this makes slightly incorrect decks usable with `ebos`. since the
common `flow` variants use a different code path to parse the deck,
they are unaffected. (as far as I can see, the only variant which
might be affected is `flow_ebos_oilwater_polymer_injectivity` and even
for it `flow`'s multiplexing code will abort the run before the
vanguard is even called.)
The intend is to make the purpose of `ebos` clearer: while it can be
used in production, the stability guarantees are somewhat lower than
for `flow` and testing is a bit less rigorous (most of the time).
In the case where two were direct vertical neighbors in the grid
but not in the underlying cartesian grid (e.g. because of MINPV or
pinch outs), we treated them as NNCs and wrote the transmissibilty
With this patch we detect this situation (two neighbor cells with identical
i and i and no active cells between them) and do not create an NNC
in the eclipse output files but write the transmissibility to TRANZ.
It seems like eclipse ignores NNCs with small transmissibility.
Small means less than 1e-6 for Eclipse (Even if it says that it
is ignoring values below 1e-5 and/or zero values)!.
This commit now implements the same threshold during IO.
Also fixes a bug when applying EDITNNC, it needs to have cell1<=cell2 to work.
Previously the vector of NNCData was passed in as a reference and sorted.
Unfortunately, it needed to be transformed later to meet all prerequisites.
With this commit we do this transformations in sortNncAndApplyEditnnc.
Furthermore EDITNNC data is passed by value as it is not needed
outside and should usually not be to big. It was copied outside anyway!
We first add all NNCs specified in the deck to the ouput
and then determine additional NNCs by iterating over all faces that
connect cells that are not connected in the underlying cartesian grid.
Therefore we need to make sure that we do not output NNCs twice
and for faults that also have a specified NNC we need to substract
the transmissibility specified via NNC.
- when an episode/report step is over, the next is started by endEpisode()
- the problem does not deal with updating the simulation time anymore
- rename `episodeIdx` in to `reportStepIdx` the 'EclWriter' because
this variable is -- and always has been -- the report step number
used by some parts of `opm-output`'s ECL writing code (the report
step number is equivalent to the episode index plus 1). IMO, the
output and parser code should be made more consistent in regard of
whether it expects 0-based or 1-based indices, but this is a story
for another day.
before patch, setting the `EnableEclOutput` parameter to `false`
resulted in the `eclWriter_` not to be allocated; yet it was used in
some places. this resulted in segfaults.