The Todd-Longstaff model is extended to incorporate pressure effects
The solvent viscosity is then caculated as
mu_eff = mu_s^(1-\alpha * \omega) * mu_mix^(\alpha * \omega)
where \omega accounts for the porous media effects and \alpha =
\alpha(pressure) accounts for the miscibility of the solvent and oil
when contacted.
The \alpha values can be given using the TLPMIXPA keyword
If no entries are given to TLPMIXPA the table specified using PMISC will
be used as default.
IF TLPMIXPA does not appear in the grid \alpha = 1 and the pressure
effect is neglected.
This is tested in test_solventprops_ad.cpp
A power method where both f and g are ADB variables is added
using the general derivative rule
(f^g)' = f^g * ln(f) * g' + g * f^(g-1) * f'
Tests are added to test_block.cpp
opm-parser#677 changes the return types for the Deck family of classes.
This patch fixes all broken code from that patch set.
Several files stopped compiling due to relying on opm-parser headers doing
includes. From opm-parser PR-656
this assumption is no longer valid.
Methods that returns the scaled critical gas (SGCR) saturation and the
scaled critical gas in oil saturation (SOGCR) is added to
BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck and BlackoilPropsAdInterface
A test is added in test_boprops_ad and is modified to make
the test non trivial.
The surface density input in well_perforation_densities() in
WellDensitySegmented.hpp is changed from one value pr. phase to one
value pr phase and perforation. This allow for different densities in
different perforation. The test is changed accordingly.
Compiles and tests successfully, but test coverage very
limited. New approach based on relatively primitive
run-time switching instead of trying to use inheritance.