/* Copyright 2013 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. Copyright 2014-2016 IRIS AS Copyright 2015 Andreas Lauser This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Opm { template SimulatorBase::SimulatorBase(const ParameterGroup& param, const Grid& grid, DerivedGeology& geo, BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck& props, const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props, NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface& linsolver, const double* gravity, const bool has_disgas, const bool has_vapoil, std::shared_ptr eclipse_state, OutputWriter& output_writer, const std::vector& threshold_pressures_by_face, const std::unordered_set& defunct_well_names) : param_(param), model_param_(param), solver_param_(param), grid_(grid), props_(props), rock_comp_props_(rock_comp_props), gravity_(gravity), geo_(geo), solver_(linsolver), has_disgas_(has_disgas), has_vapoil_(has_vapoil), terminal_output_(param.getDefault("output_terminal", true)), eclipse_state_(eclipse_state), output_writer_(output_writer), rateConverter_(props_.phaseUsage(), std::vector(AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_), 0)), threshold_pressures_by_face_(threshold_pressures_by_face), is_parallel_run_( false ), defunct_well_names_(defunct_well_names) { // Misc init. const int num_cells = AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid); allcells_.resize(num_cells); for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) { allcells_[cell] = cell; } #if HAVE_MPI if ( solver_.parallelInformation().type() == typeid(ParallelISTLInformation) ) { const ParallelISTLInformation& info = boost::any_cast(solver_.parallelInformation()); // Only rank 0 does print to std::cout terminal_output_ = terminal_output_ && ( info.communicator().rank() == 0 ); is_parallel_run_ = ( info.communicator().size() > 1 ); } #endif } template SimulatorReport SimulatorBase::run(SimulatorTimer& timer, ReservoirState& state) { WellState prev_well_state; ExtraData extra; if (output_writer_.isRestart()) { // This is a restart, populate WellState and ReservoirState state objects from restart file output_writer_.initFromRestartFile(props_.phaseUsage(), grid_, state, prev_well_state, extra); initHydroCarbonState(state, props_.phaseUsage(), Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells(grid_), has_disgas_, has_vapoil_); initHysteresisParams(state); } // Create timers and file for writing timing info. Opm::time::StopWatch solver_timer; Opm::time::StopWatch step_timer; Opm::time::StopWatch total_timer; total_timer.start(); std::string tstep_filename = output_writer_.outputDirectory() + "/step_timing.txt"; std::ofstream tstep_os; if ( output_writer_.output() ) { if ( output_writer_.isIORank() ) tstep_os.open(tstep_filename.c_str()); } const auto& schedule = eclipse_state_->getSchedule(); // adaptive time stepping const auto& events = schedule.getEvents(); std::unique_ptr< AdaptiveTimeStepping > adaptiveTimeStepping; if( param_.getDefault("timestep.adaptive", true ) ) { if (param_.getDefault("use_TUNING", false)) { adaptiveTimeStepping.reset( new AdaptiveTimeStepping( schedule.getTuning(), timer.currentStepNum(), param_, terminal_output_ ) ); } else { adaptiveTimeStepping.reset( new AdaptiveTimeStepping( param_, terminal_output_ ) ); } if (output_writer_.isRestart()) { if (extra.suggested_step > 0.0) { adaptiveTimeStepping->setSuggestedNextStep(extra.suggested_step); } } } std::string restorefilename = param_.getDefault("restorefile", std::string("") ); if( ! restorefilename.empty() ) { // -1 means that we'll take the last report step that was written const int desiredRestoreStep = param_.getDefault("restorestep", int(-1) ); output_writer_.restore( timer, state, prev_well_state, restorefilename, desiredRestoreStep ); } DynamicListEconLimited dynamic_list_econ_limited; SimulatorReport report; SimulatorReport stepReport; bool ooip_computed = false; std::vector