mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 20:24:48 -06:00
cleaned up TransportModelPolymer (profiling branch)
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace
void setup(const double* x, const double* direction,
const double* end_point, const double* x_min,
const double* x_max, const bool adjust_dir, const double tol,
const double* x_max, const double tol,
double& t_max_out, double& t_out_out);
void computeXOfT(double*, const double) const;
@ -630,6 +630,9 @@ namespace Opm
case Newton:
case Gradient:
THROW("Unknown method " << method_);
@ -666,7 +669,7 @@ namespace Opm
// Newton method, where we first try a Newton step. Then, if it does not work well, we look for
// the zero of either the residual in s or the residual in c along a specified piecewise linear
// curve. In these cases, we can use a robust 1d solver.
void TransportModelPolymer::solveSingleCellNewtonGradient(int cell)
void TransportModelPolymer::solveSingleCellGradient(int cell)
int iters_used_falsi = 0;
const int max_iters_split = maxit_;
@ -675,7 +678,6 @@ namespace Opm
// Check if current state is an acceptable solution.
ResidualEquation res_eq(*this, cell);
double x[2] = {saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell]};
// double x[2] = {0.5, polyprops_.cMax()/2.0};
double res[2];
double mc;
double ff;
@ -685,26 +687,7 @@ namespace Opm
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
} else {
// Can be advantageous to reset saturation and concentration when we
// are close to the end points.
x[0] = saturation_[]-res[0];
if((x[0]>1) || (x[0]<0)){
x[0] = 0.5;
x[1] = concentration_[cell]*saturation_[cell]-res[1];
x[1] = x[1]/x[0];
res_eq.computeResidual(x, res, mc, ff);
double x_min[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
double x_max[2] = { 1.0, polyprops_.cMax()*1.1 };
@ -714,163 +697,102 @@ namespace Opm
double direction[2];
double end_point[2];
double gradient[2];
bool unsuccessfull_newton_step = true;
double x_new[2];
double res_new[2];
ResSOnCurve res_s_on_curve(res_eq);
ResCOnCurve res_c_on_curve(res_eq);
bool if_res_s;
int counter_drop_newton = 0;
bool not_so_successfull_newton_step = false;
while ((norm(res) > tol_) && (iters_used_split < max_iters_split)) {
// We first try a Newton step
if (counter_drop_newton == 0 && solveNewtonStep(x, res_eq, res, x_new)) {
check_interval(x_new, x_min, x_max);
res_eq.computeResidual(x_new, res_new, mc, ff);
unsuccessfull_newton_step = false;
not_so_successfull_newton_step = false;
if (std::abs(res[0]) < std::abs(res[1])) {
if (res[0] < -tol_) {
direction[0] = x_max[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_min[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = true;
} else if (res[0] > tol_) {
direction[0] = x_min[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_max[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = true;
} else {
res_eq.computeGradientResS(x, res, gradient);
direction[0] = -gradient[1];
direction[1] = gradient[0];
if_res_s = false;
} else {
if (res[1] < -tol_) {
direction[0] = x_max[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_max[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = false;
} else if (res[1] > tol_) {
direction[0] = x_min[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_min[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = false;
} else {
res_eq.computeGradientResC(x, res, gradient);
direction[0] = -gradient[1];
direction[1] = gradient[0];
if_res_s = true;
if (if_res_s) {
if (res[0] < 0) {
end_point[0] = x_max[0];
end_point[1] = x_min[1];
res_s_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_s_on_curve(t_out) >= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
} else {
end_point[0] = x_min[0];
end_point[1] = x_max[1];
res_s_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_s_on_curve(t_out) <= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
// Note: In some experiments modifiedRegularFalsi does not yield a result under the given tolerance.
t = RootFinder::solve(res_s_on_curve, 0., t_max, maxit_, tol_, iters_used_falsi);
res_s_on_curve.curve.computeXOfT(x, t);
} else {
if (res[1] < 0) {
end_point[0] = x_max[0];
end_point[1] = x_max[1];
res_c_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_c_on_curve(t_out) >= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
} else {
end_point[0] = x_min[0];
end_point[1] = x_min[1];
res_c_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_c_on_curve(t_out) <= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
t = RootFinder::solve(res_c_on_curve, 0., t_max, maxit_, tol_, iters_used_falsi);
res_c_on_curve.curve.computeXOfT(x, t);
if (norm(res_new) > norm(res) ||
x_new[0] < x_min[0] ||
x_new[1] < x_min[1] ||
x_new[0] > x_max[0] ||
x_new[1] > x_max[1]) {
unsuccessfull_newton_step = true;
} else {
x[0] = x_new[0];
x[1] = x_new[1];
if (norm(res_new) > 1e-1*norm(res)) {
// We are close to the solution and Newton does not perform well.
