// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- // vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: /* Copyright 2022 Equinor AS This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include Opm::EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP:: EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP(const std::vector& region) : region_(region.size(), 0) { if (! region.empty()) { this->maxLocalRegionID_= this->maxGlobalRegionID_ = *std::max_element(region.begin(), region.end()); } std::transform(region.begin(), region.end(), this->region_.begin(), [](const int regID) { return regID - 1; }); } void Opm::EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP:: addConnection(const Cell& source, const Cell& destination, const data::InterRegFlowMap::FlowRates& rates) { if (this->isReadFromStream_) { throw std::logic_error { "Cannot add new connection to deserialised object" }; } if (! source.isInterior || (source.cartesianIndex > destination.cartesianIndex)) { // Connection handled in different call. Don't double-count // contributions. return; } const auto r1 = this->region_[ source.activeIndex ]; const auto r2 = this->region_[ destination.activeIndex ]; if (r1 == r2) { // Connection is internal to a region. Nothing to do. return; } // Inter-region connection internal to an MPI rank or this rank owns // the flow rate across this connection. this->iregFlow_.addConnection(r1, r2, rates); } void Opm::EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP::compress() { this->iregFlow_.compress(this->maxGlobalRegionID_); } void Opm::EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP::clear() { this->iregFlow_.clear(); this->isReadFromStream_ = false; } const Opm::data::InterRegFlowMap& Opm::EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP::getInterRegFlows() const { return this->iregFlow_; } std::size_t Opm::EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP::getLocalMaxRegionID() const { return this->maxLocalRegionID_; } bool Opm::EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP:: assignGlobalMaxRegionID(const std::size_t regID) { if (regID < this->maxLocalRegionID_) { return false; } this->maxGlobalRegionID_ = regID; return true; } // ===================================================================== // // Implementation of EclInterRegFlowMap (wrapper for multiple arrays) // // ===================================================================== Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap::createMapFromNames(std::vector names) { auto map = EclInterRegFlowMap{}; map.names_ = std::move(names); map.regionMaps_.resize(map.names_.size(), EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP{}); return map; } Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap:: EclInterRegFlowMap(const std::size_t numCells, const std::vector& regions) { this->regionMaps_.reserve(regions.size()); this->names_.reserve(regions.size()); this->numCells_ = numCells; for (const auto& region : regions) { this->regionMaps_.emplace_back(region.definition); this->names_.push_back(region.name); } } void Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap:: addConnection(const Cell& source, const Cell& destination, const data::InterRegFlowMap::FlowRates& rates) { for (auto& regionMap : this->regionMaps_) { regionMap.addConnection(source, destination, rates); } } void Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap::compress() { for (auto& regionMap : this->regionMaps_) { regionMap.compress(); } } void Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap::clear() { for (auto& regionMap : this->regionMaps_) { regionMap.clear(); } this->readIsConsistent_ = true; } const std::vector& Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap::names() const { return this->names_; } std::vector Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap::getInterRegFlows() const { auto maps = std::vector{}; maps.reserve(this->regionMaps_.size()); for (auto& regionMap : this->regionMaps_) { maps.push_back(regionMap.getInterRegFlows()); } return maps; } std::vector Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap::getLocalMaxRegionID() const { auto maxLocalRegionID = std::vector{}; maxLocalRegionID.reserve(this->regionMaps_.size()); for (auto& regionMap : this->regionMaps_) { maxLocalRegionID.push_back(regionMap.getLocalMaxRegionID()); } return maxLocalRegionID; } bool Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap:: assignGlobalMaxRegionID(const std::vector& regID) { if (regID.size() != this->regionMaps_.size()) { return false; } auto assignmentOK = true; const auto numReg = regID.size(); for (auto region = 0*numReg; region < numReg; ++region) { const auto ok = this->regionMaps_[region] .assignGlobalMaxRegionID(regID[region]); assignmentOK = assignmentOK && ok; } return assignmentOK; } bool Opm::EclInterRegFlowMap::readIsConsistent() const { return this->readIsConsistent_; }