fipnum_global = eclipse_state_->get3DProperties().getIntGridProperty("FIPNUM").getData(); //Get compressed cell fipnum. std::vector fipnum(AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_)); if (fipnum_global.empty()) { std::fill(fipnum.begin(), fipnum.end(), 0); } else { for (size_t c = 0; c < fipnum.size(); ++c) { fipnum[c] = fipnum_global[AutoDiffGrid::globalCell(grid_)[c]]; } } std::vector > OOIP; // Main simulation loop. while (!timer.done()) { // Report timestep. step_timer.start(); if ( terminal_output_ ) { std::ostringstream ss; timer.report(ss); OpmLog::note(ss.str()); } // Create wells and well state. WellsManager wells_manager(*eclipse_state_, timer.currentStepNum(), Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::dimensions(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces(grid_), Opm::UgGridHelpers::beginFaceCentroids(grid_), dynamic_list_econ_limited, is_parallel_run_, defunct_well_names_); const Wells* wells = wells_manager.c_wells(); WellState well_state; well_state.init(wells, state, prev_well_state, props_.phaseUsage()); // give the polymer and surfactant simulators the chance to do their stuff asImpl().handleAdditionalWellInflow(timer, wells_manager, well_state, wells); // write the inital state at the report stage if (timer.initialStep()) { Dune::Timer perfTimer; perfTimer.start(); // No per cell data is written for initial step, but will be // for subsequent steps, when we have started simulating output_writer_.writeTimeStepWithoutCellProperties( timer, state, well_state, {}, {} ); report.output_write_time += perfTimer.stop(); } // Max oil saturation (for VPPARS), hysteresis update. props_.updateSatOilMax(state.saturation()); props_.updateSatHyst(state.saturation(), allcells_); // Compute reservoir volumes for RESV controls. asImpl().computeRESV(timer.currentStepNum(), wells, state, well_state); // Run a multiple steps of the solver depending on the time step control. solver_timer.start(); const WellModel well_model(wells, &(wells_manager.wellCollection())); std::unique_ptr solver = asImpl().createSolver(well_model); // Compute orignal FIP; if (!ooip_computed) { OOIP = solver->computeFluidInPlace(state, fipnum); FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), OOIP); ooip_computed = true; } if( terminal_output_ ) { std::ostringstream step_msg; boost::posix_time::time_facet* facet = new boost::posix_time::time_facet("%d-%b-%Y"); step_msg.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), facet)); step_msg << "\nTime step " << std::setw(4) <wellIterations() != 0) { iter_msg << " days well iterations = " << solver->wellIterations() << ", "; } iter_msg << "non-linear iterations = " << solver->nonlinearIterations() << ", total linear iterations = " << solver->linearIterations() << "\n"; OpmLog::info(iter_msg.str()); } } // update the derived geology (transmissibilities, pore volumes, etc) if the // has geology changed for the next report step const int nextTimeStepIdx = timer.currentStepNum() + 1; if (nextTimeStepIdx < timer.numSteps() && events.hasEvent(ScheduleEvents::GEO_MODIFIER, nextTimeStepIdx)) { // bring the contents of the keywords to the current state of the SCHEDULE // section // // TODO (?): handle the parallel case (maybe this works out of the box) const auto& miniDeck = schedule.getModifierDeck(nextTimeStepIdx); eclipse_state_->applyModifierDeck(miniDeck); geo_.update(grid_, props_, *eclipse_state_, gravity_); } // take time that was used to solve system for this reportStep solver_timer.stop(); // update timing. report.solver_time += solver_timer.secsSinceStart(); // Compute current FIP. std::vector > COIP; COIP = solver->computeFluidInPlace(state, fipnum); std::vector OOIP_totals = FIPTotals(OOIP, state); std::vector COIP_totals = FIPTotals(COIP, state); //Convert to correct units FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), COIP); FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), OOIP_totals); FIPUnitConvert(eclipse_state_->getUnits(), COIP_totals); if ( terminal_output_ ) { outputFluidInPlace(OOIP_totals, COIP_totals,eclipse_state_->getUnits(), 0); for (size_t reg = 0; reg < OOIP.size(); ++reg) { outputFluidInPlace(OOIP[reg], COIP[reg], eclipse_state_->getUnits(), reg+1); } } if ( terminal_output_ ) { std::string msg; msg = "Fully implicit solver took: " + std::to_string(stepReport.solver_time) + " seconds. Total solver time taken: " + std::to_string(report.solver_time) + " seconds."; OpmLog::note(msg); } if ( tstep_os.is_open() ) { stepReport.reportParam(tstep_os); } // Increment timer, remember well state. ++timer; // write simulation state at the report stage Dune::Timer perfTimer; perfTimer.start(); const auto& physicalModel = solver->model(); output_writer_.writeTimeStep( timer, state, well_state, physicalModel ); report.output_write_time += perfTimer.stop(); prev_well_state = well_state; asImpl().updateListEconLimited(solver, eclipse_state_->getSchedule(), timer.currentStepNum(), wells, well_state, dynamic_list_econ_limited); } // Stop timer and create timing report total_timer.stop(); report.total_time = total_timer.secsSinceStart(); report.converged = true; return report; } namespace SimFIBODetails { typedef std::unordered_map WellMap; inline WellMap mapWells(const std::vector< const Well* >& wells) { WellMap wmap; for (std::vector< const Well* >::const_iterator w = wells.begin(), e = wells.end(); w != e; ++w) { wmap.insert(std::make_pair((*w)->name(), *w)); } return wmap; } inline int resv_control(const WellControls* ctrl) { int i, n = well_controls_get_num(ctrl); bool match = false; for (i = 0; (! match) && (i < n); ++i) { match = well_controls_iget_type(ctrl, i) == RESERVOIR_RATE; } if (! match) { i = 0; } return i - 1; // -1 if no match, undo final "++" otherwise } inline bool is_resv(const Wells& wells, const int w) { return (0 <= resv_control(wells.ctrls[w])); } inline bool is_resv(const WellMap& wmap, const std::string& name, const std::size_t step) { bool match = false; WellMap::const_iterator i = wmap.find(name); if (i != wmap.end()) { const Well* wp = i->second; match = (wp->isProducer(step) && wp->getProductionProperties(step) .hasProductionControl(WellProducer::RESV)) || (wp->isInjector(step) && wp->getInjectionProperties(step) .hasInjectionControl(WellInjector::RESV)); } return match; } inline std::vector resvWells(const Wells* wells, const std::size_t step, const WellMap& wmap) { std::vector resv_wells; if( wells ) { for (int w = 0, nw = wells->number_of_wells; w < nw; ++w) { if (is_resv(*wells, w) || ((wells->name[w] != 0) && is_resv(wmap, wells->name[w], step))) { resv_wells.push_back(w); } } } return resv_wells; } inline void historyRates(const PhaseUsage& pu, const WellProductionProperties& p, std::vector& rates) { assert (! p.predictionMode); assert (rates.size() == std::vector::size_type(pu.num_phases)); if (pu.phase_used[ BlackoilPhases::Aqua ]) { const std::vector::size_type i = pu.phase_pos[ BlackoilPhases::Aqua ]; rates[i] = p.WaterRate; } if (pu.phase_used[ BlackoilPhases::Liquid ]) { const std::vector::size_type i = pu.phase_pos[ BlackoilPhases::Liquid ]; rates[i] = p.OilRate; } if (pu.phase_used[ BlackoilPhases::Vapour ]) { const std::vector::size_type i = pu.phase_pos[ BlackoilPhases::Vapour ]; rates[i] = p.GasRate; } } } // namespace SimFIBODetails template void SimulatorBase::handleAdditionalWellInflow(SimulatorTimer& /* timer */, WellsManager& /* wells_manager */, WellState& /* well_state */, const Wells* /* wells */) { } template auto SimulatorBase::createSolver(const WellModel& well_model) -> std::unique_ptr { auto model = std::unique_ptr(new Model(model_param_, grid_, props_, geo_, rock_comp_props_, well_model, solver_, eclipse_state_, has_disgas_, has_vapoil_, terminal_output_)); if (!threshold_pressures_by_face_.empty()) { model->setThresholdPressures(threshold_pressures_by_face_); } return