when we do the local solve for well equations, control/status will be
updated during the iteration process, such that the converged well gets
correct control/status regarding to the current reservoir state.
various change in the other parts of the code were made to make the
function work as intended.
This commit activates the support for calculating WBPn summary
result values per well in parallel. To affect the calculation we
add two new data members in BlackoilWellModelGeneric:
- conn_idx_map_:
Maps well's connection index (0..getConnections().size() - 1) to
connections on current rank. Its local() connections are
negative 1 (-1) if the connection is not on current rank, and a
non-negative value otherwise. The global() function maps well
connections on current rank to global connection ID for each
well. Effectively the reverse of local(). Finally, the open()
function maps well connections on current rank to open/flowing
connections on current rank. Negative 1 if connection is not
- wbpCalculationService:
Parallel collection of WBPn calculation objects that knows how
to exchange source and result information between all ranks in a
communicator. Also handles distributed wells.
We furthermore need a way to compute connection-level fluid mixture
density values. For the standard well class we add a way to access
the StandardWellConnection's 'perf_densities_' values. However,
since these are defined for open/flowing connections only, this
means we're not able to fully meet the requirements of the
WPAVE depth correction procedure for standard wells. The
multi-segmented well type, on the other hand, uses the fluid mixture
density in the associated well segment and is therefore well defined
for ALL connections. OPEN well connections are supported for both
well types.
These can be used to manage state in the well models, and will
be used in the NLDD solver option. Also added the setupDomains()
method, as the getters and setters are working on a domain basis.
1. stopped production wells
2. production wells under zero rate control
We guarantee the objective through enforce zero values for the WQTotal
primary variable during the initialization and update process during the
Newton solution.
hopefully, it begins at a reasonably good initial point. When the Newton
iteration begins with certian solution region, the nonlinear solution
might fail.
this adds the cpr pressure matrix to a matrix.
this is the core of MultisegmentWell::addWellPressureEquations
use the new method in the implementation.
this adds the well matrices to a sparse matrix adapter.
this is the core of MultisegmentWell::addWellContributions.
use the new method in the implementation.
Introduces a gaslift debugging variable in ALQState in WellState. This
variable will persist between timesteps in contrast to when debugging
variables are defined in GasLiftSingleWell, GasLiftGroupState, or GasLiftStage2.
Currently only an integer variable debug_counter is added to ALQState,
which can be used as follows: First debugging is switched on globally
for BlackOilWellModel, GasLiftSingleWell, GasLiftGroupState, and
GasLiftStage2 by setting glift_debug to a true value in BlackOilWellModelGeneric.
Then, the following debugging code can be added to e.g. one of
GasLiftSingleWell, GasLiftGroupState, or GasLiftStage2 :
auto count = debugUpdateGlobalCounter_();
if (count == some_integer) {
displayDebugMessage_("stop here");
Here, the integer "some_integer" is determined typically by looking at
the debugging output of a previous run. This can be done since the
call to debugUpdateGlobalCounter_() will print out the current value
of the counter and then increment the counter by one. And it will be
easy to recognize these values in the debug ouput. If you find a place
in the output that looks suspect, just take a note of the counter
value in the output around that point and insert the value for
"some_integer", then after recompiling the code with the desired value
for "some_integer", it is now easy to set a breakpoint in GDB at the
displayDebugMessage_("stop here").
shown in the above snippet. This should improve the ability to quickly
to set a breakpoint in GDB around at a given time and point in the simulation.