We accomplish that by passing the module version as a string to the
constructors of LogOutputHelper and EclGenericOutputBlackoilModel
instead of calling moduleVersionName() in LogOutputHelper. That way
moduleVersionName is not needed by libopmsimulators anymore and
compilation works again for people requesting shared libraries via
CMake's BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable.
This commit ensures that we have backing support for region IDs up
to and including NTFIP (TABDIMS(5), REGDIMS(1)). The existing setup
would fail (segmentation violation) in the case of a summary vector
of the form
36 31 /
when the maximum FIPNUM value was 30. We nevertheless support
maximum FIPNUM values exceeding NTFIP.
We add a new optional parameter to the EclInterRegionFlowMap
constructor. The parameter allows client code to specifiy a
"minimum maximum" region ID that all ranks must support. This value
will be enforced during parallel aggregation.
This makes them available for use in other places. The function
std::string to_string(const ConvergenceReport::WellFailure& wf) is new,
but uses the format already established.
There is no need to restrict PRT file flow reports to those wells
which are active on the current rank since the SummaryState object
holds information for all wells active at the current report step.
Up to now this information is only output to standard out.
To help with debugging and replicating (e.g. in case of crashes)
without saved standard putput, we now also print the imformation about
MPI processes and OMP threads to the PRT file.
This commit splits the production, injection, and cumulative
*Report_() functions into three logically distinct parts, one for
outputting the report header (begin*Report_()), one for outputting a
single report record (output*ReportRecord_()), and one for ending
the report (end*Report_()). This simplifies the logic of the
*Record_() member functions since they no longer need to infer the
context which is already available in the caller and can perform a
more narrow task than before.
With this separation we're also able to remove the dashed lines
which would previously separate each report record, thereby creating
PRT file report sheets which have a more expected layout.
Moreover, as an aid to future maintenance, we also factor out common
code for the well and group cases in each *Record_() function.
Finally, fix a unit conversion problem in the report values for
cumulative gas quantities. The sheet header states that we should
be outputting values in 'MM' prefixed units, but we were only
scaling the gas values by a factor of 1000 instead of 1000*1000. In
other words, the injection and production gas values in the
cumulative sheet were off by a factor of 1000.
The StreamLog::addMessageUnconditionally() member function will end
each message with a newline (std::endl) so we should not add such
newlines ourselves. The extra newline characters produce spurious
blank lines in the report sheets, e.g., for the "PRODUCTION REPORT".
This commit removes the last newline character from each report
request, thus deferring that responsibility to OpmLog::note()
instead. Doing so, however, means we have take a little more care
with the first line of each report lest we create report sheets
which are smushed together.
This commit adds support for loading a three-column NLDD
partitioning scheme of the form
MPI_Rank Cartesian_Index NLDD_Domain_ID
from a text file. In an MPI run it is assumed that the first column
holds integers in the range 0..MPI_Size()-1, and typically that each
such integer is listed at least once. In a sequential run, the MPI
rank column is ignored.
With this scheme we can load the same partition files that we write,
for increased repeatability and determinism, and we can also
experiment with externally generated NLDD partitions.
This commit adds a new (hidden) debugging option,
DebugEmitCellPartition (--debug-emit-cell-partition)
which, when set, will cause each rank to write a three-column text
file of the form
MPI_Rank Cartesian_Index NLDD_Domain_ID
into the directory
of the run's output directory. That file will be named according to
the process' MPI rank, so the first column will be the same as the
file name.
The option is primarily intended for debugging the NLDD partitioning
scheme, so is mostly reserved for runs with low MPI sizes (e.g.,
less than 20).
While here, also make the MPIPartitionFromFile helper class aware of
this format so that we can use concatenated output files as an input
to the MPI partitioning algorithm for repeatability.
This commit introduces new, experimental support for loading a
partitioning of the cells from a text file. The name of the file is
passed into the simulator using the new, hidden, command line option
and we perform some basic checking that the number of elements in the
partition matches the number of cells in the CpGrid object.
This commit switches the current implementation of
'partitionCellsZoltan()', i.e., 'partitionCells("zoltan", ...)' into
using the MPI-aware ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan utility. In
doing so we make 'partitionCellsZoltan()' private since its
availability is not guaranteed. We also slightly reorder the
parameters and switch from passing a "Grid" into passing a
"GridView" as an argument to partitionCells(), and specialise this
function for the known grid views in OPM Flow.
We extract the Zoltan-related parameters out to an Entity-dependent
helper structure and move the complexity of forming this type to a
new helper function, BlackoilModelEbosNldd::partitionCells().
This commit adds a new flag data member,
to the generic black-oil well model. This flag captures the
value from the 'SimulatorUpdate' structure in the updateEclWells()
member function. Then, in BlackoilWellModel::beginTimeStep(), we
key a well structure update off this flag when set. This, in turn,
enables creating or opening wells as a result of an ACTIONX block
updating the structure in the middle of a report step.