// Then, we drop Newton for a given number of iterations.
not_so_successfull_newton_step = true;
counter_drop_newton = 4;
res[0] = res_new[0];
res[1] = res_new[1];
iters_used_split += 1;
} else {
unsuccessfull_newton_step = true;
if (not_so_successfull_newton_step || unsuccessfull_newton_step) {
// Newton was not satisfactory. We start 1d solvers.
if (not_so_successfull_newton_step) {
counter_drop_newton -= 1;
// General comment on the zero curves of the s and c residuals:
// Typically res_s(s,c)=0 defines an increasing curve in the s-c plane while
// res_c(s,c)=0 defines a decreasing curve. However, we do not assume that in the algorithm.
// We know that res_s(x_top_left)<0, res_s(x_bottom_right)>0
// and res_c(x_bottom_left)<0, res_c(x_top_right)>0
// Here, "top", "bottom", ... refer to the corner of the admissible box of (s,c) values.
// We use these results to construct a 1d curve for which we are sure that res_s or res_c change sign
// and which can therefore be used by a 1d solver.
// We start with the zero curve of the s and r residual we are closest to.
bool adjust_dir = true;
if (std::abs(res[0]) < std::abs(res[1])) {
if (res[0] < -tol_) {
direction[0] = x_max[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_min[1] - x[1];
adjust_dir = true;
if_res_s = true;
} else if (res[0] > tol_) {
direction[0] = x_min[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_max[1] - x[1];
adjust_dir = true;
if_res_s = true;
} else {
res_eq.computeGradientResS(x, res, gradient);
direction[0] = -gradient[1];
direction[1] = gradient[0];
adjust_dir = true;
if_res_s = false;
} else {
if (res[1] < -tol_) {
direction[0] = x_max[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_max[1] - x[1];
adjust_dir = true;
if_res_s = false;
} else if (res[1] > tol_) {
direction[0] = x_min[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_min[1] - x[1];
adjust_dir = true;
if_res_s = false;
} else {
res_eq.computeGradientResC(x, res, gradient);
direction[0] = -gradient[1];
direction[1] = gradient[0];
adjust_dir = true;
if_res_s = true;
if (if_res_s) {
if (res[0] < 0) {
end_point[0] = x_max[0];
end_point[1] = x_min[1];
res_s_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, adjust_dir, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_s_on_curve(t_out) >= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
} else {
end_point[0] = x_min[0];
end_point[1] = x_max[1];
res_s_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, adjust_dir, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_s_on_curve(t_out) <= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
// Note: In some experiments modifiedRegularFalsi does not yield a result under the given tolerance.
t = RootFinder::solve(res_s_on_curve, 0., t_max, maxit_, tol_, iters_used_falsi);
res_s_on_curve.curve.computeXOfT(x, t);
} else {
if (res[1] < 0) {
end_point[0] = x_max[0];
end_point[1] = x_max[1];
res_c_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, adjust_dir, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_c_on_curve(t_out) >= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
} else {
end_point[0] = x_min[0];
end_point[1] = x_min[1];
res_c_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, adjust_dir, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_c_on_curve(t_out) <= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
t = RootFinder::solve(res_c_on_curve, 0., t_max, maxit_, tol_, iters_used_falsi);
res_c_on_curve.curve.computeXOfT(x, t);
res_eq.computeResidual(x, res, mc, ff);
iters_used_split += 1;
res_eq.computeResidual(x, res, mc, ff);
iters_used_split += 1;
if ((iters_used_split >= max_iters_split) && (norm(res) > tol_)) {
MESSAGE("Newton for single cell did not work in cell number " << cell);
} else {
concentration_[cell] = x[1];
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
saturation_[cell] = x[0];
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
if ((iters_used_split >= max_iters_split) && (norm(res) > tol_)) {
MESSAGE("Newton for single cell did not work in cell number " << cell);
} else {
concentration_[cell] = x[1];
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
saturation_[cell] = x[0];
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
void TransportModelPolymer::solveSingleCellNewton(int cell)
const int max_iters_split = maxit_;
const int max_iters_split = maxit_;
int iters_used_split = 0;
// Check if current state is an acceptable solution.
@ -886,19 +808,6 @@ namespace Opm
mc_[cell] = mc;
} else {
x[0] = saturation_[]-res[0];
if((x[0]>1) || (x[0]<0)){
x[0] = 0.5;
x[1] = concentration_[cell]*saturation_[cell]-res[1];
x[1] = x[1]/x[0];
x[0]=0.5; x[1]=polyprops_.cMax()/2.0;
res_eq.computeResidual(x, res, mc, ff);
@ -917,7 +826,7 @@ namespace Opm
double dres_s_dsdc[2];
double dres_c_dsdc[2];
res_eq.computeJacobiRes(x, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc);
// double det = dres_s_dsdc[0]*dres_c_dsdc[1] - dres_c_dsdc[0]*dres_s_dsdc[1];
// double det = dres_s_dsdc[0]*dres_c_dsdc[1] - dres_c_dsdc[0]*dres_s_dsdc[1];
double dFx_dx=(dres_s_dsdc[0]-x[1]*dres_s_dsdc[1]/x[0]);
double dFx_dy= (dres_s_dsdc[1]/x[0]);
double dFy_dx=(dres_c_dsdc[0]-x[1]*dres_c_dsdc[1]/x[0]);
@ -1392,7 +1301,7 @@ namespace
// rectangle. x_out=(s_out, c_out) denotes the values of s and c at that point.
