We need it serveral places and all of them seem to have access to
NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface. This makes it natural to give access
to it and prevent users from having to forward it manually at several
places in the simulator driver.
As with opm-core we use boost::any to provide additional
information about a parallel run. It is used to set a
ParallelISTLInformation object and and fill it with the
information obtained from a parallel Cpgrid.
Note that the simulator currently compiles sucessfully. Still,
we have to test the runs and do debugging.
Apparently Eigen cannot handle empty containers during reserve correctly.
Therfore we check for the size of the vector and if it is zero simply create
empty jacobians.
The derivatives of the vappars are included in the Jacobian.
To avoid inf derivatives for vap<1, the oil saturation is restricted
from below by sqrt(epsilon).
Previously, we just called the default constructor. Of course this does not allocate
any memory and we experienced segmentation faults. With this patch we correctly
allocate the arrays by passing the number of row and columns to the constructor.
It took me quite some time to understand the computations done
e.g. during the detection of oscillations, where the stuff returned
by residuals() is used as a vector of doubles. It turns out that
residuals() actually returns the norm of the residuals. To clarify this
we rename residuals() to computeResidualNorms() and residuals to
residual_norms. Having my dare devil day today, I even try to document the
method. (This documented method might feel kind of lonely between the others,
now;). Hopefully this saves others some time.
The computations made to check the convergence are the same for all existing
phases. Therefore this patch uses loops over the phase indices when cmputing
In the convergence check there are several reductions (maxCoeff(), sum())
that will trigger communication in a parallel run. This patch seperates the
reductions from the other computations. The idea is to one reduction for the
reductions that need to done as global communication is expensive.
The number of perforations may change due to completions beeing shut.
If the number of perforations changes the perfPhaseRates are set to
equal the wellRates/(number of perforations) instead of the values from
the previous time step.
The initial definition of the phase indices seems to be in
opm/core/props/BlackoilPhases.hpp. Nevertheless there were
several redefinitions of the same or similar enums (either
Aqua, Liquid, and Vapor, or Water, Oil, and Gas). Surprisingly
most often these definitions did not use the original values.
This is bound to break if there is a change upstream.
This patch limits the definition to one place in opm-autodiff,
namely opm/autodiff/BlackoilPropsAdInterface.hpp. To avoid
downstream confusion we define both the Water and Aqua triplets.
In addition we define the maximum number of phases to use at compile