mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
First partial implementation of Coats' stable IMPES step limit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "blas_lapack.h"
#include "flow_bc.h"
@ -1053,6 +1054,130 @@ cfs_tpfa_retrieve_gravtrans(grid_t *G,
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static double
cfs_tpfa_impes_maxtime_cell(int c,
grid_t *G,
struct compr_quantities *cq,
const double *trans,
const double *porevol,
struct cfs_tpfa_data *h,
const double *dpmobf,
const double *surf_dens)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Reference:
K. H. Coats, "IMPES Stability: The Stable Step", SPE 69225
Capillary pressure parts not included.
int i, j, f, c2;
double f11, f12, f21, f22;
double gsgn, dp, dz, tr, tmob, detF, eqv_flux;
const double *pmob;
/* This is intended to be compatible with the dune-porsol blackoil
code. This library is otherwise not depending on particular
orderings of phases or components, so at some point this
function should be generalized. */
assert (cq->nphases == 3);
enum { Water = 0, Oil = 1, Gas = 2 };
enum { num_phases = 3 };
double gamma[num_phases];
double pot[num_phases];
/* Notation: dpmob[Oil][Water] is d/ds_w(lambda_o) */
double dpmob[num_phases][num_phases]
= { {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} };
/* Computing gamma */
/* Filling the dpmob array from available data.
Note that we only need the following combinations:
(Water, Water)
(Water, Gas)
(Oil, Water)
(Oil, Gas)
(Gas, Gas)
No derivatives w.r.t. Oil is needed, since there are only two
independent saturation variables.
The lack of (Gas, Water) may be due to assumptions on the
three-phase model used (should be checked to be compatible
with our choices).
f11 = f12 = f21 = f22 = 0.0;
for (i = G->cell_facepos[c]; i < G->cell_facepos[c + 1]; ++i) {
f = G->cell_faces[i];
if ((c2 = G->face_cells[2*f + 0]) == c) {
gsgn = 1.0;
c2 = G->face_cells[2*f + 1];
} else {
gsgn = -1.0;
/* Initially only interiour faces */
if (c2 >= 0) {
dp = h->x[c] - h->x[c2];
dz = G->cell_centroids[3*c + 2] = G->cell_centroids[3*c2 + 2];
for (j = 0; j < cq->nphases; ++j) {
pot[j] = fabs(dp - gamma[j]*dz);
pmob = cq->phasemobf + f*cq->nphases;
tr = trans[f];
tmob = pmob[Water] + pmob[Oil] + pmob[Gas];
f11 += tr*((pmob[Oil] + pmob[Gas])*dpmob[Water][Water]*pot[Water]
- pmob[Water]*dpmob[Oil][Water]*pot[Oil])/tmob;
f12 += -tr*(pmob[Water]*dpmob[Oil][Gas]*pot[Oil]
+ pmob[Water]*dpmob[Gas][Gas]*pot[Gas]
- (pmob[Oil] + pmob[Gas])*dpmob[Water][Gas]*pot[Water])/tmob;
f21 += -tr*(pmob[Gas]*dpmob[Water][Water]*pot[Water]
+ pmob[Gas]*dpmob[Oil][Water]*pot[Oil])/tmob;
f22 += tr*(-pmob[Gas]*dpmob[Oil][Gas]*pot[Oil]
+ (pmob[Water] + pmob[Oil])*dpmob[Gas][Gas]*pot[Gas]
- pmob[Gas]*dpmob[Water][Gas]*pot[Water])/tmob;
/* (from eq. 3, 4a-e, 5a-c)
F_i = 1/2 |f11_i + f22_i + \sqrt{G}|
G = (f11_i + f22_i)^2 - 4 det(F_i)
fXX_i = \sum_j fXX_ij (j runs over the neighbours)
det(F_i) = f11_i f22_i - f12_i f21_i
detF = f11*f22 - f12*f21;
eqv_flux = 0.5*fabs(f11 + f22 + sqrt((f11 + f22)*(f11 + f22) - 4*detF));
/* delta_t < porevol/eqv_flux */
return porevol[c]/eqv_flux;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
cfs_tpfa_impes_maxtime(grid_t *G,
struct compr_quantities *cq,
const double *trans,
const double *porevol,
struct cfs_tpfa_data *h,
const double *dpmobf,
const double *surf_dens)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c;
double max_dt, cell_dt;
max_dt = 1e100;
for (c = 0; c < G->number_of_cells; ++c) {
cell_dt = cfs_tpfa_impes_maxtime_cell(c, G, cq, trans, porevol, h, dpmobf, surf_dens);
if (cell_dt < max_dt) {
max_dt = cell_dt;
return max_dt;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
cfs_tpfa_expl_mass_transport(grid_t *G,
@ -97,6 +97,15 @@ cfs_tpfa_retrieve_gravtrans(grid_t *G,
struct cfs_tpfa_data *h,
double *gravtrans_f);
cfs_tpfa_impes_maxtime(grid_t *G,
struct compr_quantities *cq,
const double *trans,
const double *porevol,
struct cfs_tpfa_data *h,
const double *dpmobf,
const double *surf_dens);
cfs_tpfa_expl_mass_transport(grid_t *G,
well_t *W,
Reference in New Issue
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