This commit activates the support for calculating WBPn summary
result values per well in parallel. To affect the calculation we
add two new data members in BlackoilWellModelGeneric:
- conn_idx_map_:
Maps well's connection index (0..getConnections().size() - 1) to
connections on current rank. Its local() connections are
negative 1 (-1) if the connection is not on current rank, and a
non-negative value otherwise. The global() function maps well
connections on current rank to global connection ID for each
well. Effectively the reverse of local(). Finally, the open()
function maps well connections on current rank to open/flowing
connections on current rank. Negative 1 if connection is not
- wbpCalculationService:
Parallel collection of WBPn calculation objects that knows how
to exchange source and result information between all ranks in a
communicator. Also handles distributed wells.
We furthermore need a way to compute connection-level fluid mixture
density values. For the standard well class we add a way to access
the StandardWellConnection's 'perf_densities_' values. However,
since these are defined for open/flowing connections only, this
means we're not able to fully meet the requirements of the
WPAVE depth correction procedure for standard wells. The
multi-segmented well type, on the other hand, uses the fluid mixture
density in the associated well segment and is therefore well defined
for ALL connections. OPEN well connections are supported for both
well types.
This commit adds a parallel calculation object derived from the serial
PAvgCalculator class. This parallel version is aware of MPI
communicators and knows how to aggregate contributions from wells that
might be distributed across ranks.
We also add a wrapper class, ParallelWBPCalculation, which knows how to
exchange information from PAvgCalculatorCollection objects on different
ranks and, especially, how to properly prune inactive cells/connections.
for filter cake calculation. The main reason is that the injection
concentration may vary during the simulation, which makes the tracking
of water injection volume is not very helpful when used for filter cake
This commit adds logic and backing storage in the SegmentState to
provide the segment level summary vectors
- SDENx -- Phase density of phase 'x' (O, G, W)
- SDENM -- Mixture density without flowing fraction exponents
- SMDEN -- Mixture density with flowing fraction exponents
We defer the calculation of SDENM and, especially, SMDEN, to the
MultisegmentWellSegments class since this class maintains the
current flowing fractions.
to handle the situation that a well can be `SHUT` in the Schedule.
If stored in PerfData, when a well is `SHUT`, the inforamtion related to
WINJMULT will be discarded.
Before we want to change how the `PerfData` works, storing
`inj_multiplier` in BlackoilWellModelGeneric is the viable approach.