/* Copyright 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. Copyright 2015 IRIS AS Copyright 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services Copyright 2015 NTNU Copyright 2015 Statoil AS Copyright 2015 IRIS AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_NEWTONITERATIONBLACKOILINTERLEAVED_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_NEWTONITERATIONBLACKOILINTERLEAVED_HEADER_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include BEGIN_PROPERTIES NEW_TYPE_TAG(FlowIstlSolverParams); NEW_PROP_TAG(Scalar); NEW_PROP_TAG(LinearSolverReduction); NEW_PROP_TAG(IluRelaxation); NEW_PROP_TAG(LinearSolverMaxIter); NEW_PROP_TAG(LinearSolverRestart); NEW_PROP_TAG(FlowLinearSolverVerbosity); NEW_PROP_TAG(IluFillinLevel); NEW_PROP_TAG(MiluVariant); NEW_PROP_TAG(IluRedblack); NEW_PROP_TAG(IluReorderSpheres); NEW_PROP_TAG(UseGmres); NEW_PROP_TAG(LinearSolverRequireFullSparsityPattern); NEW_PROP_TAG(LinearSolverIgnoreConvergenceFailure); NEW_PROP_TAG(UseAmg); NEW_PROP_TAG(UseCpr); SET_SCALAR_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, LinearSolverReduction, 1e-2); SET_SCALAR_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, IluRelaxation, 0.9); SET_INT_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, LinearSolverMaxIter, 200); SET_INT_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, LinearSolverRestart, 40); SET_INT_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, FlowLinearSolverVerbosity, 0); SET_INT_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, IluFillinLevel, 0); SET_STRING_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, MiluVariant, "ILU"); SET_BOOL_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, IluRedblack, false); SET_BOOL_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, IluReorderSpheres, false); SET_BOOL_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, UseGmres, false); SET_BOOL_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, LinearSolverRequireFullSparsityPattern, false); SET_BOOL_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, LinearSolverIgnoreConvergenceFailure, false); SET_BOOL_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, UseAmg, false); SET_BOOL_PROP(FlowIstlSolverParams, UseCpr, false); END_PROPERTIES namespace Opm { /// This class carries all parameters for the NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleaved class struct NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleavedParameters : public CPRParameter { double linear_solver_reduction_; double ilu_relaxation_; int linear_solver_maxiter_; int linear_solver_restart_; int linear_solver_verbosity_; int ilu_fillin_level_; Opm::MILU_VARIANT ilu_milu_; bool ilu_redblack_; bool ilu_reorder_sphere_; bool newton_use_gmres_; bool require_full_sparsity_pattern_; bool ignoreConvergenceFailure_; bool linear_solver_use_amg_; bool use_cpr_; template void init() { // TODO: these parameters have undocumented non-trivial dependencies linear_solver_reduction_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, double, LinearSolverReduction); ilu_relaxation_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, double, IluRelaxation); linear_solver_maxiter_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, LinearSolverMaxIter); linear_solver_restart_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, LinearSolverRestart); linear_solver_verbosity_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, FlowLinearSolverVerbosity); ilu_fillin_level_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, IluFillinLevel); ilu_milu_ = convertString2Milu(EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, MiluVariant)); ilu_redblack_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, IluRedblack); ilu_reorder_sphere_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, IluReorderSpheres); newton_use_gmres_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, UseGmres); require_full_sparsity_pattern_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, LinearSolverRequireFullSparsityPattern); ignoreConvergenceFailure_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, LinearSolverIgnoreConvergenceFailure); linear_solver_use_amg_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, UseAmg); use_cpr_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, UseCpr); } template static void registerParameters() { EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, double, LinearSolverReduction, "The minimum reduction of the residual which the linear solver must achieve"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, double, IluRelaxation, "The relaxation factor of the linear solver's ILU preconditioner"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, LinearSolverMaxIter, "The maximum number of iterations of the linear solver"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, LinearSolverRestart, "The number of iterations after which GMRES is restarted"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, FlowLinearSolverVerbosity, "The verbosity level of the linear solver (0: off, 2: all)"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, IluFillinLevel, "The fill-in level of the linear solver's ILU preconditioner"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, MiluVariant, "Specify which variant of the modified-ILU preconditioner ought to be used. Possible variants are: ILU (default, plain ILU), MILU_1 (lump diagonal with dropped row entries), MILU_2 (lump diagonal with