void CurveInSCPlane::setup(const double* x, const double* direction,
const double* end_point, const double* x_min,
const double* x_max, const bool adjust_dir, const double tol,
const double* x_max, const double tol,
double& t_max_out, double& t_out_out)
x_[0] = x[0];
@ -1409,12 +1318,9 @@ namespace
if (size_direction < tol) {
direction_[0] = end_point_[0]-x_[0];
direction_[1] = end_point_[1]-x_[1];
if (adjust_dir || size_direction < 1e-5) {
if ((end_point_[0]-x_[0])*direction_[0] + (end_point_[1]-x_[1])*direction_[1] < 0) {
direction_[0] *= -1.0;
direction_[1] *= -1.0;
} else if ((end_point_[0]-x_[0])*direction_[0] + (end_point_[1]-x_[1])*direction_[1] < 0) {
direction_[0] *= -1.0;
direction_[1] *= -1.0;
bool t0_exists = true;
double t0 = 0; // dummy default value (so that compiler does not complain).
@ -1429,7 +1335,7 @@ namespace
double t1 = 0; // dummy default value.
if (direction_[1] > 0) {
t1 = (x_max_[1] - x_[1])/direction_[1];
} else if (direction[1] < 0) {
} else if (direction_[1] < 0) {
t1 = (x_min_[1] - x_[1])/direction_[1];
} else {
t1_exists = false;
@ -1489,26 +1395,6 @@ namespace
return res_eq_.computeResidualC(x_of_t);
// bool solveNewtonStep(const double* x, const Opm::TransportModelPolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq,
// const double* res, double* x_new) {
// double dres_s_dsdc[2];
// double dres_c_dsdc[2];
// double dx=1e-11;
// res_eq.computeJacobiRes(x, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc);
// double det = dres_s_dsdc[0]*dres_c_dsdc[1] - dres_c_dsdc[0]*dres_s_dsdc[1];
// if (std::abs(det) < 1e-8) {
// return false;
// } else {
// x_new[0] = x[0] - (res[0]*dres_c_dsdc[1] - res[1]*dres_s_dsdc[1])/det;
// x_new[1] = x[1] - (res[1]*dres_s_dsdc[0] - res[0]*dres_c_dsdc[0])/det;
// return true;
// }
// }
bool solveNewtonStep(const double* xx, const Opm::TransportModelPolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq,
const double* res, double* x_new) {
@ -1517,26 +1403,23 @@ namespace
double dx=1e-11;
double x[2];
x[0] = dx;
x[1] = 0;
x[0] = xx[0];
x[1] = xx[1];
res_eq.computeJacobiRes(x, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc);
// double det = dres_s_dsdc[0]*dres_c_dsdc[1] - dres_c_dsdc[0]*dres_s_dsdc[1];
double dFx_dx=(dres_s_dsdc[0]-x[1]*dres_s_dsdc[1]);
double dFx_dy= (dres_s_dsdc[1]/x[0]);
double dFy_dx=(dres_c_dsdc[0]-x[1]*dres_c_dsdc[1]);
double dFy_dy= (dres_c_dsdc[1]/x[0]);
// double det = dres_s_dsdc[0]*dres_c_dsdc[1] - dres_c_dsdc[0]*dres_s_dsdc[1];
double det = dFx_dx*dFy_dy - dFy_dx*dFx_dy;
if (std::abs(det) < 1e-8) {
return false;
} else {
/*x_new[0] = x[0] - (res[0]*dres_c_dsdc[1] - res[1]*dres_s_dsdc[1])/det;
x_new[1] = x[1] - (res[1]*dres_s_dsdc[0] - res[0]*dres_c_dsdc[0])/det;*/
x_new[0] = x[0] - (res[0]*dFy_dy - res[1]*dFx_dy)/det;
x_new[1] = x[1]*x[0] - (res[1]*dFx_dx - res[0]*dFy_dx)/det;
x_new[1] = (x_new[0]>0) ? x_new[1]/x_new[0] : 0.0;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace Opm
enum SingleCellMethod { Bracketing, Newton };
enum SingleCellMethod { Bracketing, Newton, Gradient };
enum GradientMethod { Analytic, FinDif }; // Analytic is chosen (hard-coded)
/// \TODO document me, especially method.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user