the highest
-- pressure in the PVT table=9014.7psia (default is 100 000psia)
--Advance the simulater once a month for TEN years:
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 /
--Advance the simulator once a year for TEN years:
--10*365 /

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
# #
# Usage: # Usage:
# #
# #
MY_DIR="$(dirname "$0")" MY_DIR="$(dirname "$0")"
usage() { usage() {
echo "Usage:" echo "Usage:"
echo echo
echo "runTest.sh TEST_TYPE TEST_BINARY [TEST_ARGS]" echo "runTest.sh TEST_TYPE [TEST_ARGS]"
echo "where TEST_TYPE can either be --plain, --simulation or --parallel-simulation=\$NUM_CORES (is '$TEST_TYPE')." echo "where TEST_TYPE can either be --plain, --simulation, --spe1 or --parallel-simulation=\$NUM_CORES (is '$TEST_TYPE')."
}; };
validateResults() { validateResults() {
@ -67,23 +67,25 @@ if test "$#" -lt 2; then
exit 1 exit 1
fi fi
# find the binary in the its folder if test "$TEST_TYPE" != "--spe1"; then
TEST_BINARY=$(find . -type f -perm -0111 -name "$TEST_NAME") # find the binary in the its folder
NUM_BINARIES=$(echo "$TEST_BINARY" | wc -w | tr -d '[:space:]') TEST_BINARY=$(find . -type f -perm -0111 -name "$TEST_NAME")
NUM_BINARIES=$(echo "$TEST_BINARY" | wc -w | tr -d '[:space:]')
if test "$NUM_BINARIES" != "1"; then if test "$NUM_BINARIES" != "1"; then
echo "No binary file found or binary file is non-unique (is: $TEST_BINARY)" echo "No binary file found or binary file is non-unique (is: $TEST_BINARY)"
echo echo
usage usage
exit 1 exit 1
fi fi
# make sure the binary is of the test is present # make sure the binary is of the test is present
if ! test -x "$TEST_BINARY"; then if ! test -x "$TEST_BINARY"; then
echo "$TEST_NAME does not exist or is not executable" echo "$TEST_NAME does not exist or is not executable"
echo echo
usage usage
exit 1 exit 1
fi fi
#run the test #run the test
@ -162,6 +164,69 @@ case "$TEST_TYPE" in
exit 0 exit 0
;; ;;
echo "Running the ebos simulator for SPE1CASE1"
EBOS_COMMAND=$(find . -type f -perm -0111 -name "ebos")
NUM_BINARIES=$(echo "$EBOS_COMMAND" | wc -w | tr -d '[:space:]')
if test "$NUM_BINARIES" != "1"; then
echo "No ebos executable found (is: $EBOS_COMMAND)"
exit 1
if ! test -x "$COMPARE_ECL_COMMAND"; then
echo "Cannot run ebos test: No valid comparison program for ECL data files specified."
exit 1
# Run the simulator
if ! "$EBOS_COMMAND" "data/SPE1CASE1" ; then
exit 1
# compare the results
echo "Comparing produced .SMRY file with reference."
"${COMPARE_ECL_COMMAND}" -t SMRY "SPE1CASE1.UNSMRY" "${MY_DIR}/../tests/referencesolutions/SPE1CASE1.UNSMRY" "$ABS_TOL" "$REL_TOL"
if test "$?" -ne 0; then
"${COMPARE_ECL_COMMAND}" -a -t SMRY "SPE1CASE1.UNSMRY" "${MY_DIR}/../tests/referencesolutions/SPE1CASE1.UNSMRY" "$ABS_TOL" "$REL_TOL"
echo "Comparing produced .UNRST file with reference."
echo " ... currently DISABLED because the compareECL utility crashes for the files produced by ebos!"
#"${COMPARE_ECL_COMMAND}" -t RST "SPE1CASE1.UNRST" "${MY_DIR}/../tests/referencesolutions/SPE1CASE1.UNRST" "${ABS_TOL}" "${REL_TOL}"
#if test "$?" -ne 0; then
# "${COMPARE_ECL_COMMAND}" -a -t RST "SPE1CASE1.UNRST" "${MY_DIR}/../tests/referencesolutions/SPE1CASE1.UNRST" "$ABS_TOL" "$REL_TOL"
echo "Comparing produced .INIT file with reference."
"${COMPARE_ECL_COMMAND}" -t INIT "SPE1CASE1" "${MY_DIR}/../tests/referencesolutions/SPE1CASE1" "${ABS_TOL}" "${REL_TOL}"
if test "$?" -ne 0; then
"${COMPARE_ECL_COMMAND}" -a -t INIT "SPE1CASE1" "${MY_DIR}/../tests/referencesolutions/SPE1CASE1" "$ABS_TOL" "$REL_TOL"
# TODO: compare the EGRID files (seems to be currently supported by compareECL)
exit "$EXIT_CODE"
"--restart") "--restart")
echo "executing \"$TEST_BINARY $TEST_ARGS\"" echo "executing \"$TEST_BINARY $TEST_ARGS\""
"$TEST_BINARY" $TEST_ARGS | tee "test-$RND.log" "$TEST_BINARY" $TEST_ARGS | tee "test-$RND.log"