std::unique_ptr(new Solver(solver_param_, std::move(model))); } template void SimulatorBase::computeRESV(const std::size_t step, const Wells* wells, const BlackoilState& x, WellState& xw) { typedef SimFIBODetails::WellMap WellMap; const auto w_ecl = eclipse_state_->getSchedule().getWells(step); const WellMap& wmap = SimFIBODetails::mapWells(w_ecl); const std::vector& resv_wells = SimFIBODetails::resvWells(wells, step, wmap); const std::size_t number_resv_wells = resv_wells.size(); std::size_t global_number_resv_wells = number_resv_wells; #if HAVE_MPI if ( solver_.parallelInformation().type() == typeid(ParallelISTLInformation) ) { const auto& info = boost::any_cast(solver_.parallelInformation()); global_number_resv_wells = info.communicator().sum(global_number_resv_wells); if ( global_number_resv_wells ) { // At least one process has resv wells. Therefore rate converter needs // to calculate averages over regions that might cross process // borders. This needs to be done by all processes and therefore // outside of the next if statement. rateConverter_.defineState(x, boost::any_cast(solver_.parallelInformation())); } } else #endif { if ( global_number_resv_wells ) { rateConverter_.defineState(x); } } if (! resv_wells.empty()) { const PhaseUsage& pu = props_.phaseUsage(); const std::vector::size_type np = props_.numPhases(); std::vector distr (np); std::vector hrates(np); std::vector prates(np); for (std::vector::const_iterator rp = resv_wells.begin(), e = resv_wells.end(); rp != e; ++rp) { WellControls* ctrl = wells->ctrls[*rp]; const bool is_producer = wells->type[*rp] == PRODUCER; // RESV control mode, all wells { const int rctrl = SimFIBODetails::resv_control(ctrl); if (0 <= rctrl) { const std::vector::size_type off = (*rp) * np; if (is_producer) { // Convert to positive rates to avoid issues // in coefficient calculations. std::transform(xw.wellRates().begin() + (off + 0*np), xw.wellRates().begin() + (off + 1*np), prates.begin(), std::negate()); } else { std::copy(xw.wellRates().begin() + (off + 0*np), xw.wellRates().begin() + (off + 1*np), prates.begin()); } const int fipreg = 0; // Hack. Ignore FIP regions. const int well_cell_top = wells->well_cells[wells->well_connpos[*rp]]; const int pvtreg = props_.cellPvtRegionIndex()[well_cell_top]; rateConverter_.calcCoeff(fipreg, pvtreg, distr); well_controls_iset_distr(ctrl, rctrl, & distr[0]); } } // RESV control, WCONHIST wells. A bit of duplicate // work, regrettably. if (is_producer && wells->name[*rp] != 0) { WellMap::const_iterator i = wmap.find(wells->name[*rp]); if (i != wmap.end()) { const auto* wp = i->second; const WellProductionProperties& p = wp->getProductionProperties(step); if (! p.predictionMode) { // History matching (WCONHIST/RESV) SimFIBODetails::historyRates(pu, p, hrates); const int fipreg = 0; // Hack. Ignore FIP regions. const int well_cell_top = wells->well_cells[wells->well_connpos[*rp]]; const int pvtreg = props_.cellPvtRegionIndex()[well_cell_top]; rateConverter_.calcCoeff(fipreg, pvtreg, distr); // WCONHIST/RESV target is sum of all // observed phase rates translated to // reservoir conditions. Recall sign // convention: Negative for producers. const double target = - std::inner_product(distr.begin(), distr.end(), hrates.begin(), 0.0); well_controls_clear(ctrl); well_controls_assert_number_of_phases(ctrl, int(np)); static const double invalid_alq = -std::numeric_limits::max(); static const int invalid_vfp = -std::numeric_limits::max(); const int ok_resv = well_controls_add_new(RESERVOIR_RATE, target, invalid_alq, invalid_vfp, & distr[0], ctrl); // For WCONHIST the BHP limit is set to 1 atm. // or a value specified using WELTARG double bhp_limit = (p.BHPLimit > 0) ? p.BHPLimit : unit::convert::from(1.0, unit::atm); const int ok_bhp = well_controls_add_new(BHP, bhp_limit, invalid_alq, invalid_vfp, NULL, ctrl); if (ok_resv != 0 && ok_bhp != 0) { xw.currentControls()[*rp] = 