Motivated by
- proliferation of identical code
- need to avoid strange behaviour with "." directory on some boost versions
- potenial for further refactoring to avoid boost entirely
For cells with swat == 1 Ecl outputs; rs = rsSat and rv=rvSat, in all
but the initial step where it outputs rs and rv values calculated by the
initialization. To be compatible we overwrite rs and rv with the values
passed by the localState. Volume factors and densities needs to be
recalculated with the updated rs and rv values.
The parameter "restart_double_si" (defaults to false) will when true
cause the RESTART_SOLUTION data (only) to be read/written with measure
equal to measure::identity, thereby suppressing unit conversions. Also,
the output layer will be told to output all (not just RESTART_SOLUTION
but also RESTART_AUXILIARY) restart data as doubles.
All simulators now use SimulationDataContainer to store intermediate data that
is passed to the output Solution container. This is in cases not the most
efficient way, but it's unified to avoid errors from code duplication.
this information is already part of the EclipseState. The reason why
this should IMO be avoided is that this enforces an implementation
detail (ordering of the permeability matrices) of the simulator on the
well model. If this needs to be done for performance reasons, IMO it
would be smarter to pass an array of matrices instead of passing a raw
array of doubles. I doubt that this is necessary, though: completing
the full Norne deck takes about 0.25 seconds longer on my machine,
that's substantially less than 0.1% of the total runtime.
Previously only the cell data registered with SimulationDataContainer
war gathered during parallel output. User requested data was neglected
and a warning was issued. With this commit we intialize the local view
of data::Solution on all processes with the data registered in
SimulationDataContainer and add cell data requested by the user. This is
then gathered on the IO process, and used for the output layer. To
rudimentarily support matlab we also create a global view of
SimulationDataContainer for it.
There is already a generic one with the Grid implementation
being the template parameter in the header file. The other
implementation using UnstructuredGrid does exactly the same.
Therefore we remove it with this commit.
Previously, the eclipseGrid used by EclipseWriter was constructed from
the one in the EclipseState with the current CpGrid. Unfortunately the
latter was the distributed version resembling only the local part that
the processor works on. Therefore the information about the active cells
was wrong when writing results (which raised an exception in the writer).
With this commit we construct the EclipseWriter before distributing the grid
and use this writer later on in the OutputWriter.