properly exit on all processes, instead of deadlocking.
async output will still deadlock as there is no way to handle this
without syncronization which would defeat the purpose of async.
Previously only the cell data registered with SimulationDataContainer
war gathered during parallel output. User requested data was neglected
and a warning was issued. With this commit we intialize the local view
of data::Solution on all processes with the data registered in
SimulationDataContainer and add cell data requested by the user. This is
then gathered on the IO process, and used for the output layer. To
rudimentarily support matlab we also create a global view of
SimulationDataContainer for it.
There is already a generic one with the Grid implementation
being the template parameter in the header file. The other
implementation using UnstructuredGrid does exactly the same.
Therefore we remove it with this commit.
When running in parallel a well state object with the well information
of the whole grid needs to constructed to gather the information from all
processes. Previously, this was done with the report step exported by the
timer. This was wrong for the following reason:
The output occurs after solving the time step and the timer is already
incremented. This means that we constructed the well state for gathering the
data for the next report step, already. Unfortunately, at that step some
wells that we have computed results for might have been shut. In that case
an exception with message "global state does not contain well ..." was thrown.
This problem occured for Model number 2 and might have been due to shut wells
because of banned cross flow.
With this commit we use the last report step if this is not an initial write
and not a substep.
Previously, the call was made after the grid was distributed.
This means that each process wrote it, but only with his cells
active which was just a part of the whole domain.
With this commit we make the writeInit call before distributing the
grid and make sure that only one process calls it.
Changes to BlackoilOutputWriter as mandated by the split and rewrite of
opm-output. Notable changes:
* BlackoilOutputWriter is no longer a child class of OutputWriter.
* Minor interface changes; writeTimeStep requires a Wells pointer
* restore requires a Wells* pointer
* VTK/Matlab support rewrites; no longer inherits OutputWriter
* WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil::report added, to write its data to a
opm-output understood format
Relies on utility/Compat.hpp for quick conversion to the opm-output
defined formats.
The non-cartesian connections are required by the output facilities,
while the truly non-neighbour connections (meaning those not in the grid)
should be used by all other code.
* Compute NNC by face2cell information from a grid
* Pass NNC information to EclipseWriter
* Made NNC respect ECLIPSE input data
* nncStructure() is now exportNncStructure()