the sum of the absolute values of the dropped row entries), MILU_3 (if diagonal is positive add sum of dropped row entrires. Otherwise substract them), MILU_4 (if diagonal is positive add sum of dropped row entrires. Otherwise do nothing"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, IluRedblack, "Use red-black partioning for the ILU preconditioner"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, IluReorderSpheres, "Whether to reorder the entries of the matrix in the red-black ILU preconditioner in spheres starting at an edge. If false the original ordering is preserved in each color. Otherwise why try to ensure D4 ordering (in a 2D structured grid, the diagonal elements are consecutive)."); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, UseGmres, "Use GMRES as the linear solver"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, LinearSolverRequireFullSparsityPattern, "Produce the full sparsity pattern for the linear solver"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, LinearSolverIgnoreConvergenceFailure, "Continue with the simulation like nothing happened after the linear solver did not converge"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, UseAmg, "Use AMG as the linear solver's preconditioner"); EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, UseCpr, "Use CPR as the linear solver's preconditioner"); } NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleavedParameters() { reset(); } // read values from parameter class NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleavedParameters( const ParameterGroup& param ) : CPRParameter(param) { // set default parameters reset(); // read parameters (using previsouly set default values) newton_use_gmres_ = param.getDefault("newton_use_gmres", newton_use_gmres_ ); linear_solver_reduction_ = param.getDefault("linear_solver_reduction", linear_solver_reduction_ ); linear_solver_maxiter_ = param.getDefault("linear_solver_maxiter", linear_solver_maxiter_); linear_solver_restart_ = param.getDefault("linear_solver_restart", linear_solver_restart_); linear_solver_verbosity_ = param.getDefault("linear_solver_verbosity", linear_solver_verbosity_); require_full_sparsity_pattern_ = param.getDefault("require_full_sparsity_pattern", require_full_sparsity_pattern_); ignoreConvergenceFailure_ = param.getDefault("linear_solver_ignoreconvergencefailure", ignoreConvergenceFailure_); linear_solver_use_amg_ = param.getDefault("linear_solver_use_amg", linear_solver_use_amg_ ); ilu_relaxation_ = param.getDefault("ilu_relaxation", ilu_relaxation_ ); ilu_fillin_level_ = param.getDefault("ilu_fillin_level", ilu_fillin_level_ ); ilu_redblack_ = param.getDefault("ilu_redblack", cpr_ilu_redblack_); ilu_reorder_sphere_ = param.getDefault("ilu_reorder_sphere", cpr_ilu_reorder_sphere_); std::string milu("ILU"); ilu_milu_ = convertString2Milu(param.getDefault("ilu_milu", milu)); // Check whether to use cpr approach const std::string cprSolver = "cpr"; use_cpr_ = ( param.getDefault("solver_approach", std::string()) == cprSolver ); } // set default values void reset() { use_cpr_ = false; newton_use_gmres_ = false; linear_solver_reduction_ = 1e-2; linear_solver_maxiter_ = 150; linear_solver_restart_ = 40; linear_solver_verbosity_ = 0; require_full_sparsity_pattern_ = false; ignoreConvergenceFailure_ = false; linear_solver_use_amg_ = false; ilu_fillin_level_ = 0; ilu_relaxation_ = 0.9; ilu_milu_ = MILU_VARIANT::ILU; ilu_redblack_ = false; ilu_reorder_sphere_ = true; } }; /// This class solves the fully implicit black-oil system by /// solving the reduced system (after eliminating well variables) /// as a block-structured matrix (one block for all cell variables). class NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleaved : public NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface { public: /// Construct a system solver. /// \param[in] param parameters controlling the behaviour of the linear solvers /// \param[in] parallelInformation In the case of a parallel run /// with dune-istl the information about the parallelization. NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleaved(const ParameterGroup& param, const boost::any& parallelInformation=boost::any()); /// Solve the system of linear equations Ax = b, with A being the /// combined derivative matrix of the residual and b /// being the residual itself. /// \param[in] residual residual object containing A and b. /// \return the solution x virtual SolutionVector computeNewtonIncrement(const LinearisedBlackoilResidual& residual) const; /// \copydoc NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface::iterations virtual int iterations () const { return iterations_; } /// \copydoc NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface::parallelInformation virtual const boost::any& parallelInformation() const; private: // max number of equations supported, increase if necessary static const int maxNumberEquations_ = 6 ; mutable std::array< std::unique_ptr< NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface >, maxNumberEquations_+1 > newtonIncrementDoublePrecision_; mutable std::array< std::unique_ptr< NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface >, maxNumberEquations_+1 > newtonIncrementSinglePrecision_; NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleavedParameters parameters_; boost::any parallelInformation_; mutable int iterations_; }; } // namespace Opm #endif // OPM_NEWTONITERATIONBLACKOILINTERLEAVED_HEADER_INCLUDED