/* Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_WELLS_H_INCLUDED #define OPM_WELLS_H_INCLUDED #include #include #include /** * \file * * Main OPM-Core well data structure along with functions * to create, populate and destroy it. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * Well type indicates desired/expected well behaviour. */ enum WellType { INJECTOR, /**< Well is an injector */ PRODUCER /**< Well is a producer */ }; /** * Data structure aggregating static information about all wells in a scenario. */ struct Wells { int number_of_wells; /**< Number of wells. */ int number_of_phases; /**< Number of phases. */ /** * Array of well types. */ enum WellType *type; /** * Array of well reference depths. */ double *depth_ref; /** * Component fractions for each well. Array of size * number_of_wells * number_of_phases. * This is intended to be used for injection wells. For production wells * the component fractions will vary and cannot be specified a priori. */ double *comp_frac; /** * Array of indices into well_cells (and WI). For a well @c w, * well_connpos[w] and well_connpos[w+1] are start * and one-beyond-end indices into the @c well_cells array for accessing * @c w's perforation cell indices. */ int *well_connpos; /** * Array of perforation cell indices. * Size is number of perforations (== well_connpos[number_of_wells]). */ int *well_cells; /** * Well productivity index, same size and structure as well_cells. */ double *WI; /** * Well controls, one set of controls for each well. */ struct WellControls **ctrls; /** * Well names. One string for each well. */ char **name; /** * Internal management structure. */ void *data; }; /** * Data structure aggregating dynamic information about all wells in a scenario. * All arrays in this structure contain data for each perforation, ordered the * same as Wells::well_cells and Wells:WI. The array sizes are, respectively, * * wdp NP * A n²*NP (matrix in column-major (i.e., Fortran) order). * phasemob n*NP * * in which "n" denotes the number of active fluid phases (and constituent * components) and "NP" is the total number of perforations, * well_connpos[ number_of_wells ]. */ struct CompletionData { /** * Gravity potentials. */ double *wdp; /** * Volumes to surface-components matrix, A = RB^{-1}. */ double *A; /** * Phase mobilities for all perforations, stored consecutively with the * phase index cycling the most rapidly. */ double *phasemob; }; /** * Construct a Wells object initially capable of managing a given * number of wells and total number of well connections * (perforations). * * Function add_well() is used to populate the Wells object. No * reallocation occurs in function add_well() as long as the * initially indicated capacities are sufficient. Call function * destroy_wells() to dispose of the Wells object and its allocated * memory resources. * * \param[in] nphases Number of active phases in simulation scenario. * * \param[in] nwells Expected number of wells in simulation scenario. * Pass zero if the total number of wells is unknown. * * \param[in] nperf Expected total number of well connections * (perforations) for all wells in simulation * scenario. Pass zero if the total number of well * connections is unknown. * * \return A valid Wells object with no wells if successful, and NULL * otherwise. */ struct Wells * create_wells(int nphases, int nwells, int nperf); /** * Append a new well to an existing Wells object. * * Increments W->number_of_wells by one if successful. The new well * does not include operational constraints. Such information is * specified using function append_well_controls(). The current * control index is set to -1 (invalid). * * \param[in] type Type of well. * \param[in] depth_ref Reference depth for well's BHP. * \param[in] nperf Number of perforations. * \param[in] comp_frac Injection fraction array (size equal to W->number_of_phases) or NULL. * \param[in] cells Grid cells in which well is perforated. Should * ideally be track ordered. * \param[in] WI Well production index per perforation, or NULL. * \param[in] name Name of new well. NULL if no name. * \param[in,out] W Existing set of wells to which new well will * be added. * * \return Non-zero (true) if successful and zero otherwise. */ int add_well(enum WellType type , double depth_ref, int nperf , const double *comp_frac, const int *cells , const double *WI , const char *name , struct Wells *W ); /** * Append operational constraint to an existing well. * * Increments ctrl->num by one if successful. Introducing a new * operational constraint does not affect the well's notion of the * currently active constraint represented by ctrl->current. * Note that *_RATE controls now require a phase distribution array * to be associated with the control, see WellControls. * * \param[in] type Control type. * \param[in] target Target value for the control. * \param[in] distr Array of size W->number_of_phases or NULL. * \param[in] well_index Index of well to receive additional control. * \param[in,out] W Existing set of well controls. * \return Non-zero (true) if successful and zero (false) otherwise. */ int append_well_controls(enum WellControlType type , double target, const double *distr, int well_index, struct Wells *W); /** * Set the current control for a single well. */ void set_current_control(int well_index, int current_control, struct Wells *W); /** * Clear all controls from a single well. * * Does not affect the control set capacity. */ void clear_well_controls(int well_index, struct Wells *W); /** * Wells object destructor. * * Disposes of all resources managed by the Wells object. * * The Wells object must be built using function create_wells() and * subsequently populated using function add_well(). */ void destroy_wells(struct Wells *W); /** * Create a deep-copy (i.e., clone) of an existing Wells object, including its * controls. * * @param[in] W Existing Wells object. * @return Complete clone of the input object. Dispose of resources using * function destroy_wells() when no longer needed. Returns @c NULL in case of * allocation failure. */ struct Wells * clone_wells(const struct Wells *W); bool wells_equal(const struct Wells *W1, const struct Wells *W2); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* OPM_WELLS_H_INCLUDED */