- restrict pressure changes. Set default to 1.0 (this also effects flow)
- change default number of linear iterations to 150
- tell stabilized newton the residual occilates even if it occilates in
only one phase (this also effects flow)
- avoid problems realated to division on small numbers
Tested on SPE9, norne and Model 2 with significant improvments.
note that I don't know if these changes are semantically correct (I
doubt it), but this patch fixes the valgrind complaints I saw for
SPE9_CP and on Norne.
Also, this makes the timing of flow_ebos for SPE9 determinisic between
runs: without this, I got some random time steps fail in a given run
and in the next run a completely different set of timesteps
failed. Since this was on the same same machine, without any
recompiles and no changes to the deck or any other input parameters, I
initially attributed the behavior to cosmic rays ;)
@totto82: could you have a thorough look on this?
* remotes/totto82/frankenstein_mod:
Fix seg-fault for cases without wells
Some micro performance improvments and cleaning
Add THP support in the denseAD well model
Only solve the linear system when it is not converged.
Revert changes to NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleaved.cpp
add and use class wellModelMatrixAdapter
Remove unused code and remove Eigen vectors
New updateState
Some cleaning and small changes
almost all of them were caused by recent changes in the master
- there were methods added which depend on the types `V` and
`DataBlock`. these do not make much sense in the context of the
frankenstein simulator. Also, these types are defined globally for the
whole Opm namespace in `BlackoilModelBase_impl.hpp` (which should be
prosecuted as a fellony IMO)! Besides this, their names are useless;
'V' is the letter which comes after `U` in the alphabet and when it
comes to computers basically everything can be seen as a chunk of data
(i.e., a `DataBlock`).
- it seems like the new and shiny dense-AD based well model was never
compiled with assertations enabled, at least some asserts referenced
non-existing variables.
- the recent output-related API changes were pretty unfortunate
because they had the effect of tying the (sub-optimal, IMO) internal
structure of the model even closer to the output code: as far as I can
see, `rq` does only make sense if the model works *exactly* like
BlackoilModelBase and friends. (for flow_ebos, this could be
replicated, but first it would be another unnecessary conversion step
and second, most of the quantities in `rq` are of type `ADB` and much
of the "frankenstein" excercise is devoted to getting rid of these.) I
thus reverted back to an old version of the output code and created a
`frankenstein` branch in my personal `opm-output` github fork.
-- The jacobian and residual in the reservoir is updated directly
-- The sparsity pattern are provided to the well matrices.
-- Some cleaning in updateWellState()
-- isRS and phaseCondition is removed and hydroCarbonState in the state
is used instead
-- input of pressurediffs to computeHydrostaticCorrection() is changed
to double from Vector in WellHelpers.hpp
-- a new updateState is implemented based on dune vectors
-- the old is kept for comparision in this PR
-- the updateState is not identical.
Tested on spe1, spe9 and norne and it improves the convergence compares
to the old one.
- unused code is removed
- the scaled normed is stored in residual_norm_history for usage in
stabilized newton
- number of linear iterations is outputted
- linear solver tolerance is reduced to 0.01
- make compute wellFlux local
- rewrite ADB::V to std::vector<double>
remove the now unnecessary inclusion of
"NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleaved.cpp" (mind the .cpp extension!)
and include "dune/istl/solvers.hh" instead.
1) The wellsolution is stored in wellVariables as a vector of DenseAD
objects. The wellVariables is computed from the wellstate in
2) BHP and well fluxes are not stored directly but calculated based on
the wellVariables
3) The initial well accumulation term is stored as a vector of doubles.
4) addWellFluxEq() uses DenseAd flux and accumulation terms
5) computePropertiesForWellConnectionPressures() no longer uses state as
input. The wellstate is used to get the bhp pressure.
6) The current wellcontrol is set when updated in updateWellControls()
in order to use well_controls_get_current_type(wc) insted of
well_controls_iget_type(wc, currentIdx)
Tested on SPE1, SPE9 and Norne.
Effects the convergence but the results are identical.
Start using the well model desribed in SPE 12259 "Enhancements to the
Strongly Coupled, Fully Implicit Well Model: Wellbore CrossFlow Modeling
and Collective Well Control"
The new well model uses three well primary variables: (the old one had
1) bhp for rate controlled wells or total_rate for bhp controlled wells
2) flowing fraction of water Fw = g_w * Q_w / (g_w * Q_w + q_o * Q_o +
q_g + Q_g)
3) flowing fraction of gas Fg = g_g * Q_g / (g_w * Q_w + q_o * Q_o +
q_g + Q_g)
where g_g = 0.01 and q_w = q_o = 1;
Note 1:
This is the starting point of implementing a well model using denseAD
The plan is to gradually remove Eigen from the well model and instead
use the fluidState object provided by the Ebos simulator
Note 2:
This is still work in progress and substantial cleaning and testing is
still needed.
Note 3: Runs SPE1, SPE9 and norne until 950 days.