Copyright 2022 Equinor ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see .
namespace Opm {
class ConvergenceOutputConfiguration;
} // namespace Opm
/// \file System for outputting additional convergence information, such as
/// material balance and CNV values, at each non-linear iteration.
/// Supports an asynchronous protocol that assumes there is a single thread
/// dedicated to per-iteration file output. Synchronous file output is
/// available for debugging and development purposes.
namespace Opm
/// Forward declaration so that Queue may declare this type its 'friend'.
class ConvergenceOutputThread;
/// Communication channel between thread creating output requests and
/// consumer thread writing those requests to a file.
/// Output thread has access to internal state. Producer thread uses public
/// interface. Producer thread creates an object of this type and launches
/// the output thread with a reference to that queue object.
class ConvergenceReportQueue
/// Single output request.
/// Associates non-linear iteration convergence information to single
/// report and timestep.
struct OutputRequest
/// Current report step
int reportStep{-1};
/// Current timestep within \c reportStep. Expected to be a small
/// integer.
int currentStep{-1};
/// Convergence metrics for each non-linear ieration in the \c
/// currentStep.
std::vector reports{};
/// Push sequence of output requests, typically all substeps whether
/// converged or not, of a single report step.
/// \param[in] requests Output request sequence. Queue takes ownership.
void enqueue(std::vector&& requests);
/// Signal end of output request stream.
/// No additional requests should be added to queue following a call to
/// this member function. Output thread detects this signal, completes
/// any pending output requests, and shuts down afterwards.
void signalLastOutputRequest();
friend class ConvergenceOutputThread;
/// Mutex for critical sections protecting 'requests_'.
std::mutex mtx_{};
/// Condition variable for threads waiting on changes to 'requests_'.
std::condition_variable cv_{};
/// Pending convergence output requests.
std::vector requests_{};
/// Encapsulating object for thread processing producer's convergence output
/// requests.
class ConvergenceOutputThread
/// Protocol for converting a phase/component ID into a human readable
/// phase/component name.
using ComponentToPhaseName = std::function;
/// Protocol for converting an SI elapsed time value into an equivalent
/// time value in the run's output conventions.
/// Will typically use \code UnitSystem::from_si() \endcode.
using ConvertToTimeUnits = std::function;
/// Constructor.
/// \param[in] outputDir -- Name of run's output directory. Any file
/// output will be written to this directory.
/// \param[in] baseName -- Run's base name. Output files will have this
/// name and a type-specific file extension.
/// \param[in] getPhaseName -- Callable object for converting component
/// indices into human readable component names.
/// \param[in] convertTime -- Callable object for converting SI elapsed
/// time values into equivalent elapsed time
/// values using run's time conventions.
/// \param[in] config -- Convergence output configuration options.
/// Determines whether to output additional
/// convergence information and, if so, what
/// information to output.
/// \param[in] queue -- Communication channel between producer thread
/// and this output thread. User must form a
/// valid queue prior to creating the output
/// thread object.
explicit ConvergenceOutputThread(std::string_view outputDir,
std::string_view baseName,
ComponentToPhaseName getPhaseName,
ConvertToTimeUnits convertTime,
ConvergenceOutputConfiguration config,
ConvergenceReportQueue& queue);
/// Deleted copy constructor.
ConvergenceOutputThread(const ConvergenceOutputThread& src) = delete;
/// Move constructor.
ConvergenceOutputThread(ConvergenceOutputThread&& src);
/// Deleted assignment operator.
ConvergenceOutputThread& operator=(const ConvergenceOutputThread& src) = delete;
/// Deleted move-assignment operator.
ConvergenceOutputThread& operator=(ConvergenceOutputThread&& src) = delete;
/// Destructor.
/// Needed for pimpl idiom.
/// Perform synchronous file output of a sequence of requests.
/// Mostly for development and debugging purposes.
/// \param[in] requests Output request sequence. Thread takes ownership.
void writeSynchronous(std::vector&& requests);
/// Output thread worker function
/// This is the endpoint that users should associate to a \code
/// std::thread \endcode object.
/// Returns once last pending output request is written (cf. \code
/// ConvergenceReportQueue::signalLastOutputRequest() \endcode.)
void writeASynchronous();
/// Private implementation class.
class Impl;
/// Pointer to implementation.
std::unique_ptr pImpl_;
} // namespace Opm