- Saturations, phase pressures, and standard initialsation of RS and RV
now agree to baseline.
- Tables of RS and RV versus vertical depth (kw RSVD RVVD) have been
hardcoded for testing (need new parser) and the calculations agree to
baseline in the gas and oil zones. In the water zone there is some
differences: Our code computes saturated RS and RV using the final
phase pressures (these are modified to be consistent with saturations
and capillary pressures) while the baseline uses unmodified phase pressures.
In summary:
- added RsFunction (base class),
- made NoMixing, RsVD, RsSatAtContact inherit RsFunction,
- RS and RV are no longer template arguments for EquilReg class,
- EquilReg constructor now takes two shared_ptr<Miscibility::RsFunction>,
- use of constructor updated, mostly using make_shared.