added access to DUNE mesh geometry and passing through data to Damaris;
Updated command line so users can specifiy Python or Paraview script names and other paramaters that control Damaris
- Simulation name
- Number of dedicated cores or dedicated nodes
- Shared memory region size
- switch to turn off HDF5 output.
- Damaris logging level
Step one for moving Damaris calls out of EclWriter class and into its own DamarisWriter class;
EclProblem now calls both writeOutput methods and passes in the data::Solution object;
Add fix for first writeOutput() call not having PRESSURE data available;
data::Solution is now passed by rvalue ref into eclWriter::writeOutput();
guard added to prevent inclusion of damariswriter.hh
- use imported target for linking
- use separate damaris cmake script
- handle HAVE_DAMARIS config variable in the usual way
fixing issues when user does not provide an outputDir via a command_line
avoid adding damaris's command lines when we dont have damaris
Damaris initialization is added after InitMpi but before starting the simulation. Damaris will invoke a separate core for writing in
parallel and leave the rest of cores for the simulator. The main changes are in main where start_damaris and then in eclwriterm where
we use damaris to output the PRESSURE. To test Damaris one can use --enable-damaris-output=true and to use parallel HDF5 one can use
--enable-async-damaris-output=true (false is the default choice)