0; well_controls_set_current(ctrl, 0); } } } } } } if( wells ) { for (int w = 0, nw = wells->number_of_wells; w < nw; ++w) { WellControls* ctrl = wells->ctrls[w]; const bool is_producer = wells->type[w] == PRODUCER; if (!is_producer && wells->name[w] != 0) { WellMap::const_iterator i = wmap.find(wells->name[w]); if (i != wmap.end()) { const auto* wp = i->second; const WellInjectionProperties& injector = wp->getInjectionProperties(step); if (!injector.predictionMode) { //History matching WCONINJEH static const double invalid_alq = -std::numeric_limits::max(); static const int invalid_vfp = -std::numeric_limits::max(); // For WCONINJEH the BHP limit is set to a large number // or a value specified using WELTARG double bhp_limit = (injector.BHPLimit > 0) ? injector.BHPLimit : std::numeric_limits::max(); const int ok_bhp = well_controls_add_new(BHP, bhp_limit, invalid_alq, invalid_vfp, NULL, ctrl); if (!ok_bhp) { OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Failed to add well control."); } } } } } } } template void SimulatorBase::FIPUnitConvert(const UnitSystem& units, std::vector >& fip) { for (size_t i = 0; i < fip.size(); ++i) { FIPUnitConvert(units, fip[i]); } } template void SimulatorBase::FIPUnitConvert(const UnitSystem& units, std::vector& fip) { if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_FIELD) { fip[0] = unit::convert::to(fip[0], unit::stb); fip[1] = unit::convert::to(fip[1], unit::stb); fip[2] = unit::convert::to(fip[2], 1000*unit::cubic(unit::feet)); fip[3] = unit::convert::to(fip[3], 1000*unit::cubic(unit::feet)); fip[4] = unit::convert::to(fip[4], unit::stb); fip[5] = unit::convert::to(fip[5], unit::stb); fip[6] = unit::convert::to(fip[6], unit::psia); } else if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_METRIC) { fip[6] = unit::convert::to(fip[6], unit::barsa); } else { OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unsupported unit type for fluid in place output."); } } template std::vector SimulatorBase::FIPTotals(const std::vector >& fip, const ReservoirState& state) { std::vector totals(7, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (size_t reg = 0; reg < fip.size(); ++reg) { totals[i] += fip[reg][i]; } } const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_); const int np = state.numPhases(); const PhaseUsage& pu = props_.phaseUsage(); const DataBlock s = Eigen::Map(& state.saturation()[0], nc, np); std::vector so(nc); std::vector sg(nc); std::vector hydrocarbon(nc); // Using dummy indices if phase not used, the columns will not be accessed below if unused. const int oilpos = pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] ? pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] : 0; const int gaspos = pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] ? pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] : 0; const auto& soCol = s.col(oilpos); const auto& sgCol = s.col(gaspos); for (unsigned c = 0; c < so.size(); ++ c) { double mySo = 0.0; if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]) { mySo = soCol[c]; } double mySg = 0.0; if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) { mySg = sgCol[c]; } so[c] = mySo; sg[c] = mySg; hydrocarbon[c] = mySo + mySg; } const std::vector p = state.pressure(); if ( ! is_parallel_run_ ) { double tmp = 0.0; double tmp2 = 0.0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) { tmp += p[i] * geo_.poreVolume()[i] * hydrocarbon[i]; tmp2 += geo_.poreVolume()[i] * hydrocarbon[i]; } totals[5] = geo_.poreVolume().sum(); totals[6] = tmp/tmp2; } else { #if HAVE_MPI const auto & pinfo = boost::any_cast(solver_.parallelInformation()); auto operators = std::make_tuple(Opm::Reduction::makeGlobalSumFunctor(), Opm::Reduction::makeGlobalSumFunctor(), Opm::Reduction::makeGlobalSumFunctor()); std::vector pav_nom(p.size()); std::vector pav_denom(pav_nom.