IMO the simulator should not be in the business of managing low-level
parser objects in the first place, because that's what EclipseState is
supposed to do?!
anyway, since these objects are not needed to decide which simulator
to use, they are now always managed internally by the vanguard, i.e.,
setExternalDeck() does not take them anymore.
before this patch, the parameter was registered by the problem but not
used there. Since this is quite confusing, let's move registration to
where the parameter is actually used, i.e., the vanguard.
all disc output, i.e. VTK, restart files, ECL and -- in the future --
logfiles, goes to that directory. before this, only the ECL output
could be directed to a different than the current working directory
and the parameter for this was called "EclOutputDir".
note that the Dune VTK writing infrastructure makes it harder than it
needs to be: suddenly Dune::VTKWriter::write() does not work in
parallel anymore, but Dune::VTKWriter::pwrite() must be called with
the right arguments.
i.e., the ECL restart files are not necessarily updated after each
report step, but only each N-th (where N is the number specified by
the EclOutputInterval parameter). if this value is set to something
smaller than zero, the value which is computed by the EclipseState
object is used.
IMO the term "vanguard" expresses better what these classes are
supposed to do: level the ground for the cavalry. Normally this simply
means to create and distribute a grid object, but it can become quite
a bit more complicated, as exemplified by the vanguard classes of