Moved damaris command line parameter accessors to Main.cpp and fixed support for both Python and Paraview Python scripts, as they both cannot be present in the same simulation (seems to be an initialization conflict or double initialization)
added access to DUNE mesh geometry and passing through data to Damaris;
Updated command line so users can specifiy Python or Paraview script names and other paramaters that control Damaris
- Simulation name
- Number of dedicated cores or dedicated nodes
- Shared memory region size
- switch to turn off HDF5 output.
- Damaris logging level
Step one for moving Damaris calls out of EclWriter class and into its own DamarisWriter class;
EclProblem now calls both writeOutput methods and passes in the data::Solution object;
Add fix for first writeOutput() call not having PRESSURE data available;
data::Solution is now passed by rvalue ref into eclWriter::writeOutput();
guard added to prevent inclusion of damariswriter.hh
Damaris initialization is added after InitMpi but before starting the simulation. Damaris will invoke a separate core for writing in
parallel and leave the rest of cores for the simulator. The main changes are in main where start_damaris and then in eclwriterm where
we use damaris to output the PRESSURE. To test Damaris one can use --enable-damaris-output=true and to use parallel HDF5 one can use
--enable-async-damaris-output=true (false is the default choice)