query mpi pack size

This commit is contained in:
Franz G. Fuchs 2019-01-11 21:23:09 +01:00
parent 828c3c7949
commit f61e55995a

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@ -106,18 +106,32 @@ namespace Opm
/// combine (per-process) messages
Opm::DeferredLogger gatherDeferredLogger(const Opm::DeferredLogger& local_deferredlogger)
// Pack local messages.
int message_size = sizeof(unsigned int);// to store the number of messages
int num_messages = local_deferredlogger.messages_.size();
int int64_mpi_pack_size;
MPI_Pack_size(1, MPI_INT64_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &int64_mpi_pack_size);
int unsigned_int_mpi_pack_size;
MPI_Pack_size(1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &unsigned_int_mpi_pack_size);
// store number of messages;
int message_size = unsigned_int_mpi_pack_size;
// store 1 unsigned int for number of messages
message_size += num_messages*int64_mpi_pack_size;
// store 2 unsigned ints per message for length of tag and length of text
message_size += num_messages*2*unsigned_int_mpi_pack_size;
int string_mpi_pack_size;
for (const auto lm : local_deferredlogger.messages_) {
message_size += sizeof(lm.flag);
message_size += sizeof(unsigned int);// to store the length of tag
message_size += lm.tag.size();
message_size += sizeof(unsigned int);// to store the length of text
message_size += lm.text.size();
MPI_Pack_size(lm.tag.size(), MPI_CHAR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &string_mpi_pack_size);
message_size += string_mpi_pack_size;
MPI_Pack_size(lm.text.size(), MPI_CHAR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &string_mpi_pack_size);
message_size += string_mpi_pack_size;
//////int message_size = local_messages.size()
// Pack local messages.
std::vector<char> buffer(message_size);
int offset = 0;
packMessages(local_deferredlogger.messages_, buffer, offset);
assert(offset == message_size);