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) { pav_nom[i] = p[i] * geo_.poreVolume()[i] * hydrocarbon[i]; pav_denom[i] = geo_.poreVolume()[i] * hydrocarbon[i]; } // using ref cref to prevent copying auto inputs = std::make_tuple(std::cref(geo_.poreVolume()), std::cref(pav_nom), std::cref(pav_denom)); std::tuple results(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pinfo.computeReduction(inputs, operators, results); using std::get; totals[5] = get<0>(results); totals[6] = get<1>(results)/get<2>(results); #else // This should never happen! OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "HAVE_MPI should be defined if we are running in parallel"); #endif } return totals; } template void SimulatorBase::outputFluidInPlace(const std::vector& oip, const std::vector& cip, const UnitSystem& units, const int reg) { std::ostringstream ss; if (!reg) { ss << " ===================================================\n" << " : Field Totals :\n"; } else { ss << " ===================================================\n" << " : FIPNUM report region " << std::setw(2) << reg << " :\n"; } if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_METRIC) { ss << " : PAV =" << std::setw(14) << cip[6] << " BARSA :\n" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << " : PORV =" << std::setw(14) << cip[5] << " RM3 :\n"; if (!reg) { ss << " : Pressure is weighted by hydrocarbon pore volume :\n" << " : Porv volumes are taken at reference conditions :\n"; } ss << " :--------------- Oil SM3 ---------------:-- Wat SM3 --:--------------- Gas SM3 ---------------:\n"; } if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_FIELD) { ss << " : PAV =" << std::setw(14) << cip[6] << " PSIA :\n" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << " : PORV =" << std::setw(14) << cip[5] << " RB :\n"; if (!reg) { ss << " : Pressure is weighted by hydrocarbon pore voulme :\n" << " : Pore volumes are taken at reference conditions :\n"; } ss << " :--------------- Oil STB ---------------:-- Wat STB --:--------------- Gas MSCF ---------------:\n"; } ss << " : Liquid Vapour Total : Total : Free Dissolved Total :" << "\n" << ":------------------------:------------------------------------------:----------------:------------------------------------------:" << "\n" << ":Currently in place :" << std::setw(14) << cip[1] << std::setw(14) << cip[4] << std::setw(14) << (cip[1]+cip[4]) << ":" << std::setw(13) << cip[0] << " :" << std::setw(14) << (cip[2]) << std::setw(14) << cip[3] << std::setw(14) << (cip[2] + cip[3]) << ":\n" << ":------------------------:------------------------------------------:----------------:------------------------------------------:\n" << ":Originally in place :" << std::setw(14) << oip[1] << std::setw(14) << oip[4] << std::setw(14) << (oip[1]+oip[4]) << ":" << std::setw(13) << oip[0] << " :" << std::setw(14) << oip[2] << std::setw(14) << oip[3] << std::setw(14) << (oip[2] + oip[3]) << ":\n" << ":========================:==========================================:================:==========================================:\n"; OpmLog::note(ss.str()); } template void SimulatorBase:: updateListEconLimited(const std::unique_ptr& solver, const Schedule& schedule, const int current_step, const Wells* wells, const WellState& well_state, DynamicListEconLimited& list_econ_limited) const { solver->model().wellModel().updateListEconLimited(schedule, current_step, wells, well_state, list_econ_limited); } template void SimulatorBase:: initHysteresisParams(ReservoirState& state) { typedef std::vector VectorType; const VectorType& somax = state.getCellData( "SOMAX" ); VectorType& pcSwMdc_ow = state.getCellData( "PCSWMDC_OW" ); VectorType& krnSwMdc_ow = state.getCellData( "KRNSWMDC_OW" ); VectorType& pcSwMdc_go = state.getCellData( "PCSWMDC_GO" ); VectorType& krnSwMdc_go = state.getCellData( "KRNSWMDC_GO" ); props_.setSatOilMax(somax); props_.setOilWaterHystParams(pcSwMdc_ow, krnSwMdc_ow, allcells_); props_.setGasOilHystParams(pcSwMdc_go, krnSwMdc_go, allcells_); } } // namespace Opm